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w słowach kluczowych:  organization improvement
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Purpose: The aim of this article is to present the results of research on needs and possibilities of implementing Lean Management concept at the university. Using the literature review and the results of empirical research, author proposes specific solutions (tools). Design/methodology/approach: The aim of the research was carried out on the basis of latest world literature review and empirical research conducted at a Polish university, the domain of which is practical education. The article is a case study with a proposal for the implementation of LM in a selected university. The research covered selected organizational units of universities. Findings: Recommendations for the use of selected Lean tools is the need to rationalize the activities undertaken in universities, including continuous improvement and flexibility of processes. There are economically justifiable actions to reduce waste and losses occurring in universities, as well as the integration of diversified and often non-cooperating organizational (functional) units. The proposals presented in this article may become an inspiration for universities that are thinking about implementing previously unused improvement tools. Research limitations/implications: Empirical research has been limited to one university, and the proposed methods and tools relate to selected functional areas. LM implementation requires prior analysis of the needs and capabilities of each organization. Practical implications: Due to the functioning of universities in an increasingly difficult to predict environment, they are forced to look for ways not only to survive, but above all to continuously improve the entire organization. The implemented rationalization and development measures should contribute to the improvement of the effectiveness and efficiency of management. Unpredictable changes concern the legal, socio-cultural, economic and economic environment, as well as the COVID-19 epidemic situation. These challenges are met by the concept of LM - as an inspiration and an opportunity to accelerate remedial and pro-development actions. Originality/value: The article is dedicated to people interested in the theory and practice of the LM concept. The use of the methods and tools proposed by the author in various functional areas of the university may bring about beneficial changes in the form of improvements in activities, time savings, as well as rationalization and greater efficiency of the implemented processes.
Cel: Celem artykułu jest prezentacja przesłanek i rekomendacji wdrożenia LM w szkole wyższej – na rzecz podniesienia efektywności i jakości zarządzania. Na tle przeglądu literaturowego Autorka proponuje rozwiązania (narzędzia) LM, których zastosowanie w różnych obszarach funkcjonalnych uczelni może przynieść korzystne zmiany w postaci usprawnienia działań, oszczędności czasu, a także racjonalizacji i większej efektywności realizowanych procesów. Projekt badania/metodyka badawcza/koncepcja: Cel badań zrealizowano na podstawie przeglądu najnowszej światowej literatury. Artykuł stanowi również studium przypadku z propozycją implementacji LM w wybranej szkole wyższej. Wyniki/wnioski: Uczelnie ze względu na funkcjonowanie w niezwykle turbulentnym otoczeniu zmuszone są do poszukiwania sposobów na poprawę efektywności i jakości zarządzania. Zmiany, które są w wielu przypadkach trudne do przewidzenia, dotyczą zarówno otoczenia prawnego, społeczno-kulturowego, ekonomiczno-gospodarczego, jak również (od 2020 roku) sytuacji epidemicznej COVID-19. Do tego dochodzą liczne wyzwania demograficzne i cywilizacyjne, w tym dynamiczny rozwój nowych technologii. Idea koncepcji Lean Management (LM) wychodzi naprzeciw tym wyzwaniom – jej potencjał może stać się inspiracją i szansą na przyspieszenie działań naprawczych i prorozwojowych. Ograniczenia: Propozycje zawarte w artykule powstały na podstawie studium przypadku tylko jednej uczelni – z uwzględnieniem jej specyfiki (potrzeb i możliwości). Zastosowanie praktyczne: Potrzeba racjonalizacji podejmowanych w uczelniach działań, jak również ciągłego usprawniania i uelastyczniania procesów (w tym zarządczych, administracyjnych, dydaktycznych itp.) wydają się być wystarczającymi rekomendacjami do zastosowania wybranych narzędzi LM. Uzasadnione ekonomicznie są działania na rzecz redukcji występujących w uczelniach marnotrawstw i strat, a także integracja zdywersyfikowanych i często niewspółpracujących ze sobą komórek czy jednostek organizacyjnych. Przy tym LM wymaga odpowiedniego dostosowania do specyfiki danej uczelni – jej rzeczywistych potrzeb i możliwości. Oryginalność/wartość poznawcza: W artykule zaprezentowane zostały wyniki badań empirycznych przeprowadzone w uczelni kształcącej na praktycznych profilach studiów (2021–2022). Autorka rekomenduje wybrane narzędzia LM w procesach biurowych i usługowych, dotyczących czterech obszarów działalności wybranej uczelni.
Purpose: The aim of the article is to present the premises and recommendations for the implementation of LM in a university – to increase the efficiency and quality of management. Against the background of the literature review, the author proposes LM solutions (tools), the use of which in various functional areas of the university may bring about beneficial changes in the form of streamlining activities, saving time, as well as rationalization and greater efficiency of the processes implemented. Design/methodology/approach: The aim of the research was carried out on the basis of a review of the latest world literature. This article is also a case study with a proposal for the implementation of LM in a selected university. Findings/conclusions: Universities are forced to look for ways to improve the efficiency and quality of management due to the fact that they function in an extremely turbulent environment. Changes that are in many cases difficult to predict concern both the legal, socio-cultural, economic environment, as well as (from 2020) the epidemic situation of COVID-19. In addition, there are numerous demographic and civilization challenges, including the dynamic development of new technologies. The idea of the Lean Management (LM) concept meets these challenges – its potential may become an inspiration and an opportunity to accelerate remedial and pro-development activities. Research limitations: The proposals contained in the article were based on a case study of only one university – taking into account its specificity (needs and possibilities). Practical implications: The need to rationalize the activities undertaken in universities, as well as to constantly improve and make processes more flexible (including management, administrative, didactic, etc.) seem to be sufficient recommendations for the use of selected LM tools. It is economically justified to act to reduce waste and losses occurring in universities, as well as to integrate diversified and often non-cooperating cells or organizational units. At the same time, the LM requires appropriate adaptation to the specificity of a given university – its real needs and possibilities. Originality/value: The article presents the results of empirical research conducted at a university educating on practical study profiles (2021–2022). The author recommends selected LM tools in office and service processes related to four areas of activity of a selected university.
Publikacja stanowi wprowadzenie do zagadnień zespołowego doskonalenia przy wykorzystaniu koncepcji Kaizen. Treścią artykułu są rozwiązania organizacyjne stosowane w przedsiębiorstwach. Publikacja powstała na podstawie literatury przedmiotu. Opisane w publikacjach doświadczenia przedsiębiorstw w Polsce stały się podstawą do opracowania struktury organizacyjnej Kaizen.
The publication provides an introduction to the issues of collaborative improvement using the concept of Kaizen. The article concentrates on organizational solutions used in enterprises. The publication was based on the literature. The experience of companies in Poland, as described in the article, has become the basis for the presentation of Kaizen organizational structure.
W artykule zaprezentowano przykład wykorzystania analizy przepływów wewnątrzorganizacyjnych w organizacji przy zastosowaniu autorskiego narzędzia badawczego o nazwie FAN_v.l (z ang. Flows Analysis of Network-Centric Companies). Narzędzie to powstało na potrzeby konkretnego, międzynarodowego przedsiębiorstwa z branży farmaceutycznej, ale z uwagi na swoją uniwersalność, może być użyteczne dla innych firm, zwłaszcza tych o złożonej i rozbudowanej strukturze. Dlatego też w niniejszej pracy przedstawiono podstawy teoretyczne, budowę oraz wskazówki metodyczne posługiwania się ww. narzędziem oraz przykład jego zastosowania.
The paper presents an example of implementation of organizational flows analysis within network-centric companies by using a proprietary research tool called FAN_v.l (Flows Analysis of Network-Centric Companies). This tool has been created for a particular International enterprise in the pharmaceutical industry, but due to its versatility, it can be useful to other companies, especially those with complex organizational structure. Therefore, in the paper a theoretical and methodological guidelines are presented, to suggest how to correctly use the tool.
The interest of the customer, research of its satisfaction, usage of his opinion to determine the goals of the organization as well as the introduction of improvement activities has been a quite common activity nowadays. In that kind of approach, implemented quality management system (QMS) according to the requirements of the ISO 9000 series, support the organization, in which the key role is played by the customer and its needs. One of the simplest methods of assessing customer satisfaction is the analysis of complaints. Customers complaints communicate to the company important information that concerning problems encountered while using the product and with quality of services. In this way, it also give the organization the opportunity to undertake activities related to the fulfill the needs of unsatisfied customer as well as to improve functioning of the organization. Customers who file a complaints may become the most loyal clients of the company only if the organization can gain their trust. Information relating to consumer comments on the product should give the company an input element in the product and organization improvement process. Therefore, the complaint process should be an important tool used for customer relationship management in an enterprise. The aim of this study was to analyze the complaint process in organizations that had certified QMS in the past, according to the requirements of ISO 9001 and gave up its certification. There has been identified and examined a problem whether complaint is an important element only in organizations with implemented, functioning and certified QMS, or whether these processes are applied in organizations that, for various reasons, have not decided on its re-certification. Following this study by in-depth interviews with persons responsible for the operation of management systems can be stated that the analysis of complaints is carried out regardless of the certified quality management system. There has been applied a procedure for handling complaints in the surveyed organizations. The data is collected and complaints are analyzed using programs for customer relationship management, including CRM. According to respondents, the analysis of complaint is a very good tool that is used to improve products, processes and organizations. Surveyed companies take the actions to increase customer satisfaction, especially the by contacts with the organization. In their opinion a satisfied customer helps in creating the image of the company on the market. Tested organizations almost unanimously identified that an unhappy customer can spoil opinions on the market. Therefore, different measures are aimed at maintaining a disgruntled customer.
Treścią publikacji są zagadnienia zależności między uświadomioną kontrolą zachowań pracowników a jakością i doskonaleniem organizacji. Zgodnie z teorią planowanego zachowania, mówiącą, że postawy są funkcją przekonań i wpływają na zachowania pracownika poprzez proces rozmyślnego podejmowania decyzji, przedstawiono przykładowe działania przedsiębiorstw w procesie kształtowania wielowymiarowych postaw pracowników, wpływających na doskonalenie organizacji (case study).
In the publication relations between employees planned behaviour and quality and organization improvement were presented. According to theory of planned behaviour: employees' thinking influence on their behaviours in decision process, in the publication actions in process of building planned behaviour were characterized (cases study).
This article analyses a production organization, which is a branch of one of the production lines in the company that manufactures pallets. On the production organization analysis there are used a chosen lean tools for manufacturing. Lean tools are for example, a value stream mapping, operators work balance, a spaghetti diagram. The authors presented proposals for improvement.
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