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This study explores the deployment and effectiveness of asynchronous learning technologies in universities forced to relocate due to conflict, using the case of Berdyansk State Pedagogical University (BSPU) in Ukraine. Amidst significant disruptions, BSPU transitioned to an asynchronous “university without walls” model, integrating a variety of online and offline asynchronous tools. The study evaluates this transition over a period of four months through mixed methods, including a survey, interviews, and analysis of internal reports. Results indicate a successful adaptation, with faculty and students expressing increased satisfaction over time and academic performance returning to pre-relocation levels. Notably, the completion rate exceeded pre-relocation levels, suggesting increased accessibility due to asynchronous learning. However, challenges related to self-regulation and initial technological adaptation were reported. The study underscores the potential of asynchronous learning in maintaining educational continuity in times of crisis, though further research is required to generalize these findings.
Niniejsze badanie analizuje wdrażanie i skuteczność asynchronicznych technologii uczenia się na uniwersytetach, zmuszonych do przeniesienia się z powodu konfliktu, na przykładzie Berdiańskiego Państwowego Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego (BSPU) w Ukrainie. Wśród znaczących zakłóceń, BSPU przeszło na asynchroniczny model „uniwersytetu bez ścian”, integrując różnorodne asynchroniczne narzędzia online i offline. Badanie ocenia to przejście w okresie czterech miesięcy, za pomocą metod mieszanych, w tym ankiet, wywiadów i analiz raportów wewnętrznych. Wyniki wskazują na udaną adaptację wykładowców i studentów, którzy wyrażają z czasem większe zadowolenie, a wyniki w nauce powracają do poziomu sprzed relokacji. Warto zauważyć, że wskaźnik ukończenia przekraczał poziomy sprzed relokacji, co sugeruje zwiększoną dostępność dzięki asynchronicznemu uczeniu się. Zgłoszono jednak wyzwania związane z samoregulacją i wstępną adaptacją technologiczną. Badanie podkreśla potencjał asynchronicznego uczenia się w utrzymaniu ciągłości edukacji w czasach kryzysu, chociaż potrzebne są dalsze badania, aby te ustalenia uogólnić.
Facial recognition has been one of the most intriguing and exciting research topics over the last few years. It involves multiple face-based algorithms such asfacial detection, facial alignment, facial representation, and facial recognition. However, all of these algorithms are derived from large deep-learning architectures, leading to limitations in development, scalability, accuracy, and deployment for public use with mere CPU servers. Also, large data sets that contain hundreds of thousands of records are often required for training purposes. In this paper, we propose a complete pipeline for an effective face-recognition application that requires only a small data set of Vietnamese celebrities and a CPU for training, solving the problem of data leakage, and the need for GPU devices. The pipeline is based on the combination of a conversion algorithm from face vectors to string tokens and the indexing & retrieval process by Elasticsearch, thereby tackling the problem of online learning in facial recognition. Compared with other popular algorithms on the same data set, our proposed pipeline not only outperforms the counterpart in terms of accuracy but also delivers faster inference, which is essential to real-time applications.
The global pandemic has forced many people to make significant changes in their work, personal lives, and everyday duties and activities. This metamorphosis has also significantly affected education systems. Implemented research activity in the learning process and emphasised the development of children’s cooperation have recently been limited and often unattainable because of learner isolation, prevailing home education, and different countries’ COVID-19 quarantine measures. Herein, we investigated and tested the 2020 European spring preparedness, commitment, and erudition of in-service and pre-service teachers and parents in remote education. We profiled the following three paradigm models of successful remote education; specific experience of in-service and pre-service chemistry teachers and the parents of school-age children. Here, we concentrated on sensitive identification of the most common problems, disadvantages, and risks. Prospective teacher training should concentrate more on remote education. It should help develop teachers’ didactic competencies and increase their motivation and willingness to participate in this mode of education.
Content available remote Online Learning Framework for Radio Link Failure Prediction in FANETs
In this paper, we consider the problem of prediction of Radio Link Failures (RLF) in flying ad hoc networks (FANETs). Many environmental factors that influence the quality of radio wave propagation are dynamic, and thus, drones must continually learn and update their radio link quality prediction model while they operate online. Online machine learning algorithms can be used to build adaptive RLF predictors without requiring a pre-deployment effort. To predict the RLF, we use an online machine learning algorithm and information gathering by message-passing from the neighbors. We propose an algorithm called ML-Net (Machine Learning and Network algorithm) to predict RLF. To the best of our knowledge, the combination of online machine learning algorithms together with the message-passing algorithm has not been used before. The proposed methodology outperforms the state-of-the-art online machine learning algorithms.
Online learning is one of the trend in modern education today. In the context of the complicated Covid-19 epidemic, the role of online learning in teaching and research activities is even more critical. Innovative teaching methodologies and providing materials are two decisive factors in online education, so improving those two factors will help increase the quality of online learning. The research explores the influence of innovative teaching approach and the effectiveness of delivery materials on student satisfaction at higher education institutions in Vietnam. The research collected data through survey questionnaires with 527 responses. The study tested the measurement quality and examined hypotheses through multivariate regression analysis. The findings confirmed a positive effect of innovative teaching approaches and the effectiveness of delivering materials on student satisfaction in online courses. Based on the findings, the research proposed some recommendations to improve innovative teaching methodologies and provide materials in e-learning to enhance the quality of online learning.
Content available Modern instruments for occupational safety promotion
In today’s world, the knowledge of employees of the enterprise or company is its strategic resource, so the process of knowledge management and maintaining their relevance is becoming increasingly important. The quarantine restrictions imposed by the Covid-19 pandemic necessitated the transfer of vocational and safety training to an online format in search of methods that would bring it as close as possible to the offline format.
W dzisiejszym świecie wiedza pracowników przedsiębiorstwa czy firmy jest jego strategicznym zasobem, dlatego proces zarządzania wiedzą i utrzymywania jej aktualności nabiera coraz większego znaczenia. Ograniczenia kwarantannowe nałożone przez pandemię Covid-19 wymusiły przeniesienie szkoleń zawodowych i BHP do formatu online w poszukiwaniu metod, które zbliżyłyby je jak najbardziej do warunków formatu offline.
Ogłoszenie w marcu 2020 roku zamknięcia uczelni z powodu pandemii i konieczność natychmiastowego wdrożenia nauczania on-line były zarówno dla nas, jak i dla studentów, dużym wyzwaniem. Nauczanie zdalne zaburzyło nie tylko tradycyjny rytm zajęć, ale również typową relację nauczyciel-student. Oprócz kwestii technicznych, szczególnie ważna stała się sprawa odpowiedniego motywowania studentów do samodyscypliny, koncentracji i systematyczności w nauce. Artykuł przedstawia nasze doświadczenia z trzech semestrów pracy zdalnej. Przedstawimy opinie studentów o zajęciach zdalnych, które zebrałyśmy w ankietach i indywidualnych rozmowach.
The closure of universities in March 2020 due to the pandemic and the need for immediate implementation of online learning was a big challenge for both us and students. E-learning disrupted not only the traditional rhythm of classes, but also the typical teacher-student relationship. In addition to technical difficulties, the issue of properly motivating students to discipline themselves, concentrate and learn systematically became particularly important. The article presents our experiences from three semesters of remote work. The last two semesters of e-learning brought different experiences than the first one. At the beginning, both our and the students’ technical skills were not perfect, but at least we knew each other and we were aware of the students’ mathematical abilities. In 2020/2021 the situation was quite different. We and our new students had gained a lot of technical experience, but we did not know each other. We explain how we dealt with this situation and which methods were helpful. We also present students’ opinions about remote classes that we collected in surveys and individual interviews.
Content available remote The postdoc variant of the secretary problem
The classical secretary problem involves sequentially interviewing a pool of n applicants with the aim of hiring exactly the best one in the pool-nothing less is good enough. The optimal decision strategy is easy to describe and the probability of success is 1/e. In this paper, we consider a minor variant of this classical problem. We wish to pick not the best, but the second best (the best is going to Harvard). In this case, an explicit solution can be given both for the optimal strategy and the associated optimal success probability. The probability of success is k*0 (n - k*0) / (n (n - 1)) where k*0 = [n/2]. Clearly, as n goes to infinity, the probability of success tends to 1/4. Apparently, it is easier to pick the best than the second best.
Klasyczny problem sekretarki to sekwencyjne analizowanie n zgłoszeń, wśród których nie ma dwóch identycznych, w celu wyboru najlepszego z kandydatów w chwili, gdy zgłosi się na konkurs- wybór kandydata o innego niż najlepszy nie jest satysfakcjonujący. Optymalna strategia w tym problemie jest łatwa do opisania, a prawdopodobieństwo sukcesu wynosi w przybliżeniu exp(-1). W tym artykule rozważamy wariant tego klasycznego problemu, w którym celem jest wybór dokładnie drugiego co do rangi wśród n kandydatów. Podobnie jak w życiu, na zatrudnienie najlepszego nas nie stać lub piszemy opinie zewnętrzne, i wybieramy dla wybranych najlepsze miejsce na studia doktoranckie. Chcemy wybrać nie najlepszych, ale drugich najlepszych (najlepszy jedzie na Harvard). Również w tym problemie można podać optymalne rozwiązanie: zarówno wskazać optymalną strategię, jak i wyliczyć związane z tą strategią prawdopodobieństwa sukcesu. Szansa na sukces w tym problemie wynosi k*0 (n - k*0) / (n (n - 1), gdzie k0 = [n/2]. Gdy n dąży do nieskończoności, to prawdopodobieństwo sukcesu wynosi ma granicę 1/4. Zatem najwyraźniej łatwiej jest wybrać najlepszego niż drugiego najlepszego.
In order to solve the problem for temperature electrical resistance furnace. Characterized by their large inertia, nonlinear, long time delay and time-varying property it is rather difficult to obtain satisfactory control results with Performances of conventional PI control cannot achieve good control effect. In this paper a neural network-based adaptive control approach (ACNN) for electrical furnace is developed .using RBF NN to estimate the unknown functions by neural networks and from good choice of the law of adaptation. Based on the resolution of the lyapunov equation. Taking account of all possible parameter variations the adaptive control is designed so that it has the ability to improve the performance of the closed loop system, producing the control signal by using the information from the system. In this case we use a coping mechanism that observes the signal to control and adjust the synaptic weights of neural networks when system parameters change over time. Result shows that the proposed algorithm (ACNN) performs very well when furnace parameter varies the latter allow the neural model to be identified online and, if necessary its parameters to be stabilized and it is very easy to program it online.
Piec elektryczny charakteryzuje się nieliniowością, dużym czasem opóźnienia co utrudnia sterowanie nime. W pracy zaproponowano system sterowania piecem z wykorzystaniem sieci neuronowej System jest zaprojektowany tak, że uwzględnia zmiany parametrów.
Content available NAVOICA : internetowa przestrzeń edukacyjna
NAVOICA – to systemowe rozwiązanie oferujące kursy MOOC (z ang. Massive Open Online Course) w Polsce. NAVOICA została uruchomiona w październiku 2018 r. i od tego momentu oferuje możliwość bezpłatnego dostępu zarówno dla twórców, jak i uczestników kursów MOOC. Na przestrzeni pierwszych 18 miesięcy na platformie NAVOICA zarejestrowanych zostało około 6500 użytkowników, co oznacza, że platforma pięciokrotnie zwiększyła liczbę uczestników kursów MOOC w ciągu ostatniego roku. Autorzy artykułu przedstawiają platformę NAVOICA po półtora roku realizacji kursów MOOC, omawiają zarządzanie platformą, system zapewnienia jakości, zgromadzone doświadczenie oraz modyfikacje i nowe funkcjonalności. Materiał zawiera zgromadzone doświadczenie w liczbach oraz wskazuje, w jakim kierunku będzie szedł rozwój oferty o kursy, których publikacja odbędzie się już wkrótce. NAVOICA jest efektem projektu tworzącego sieć współpracy uczelni i innych uznanych podmiotów kształcących na odległość. Jest to projekt realizowany na zlecenie Ministerstwa Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego.
NAVOICA is a system for offering MOOCs (Massive Open Online Course) in Poland. NAVOICA was launched in October 2018 and, from that moment on, has been offering free access to both MOOC creators and participants. Approximately 6500 users registered with the NAVOICA platform during the first 18 months, which means the platform has quintupled the number of MOOC participants over the last year. The article’s authors present the NAVOICA platform after one and a half years of implementing MOOCs, as well as discuss platform management, the quality assurance system, the experience gained, as well as modifications and new functions. The material contains the experience accumulated in numerical form and indicates the direction in which the offer is to be expanded with soon to be published courses. NAVOICA is the result of a project creating a network for collaboration of higher education institutions and other well-established bodies providing distance learning. The project has been commissioned by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education.
Wstęp i cele: Współczesne technologie medialne i informacyjne otwierają przed uczącymi się szereg nienotowanych do niedawna możliwości. Pozwalają na zastosowanie nowoczesnych technik ułatwiających i zachęcających do samokształcenia. Uczący się mają praktycznie nieograniczone możliwości pozyskiwania, gromadzenia i przetwarzania informacji. Opracowanie stanowi przegląd najpopularniejszych internetowych źródeł wiedzy z zakresu bezpieczeństwa i higieny pracy. Materiał i metody: Materiał pracy zaczerpnięto z przeglądu zasobów internetowych. Zastosowano metodę analizy teoretycznej. Wyniki: Osoby pragnące poszerzać swoją wiedzę z zakresu bezpieczeństwa i higieny pracy mają za pośrednictwem Internetu udostępniony szeroki wachlarz narzędzi pomocnych w procesie samokształcenia. Wnioski: Nadążanie za nową cywilizacją jest konieczne dla zaistnienia każdej jednostki, a możliwe tylko dzięki wykorzystaniu nowej formy edukacji, jaką jest kształcenie i samokształcenie na odległość. Edukacja jest kluczowym elementem rozwoju nie tylko jednostek, ale i całej cywilizacji. Aby każdy mógł z niej skorzystać potrzebne jest wdrażanie nowych systemów nauczania i propagowanie kształcenia przez całe życie. W tym celu należy włączyć do programów nauczania zajęcia umożliwiające nabywanie umiejętności posługiwania się nowoczesnymi środkami przekazu informacji.
Introduction and aims: Modern technologies and information media opens up a number of learners are not listed until recently capabilities. They allow the use of modern techniques to facilitate and encourage self-education. Learners have virtually unlimited possibilities of acquiring, collecting and processing information. Develop an overview of the most popular online sources of knowledge in the field of occupational health and safety. Material and methods: The material f the paper has been taken from the review of online resources. The method of theoretical analysis has been used in the article. Results: Those wishing to expand their knowledge of health and safety have available via the Internet a wide range of tools to assist in the process of self-education. Conclusions: Keeping up with new civilization is necessary for the existence of each individual, and only possible through the use of new forms of education, which is education and self-education at a distance. Education is a key element of development not only individuals, but whole civilizations. So that everyone can use it is necessary to implement new systems of education and promotion of lifelong learning. For this purpose should be included in the curriculum be made to allow the acquisition of skills in using modern means of communication.
Classical training methods of computational intelligence models are based on building a knowledge base, assuming that the entire, complete set of learning vectors is available. This assumption is not always met, particularly in issues related to the industry. In the paper we provide an overview of a broad group of algorithms supporting incremental learning which includes: case based on reasoning, kernel methods, and incremental induction of rule-based systems.
Klasyczne metody uczenia modeli inteligencji obliczeniowej opierają się na budowaniu bazy wiedzy, przy założeniu że dostępny jest cały, skończony zbiór przypadków uczących. Założenie to nie zawsze jest spełnione, dlatego też w artykule dokonano przeglądu różnych metod uczenia z możliwością douczania modelu predykcyjnego w miarę napływu nowych danych uczących. Omówiono także metody z rodziny: wnioskowania na podstawie przypadków, modeli bazujących na funkcjach jądrowych oraz systemów regułowych.
Content available remote Incremental rule-based learners for handling concept drift: an overview
Learning from non-stationary environments is a very popular research topic. There already exist algorithms that deal with the concept drift problem. Among them there are online or incremental learners, which process data instance by instance. Their knowledge representation can take different forms such as decision rules, which have not received enough attention in learning with concept drift. This paper reviews incremental rule-based learners designed for changing environments. It describes four of the proposed algorithms: FLORA, AQ11-PM+WAH, FACIL and VFDR. Those four solutions can be compared on several criteria, like: type of processed data, adjustment to changes, type of the maintained memory, knowledge representation, and others.
Content available remote E-learning in pharmaceutical continuing education in Poland
Abstract: E-learning systems have become important tools in the process of continuing education of pharmacists and other healthcare specialists. In Poland the continuing education of graduated pharmacists is obligatory in order to keep their professional license valid. Therefore pharmacists receive credits by taking part in various courses, training and conferences. Nowadays more than 50% of Polish professionally active pharmacists, which means above 11,000 professionals, take part in courses organized with use of e-learning platforms. There are three available and independent from each other systems. e-duk@cja is the largest and most developed system dedicated to pharmacist continuing education. The first version of the Internet based learning system e-duk@cja was launched in February 2005 and was a common project of the Krakow Local Pharmaceutical Chamber and Faculty of Pharmacy Jagiellonian University Medical College. All twenty Local Chambers accept courses and certificates granted by validated on the national level Centre of Postgraduate Education managed by the Faculty of Pharmacy in Krakow. Before being published learning materials need to be approved by the Scientific Committee. All these courses including testing procedure are provided online free of charge. The aim of the e-duk@cja project is to develop a distance learning system for the life-long educational needs of pharmacists. For today e-duk@cja has more than 11,000 active users, 18 courses, 32 credits, ca. 600 independent users’ visits daily and above 2 million hits per year. The newest development was chosen on the functionality and practicality level and includes automatic certification, and ready-for-print certificate generation. Other platforms include farmacja.edu.pl which was created by educators from the Faculty of Pharmacy Warsaw Medical University. The recently established portal e-umed.lodz.pl is provided by Medical University in Łódź. The courses are directed not only to pharmacists but also to physicians who are involved in the continuing education process as healthcare professionals. Constant increase in users’ number proves that this kind of pharmaceutical vocational development is an important element of postgraduate education.
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