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Saponaria officinalis L. is a medicinal plant from the family Caryophyllaceae. It occurs in most European countries, as well as in North Africa, America and Western Asia. The aim of the study was to find an optimal method of sterilization S. officinalis seeds in order to obtain sterile seedlings and to multiply axillary shoots from nodal explants isolated from them, on MS medium with the addition of growth regulators (RW). In this study, 4 variants of seed sterilization were compared using NaClO at the following concentrations: 1.5% (2), 2% (3) and 2.5% (4) for a period of 11 minutes. The control was a variant in which 70% C2H5OH was used for pre-sterilization for 1 minute (1). The highest percentage of sprouted, seeds and sterile seedlings and the lowest percentage of contamination were obtained in variant (4). As a result of micropropagation of soapwort in in vitro cultures, axillary shoots were formed from nodal explants from axillary buds. The highest percentage of explants with shoots (95%) and callus tissue (48%) and the highest number of shoots from one explant (5.95) were obtained in the second passage on MS medium with the addition of 4 BAP and 0.5 NAA. Due to the wide possibilities of using soapwort, it is advisable to continue research aimed at developing an optimal and efficient plant regeneration system of this species.
Pistacia lentiscus L. (PL) is a shrub belonging to the Anacardiaceae family, used in traditional medicine to treat various disorders in the Commune of Ajdir from Al Hociema province. The conducted study focused on determination of the polyphenols and flavonoids contents by spectrophotometric and in vitro evaluation of the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory capacity. Determining total polyphenols shows the aqueous extract with a higher concentration of 125.04±0.01 mg EAG/g ES, followed by the ethanolic extract of 108.16±0.02 mg EAG/g ES. Determination of flavonoids revealed that the hexanoic extract contains a maximum of flavonoids with a level of 90.60±0.01 mg EQ/g ES. The antioxidant activity of different extracts was determined through two methods: DPPH and FRAP. Aqueous and ethanolic extracts showed a high antioxidant capacity. Further, regarding anti-inflammatory activity, the ethanolic extract has good activity inhibition (92.65±0.67) followed by aqueous extract (94±0.29) at 1000 μg/mL concentration. This study found that the ethanolic extracts from PL leaves are a powerful natural antioxidant and effective anti-inflammatory agent. The results indicate the extract’s effectiveness and highlight the importance of medicinal plants from the Commune of Ajdir.
Medicinal plants are important sources of medical and many other pharmaceutical goods. The conventional propagation scheme is the main means of proliferation and takes a long period of time because of poor germination and also low clonal uniformity. Rapid shoot multiplication of Gundelia tournefontii was attained from meristems on Murashige and Skoog (MS) basal medium containing 6-Benzyladenine (BAP) or kinetin, with the adding of 30 g/L sucrose. The highest number of new microshoots per explant (9.2) was attained on the MS medium enhanced with BAP and 0.05 mg/L IBA. After 13 to 14 days, microhoots started rooting on the MS medium enhanced either Indole3-butyric acid (IBA), Indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), or Naphthalene acetic acid (NAA) with the addition of 30 g/L sucrose. Using 100 to 300 ppm Gibbreline GA3 resulted in an increase in germination percentage when soaking with GA3 for 12 hours. Gamma radiation had a significant effect on the growth of the in vitro explants. Gamma radiation had a significant effect on the germination percentage of G. tournefontii seeds. The in vitro propagation plant of G. tournefontii plants could be used for the marketable clonal propagation of this important species or for future studies.
The medicinal plants of Jordan are under threat due to several factors of habitat perturbation. Some of these factors include ruinous over-harvesting, climate change, competition and invasion. In this study, the authors employed a reliable method for micropropagation and assessment of antimicrobial activity of some important medicinal plants of Jordan. Seeds were surface sterilized and germinated on agar water media, and then shoots were cultured on Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium with the addition of 3% sucrose. In order to generate enough plant material, microshoots were transferred after fourteen days onto hormone free MS medium. Among all studied plants, it was found that the Achellia millefolium and Moring perigrina plants successfully multiplied in vitro containing different 6-benzyl amino purine (BA). For potential antimicrobial activity, the ex vitro (field leaf plants) and in vitro (plantlet) extracts were evaluated against some bacteria strains using ethanolic extracts. Both ex vitro and in vitro plants extracts showed the antimicrobial activity against the microorganism tested. The results from the study suggest that these two plants showed good antimicrobial activity against the different tested bacteria.
Paronchia argentea is traditionally being used for medicinal purposes in Jordan. The current investigation was designed to check the in vitro efficacy of in vitro and ex vitro P. argentea against selected bacterial and fungal strains. The antimicrobial properties of in vitro plantlets and field (ex vitro) plant extracts of P. argentea were investigated against both bacteria and fungi, after and before heavy metals stress used. In this study, four bacterial species were used: Listeria monocytogen and Staphylococcus aureus (Gram positive bacteria) Salmonella typhimurum and Coronobacter sakazakii (Gram negative bacteria) and Calvularia lunata as a mold. The obtained results revealed that the in vitro grown plantlets with the supplemented of lead (Pb), copper (Cu) or Cobalt (Co) with methanol and aqueous extract showed significant inhibitory activities within zones of inhibition ranging between 6.7-30.0 mm. All extracts of P. argentea had activity against the fungi and bacteria tested. The maximum inhibition zone was found in Staphylococcus aureus (30 mm inhibition zone) in medium supplemented with 0.3 mg/L Cu followed by Calvularia lunata (30.0 mm inhibition zone). The methanolic and aqueous P. argentea extract indicate that the solvent plays an important role in the solubility of the antimicrobial substance and also affects the activity of the microbe. Both field (ex vitro) and tissue culture plant extract showed similar antimicrobial activity. The present study could be used as an approach for the development of new, alternative and cheap antimicrobial drugs, particularly against the infections caused by the tested microbes through the tissue culture technology.
The aim of this study was to analyze the species composition of seven communities of mountain grasslands selected in the Kłodzko County, with regard to the presence of useful plants, whose share largely determines the possibilities of their use, mainly as a fodder for ruminants, as a natural place for obtaining pollen and nectar for Apidae, as well as the base of medicinal, edible or of potential culinary importance plants. The analysis was based on 221 phytosociological relevés completed with Braun-Blanquet’s method in the years 2009-2013. Results of the research show that the majority of distinguished communities was characterized by a good utility value number of the sward (UVN=6.1-7.2), with the exception of Angelico-Cirsietum oleracei association (UVN=3.8), significant share of plant species valuable for fodder, plants with medicinal properties, edible for humans and melliferous plants (providing pollen and nectar).
Celem pracy była analiza składu gatunkowego siedmiu zbiorowisk górskich użytów zielonych wyróżnionych w powiecie kłodzkim, pod kątem obecności roślin użykowych, których udział w znacznym stopniu decyduje o możliwościach ich wykorzystania, głównie jako źródła paszy dla zwierząt przeżuwających, jako naturalnego miejsca pozyskiwania pyłków pszczelich i nektaru dla owadów z rodziny pszczołowatych, a także bazy roślin leczniczych oraz jadalnych lub o potencjalnym znaczeniu kulinarnym. Bazę do przeprowadzonej analizy stanowiło 221 zdjęć fitosocjologicznych wykonanych metodą Braun-Blanqueta w latach 2009-2013. Z przeprowadzonych badań wynika, że większość wyróżnionych zbiorowisk charakteryzowała się dobrą wartością użytkową runi (Lwu=6,1-7,2), z wyjątkiem zespołu Angelico-Cirsietum oleracei (Lwu=3,8), znacznym udziałem gatunków roślin wartościowych paszowo, roślin o właściwościach leczniczych, jadalnych dla ludzi oraz roślin pożytkowych (pyłkodajnych i nektarodajnych).
Corms of Colchicum autumnale L. (meadow saffron) from plants growing on soils developed from five parent materials (melaphire, serpentine, sandstones, limestone and marls) were collected and analysed to evaluate their colchicine content as well as metal levels (Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, Pb, Co, Cd, Ni and Cr). For all locations, (mountainous regions in SW Poland far from pollution sources) where corms were collected, soil samples were taken. In the soil samples, the concentration of elements (Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, Pb, Co, Cd, Ni and Cr) was analyzed and also soil pH, organic matter content and sand, silt and clay content were determined. The results of principal component analysis (PCA) showed that the concentrations of metals in melaphire (except Cr), sandstone and serpentine soils were higher than those in limestone and marl soils. Meadow saffron corms tended to take up a higher amount of Fe and a lower amount of Co and contained in their tissues a higher amount of colchicine in melaphire soil and some sandstone soils than those in limestone and some marl soils. The concentrations of Co, Mn and Zn in corms at limestone site and Ni and Cd in corms at serpentine site and some marl sites were higher than those in other sites. The results of stepwise regression analysis showed that colchicine corm concentration as well as corm Fe content increased with increasing soil Fe, Mn, Zn, Co, Cu, Pb and Cd contents and that corm Fe content has a positive effect on the production of colchicine, whereas corm Co, Mn, Zn, Ni and Cd negative. The corm Fe, Mn, Zn, Co, Ni and Cd concentrations appeared to be the main factors determining the variation pattern of colchicine in C.autumnale corms. The variation explained by these selected variables was higher (79%) than those explained by selected soil variables (53%).
Celem przeprowadzonych badań było określenie właściwości fitokumulacyjnych 8 metali ciężkich (Fe, Mn, Zn, Ni, Cr, Cu, Cd, Pb) dla 6 gatunków roślin leczniczych: dziurawca pospolitego (Hypericum perforatum L.), mięty długolistnej (Mentha longifolia L.), pokrzywy zwyczajnej (Urtica dioica L.), nawłoci pospolitej (Solidago virgaurea L.), krwawnika pospolitego (Achillea millefolium L.) i wrotyczu pospolitego (Tanacetum vulgare L.). Próbki roślinne oraz próbki gleby pozyskano z rejonów Beskidu Śląskiego i Żywieckiego, z miejscowości Sól i Laliki w okresie od lipca do września 2003 r. Zawartość metali oznaczono za pomocą metody AAS. Zdolności wybiórcze kumulacji roślin określono za pomocą współczynników ekotoksykologicznych: fitokumulacji oraz specyficznej kumulacji.Badane gatunki w największym stopniu kumulowały Fe, Mn, Zn, Ni, Cu, w najmniejszym Cd, Pb, Cr. Największe ilości metali kumulowane były w korzeniach oraz liściach, jednakże obserwowano również znaczny udział łodygi i kwiatów w procesie kumulacji, zwłaszcza Cd i Ni.
The purpose of this study was to determine the phytoaccumulation properties of 8 heavy metals (Fe, Mn, Zn, Ni, Cr, Cu, Cd, Pb) in 6 species of medicinal plants Hypericum perforatum L., Mentha longifoliaL., Urtica dioica L., Solidago virgaurea L., Achillea millefolium L., Tanacetum vulgare L. The samples of the plants and soils were collected from Laliki in the Silesian Beskids and Sól in the Żywiec Beskids from July to September 2003. Concentrations of the heavy metals were determined by AAS. Selective properties of plants accumulation were determined by the following ecotoxicological factors: fitoaccumulation and specific accumulation coefficients. The medicinal plants accumulated large amount of Fe, Mn, Zn, Ni, Cu and small amounts of Cd, Pb, Cr. The highest concentrations of the heavy metals were found in roots and leaves but stems and flowers accumulated considerable amounts of Cd and Ni as well.
W wybranych surowcach zielarskich z rodziny jasnowatych (Lamiaceae) uzyskanych z upraw ekologicznych rozmieszczonych na terenie Polski oraz z uprawy konwencjonalnej porównywano zawartość makroskładników i olejku eterycznego. Największe ilości wszystkich badanych makroskładników stwierdzono w surowcu bazylii, najmniej natomiast N, K i Mg zawierało ziele majeranku, a N, P, Ca - ziele tymianku. Średnie zawartości makroskładników u roślin z upraw ekologicznych przekraczały zawartości składników z uprawy konwencjonalnej. Wyjątek stanowiły majeranek i tymianek w przypadku fosforu oraz bazylia, cząber i tymianek w przypadku wapnia. Zawartość olejku eterycznego w surowcach badanych gatunków pochodzących z upraw ekologicznych była większa od średnich podawanych w literaturze i za wyjątkiem bazylii przewyższała zawartości oznaczone w próbach z uprawy konwencjonalnej.
The content of macroelements in the raw material of the selected medicinal plants obtained from organic and conventional cultivations was investigated. The highest content of all macroelements was found in basil, while the lowest of N, K and Mg were detected in marjoram and N, P, Ca in thyme. Average content of macroelements in raw materials from organic cultivation was higher than that from conventional cultivation.
The effect of toxic metal - cadmium on twa representants, the medicinal plant Hypericum perforatum L. and green alga Chlorella vulgaris Beijer bas been studied. We investigated the effect of cadmium (12 [mu]M Cd(N03)2; pH = 5.5) on growth, plant biomass (root and shoot) and root dark respiration rate of H. perforatum as well as cadmium accumulation in all plant organs. The highest Cd concentration was found in the root (1792 [mu]g g^-1 d.w.) which was 8-times higher concentration that in the stem and 6-times higher than in the leaves. The effect of cadmium treatment on the content of iron, manganese and carrer in individual plant organs bas been also determined. Cd administration did not affect the growth and dry biomass of the shoot and root and the root : shoot ratio. However, the root dark respiration rate of the Cd-treated plants was faster than those of the control plants. The interaction of cadmium with chlorophyll a situated in pigmentprotein complexes of photosynthetic centres of H. perforatum chloroplasts bas been confirmed by fluorescence spectroscopy. Cadmium inhibited the growth, łatał chlorophyll and carotenoids content in statically cultivated Chlorella vulgaris (7d, 16h light/8h dark). The production of chlorophyll a in algae was affected more pronouncedly than that of chlorophyll b and consequently the ratio of Chl a : Chl b showed a decrease with the increasing of cadmium concentration.
Zbadano wpływ toksycznego metalu - kadmu na dwie rośliny: roślinę leczniczą - Hypericum perforatum L. i algę zieloną - Chlorella vulgaris Beijer. Badano wpływ kadmu (12 [mu]M Cd(N03)2; pH = 5,5) na wzrost, biomasę roślin (korzenia i pędu) oraz tempo ciemnej respiracji korzenia H. perforatum, jak również akumulacje kadmu we wszystkich organach roślinnych. Największe stężenie kadmu stwierdzono w korzeniu (1792 [mu]g g^-1 s.m.) i było ono 8 razy większe niż stężenie w łodydze i 6 razy większe niż w liściach. Oznaczano także wpływ traktowania kadmem na zawartość żelaza, manganu i miedzi w poszczególnych organach. Traktowanie kadmem nie miało wpływu na rozrost i suchą biomasę pędu i korzenia oraz na stosunek masy korzenia do pędu. Jednakże szybkość ciemnej respiracji korzenia roślin traktowanych kadmem było szybsze niż miało to miejsce w przypadku roślin kontrolnych. Potwierdzono także, za pomocą spektroskopii fluorescencyjnej, interakcje pomiędzy kadmem a chlorofilem a znajdującym się w białku pigmentowym kompleksów centrów fotosyntetycznych chloroplastów H. perforatum. Kadm inhibował wzrost, zawartość całkowitą chlorofilu i karotenoidów w statycznie hodowanych Chlorella vulgaris (7d, 16 h światła/8 h ciemności). Oddziaływanie kadmu na produkcję chlorofilu a w algach było znacznie wyraźniejsze niż na produkcję chlorofilu b i w rezultacie stosunek Chl a : Chl b malał wraz ze wzrostem stężenia kadmu.
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