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The article presents research on industrial quality control system based on AI deep learning method. They are a part of larger project focusing on development of Holonic Shop Floor Control System for integration of machines, machine operators and manufacturing process monitoring with information flow in whole production process according to Industry 4.0 requirements. A system connecting together machine operators, machine control, process and machine monitoring with companywide IT systems is developed. It is an answer on manufacture of airplane industry requirements. The main aim of the system is full automation of information flow between a management level and manufacturing process level. Intelligent, flexible quality control system allowing for active manufacturing optimization on the base of achieved results as well as a historical data collection for further Big Data analysis is the main aim of the current research. During research number of selected AI algorithms were tested for assessing their suitability for performing tasks identified in real manufacturing environment. As a result of the conducted analyzes, Convolutional Neural Networks were selected for further study. Number of built Convolutional Neural Networks algorithms were tested using sets of data and photos from the production line. A further step of research will be focused on testing a system in real manufacturing process for able possible construct a fully functional quality control system based on the use of Convolutional Neural Networks.
This chapter addresses current issues of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) in the situation of pandemic COVID-19 declining after necessary lockdowns that have been extremely burdensome for society and business in many countries. Valuable experiences have been gained at the national and international levels how to effectively fight pandemic and what to do in post-pandemic world to achieve new objectives. These issues are discussed in the context of the Great Deal and New Deal as well as New Green Deal proposed for realisation in the European Union. There are significant challenges concerning the societal and economic prosperity, business development, ecology, and quality of life of citizens. The recovery funds created in the European Union to be distributed among its members regarding some rules should effectively support the business rebuilding within a sustainable development strategy. It is postulated to shape properly the future of 4IR to offer advanced technologies supporting effectively required changes in post-pandemic world.
Content available remote The Syntax of a Multi-Level Production Process Modeling Language
The fourth industrial revolution introduces changes in traditional manufacturing systems and creates basis for a lot-size-one production. The complexity of production processes is significantly increased, alongside the need to enable efficient process simulation, execution, monitoring, real-time decision making and control. The main goal of our research is to define a methodological approach and a software solution in which the Model-Driven Software Development (MDSD) principles and Domain-Specific Modeling Languages (DSMLs) are used to create a framework for the formal description and automatic execution of production processes. In that way production process models are used as central artefacts to manage the production. In this paper, we propose a DSML which can be used to create production process models that are suitable for automatic generation of executable code. The generated code is used for automatic execution of production processes within a simulation or a shop floor.
Markets are already dynamic, and will continue to be so in the future. The pressure of customers / users for substantial product and service customization increases. Therefore, their demands must be met in a highly flexible, responsive and adaptable manner. The structural changes in company manufacturing systems need to be quickly adapted to the changing requirements and responded to in real-time. Production must not only be highly flexible with high-quality services, but it must be ready for work in integrated network structures. A logical response to these demands is the further development of industrial production ready for the changes presented in the forecasts of the fourth industrial revolution. In essence, it is a project of digitalization and sophistication of the industry. The new designs of highly integrated manufacturing systems and their clusters will ensure communication between the people and the means of production, as well as the production systems and other physical objects.
This contribution discusses the usefulness of (max, +) algebra as a mathematical framework for a class of manufacturing systems. This class can be described as dynamic and asynchronous, where the state transitions are initiated by events that occur at di screte instants of time. An event corresponds to the start or the end of an activity. Such systems are known as discrete event systems (DES). An overview of the concepts of modelling and analysis using the (max, +) algebra approach to DES has been given. Also, examples of manufacturing systems have been provided to illustrate the potential of this approach. The type of production process used, such as serial line, assembly line, etc., influences the modelling of different basic manufacturing systems. We have also presented the impact of the capacity of interoperable buffers. Based on an analytical model, effectiveness and performance indexes have been evaluated.
Artykuł stanowi omówienie nowych systemów nauczania osób niepełnosprawnych. Scharakteryzowano tutaj możliwości wykorzystania e-learningu w aktywizacji zawodowej osób z niepełnosprawnościami na współczesnym rynku pracy. W pracy dokonano krytycznej analizy literatury przedmiotu oraz zastosowano analizę porównawczą. W artykule zawarto charakterystykę rynku pracy osób niepełnosprawnych, opis wykształcenia osób niepełnosprawnych w kontekście potrzeb rynku pracy, ocenę wykorzystania e-learningu w nauce osób niepełnosprawnych oraz charakterystykę platformy e-learningowej wspomagającej nauczanie osób niepełnosprawnych. Artykuł zamykają uwagi końcowe, gdzie przedstawiono postulaty w zakresie aktywizacji zawodowej osób niepełnosprawnych.
The aim of the article is to discuss how new teaching systems for people with disabilities meet the expectations of employers managing contemporary production systems. It characterizes the use of e-learning in vocational activation of people with disabilities on the contemporary labour market. It performs a critical analysis of the literature on the subject and employs comparative analysis. The article comprises five parts: four chapters (profile of the labour market for people with disabilities, description of education of people with disabilities in context of the labour market needs, evaluation of e-learning application in teaching of people with disabilities, profile of e-learning platform supporting the teaching of people with disabilities) and final comments. The article closes with final remarks where the postulates concerning vocational activation of people with disabilities are presented.
This article extends the former results concerning the routing flow-shop problem to minimize the makespan on the case with buffers, non-zero ready times and different speeds of machines. The corresponding combinatorial optimization problem is formulated. The exact as well as four heuristic solution algorithms are presented. The branch and bound approach is applied for the former one. The heuristic algorithms employ known constructive idea proposed for the former version of the problem as well as the Tabu Search metaheuristics. Moreover, the improvement procedure is proposed to enhance the quality of both heuristic algorithms. The conducted simulation experiments allow evaluating all algorithms. Firstly, the heuristic algorithms are compared with the exact one for small instances of the problem in terms of the criterion and execution times. Then, for larger instances, the heuristic algorithms are mutually compared. The case study regarding the maintenance of software products, given in the final part of the paper, illustrates the possibility to apply the results for real-world manufacturing systems.
Within classic German manufacturing structures, costs of resources exceed all other cost factors by 46% [1]. Solitary focus on energy or labor costs as sources to raise companies profit no longer seems adequate. Nowadays material costs of the manufacturing industry are about 500 billion euro per year, connected with a saving potential of 100 billion euro per year. Also the belonging for sustainably produced products is raising and becoming a factor for guaranteed purchases [2]. A small and medium-sized enterprise fitted approach, which ensures to increase the transparency of internal process structures and allows a resource driven, ecological and economical assessment, is the main subject of this article.
W pracy przeanalizowano zasadnicze obszary występowania wariantów realizacji procesu produkcyjnego z punktu widzenia sterowania produkcją. Warianty te dotyczą zarówno procesu wytwarzania jak i procesów pomocniczych w tym czynności transportowych. Przedstawiono ogólną metodę integracji operacji technologicznych i transportowych uławiającą budowę rekonfigurowanych systemów wytwarzania.
This paper examines the main areas of occurrence of production process variants taking into consideration production control. These variants concern both, the manufacturing process and the auxiliary process such as the transportation. The general method for the integration of technological and transportation operations is presented. It is used to facilitate building reconfigurable manufacturing systems.
Artykuł prezentuje metodę tworzenia i sterowania wirtualnymi trójwymiarowymi modelami (3D) stanowisk wytwarzania z wykorzystaniem sterowników PLC. Przedstawiono możliwości budowy modelu wirtualnego przez zaprojektowanie elementów 3D, nadawanie więzów ruchowych, wprowadzanie wewnętrznej logiki działania pojedynczych urządzeń jak i rozbudowanych stanowisk wytwarzania w aplikacji CATIA/DELMIA. Następnie przedstawiono procedurę sterowania modelem w czasie rzeczywistym za pomocą zewnętrznego sterownika PLC GE Fanuc RX3i. Ideę sterowania oparto o wykorzystanie typowych protokołów komunikacyjnych stosowanych w sterownikach PLC oraz serwera OPC KEPServerEX, jako elementu pośredniczącego. Działanie procedury sterowania przetestowano na zbudowanym modelu 3D gniazda obróbkowego wyposażonego w tokarkę CNC, manipulator portalowy oraz zmieniacz palet i magazyn regałowy. Eksperymenty praktyczne potwierdziły efektywność proponowanej metody.
The paper presents a method to create and control virtual three-dimensional models (3D) of manufacturing systems with the use of PLCs. The possibilities of building a virtual model by using of 3D elements, introducing motion transmission constraints and the internal logic of individual devices or more complicated manufacturing systems in the CATIA/DELMIA application are presented. Then the procedure of the real time control of the virtual model using the external GE Fanuc RX3i programmable logic controller is introduced. The idea of control is based on the use of standard PLC communication protocols and the OPC server (KEPServerEX) as an interface application. The control procedure was tested on a 3D model of manufacturing cell equipped with a CNC lathe machine, gantry manipulator, pallet changer and a pallet rack storage system. Practical experiments confirmed the efficiency of the developed method.
Rozwój systemów produkcyjnych oraz stały wzrost oczekiwań klientów wymaga od firm coraz szerszego wprowadzania systemów nadzorujących procesy wytwórcze, stan maszyn oraz jakość produktów i historię ich wytwarzania. Monitorowanie procesów, maszyn i produktów, jest technicznie możliwe za pomocą coraz bardziej udoskonalanych systemów wykorzystujących zawansowane metody pomiarowe, algorytmy przetwarzania danych oraz wsparcie układów wykorzystujących tzw. sztuczną inteligencję. Jednakże wprowadzenie powszechnego nadzoru nad całymi procesami, kluczowymi maszynami i wszystkimi wyrobami wymaga szybkiego przetwarzania bardzo dużej liczby danych. Dodatkowo system taki musi być zintegrowany z funkcjami sterującymi. Implementacja zintegrowanego systemu monitorowania na bazie powszechnie stosowanej architektury klient-serwer wymagałaby budowy skomplikowanego, drogiego i mało elastycznego systemu. W artykule przedstawiono badania prowadzone nad opracowaniem zintegrowanego wieloagentowego systemu monitorowania wytwarzania realizowane na Politechnice Warszawskiej w Zakładzie Automatyzacji Obrabiarek i Obróbki Skrawaniem.
Continuously growing international competition in manufacturing sector force companies to reduce costs, at the same time rapidly increase complexity of products and quality requirements. Continuous development of manufacturing systems and increase of customer expectations requires implementation of advanced control and monitoring systems. To meet growing requirements production process should be controlled on all steps. Systems of direct control of manufacturing system, manufacturing cells, machines and performance of orders should be used. Such a system should allow for monitoring of all steps of production process according to requirements of Life Cycle Management (LCM). In article are pointed main aspects of a distributed multiagent shop floor control and monitoring system developed at Warsaw University of Technology.
Przemiany zachodzące w gospodarce w skali makro determinują możliwości rozwoju firm produkcyjnych, co z kolei powinno wpływać na rozwój kierunków specjalizacji naukowej badań prowadzonych w danym kraju. Kluczowym procesem determinującym zmiany zachodzące w szeroko pojętych procesach produkcyjnych jest stale postępująca globalizacja, w jej wyniku firmy z krajów wysokorozwiniętych przenoszą najbardziej kosztochłonne fragmenty procesów produkcyjnych do krajów niskokosztowych. Sytuacja ta nakłada się na postępujące zmniejszanie zatrudnienia w sektorze produkcji, co z kolei wpływa na tworzenie się nowego modelu społeczeństwa, zwanego społeczeństwem postindustrialnym. Wymienione procesy skutkują głębokimi zmianami w procesach produkcyjnych, podlegają one dekompozycji i fragmentaryzacji, w wyniku outsourcingu i offshoringu najbardziej kosztowne elementy procesu przynoszone są do krajów niskokosztowych. W rezultacie w najbardziej rozwiniętych krajach wysokokosztowych następuje koncentracja produkcji o wysokiej wartości dodanej, natomiast w krajach o niskim koszcie wytwarzania następuje koncentracja najbardziej kosztochłonnych fragmentów procesów produkcyjnych. Sytuacja ta wpływa na zmianę gospodarczej mapy świata. Znajomość zmian zachodzących w gospodarce powinna mieć kluczowe znaczenie w określaniu kierunków badań prowadzonych w danym kraju, w tym również w Polsce.
Economy changes determine production company's development, it should influence on the direction of research in a particular country. The main process forcing changes in the economy is a globalization. As a result of it companies from developed countries move costly production to low cost countries. It results fragmentation of the production process and concentration of the most profitable production in developed countries. Such trends influence on changes of economy map of the whole World. In the article an analysis of trends in the manufacturing process organization is done. A particular stress is put on globalization, segmentation of production process and innovation.
Content available remote Modelowanie i optymalizacja systemów wytwarzania w programie Arena
W artykule przedstawiono problematykę budowania modeli symulacyjnych dyskretnych systemów wytwarzania w programie Arena. Opisano metodę analizy funkcjonalnej systemu wytwarzania wspomagającą poprawną budowę modeli symulacyjnych. Zaprezentowano przebieg procesu optymalizacji systemu wytwarzania na podstawie symulacji komputerowej.
In this paper the problem of building simulation models of discrete manufacturing systems in the Arena is presented. A method of functional analysis of manufacturing system supporting the correct building of simulation models is described. The optimization process of manufacturing system based on computer simulations is presented.
Assembly lines are special flow-lines production systems which are typical in the industrial production of high quantity standardized commodities. Assembly line balancing is based on evenly distribution of operations between workstations so that each idle time of the machines was minimal. It is assumed that operation times on the machines and the precedence relationship existing between the operations which results from the technology of the production line and the cycle time or the number of machines are known. In the paper short description about general assembly line problem and cost-oriented is described. Next the author presents description of used algorithms. A numerical example is calculated and the results are discussed. Presented paper shows that cost oriented assembly line balancing problem differs from time oriented problem and the differences are underlined.
The following paper is to introduce models of production systems presented and discussed in the literature. The models most often used are briefly described and characterized, as well as classified into two groups: in the first one manufacturing system's model is based on mathematical description of relations between parameters of the system and includes f.ex. production function and Leontief's formulas, while in the second models reflect system's structure and relations between its elements and includes f.ex. industrial dynamics model. The classification developed is useful for manufacturing systems analysis and description providing some formal background, especially when using informal, descrptive approach
This paper describes an innovative curriculum developed for new Logistics Engineering degree programs at the Faculty of Engineering Management, Poznan University of Technology. The core of the program is based on a sequence of four major courses, which focus on the Product Development, Process Analysis and Optimization, Logistic Processes and Service Engineering. Each course is built around a practical team project. With the project effort as the background, the courses introduce students to key issues in global engineering competence, including collaboration and teamwork, work organization and management, engineering ethics, cross-cultural communication, critical thinking and problem solving, and integration strategies for design, manufacturing and marketing. Projects also introduce entrepreneurial components, as the teams have to develop their concepts in the context of a start-up company. The first course in the series, introduces 2nd year students to basic concepts of consumer product development. It covers the principles of design and innovation process, and also explains essential design tools, such as Quality Function Deployment and Pugh Matrices. It also reviews key manufacturing methods and systems. Students work in small teams to develop their own product ideas from initial concepts to a business plan for a start-up. The course is offered in English. The second course, offered to 3rd year students, introduces fundamental concepts related to industrial process analysis and improvement. Students learn necessary data collection and analysis techniques (such as, for example, Value Stream Mapping) and also the basics of process simulation using a commercial software package. Student teams work with industrial sponsors and develop competing innovative ideas for process transformation and improvement. While the first two courses have already been offered for the first time in the past year in the engineering program (level 1), the third course is still in the planning phase. It will be offered to 4th year students in the first year of their master's program. It will focus on Supply Chain processes, assessment of their performance, lifecycle analysis and management. The student group project will be carried out in an industrial setting, dealing with real-life assignments. The final course, integrating knowledge acquired by the students in the preceding sequence, is focused on the issues of service engineering. It covers such topics as, for example, organizational design, global issues and design of service operations.
Analiza wielokanałowego systemu z priorytetami dynamicznymi jest, jak wskazuje literatura, istotnym i aktualnym problemem. Złożoność wpływu parametrów takich jak wielkość bufora, ilość równolegle pracujących zasobów na stanowiskach roboczych oraz wybór strategii priorytetów w buforze na parametry funkcjonowania systemu została uwzględniona w modelu matematycznym i zweryfikowana poprzez model symulacyjny. Uzyskane wyniki symulacyjne wskazują, iż poprzez odpowiedni dobór strategii priorytetów w buforze przy równoczesnym doborze wielkości samego bufora oraz ilości równolegle pracujących zasobów możliwa i konieczna jest optymalizacja parametrów całego systemu. Kolejnym krokiem badań powinno być dobranie odpowiedniego algorytmu optymalizacyjnego, który by minimalizował funkcję kryterialną przedstawioną w modelu analitycznym.
Multi-channel system with priorities come out as important in many application such as manufacturing, information technology or telecommunication systems. In article multiproduct, multi-channel manufacturing system with dynamic non-preemptive is considered. Mathematical and simulation model was presented. Influence of control parameters (size of buffers before workstations, number of parallel resources working at workstations and type of priority strategy in buffers (FIFO, LIFO, SPT, LPT)) on output parameters (lead-time, delay time, percent of rejected arrivals from overfull buffers, utilization of resources) was compared. Analysis of interaction between parameters was considered.
This research deals with the development of Autonomous Distributed Manufacturing Systems (ADiMS) Concept and an example of its application in the casting industry. ADiMS is a manufacturing system concept developed to increase the flexibility of the system. In ADiMS, each of the manufacturing system elements (holon) had been modelled as an intelligent element with the result that each element had capability to manage Information, communicate each other, and to make decision. The whole manufacturing problems arę solved by each element and coordination among them. In the modelling at the developed application software, UML (Unified Modelling Language) was used, where each element of manufacturing system was modelled as a class as in the Object Oriented Programming (OOP) concept. As a case study, the development of the concept analysis and application software to manage casting industry, that has a piston ring as its main product, was carried out. The application software that had been developed, that still in aproto type stage, has five main functions that are an order management system, Quality Assurance, Warehouse management, Jig & Fixture Storage Area management, and Sand Casting Area management functions. Inside each function, there are several objects that working together with coordination among each others. The application showed that all main functions can make communication through the database server. The developed application that discussed at this research has a client - server technology. The same web-based system with the n-tier technology is still in the development stage now.
The paper deals with a special case of supply networks that consist of three interconnected subsystems: raw material warehouses, production units and product warehouses. The purpose of the decision-making for such systems is to allocate a raw material among parallel production units and to determine transportation plans for the raw material and for a product in such a way as to minimize the total cost connected with the production and the transportation. The solution algorithm for a special case of supply networks, where all production units can produce the same amount of the product from a unit of the raw material, is presented. It is based on a special decomposition of the problem which allows us to determine the solution consecutively for the increasing number of production units involved in the manufacture, starting from the case with only one production unit. A sufficient condition for the optimal solution is proved, and the properties of the algorithm are presented.
Harmonogramowanie odporne jest nowym podejściem stosowanym w dynamicznych systemach produkcyjnych. W podejściu tym tworzy się uszeregowanie, które ze względu na swoje właściwości, jest odporne na zakłócenia występujące w trakcie produkcji. W artykule zaprezentowano podstawowe informacje dotyczące tworzenia odpornych harmonogramów realizacji procesu technologicznego montażu.
Robust scheduling is a new approach used in dynamic manufacturing systems. The aim of this approach is to create a schedule which, due to its properties, is resistant to disruptions that may appear in the production process. In article are presented basic information about developing robust sequences to technological assembly process.
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