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Purpose: A literature review is a thorough summary of the prior research in a topic that has been carried out by other scientists. For a novice researcher, a systematic literature review is the most important and standard step. The scientific discipline determines the methodology for systematic literature reviews. Design/methodology/approach: A comprehensive overview of the literature relevant to a research issue is provided by a systematic literature review, which also synthesizes earlier work to broaden our understanding of a particular topic. It adheres to the principles of accessibility and bias reduction. Although management research is a growing, complex, and dynamic field, relatively little has been published on how management researchers may employ systematic literature reviews Findings: This systematic review on a clearly defined subject that uses systematic and explicit processes to identify, select, and critically assess relevant research, and to acquire and analyse data from the research projects that are part of the review. Practical implications: In order to comprehend the purpose of systematic reviews, we explain one and talk about its rationale. Next, we discuss how conducting systematic literature reviews may enhance management research and correct its shortcomings. We provide a thorough manual to do systematic literature reviews, outlining the steps to follow and providing advice for effective implementation Originality/value: This review article, focus on the methodology adopted for the literature review in the field of management sciences.
Purpose: The cross-sector partnership (CSP) is an increasingly more frequently and widely described phenomenon presented in various areas and perspectives. This variety of approaches causes conceptual chaos, so it is worth creating a systematic review of scientific theories that categorize this phenomenon. This paper aims to synthesize knowledge about theories to describe CSP and to show their location in management sciences. Design/methodology/approach: The article uses a systematic literature review based on the SCOPUS literature database. As a result of the terms and synonyms search, 8317 articles regarding the concept of CSP have been identified. After applying specific search restrictions, e.g., article type, year of publication, business, management, accounting, etc., 392 articles were identified. The above considerations indicate a significant, disordered research gap in this area. After reviewing the content, 194 referred to the CSP. After reviewing the content, 194 articles referred to the CSP, while the analysis of abstracts of mentioned 392 articles brought 194 which were strictly related to the CSP Then, in the course of the above analysis, the author noticed that 36 items in the database reference to scientific trends, of which 34 articles are widely available after analyzing the content of 34 available after analysing their content relating to the location of CSP within the selected theories. There is no clear indication of which theories describing the CSP phenomenon are the broadest and the most reliable, complete, appropriate, etc. Findings: This article identifies the following conclusions. All authors in the analyzed articles agree that there is no one "universal" theory describing CSP. The next conclusion is most of the "applied" theories through the prism, which described the phenomenon, are in scope of the management science (MS) (28 articles out of 34 analysed) The most common theories cited by the authors are Resource based view theory, Agency theory, Resource-Based theory, Institutional theory, Effectuation theory, and Value Creation Theory. In the author's opinion, the scientific achievements in this area should be constantly monitored, as this may facilitate the description of the CSP phenomenon.
Content available Science and practice in research process
Purpose: The aim of the article is to compare the results of research on the use of research methods and techniques in solving management problems and in verifying which of the two acceptable approaches in the research process dominates among practitioners and theoreticians of management sciences. Design/methodology/approach: The survey was conducted by means of a questionnaire. The research was addressed to management science theoreticians and management practitioners being the target group covering: 272 foreign universities; 21,024 foreign researchers; 93 domestic universities; 2,307 domestic researchers; 52 foreign companies, 183 domestic companies. As a result of the research effort, 401 representatives of management science theoreticians and 118 practitioners were examined. Findings: The carried-out research has made it possible to identify methods, procedures, techniques and approaches that are most relevant to research processes in management sciences. Furthermore, both scientists and practitioners of management sciences use the same research methods. Research limitations/implications: It should be stated that management science and the methods used in it should support business practice and, to some extent, provide guidance to managers and directors. Management should be treated as a normative science, the aim of which is to formulate the principles of effective and efficient functioning of enterprises. Practical implications: The conclusions resulting from the carried-out research explicitly indicate that both scientists and practitioners of management sciences use the same research methods, i.e.: analysis of documentation, questionnaire, observation and interview. Research results obtained during the research process in the field of management sciences should be applied in practice. Social implications: Owing to the involvement of scientists and practitioners in research, it can be concluded that, while defining a research problem, it is difficult to choose a single method which allows for a full and thorough diagnosis of the problem under investigation. It is therefore necessary, in the research process, to use a variety of methods which will provide a comprehensive response to the posed problem. Originality/value: The research carried out has made it possible to identify methods, procedures, techniques and approaches that are most relevant to the research processes in management sciences. They were carried out in two stages. The commitment of both theoreticians and practitioners to the research process resulted in a broader interpretation of management sciences and allowed the author to diagnose the studied issues more fully and thoroughly.
The research methodology of family businesses is increasingly becoming the subject of scientific discussion that shows how difficult and complex task it is. Research area is located on the border of several disciplines, which raises significant methodological problems. Qualitative methods are useful for studying the problems of small family businesses, in particular related to the sphere of issues of identity, culture, values and the relationship between the family and the company. Qualitative methods allow for more efficient acquisition of reliable data on ‘sensitive’ subjects in comparison with quantitative methods. It is equally important to provide information about the complex social processes that are better studied with open methods. The methodology of qualitative research is not without its limitations. First of all, by definition it poses problems of generalization, and thus also theorizing. Research results are burdened with considerable subjectivity which can be transformed into inter-subjectivity by using different methods and perspectives. In the qualitative studies of small family businesses methodological pluralism which allows the creation of mixed research programs can be postulated. Combining quantitative and qualitative methods in one research program may provide important, but not always commensurate results. One can also point to the need for methodological triangulation and therefore the use of different, complementary research methods and techniques that will allow to describe the studied small family company in its entire complexity. The example of duo-ethnography provides the possibility to achieve a high level of relational demands allowing for the creation of unique philosophy of the meeting, a deep entry into the unique history of the studied entity and ownership family and the adoption of prospects for the narrator and an expert person participating in the study.
Celem artykułu jest przeanalizowanie możliwości zastosowania duo-etnografi i w badaniach dążących do poznania charakterystyki i problemów firm rodzinnych. Autorzy opisują kluczowe problemy związane z badaniami nad tą grupą podmiotów. Analizę przeprowadzono w oparciu o refleksję nad metodami stosowanymi w poznawaniu małych organizacji rodzinnych, porównania metod jakościowych i ilościowych oraz odniesień do mniej znanych metod badawczych, takich jak auto-etnografia, analiza porównawcza i liczne studia przypadków. W artykule wskazano na konieczność stosowania pluralizmu metodologicznego i wykorzystania różnych dostępnych technik badawczych, dzięki czemu możliwe będzie opisanie całej złożoności małej firmy rodzinnej.
W artykule podjęto tematykę zastosowania studiów przypadków w badaniach nauk o zarządzaniu. Głównym celem rozważań uczyniono identyfikację możliwości zastosowania badań interpretatywnych, a w szczególności case studies w dyscyplinie nauk o zarządzaniu w aspekcie kryteriów rygoru metodologicznego. Referat ma charakter teoretyczno-systematyzujący. Dokonano w nim krytycznego przeglądu dostępnej literatury polskiej i międzynarodowej. Pracę rozpoczyna syntetyczna charakterystyka badań interpretatywnych w aspekcie paradygmatu alternatywnego. W drugiej części pracy autorka dokonała prezentacji przesłanek i potencjalnych zastosowań metody studiowania przypadków w badaniach nauk o zarządzaniu. Przedstawiono schematyczną procedurę oraz cele prowadzenia badań case study. Ostatnia część artykułu poświęcona została zagadnieniu kryteriów rygoru metodologicznego w badaniach interpretatywnych.
The subject matter of this article is the application of case study research in the management sciences. The main goal of considerations is the identification of case study research application possibilities in terms of methodological rigor criteria. The paper is of a theoretical and systemizing nature. The author conducted a critical analysis of the available Polish and international literature. The paper opens with a synthetic characterization of qualitative research with regard to the alternative paradigm. In the second part of the article, the author presents the premises and potential applications of case study research in management studies. A schematic procedure and the main goals of case study research are presented. The last part of the article is dedicated to the issue of methodological rigor in qualitative research.
Celem artykułu jest określenie roli zarządzania jakością w zarządzaniu organizacją. Okazuje się, że zarządzanie, którego podstawą są zasady zarządzania jakością, umożliwia organizacji realizację założonych celów. Z kolei w przypadku konieczności poprawy funkcjonowania organizacji, projakościowe podejście definiuje schemat doskonalenia poszczególnych elementów działań, procesów i wyrobów. Warto zwrócić uwagę, że zarządzanie organizacją realizowane zgodnie z nauką o zarządzaniu albo zaleca korzystanie z ogólnych zasad doskonalenia, albo odwołuje się do narzędzi stosowanych w systemach zarządzania jakością. W pracy wykazano rosnącą rolę zarządzania jakością we współczesnym zarządzaniu organizacją. Jakkolwiek zarządzanie jakością nie jest (jeszcze) metametodą to jednak postrzeganie go tylko jako zbioru narzędzi zarządzania jest niewystarczające.
The main aim of the article is to show the role of quality management in organization management. It turns out that organization management based on quality management principles enables the organization to achieve its defined objectives. If the organization management needs to be improved, pro-quality approach identifies various steps to improve actions, processes and products. It is worth emphasizing that organization management realised according to management science, recommends using either universal methods of development or methods available in quality management systems. The paper also shows the growing role of quality management in contemporary organization management. Although quality management is not a super method of management yet, perceiving it as the set of management tools is insufficient.
nr 4
7658--7666, CD2
Artykuł podejmuje istotny problem charakteru logistyki w zarządzaniu kryzysowym. Autor stara sie wykazać, że nie jest możliwe zarządzanie kryzysowe bez wsparcia logistyki rozumianej, jako logistyka społeczna, a obie te dziedziny wiedzy łączy paradygmat trwałego, harmonijnego i zrównoważonego rozwoju. Doskonaląc wiedzę w tym zakresie konieczne jest podejście systemowe i interdyscyplinarne, przy czym niezależnie od szerokiej dyskusji w doktrynie dotyczącej instytucjonalnego określenia granic logistyki, to nauki o zarządzaniu w najszerszym stopniu mogą być platformą normalizującą i konsolidującą zarządzanie kryzysowe i logistykę społeczną.
The article discusses the essential problem of a logistics' role in crisis management. The author proves that the latter is not possible without a social logistics' support. These two disciplines are joined in common paradigm of sustainable development. Developing this knowledge requires a system and interdisciplinary approach. Regardless a discussion on institutional limits of logistics, the management sciences can be a standardizing and consolidating platform for crisis management and social logistics.
Content available Paradygmaty kultury organizacyjnej
W prezentowanym tekście uwagę poświęcono pojęciu i genezie paradygmatu, później ukazano typologie paradygmatów organizacji i zarządzania, a w następnie zostały one scharakteryzowane. Zwrócono uwagę, iż w badaniu kultury organizacyjnej mamy do czynienia z wielością paradygmatów. Pokazano, że rozwój nauk o zarządzaniu, podobnie jak rozwój innych dyscyplin naukowych wchodzących w skład różnych dziedzin nauki, jest nieodłącznie związany z powstaniem i ewaluowaniem nowych paradygmatów. Skoncentrowano się na propozycji macierzy paradygmatów opisanej przez Burrella i Morgana. Pokazano modyfikację nazewnictwa paradygmatów zaproponowaną przez Sułkowskiego. Podkreślono, że w stosunku do propozycji pierwotnej autorów z 1979 roku Sułkowski przekształcił nazwy paradygmatów, patrząc na klasyfikację paradygmatów z perspektywy historycznej, uwzględniającej rozwój nauk o zarządzaniu i pokrewnych nauk społecznych na przełomie XX i XXI wieku.
The work concentrates on the concept of paradigm in the management and organizational sciences. The genesis of the paradigms in these fields, their typology and characteristics are presented. The article points out that, in the study of organizational culture, we have to deal with the multiplicity of paradigms. As the management as well as other sciences develop new paradigms inevitably emerge. Particular attention was paid to the concept of matrix paradigms described by Burrell and Morgan, with its modification proposed by Sulkowski (the idea of naming paradigms). It was stressed that Sulkowski's concepts, in comparison to the originals from 1979, is a transformation that takes into account the historical perspective, including the development of management science and other social sciences at the turn of the twentieth and the twenty-first century.
W artykule autor przedstawił metodykę badawczą dla zaprojektowania zmian w systemie organizacyjnym przedsiębiorstwa z wykorzystaniem wybranych metod badawczych. Opracował model diagnozy systemu organizacyjnego przedsiębiorstwa oraz strukturę badań. W procesie badawczym wykorzystał autorską metodę badawczą LIDER. Podkreślił, iż realizowane w ramach dyscypliny nauk o zarządzaniu prace badawcze i będące ich wynikiem publikacje powinny być przez autorów wyraźnie ukierunkowane, co do ich przeznaczenia, tj. teorii i praktyki. Misją dyscypliny nauk o zarządzaniu jest służenie życiu gospodarczemu i społecznemu. Współpraca nauki z praktyką powinna być dzisiaj strategicznym elementem procesu zarządzania przedsiębiorstwem XXI wieku.
In the present article, the author presented a research methodology for designing changes within an enterprise’s operational system with the use of selected research methods. The author devised a model for diagnosing an enterprise’s operational system as well as the research structure. The author’s own research method called LIDER was applied in the research process. He emphasised that research studies carried out within the scope of the Management Sciences, as well as resulting publications should be explicitly defined by their authors as to their destination, i.e.: theory or practice. The mission of the Management Sciences is to play an auxiliary role to the practice of the economic and social life. The co-operation of science and practice should be now a strategic element of the management of the 21st-century enterprise.
Postindustrial era (postmodernity) is characterized by the accumulated variability of management conditions. It concerns the implementation of all management functions in practical and theoretical terms. The relatively young age of management science as a separate discipline causes, on the one hand, that a lot of publications, concepts and ideas are produced and, on the other hand, there are difficulties in verification of their real value. Demand for ideas on how to ensure the development of organizations in terms of competitiveness and thickening the variability of action is also generated by business practice. As a result, there is constant verification of theories (and pratheories) and the practical solutions of management. The study contains an analysis of the sustainability of principles and paradigms as well as the causes and scope of the theory and practice of management.
Content available remote Dezintegracja nauk o zarządzaniu : problemy metodologiczne
The aim of this paper is to provide some explanations for the process of management science fragmentation. The negative consequences are also presented. Some recommendations about future solutions, using the concept of paradigms of management, are made.
Content available remote Emerging Trend and Hot topics Researches in Modeling and Management Science
The modeling and simulation technology has been an influential technology in the research of management science. The information technology and application has been more and more important in scientific research. In the following is to introduce some emerging trend and hot topics researches in modeling and management. The title and abstract are presenting here and the full paper can be tracked by Google scholar. These papers had been peer-reviewed by the scientific committee from an International Workshop on the Modeling and Management Science that was held in Zhengzhou University, during Dec. 9-11, 2011.
W artykule przedstawiono zestaw artykułów opracowanych w uczelniach chińskich a dotyczący modelowania I symulacji oraz wykorzystania technik informacyjnych w zarządzaniu.
Content available remote Znaczenie kompetencji psychologiczno-społecznych w pracy menedżera
W związku z szybkim tempem zmian i złożonością problemów, z jakimi muszą zmierzyć się współcześni menedżerowie, zwraca się uwagę na szczególne znaczenie tych kompetencji, które determinują skuteczne działanie w różnych kontekstach zawodowych, grupach zadaniowych oraz pozwalają na pełne wykorzystanie potencjału kwalifikacyjnego i doświadczenia zawodowego. Kompetencje te określa się mianem kompetencji transferowalnych. Charakterystyczną cechą tych kompetencji jest ich transferowalność, czyli możliwość "przeniesienia" i zastosowania w innych/nowych sytuacjach zawodowych lub osobistych (Turek, Wojtczuk-Turek 2010). Wśród kompetencji transferowalnych coraz częściej wskazuje się na grupę tzw. kompetencji miękkich, które z jednej strony umożliwiają realizację założonych celów w relacjach z innymi ludźmi, z drugiej zaś wiążą się predyspozycjami związanymi z efektywnością osobistą. Celem artykułu jest ukazanie roli tzw. miękkich kompetencji w pracy menedżera. Opisana zostanie problematyka kompetencji społeczno-psychologicznych w naukach o zarządzaniu, ewolucja funkcji, zadań i roli menedżerów. W części empirycznej przedstawiono wnioski z badań autorki dotyczące omawianej problematyki.
Due to the fast changes and the complexity of problems that current managers have to deal with, the competencies which determine an efficient action in various occupational contexts, task groups and allow to use qualifying potential and work experience are very closely taken into consideration. These competencies are called transferable competencies. Their characteristic feature is their transferability i.e. the possibility to "transfer" and use them in different/new work-related or personal situations (Turek, Wojtczuk-Turek 2010). The group of so-called soft- competencies is being pointed out more and more often among transferable competencies. On the one hand, they allow to realize already established aims in relationships with other people, and on the other hand, they relate to predispositions connected with personal efficiency. The aim of this article is to show the significance of so-called soft competencies in manager's work. The problem of psychosocial competencies in management sciences will be discussed as well as evolution of function, tasks and role of managers. The conclusion supported by the research of the author will be provided in the empirical part.
Dziś nauki o zarządzaniu w Polsce nie stanowią samodzielnej dyscypliny nauki. Nauki o zarządzaniu posiadają pewne cechy szczególne. Zarysowała się nowa orientacja w zarządzaniu XXI wieku. Artykuł prezentuje status, przedmiot, cechy, nowe kierunki i obszary rozwoju nauk o zarządzaniu.
Today the management sciences in Poland are not the independent fieid of the science. The management sciences have particular attributes. There is a new orientation in management sciences of 21' century. The article presents status, object, attributes and new directions and areas of management sciences development.
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