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Content available The management of hospital marketing communication
Purpose: To verify how and with what instruments hospital managements handle marketing communication. An important aspect of the analyses is a diagnosis of hospitals’ promotional activities addressed to external and internal stakeholders, the purpose of which is to create appropriate relationships with patients and the socio-economic environment, and to build a favourable image of the medical establishment. Design/methodology/approach: The research included a study of specialist literature in the field of marketing in healthcare facilities and the execution of two individual in-depth interviews (IDI) with Dr. Radek Neuwirth, director of the Agel Třinec-Podlesí cardiology hospital operating in the border areas of Těšín Silesia in the Czech Republic, and Ms. Monika Kubalíková, PhD., who is the quality manager at this hospital. Findings: The marketing communication of hospitals has a multi-faceted nature. It can be evaluated not only from the perspective of providing information to current and future patients, but also from the point of view of the effectiveness and efficiency of promotional activities. In the long run, the competition for a favourable position in the market of medical services and for the limited financial resources of customers will be won by those hospitals which not only provide a higher standard of medical services, but which are also able to efficiently communicate with entities from the socio-economic environment. A particularly important role in this regard is played by the managerial competences of hospital executives and the optimal selection of the forms and tools of marketing communication. Research limitations/implications: In the future, it would be worthwhile to repeat the research among both actual and potential patients of specialist hospitals as well as representatives of other stakeholder groups. Practical implications: The effective management of a hospital’s marketing communications provides many benefits in terms of their corporate image, which leads to market and financial advantages. The models for the optimal communication between a hospital and the public are constantly evolving, with the main emphasis now being on the growing importance of social media and inbound marketing. Originality/value: The results of the analyses have cognitive and pragmatic value, especially in the context of the implementation of hospitals’ marketing communications with stakeholders.
Purpose: The aging society poses new challenges to managers of medical facilities to ensure that older adults have adequate conditions and access to professional health care and provide them with opportunities to increase their level of satisfaction and improve the quality of their functioning in society. The aim of the survey was to examine the opinions of older adults aged 65 years and older on the quality of medical services and to identify the most important characteristics of the quality of medical services included in their assessment. Design/methodology/approach: The study used a diagnostic survey method based on a questionnaire technique that was addressed to older adults living in the Silesian Voivodeship. The survey was conducted in late 2022 and early 2023 and covered 128 older adults. Findings: The survey showed that older adults living in the Silesian Voivodeship rated the medical services offered relatively well. Older adults gave the highest ratings to the location of health facilities, the approach to patients, the efficiency of service, and the availability of services provided by primary care physicians. Research limitations/implications: Analysis of the survey of older adults’ opinions on the quality of medical services identified key areas in need of corrective actions, such as the availability of night and holiday care, the use of modern solutions, the need for additional fees for medical services, and the number of medical staff members in medical facilities. Practical implications: By measuring patient satisfaction, healthcare facilities gain information on how well their healthcare delivery meets patients' expectations and needs, and what in their services is a source of patient dissatisfaction. The results of the survey provide the basis for corrective measures to improve the services provided whereas the managers in healthcare facilities gain knowledge about the needs of older adult patients and areas requiring solutions to improve the quality of the services offered. Social implications: The use of information from the survey makes it possible, through changes, to adapt the care system to the needs of older adults and suggests a direction for further quality assurance measures in healthcare. Originality/value: The paper provides an introduction to the complex topic of improving the quality of medical services and achieving a sufficient level of satisfaction among older adults.
Purpose: The article deals with the subject of innovation in theoretical and practical terms. The aim of the study was to determine the impact of innovations co-financed from EU funds on the development of the health care sector in the Łódź region. Design/methodology/approach: The article is based on literature studies, the results of literary studies from empirical research and own research of the author. The aim was achieved by the use of CATI technique (CATI - Computer Assisted Telephone Interview). Findings: Innovations in health care institutions are a necessary condition for overcoming the challenges of the contemporary environment. They contribute to the improvement of the quality of provided services, expansion of the examined entities (in terms of medical equipment and infrastructure) and increasing the level of accessibility to medical services. Research limitations/implications: The primary limitation of the conducted research is the lack of possibility to generalize the results to the entire group of entities operating in Poland. The results may serve as an assessment of the current status regarding the functioning of health care institutions in the Łódź region. Practical implications: The health level of a society is closely related to the level of economic development. A healthy, capable and long-living society is able to produce more goods and services, which has a direct impact on development, while a high level of development creates the possibility of allocating more resources to the health sector. Originality/value: This article presents original empirical findings on the sources of funding, types and areas, and effects of innovation ventures in hospitals. The efforts to improve the understanding and implementation of innovation in hospitals are significantly hindered by the lack of solid scientific evidence. Therefore, a framework for further research has been created to confirm the urgent need for directions in the development of innovation in the health sector.
Purpose: The purpose of this article is determine the level of medical services quality provided by medical clinics during the COVID-19 pandemic. Design/methodology/approach: The research was based on analyzing the results of a survey conducted among patients of Silesian clinics. First, a survey sheet was designed using the SERVQUAL model. The next step was to conduct a study in clinics in Silesia. As part of the study, 50 patients’ survey votes were received and analyzed. Findings: Respondents rate the state of health care in Poland as good, telehealth should be reserved for those in quarantine, and should be conducted only when prescriptions are being written, not when diagnosing a patient, respondents pointed out that medical facilities provided meeting conditions that did not expose patients to COVID-19 infection, hence it seems unjustified to use tele advice for patients not under compulsory quarantine. Research limitations/implications: The main research limitation is the number of feedback surveys received. If there were more votes, the research sample could be even more credible. Practical implications: The study was conducted in times of a real epidemiological threat. The results of the study show how, in a group of 50 patients, the key aspects related to the provision of medical care in Silesian healthcare institutions are perceived. Social implications: Patients’ observations regarding the functioning of the health care system in times of a pandemic and the key aspects related to ensuring access to this care are extremely valuable tips that may improve the standard of medical care in Poland also during possible future pandemic waves. Originality/value: Carrying out a literature analysis indicated that there were no studies conducted among patients so far. Thus, the research gap was defined. The authors decided to conduct the study directly among patients by sending the sheets to medical clinics.
Content available remote Opieka zdrowotna : problemy i perspektywy
It might seem that marketing and quality are two different worlds, two different management concepts, having separate research fields. However, marketing specialists believe that marketing should not be treated as a separate field of the organization's activity. Marketing approach is used in almost in all areas in organizations and it is the same in a healthcare services. Reflecting on the quality policy, preparing the offer, creating customer service procedures – the patient orientation should be in centered. Modern technologies help to fulfill and satisfy customer needs. Marketing also fulfills the tasks of integrating all areas of management in health care institutions, where the main goal (subject) of the action is the client-patient. Therefore, the use of marketing activities without appropriate quality standards is unjustified and the time and budget allocated for marketing is wasted.
Liczba pacjentów ze schyłkową niewydolnością nerek (SNN) rośnie dynamicznie w tempie 5–7% rocznie, co stanowi globalny problem dotyczący jakości świadczonej usługi medycznej przy ograniczonych, publicznych środkach finansowych. Istnieją sposoby polepszenia jakości usługi przy jednoczesnym zachowaniu równowagi między obsługą chorego dializowanego a płatnikiem NFZ. Artykuł ma charakter teoretyczno-empiryczny. W przeglądzie literatury przedstawiono analizę finansową i statystykę wykonywanych procedur medycznych, jak również zaprezentowano metaanalizę badań. W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań własnych wykonanych w szpitalu, który wdrożył systemy zarządzania jakością, jak również uzyskał certyfikat akredytacyjny. Badania dotyczą innowacyjnej metody polepszającej jakość dostępu naczyniowego u pacjentów dializowanych. Celem artykułu jest ocena problemu jakości życia pacjentów dializowanych i zaprezentowanie rozwiązania podnoszącego jakość obsługi pacjenta dializowanego w kontekście utrzymania dobrego dostępu naczyniowego, stanowiącego kluczowe wyzwanie dla personelu medycznego i samego pacjenta.
The number of patients suffering from end-stage renal disease (ESRD) is growing dynamically at the rate of 5–7% annually which makes it a global issue regarding the quality of medical services provided in the situation of limited public funds. There are methods to improve the service quality with concurrent maintenance of balance between the service provided to the dialysis patient and the National Health Fund payer. The article is of theoretical and empirical nature. The review of literature presents the financial analysis and statistics regarding the performed medical procedures as well as provides a meta-analysis of research. The article presents results of own investigation carried out at a hospital which has implemented quality management systems and was awarded the accreditation certificate. Investigation is the innovative method improving the quality of vascular access in hemodialysis patients. The purpose of the article is to assess the problem of the quality of life in hemodialysis patients and to present a solution that improves the quality of service provided to a hemodialysis patient in the content of maintenance of good vascular access, being the key challenge for the medical personnel as well as the patients themselves.
Cel pracy: W artykule przedstawiono aktualne poglądy dotyczące architektury obiektów ochrony zdrowia i jej wpływu na jakość usług medycznych, szczególnie w zakresie lecznictwa psychiatrycznego. Metodyka: Dokonano przeglądu literatury z zakresu analizowanego tematu. Przedstawiono aktualne dane zwarte w Evidence Base Design (EBD). Wnioski: W organizacji ochrony zdrowia należy wziąć pod uwagę wpływ architektury obiektów na jakość usługi medycznej. Korzyści z zastosowania EBD przekładają się na zaprojektowanie przyjaznego terapeutycznego środowiska, jak również mają wymiar ekonomiczny. Skrócenie czasu pobytu pacjenta w szpitalu, zmniejszenie liczby zakażeń wewnątrzszpitalnych, a także podniesienie efektywności pracy personelu i redukcja błędów znacząco obniżają koszty funkcjonowania jednostki medycznej.
Aim of the study: The article presents current views on the architecture of health care facilities and its impact on the quality of medical services, particularly in the field of psychiatric services. Methodology: A review of the literature in the field of the analyzed topic. Current Evidence Base Design (EBD) data are presented. Conclusions: In the health care organization, the impact of object architecture on the quality of health service should be taken into account. The benefits of using EBD not only translate into creating a friendly therapeutic environment, but also have an economic dimension. Shortening the patient’s stay in the hospital, reducing the number of nosocomial infections, as well as increasing the efficiency of personnel work and reducing errors, significantly reduce the operating costs of the medical unit.
The process approach of international standards ISO 9000 with the purpose of their implementation in medical institutions and use in the development and operation of medical information systems, is analyzed in the article. The main stages of medical services are considered. A module of e-Health for the assessment of the quality of health services, with taking into account the views of customers and forming the recommendations of quality improvement, has been designed.
W pracy została dokonana analiza podejścia procesowego standardów międzynarodowych serii ISO 9000, w celu ich wprowadzenia do działalności placówek medycznych, oraz wykorzystania podczas tworzenia i eksploatacji systemów informatyczno-medycznych. Rozpatrzone zostały podstawowe etapy świadczenia usług medycznych. Stworzony został moduł systemu E-health do oceny ich jakości, z uwzględnieniem opinii konsumentów i kształtowaniem zaleceń do polepszenia jakości.
Satysfakcja pacjenta to miara spełnienia oczekiwań osoby chorej i leczonej w placówce medycznej lub mającej inny kontakt z opieką zdrowotną. Jest ona istotnym wyznacznikiem jakości opieki medycznej w placówkach opieki zdrowotnej. Celem badań jest określenie poziomu satysfakcji pacjentów w Szpitalnych Oddziałach Ratunkowych. Cele szczegółowe: 1. Jak czas oczekiwania pacjentów na poradę w Szpitalnych Oddziałach Ratunkowych wpływa istotnie na poziom ich satysfakcji? 2. 2.W jakim stopniu według pacjentów są respektowane prawa pacjenta? 3. Czy pacjenci są zadowoleni z udzielanych świadczeń medycznych przez lekarzy w Szpitalnych Oddziałach Ratunkowych? 4. Jaka jest satysfakcja pacjentów przebywających w Szpitalnych Oddziałach Ratunkowych z opieki pielęgniarskiej? 5. Jakie są oczekiwania pacjentów przebywających w Szpitalnych Oddziałach Ratunkowych wpływające na zwiększenie poziomu ich satysfakcji? Metodą badań będzie sondaż diagnostyczny w oparciu o sformułowaną ankietę autorską. Badania zostały przeprowadzone wśród pacjentów przebywających w Szpitalnych Oddziałach Ratunkowych dwóch Klinicznych Szpitali w Lublinie. Liczebność próby to 210 osób. Termin badań: marzec 2013 r.- wrzesień 2013 r.
Patient satisfaction is a measure of the fulfillment of the expectations of the sick person and treated in a medical facility or having other contact with health care. It is an important indicator of quality of care in health care. The aim of the study is to determine the level of satisfaction of patients in Hospital Emergency Departments. Specific objectives: 1. As the waiting time of patients on the advice of Hospital Emergency Departments significantly affect their level of satisfaction? 2. To what extent are respected by patients, patient rights? 3. Are patients satisfied with the medical services provided by doctors in Hospital Emergency Departments? 183 4. What is the satisfaction of patients in Hospital Emergency Departments of nursing care? 5. What are the expectations of patients in Hospital Emergency Departments reported to increase their level of satisfaction? Test method is a diagnostic survey based on a questionnaire formulated author. The research was conducted among patients in Hospital Emergency Departments of two Clinical Hospital in Lublin. The sample size is 210 people. The term studies March 2013 - September 2013.
In this article, we analyzed the criteria of health services' quality. We suggested the matrix of criteria of health Service quality's estimation, illustrated estimation of its numerical meaning and suggested the general method of calculating the health service's quality.
W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań, dotyczące wpływu kapitału społecznego na realizację celów w zamkniętych zakładach opieki zdrowotnej. Kapitał społeczny w zamkniętych zakładach opieki zdrowotnej to kompetencje, podzielane społeczne normy, w tym zaufanie i zaangażowanie, które dzięki sieci powiązań przyczyniają się do skutecznego funkcjonowania tych placówek. Realizacja celów w zamkniętych zakładach opieki zdrowotnej ukierunkowana jest na orientację na pacjentów i ich potrzeby, dostarczenie wysokiej jakości usług oraz racjonalne gospodarowanie posiadanym budżetem. Na podstawie przeprowadzonych badań stwierdzono, iż kapitał społeczny wpływa na realizację celów w zamkniętych zakładach opieki zdrowotnej. Wykorzystanie znajomości kapitału społecznego jest kluczowe dla realizacji celów placówek służby zdrowia, między innymi dla realizacji funkcji społecznej, jaką są: ochrona zdrowia, świadczenia wysokiej jakość usług oraz generowania zysku.
Social capital is one of the key intangible resources of the organization which can contribute to survival and development as well as to achieve success by hospitals. Social capital in hospitals is defined as competences, social norms including trust and involvement which due to social networks contribute to effective running. Targets realization in hospitals are patient oriented, directed to high quality of medical services delivery and to manage the budget in a rationale way. On the basis of the research affirmed that social capital has impact on targets realization in hospitals. Make the most of social capital knowledge is essential to targets realization of hospitals, among others for realization of social function which is health protection, high quality medical services and profit generation.
Program kontroli zakażeń szpitalnych (rozumianej jako nadzór nad zakażeniami i ich zwalczanie) jest odzwierciedleniem ogólnego stanu standardu jakości usług medycznych świadczonych przez szpital lub inna placówkę leczenia (opieki) stacjonarnego. Dobrze opracowane i przestrzegane programy nadzoru pozwalają prowadzić racjonalną politykę antybiotykową oraz wpływają na zmniejszenie liczby zakażeń, a tym samym pozwalają skrócić czas pobytu chorego w szpitalu i obniżyć koszty leczenia.
The hospital, achieving the adequate accreditation, informs around about the correct, proper functioning and capability to realize the expectations of patients (being customers of that hospital). But the accreditation is not obligatory. In Poland was established officially a Centre for Quality Monitoring in Medical Services. Presently 65 Polish hospitals are accredited by this Centre. In comparison, it should be mentioned, in the USA over 80% of hospitals possess appropriate accreditation. In other countries this process is rapidly disseminated, because competition in Health Service is increasing. These problems are discussed in the article.
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