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w słowach kluczowych:  jakość życia zawodowego
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Purpose: The beginning work in a new place for an employee means a lot of stress resulting from confrontation with unfamiliar surroundings and people. The process of introducing an employee to work should involve not only the employer, but also the entire team, emphasizing care, willingness to help and support at such an important initial stage. The main aim of the research is to examine whether the adaptation of new employees in a trade enterprise is effective. An attempt has been made to identify the conditions in the process of social and professional adaptation of a new employee through the prism of corporate social responsibility. Design/methodology/approach: The paper is consisted with 2 parts. The first is about a theoretical context of CSR in small trade company level and personnel management issues and the adaptation of a new employe. The second part includes findings on research. The case study was used to develop research problem. The research questions included the issue of stress in the adaptation process and the role of the introducer. The study covered 100% of the study population. Data were analyzed using descriptive and non-parametric statistics methods (e.g. classification trees method to identify the importance of predictors). Findings: The research results indicate that the adaptation of a new employee is an important element of his/her quality of professional life, and for the organization it is an important aspect of implementing the social responsibility strategy. Taking into account the needs of employees, as internal stakeholders of the company, is an expression of the implementation of socially responsible management. The implementation of the CSR strategy can be assessed by the degree of employee satisfaction with the quality of work life, which results from the effectiveness of fulfilling tasks in the adaptation process. Research limitations/implications: Due to the fact that research is limited to the one chosen company results cannot be uncritically generalized. This study covers only a narrow part from a wide range of problems in shaping social responsibility in business. It only applies to actions taken towards employees in the adaptation process. Due to this implication, research should be deepened and expanded to include additional aspects both in terms of responsibility towards employees and other stakeholder groups. Practical implications: The research results can be a source of information for managers about factors important in shaping the personnel function of a socially responsible organization, primarily in the field of social and professional adaptation. Social implications: The article contributes to the development of knowledge and dissemination of good practices in the field of corporate social responsibility. Originality/value: The article presents a new approach to managing the personnel function in a business organization through the prism of the principles of social responsibility. Previous research does not directly or comprehensively take into account possible connections between corporate social responsibility and the adaptation process.
Purpose: The purpose of the study is to explore how Human Resources (HR) professionals understand the employee well-being (EWB) and how important it seems for employers in Poland as well as what programs that support EWB have been applied in organizations in Poland. Design/methodology/approach: Based on the selective literature review, available reports and own quality research – the semi-structured interviews conducted among HR professionals from organizations in Poland, the author explores how employers can comprehensively support building employee well-being. Findings: This research has shown that most of the HR professionals are aware of the important 14 role of the EWB in determining an organization’s long-term effectiveness and building a competitive advantage. However, the employers’ approach to EWB is more reactive than proactive as only two of the interviewed HR professionals could explained how the EWB was rooted in the business strategy and executed within all of the four areas of integrated EWB. Research limitations/implications: The research has some limitations as the sample of the HR experts was not very large – it consisted of ten HR professionals. Moreover, most of the professionals have represented large corporations. Therefore, it would be recommended to provide future research in various organizations as well as enlarge the sample. Practical implications: The research has shown what actions has been undertaken by the employers to build employee well-being. There were mapped the main tools that support the four areas of integrated EWB used by the employers. Social implications: EWB plays crucial role in sustaining Human Capital and it is an important aspect of corporate social responsibility. The paper might raise the awareness among the employers in Poland about the importance of Sustainable Human Resource Management. Originality/value: The paper shows the integrated approach toward the EWB and explores how the EWB practices may be developed within the organization. The paper may be useful for entrepreneurs, managers and HR professionals.
Current study aimed at examining the effect of quality of work-life QWL (Employee development, Participation, Compensation, Supervision and Work environment) on occupational burnout among a sample of employees and workers within SMEs in Kuwait during the fiscal year 2021-2022. The study adopted a quantitative methodology in which a questionnaire was distributed to working individuals (303) within Kuwaiti SMEs. SPSS was employed to screen and analyze the gathered primary data. Results of the study indicated the acceptance of the main hypotheses arguing that a good quality of work life can reduce the level of occupational burnout among employees. In addition, the study found that quality of work life significantly influences burnout among employees within Kuwaiti SMEs. Besides, among QWL variables, it was found that "work environment" was the most influential variable in reducing burnout among employees. The study recommended enhancing the availability of the dimensions of quality of working life to reduce the feeling of job burnout by strengthening social relations and workers' participation in decision-making processes, training and development programs, and granting promotion when it is due. Further recommendations were presented in the paper as well.
Bieżące badanie miało e na celu zbadanie wpływu jakości życia zawodowego QWL (rozwój pracowników, uczestnictwo, wynagrodzenia, nadzór i środowisko pracy) na wypalenie zawodowe wśród próby pracowników i pracownic MŚP w Kuwejcie w roku podatkowym 2021-2022 . W badaniu przyjęto metodologię ilościową, w ramach której kwestionariusz ankiety rozesłano do osób pracujących (303) w MŚP z Kuwejtu. SPSS został zastosowany do badania i analizy zebranych danych pierwotnych. Wyniki badania wskazały na akceptację głównych hipotez twierdząc , że dobra jakość życia zawodowego może zmniejszyć poziom wypalenia zawodowego wśród pracowników. Ponadto badanie wykazało, że jakość życia zawodowego znacząco wpływa na wypalenie wśród pracowników w kuwejckich MŚP. Poza tym spośród zmiennych QWL stwierdzono, że „środowisko pracy” było najbardziej wpływową zmienną w redukcji wypalenia zawodowego wśród pracowników. W badaniu zalecono zwiększenie dostępności wymiarów jakości życia zawodowego w celu zmniejszenia poczucia wypalenia zawodowego poprzez wzmocnienie relacji społecznych i udziału pracowników w procesach decyzyjnych, szkoleniach i programach rozwojowych oraz przyznawanie awansów gdy jest on należny. ie. W artykule przedstawiono również dalsze rekomendacje.
Content available The problems of quality of working life measure
The publication discusses issues related to the problems of Quality of Working Life (QWL). QWL is the set of indicators created to measure the quality of the working life. This is not an easy problem to address because different approaches to work exist, from the negative approach, to the approach that concentrates on satisfaction and fulfillment obtained through work. The aim of the paper is to analyze the concept of QWL indicator and present some examples of the sub indicators used in this case.
Artykuł ma charakter teoretyczno-empiryczny. Przedstawiono w nim zagadnienia związane z przyczynami niechęci młodych potencjalnych pracowników wobec podjęcia pracy w uczelni w kontekście postrzeganej jakości życia zawodowego. Wyniki analizy poznawczo-krytycznej literatury przedmiotu wskazują, że dotychczas raczej nie badano aspektów dotyczących występowania uczelni w roli pracodawcy, a tym bardziej nie analizowano działań personalnych, jakie powinna ona podejmować w celu przyciągania najlepszych kandydatów na pracowników. Istnieje zatem luka poznawcza i badawcza w tym zakresie. Dążąc do jej zmniejszenia, przeprowadzono badania pierwotne, podczas których wykorzystano metodę badania ankietowego. Zebrane dane pierwotne poddano analizie ilościowej, stosując test Kruskala-Wallisa. Wyniki tej analizy pozwoliły na weryfikację sformułowanej hipotezy badawczej, mówiącej, że płeć nie jest cechą różnicującą przyczyny braku zainteresowania pracą w uczelni. Okazało się, że w przypadku ankietowanych należy ją odrzucić, gdyż można wskazać jedną przyczynę, dla której wspomniana cecha różnicowała odpowiedzi respondentów w sposób statystycznie istotny.
The article has the theoretical-empirical character. The considerations related to the reasons of young potential employees’ aversion toward an university as an employer in the context of perceived quality of professional life were presented. The results of cognitive-critical analysis of literature show that the aspects connected with playing the role of employer by an university haven’t been surveyed. The personnel activities which should be taken to attract the best candidates haven’t been analysed either. That’s why one can state that the cognitive and the research gaps exist. To reduce these gaps the primary researches were conducted using questionnaire survey method. Gathered primary data were analysed applying Kruskal-Wallis test etc. The results of this analysis allowed to verify the research hypothesis that the gender didn’t differentiate the reasons of lack of interest in an university as an employer. This hypothesis was rejected, because there was one reason which was differentiated in the statistically significant way due to mentioned feature.
The success of any organisation is dependent on how effectively it attracts recruits, and the manner in which it motivates and retains its workforce. To cope up with the current situations, managements must be flexible enough in dealing with their workforce and ensure loyalty in their employees. In order to satisfy the employees and achieve organisational goals, the management must adopt new approaches to improve the quality of work life of employees. This paper aims to measure the factors influencing the quality of work life and the impact of quality of work life on employees’ performance. A sample of 150 employees from a textile industry was selected and the study reveals that organisational culture, training and development, compensation and rewards, and job satisfaction differ from department to department, which have great impact on the quality of work life of employees. The positive finding in this study is that there is a healthy relationship among the subordinates and superiors which leads to effective communication and cooperation. Thus, quality of work life of employees has a positive impact on productivity of the employees.
The subject of the study are the issues connected with factors determining quality of life and level of job satisfaction of female managers (representatives of freelance jobs) Poland and in France. The paper attempt to answer the following questions: is there any relationship between evaluation of professional life and job satisfaction and ones age; having children or childleness, having a handicapped person in one's family; amount of time devoted to paid work; ability to integrateone's job and family life; objectively and subjectively evaluated professional achivements; one's level of income; the level of acceptance of the management strategy; evaluation of the abilituy to manage one's career? The analisis of the results gave clear evidence that the factors determining one's assessment of quality of professional life or job satisfaction mostly do not refer to external conditions but they include values connected with perception of one's own professional life. Additionally, regardless of cultural differences these determinants are common as wellas peculiar characteristic for a given nation.
Przedmiotem artykułu są czynniki determinujące jakość życia zawodowego i poziom zadowolenia z wykonywanej pracy u kobiet reprezentujących wolne zawody, będących na kierowniczych stanowiskach w Polsce i we Francji. Artykuł zmierza do uzyskania odpowiedzi na następujące pytanie: czy istnieje zależność między oceną jakości życia zawodowego i zadowolenia z pracy a wiekiem uczestniczących w badaniu kobiet; posiadaniem lub nie posiadaniem przez nie dzieci, posiadaniem w najbliższej rodzinie osoby niepełnosprawnej; czasem poświęcanym na pracę zawodową (obciążeniem pracą); umiejętnością pogodzenia życia zawodowego z obowiązkami rodzinnymi; obiektywnie i subiektywnie wartościowanymi osiągnięciami zawodowymi; poziomem uzyskiwanych dochodów a także poziomem akceptacji strategii zarządzania instytucji, w ramach której zą zrzeszone lub zatrudnione a także postrzegniem możliwości kierowania swoją karierą zawodową? Uzyskane dane wykazały, że rozpatrywane zmienne (jakość życia zawodowego i poziom satysfakcji z wykonywanej pracy) w przeważającej liczbie przypadków nie są zależne od czynników zewnętrznych zarówno w grupie Polek jak i Francuzek. W większym stopniu zależą od uznawanych wartości związanych z pracą zawodową a zaistniałe niezbyt duże rozbieżności wynikają z pewnych odmienności kulturowych.
In this paper, we present a macroergonomic model of work design that is applied and tested to examine Total Quality Management (TQM) in the public sector. According to the model, TQM can influence different aspects of work design and quality of working life (QWL). Questionnaire data collected in 2 public sector organizations in the USA show that TQM can have both positive and negative impact on work design and QWL. The main positive impact of TQM was found on job content, job control and participation, and social relationships. The main negative impact of TQM was on workload, uncertainty, and clarity of job duties. The impact of TQM on QWL was mixed. Our results show that the impact of TQM on work design and QWL varied very much across the 6 participating departments, as well as within the departments. Further research is warranted to assess the human impact of TQM, in particular research on the linkage between various aspects of TQM, on one hand, and work design and QWL, on the other hand.
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