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Groundwater quality determination and age estimation in a desert landscape of El Golea province situated in the south of Algeria has been investigated in the present research paper. For this regard, 57 water samples were collected from an aquifer composed of two superimposed systems; phreatic and deep continental intercalary (CI) aquifers which are a part of the Northern Sahara Aquifer System (NWSAS). Samples were analyzed to assess the age and water quality using descriptive, multivariate statistics (PCA and HCA) and stable isotopes. It is revealed that more than 71% of the IC points are characterized by a water type (Ca2+, Mg2+) (HCO3 – )2 and more than 83% of the TC samples are defined by a water type (Ca2+, Na+) (HCO3 – , SO4 2 – ) and very high salt ions contents due to the influence of surface water, evaporate leaching and irrigation water return. The isotopic composition of samples of phreatic and CI aquifers shows a clear difference between the two qualities of water. The phreatic aquifer is characterized by the δ18O range from –4.68 to –6.1, whereas δ2H from –47.25 to –59.48 and CI with values of the δ18O range from –5.96 to –7.6, and δ2H range between –53.7 and –65.78 isotopic signature. The unconfined aquifer above IC forms a special case of a mixture of ancient water from deep horizons and recent water strongly enriched from shallow horizon lands.
The Silurian Pelplin Formation is a part of a thick, mud-prone distal fill of the Caledonian foredeep, which stretches along the western margin of the East European Craton. The Pelplin Formation consists of organic carbon-rich mudstones that have recently been the target of intensive investigations, as they represent a potential source of shale gas. The Pelplin mudstones host numerous calcite concretions containing authigenic pyrite and barite. Mineralogical and petrographic examination (XRD, optical microscopy, cathodoluminoscopy, SEM-EDS) and stable isotope analyses (δ13Corg, δ13C and δ18O of carbonates, δ34S and δ18O of barite) were carried out in order to understand the diagenetic conditions that led to precipitation of this carbonate-sulfide-sulfate paragenesis and to see if the concretions can enhance the understanding of sedimentary settings in the Baltic and Lublin basins during the Silurian. Barite formed during early diagenesis before and during the concretionary growth due to a deceleration of sedimentation during increased primary productivity. The main stages of concretionary growth took place in yet uncompacted sediments shortly after their deposition in the sulfate reduction zone. This precompactional cementation led to preferential preservation of original sedimentary structures, faunal assemblages and earlydiagenetic barite, which have been mostly lost in the surrounding mudstones during burial. These components allowed for the reconstruction of important paleoenvironmental conditions in the Baltic and Lublin basins, such as depth, proximity to the detrital orogenic source and marine primary productivity. Investigation of the concretions also enabled estimation of the magnitude of mechanical compaction of the mudstones and calculation of original sedimentation rates. Moreover, it showed that biogenic methane was produced at an earlydiagenetic stage, whereas thermogenic hydrocarbons migrated through the Pelplin Formation during deep burial.
Groundwater age plays an important role in both development and management of groundwater resources. This is particularly true for groundwater systems being exploitedfor drinking water purposes and subject to anthropogenic stress. Environmental isotopes play a vital role in quantifying time scales of groundwater flow, ranging from fraction of a year to millions of years. Over the past several decades a large number of groundwater age indicators have been proposed. Apart of radioactive isotopes, also stable isotopes of water, isotopes of noble gases and anthropogenic trace substances present in the atmosphere have been usedfor this purpose. This work is focusing on methodological aspects of groundwater age determinations using tritium, radiocarbon and stable isotope composition of water. The discussion is based on a rich material available after several decades of application of environmental isotope techniques in groundwater studies in Poland.
Praca prezentuje własności fizyczne, skład chemiczny i zawartości naturalnych izotopów promieniotwórczych oraz względnych wartości δ18O, δ2H wybranych wód butelkowanych mineralnych, mineralnych i leczniczych z ujęć zlokalizowanych w różnych uzdrowiskach rehabilitacyjnych na Białorusi. Wody te zostały zebrane w okresie od 2012 do 2015 roku i analizowane w laboratoriach Wydziału Fizyki i Informatyki Stosowanej AGH oraz Wydziału Geologii, Geofizyki i Ochrony Środowiska AGH. W większości badanych wód dominują jony Cl-, SO42-, Na+ i Ca2+, a ich mineralizacja zmienia się w szerokim zakresie od kilku set mg/dm3 aż do około 150 g/dm3, pH od 6.6 do 9.1 a Eh od -283 do 259 mV. Stężenia izotopów radu zmieniają się od ≤ 5 mBq/dm3 aż do 17.6 Bq/dm3, a aktywność właściwa 228Ra zwykle jest wyższa od 226Ra. Stężenia izotopów uranu są zawarte w zakresie od poniżej 0.5 mBq/dm3 do 75 mBq/dm3 dla 238U i do ok. 300 mBq/dm3 dla 234U. Zawartości izotopu trytu są poniżej 1.1 UT, wartości d18O są w zakresie od -10.9‰ do -7.8‰ i d2H od -84‰ do -59,4‰. Te wartości wykazują, że w badanych wodach przeważa woda zasilana z okresu holocenu. Niektóre wody mineralne zawierają składniki swoiste (Rn, Br, Fe) które nadają im własności farmakodynamiczne.
This work presents the physical properties, chemical composition, natural radionuclides’ concentrations and the relative values of δ18O, δ2H of selected bottled mineral, mineral and therapeutic waters of some water intakes localized at different therapeutic centers in Belarus. The water samples were collected in the period from January 2012 to June 2015 and analyzed at the Faculty of Geology, Geophysics and Environmental Protection and Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science laboratories, AGH University of Science and Technology in Kraków Poland. The results show that the dominating ions in the majority of waters are Cl-, SO42-, Na+ and Ca2+, the total dissolved solids (TDS) of the investigated waters ranges from several hundred mg/L to near 150 g/L, pH from 6.6 to 9.2 and Eh from -283 to 259 mV. The radium isotopes concentration ranges from below the limit of detection to 17 Bq/L, and the specific activity of 228Ra is often higher than those of 226Ra. The uranium concentration range from below 0.5 mBq/L to 75 mBq/L for 238U and to 300 mBq/L for 234U. In some waters the uranium activity ratio (234U/238U) is very high. The tritium concentrations are below 1.1 UT, d18O range from -10.9‰ to -7.8‰ and d2H from -84‰ to -59.4‰. These values indicate that groundwaters are dominated by components which were recharged during the Holocene. Due to the presence of specific elements such as iron, bromine and radon, as well as hydrogen sulfide, some mineral waters are classified as therapeutic.
This study focuses on the inter- and intra-specific variability in δ13C and δ18O values of shells and opercula of gastropods sampled live from the littoral zone of Lake Lednica, western Poland. The δ13C and δ18O values were measured in individual opercula of Bithynia tentaculata and in shells of Bithynia tentaculata, Gyraulus albus, Gyraulus crista, Lymnaea sp., Physa fontinalis, Radix auricularia, Theodoxus fluviatilis and Valvata cristata. The gastropods selected for the study are among the species most commonly found in European Quaternary lacustrine sediments. The carbon isotope composition of the gastropod shells was species-specific and the same order of species from the most to the least 13C-depleted was observed at all sites sampled. Differences in shell δ13C values between species were similar at all sampling sites, thus the factors influencing shell isotopic composition were interpreted as species-specific. The δ18O values of shells were similar in all the species investigated. Significant intra-specific variability in shell δ13C and δ18O values was observed not only within the populations of Lake Lednica, which can be explained by heterogeneity of δ13C DIC, δ18O water and water temperature between the sites where macrophytes with snails attached were sampled, but also between individuals sampled from restricted areas of the lake’s bottom. The latter points to the importance of factors related to the ontogeny of individual gastropods.
A high-resolution latest Early Campanian to Early Maastrichtian carbon and oxygen stable isotope record from the northern German Boreal shelf sea based on 537 analyses of co-occurring belemnites, brachiopods, inoceramids, oysters, and bulk rock samples is presented. All samples are precisely related to their stratigraphic, systematic and facies backgrounds and form an integrated, nearly 10-myr-long dataset with considerable palaeoenvironmental and palaeoceanographical implications. Petrographic studies indicate that low-magnesium calcitic coccoliths and calcispheres (i.e., planktic carbonate) predominate the bulk-rock data (marl-limestone rhythmites and chalks), thus representing a sea-surface water signal, and that only minor diagenetic alteration of the carbonate muds took place. Based on TL and CL microscopy, the investigated belemnites are extraordinarily well preserved, which may in part be explained by their early diagenetic surficial silicification (container effect), while the other macroinvertebrate groups are all less well preserved. The (plankton-dominated) δ13C values of the marl-limestone rhythmites and chalks (+1.1 to +2.5‰), recording a surface water signal, compare well with the δ13C data of inoceramids while δ13C brach.values (+1.5 to +3.0‰) are heavier than the bulk rock data. The large variation in the δ13Cbel. (-0.1 to +3.6‰) is attributed to isotopic disequilibrium of the biogenic carbonate formed by the belemnite animal. The bulk rock δ18O values show a remarkable low scatter, supporting petrographic observation of only minor diagenetic stabilisation/cementation, and can be approximated with northern German shelf sea-surface temperatures of ca. 20°C for the Late Campanian (ca. -2‰ δ18O), being slightly cooler during the Early Maastrichtian. The δ18O values of the belemnite rostra are even less variable and quite rich in heavier 18O (-0.7 to +0.6 with a mean of -0.1‰ δ18Obel.) in comparison to bulk rock and other skeletal components. Based on their excellent microstructural preservation and non-luminescence, we conclude that the belemnite rostra are diagenetically unaltered and have preserved the primary δ18O signal of ambient seawater (12±2°C). In the absence of any indication for migration from cooler water masses and evidence for authochtonous populations we assume that the belemnites of the genera Belemnitella and Belemnella lived as nektobenthos near the sea-floor and thus record the temperature of the bottom mixed layer of the seasonally weakly stratified north German shelf sea at water depths of 100 to 150 m; the temperature gradient was thus 12.5–18.75 m/1°C. A conspicuous latest Campanian cooling event is evident in both sea-surface and bottom-water temperatures. The δ18O values of nearly all investigated benthic fossils lie between the isotope values of pristine belemnites and bulk rock, and, therefore, should be used for palaeotemperature reconstructions only with great care.
Investigations of processes occurring during wastewater treatment have progressed beyond the stage of technology. Currently, great numbers of representatives of diverse specialist research apply increasingly sophisticated measurement methods that have not been employed in this field of science. One of the methods is IRMS (Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry). Tracking changes in the ratios of biogenic element isotopes is useful in eg identification and monitoring of investigated processes. Since the IRMS technique has hardly been used for investigations of the wastewater treatment process, pilot research should be instigated to determine the isotope ratios occurring naturally in the process. The aim of the study was to determine changes in carbon and nitrogen isotope ratios at the successive stages of the technological line in wastewater treatment plants. The study material comprised: i) suspensions of raw sewage and mixtures of wastewater and activated sludge; ii) gases sampled from the volume of the suspensions; iii) gases sampled from the air above the suspension surface. The research material originated from the facilities of “Hajdow” municipal wastewater treatment plant in Lublin (SE Poland). The samples were analysed for the carbon and nitrogen isotope ratios, and the concentrations of the gases as well as total organic carbon (TOC), inorganic carbon (IC), Kjeldahl nitrogen (KN), dry weight, pH, and Eh were determined. The results obtained suggest that: i) the IRMS technique can be successfully applied in investigations of processes occurring during wastewater treatment; ii) isotope ratios in the carbon and nitrogen compounds (CO2 and N2) both in the suspensions and gases contained therein and in the air above them differ from each other and change at the different stages of the treatment process; iii) further research is indispensable in order to identify processes responsible for fractionation of carbon and nitrogen isotopes.
Badania procesów zachodzących w trakcie oczyszczania ścieków dawno wyszły już poza fazę technologiczną. Obecnie zaobserwować można coraz większe grono przedstawicieli różnych specjalności wykorzystujących do badań coraz bardziej wyszukane metody pomiarowe, które do tej pory nie były wykorzystywane w tym obszarze. Jedną z takich metod jest IRMS (Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry). Śledzenie zmian stosunków izotopów pierwiastków biogenicznych jest przydane w identyfikacji i monitorowaniu badanych procesów. Ponieważ technika IRMS praktycznie nie była do tej pory wykorzystywana do badania procesu oczyszczania ścieków, dlatego niezbędne są pilotażowe badania pozwalające na wyznaczenie naturalnie występujących stosunków izotopowych w tym procesie. Celem pracy było określenie zmian stosunków izotopów węgla i azotu na wybranych stopniach ciągu technologicznego oczyszczalni ścieków. Materiał badawczy obejmował: i) zawiesiny ścieków surowych i mieszaniny ścieków i osadu czynnego, ii) próby gazów z objętości zawiesin; iii) próby gazów z powietrza sponad powierzchni zawiesin. Materiał badawczy pochodzi z miejskiej oczyszczalni ścieków „Hajdów” w Lublinie (SE Polska). Próbki analizowano pod kątem stosunków izotopów stabilnych węgla i azotu, stężeń gazów oraz zawartości całkowitego węgla organicznego (TOC), węgla nieorganicznego (IC), azotu Kjeldahla (KN), suchej masy, pH i Eh. Uzyskane wyniki sugerują, że: i) technika IRMS może być z powodzeniem stosowana w badaniach procesów zachodzących podczas oczyszczania ścieków, ii) stosunki izotopowe w związkach węgla i azotu (CO2 i N2), zarówno w zawiesinach, jak i w zawartych w nich gazach oraz w powietrzu nad zawiesiną, różnią się od siebie i zmieniają się na różnych etapach procesu obróbki, iii), niezbędne są dalsze badania w celu określenia procesów odpowiedzialnych za frakcjonowania izotopów węgla i azotu.
The history of research into the cementation of the Upper Cretaceous Chalk of the UK is reviewed. Calcite-filled vugs within the shell cavities of terebratulid brachiopods from the Cenomanian Chalk of eastern england have been investigated by cathodoluminesence imaging, staining, electron microprobe and stable isotope analysis. This has provided the first detailed analysis of the geochemistry of the Chalk.s cement. two cement series, suboxic and anoxic, are recognized. Both start with a Mg-rich calcite with positive [delta^13]C values considered to have been precipitated under oxic conditions influenced by aerobic ammonification. The suboxic series is characterized by positive [delta^13]C values that became increasingly so as cementation progressed, reaching values of 3.5[per mil]. Manganese is the dominant trace element in the earlier cement, iron in the later cement. Mn-and Fe-reducing microbes influenced cement precipitation and the trace element and [delta^13]C patterns. The anoxic series is characterized by [delta^13]C values that became increasingly negative as cementation progressed, reaching values of .6.5[per mil]. Trace elements are dominated by iron and manganese. Sulphate-reducing microbes influenced cement precipitation and the trace element and [delta^13]C patterns. Both cement series are related closely to lithofacies and early lithification pre-dating the regional hardening of the Chalk. The suboxic series occurs in chalk which was continuously deposited and contained hematite pigment and limited organic matter. The anoxic series was associated with slow to nil deposition and hardground development inc halks that originally contained hematite pigment but no longer do so, and an enhanced supply of organic matter.
W artykule omówiono zastosowanie metod izotopowych w kontroli żywności. Zróżnicowanie składu izotopowego produktów żywnościowych w zależności od metody ich produkcji i miejsca ich pochodzenia (rejonu geograficznego) umożliwia identyfikację różnego typu zafałszowań w żywności - kontrolę autentyczności badanej żywności. Z punktu widzenia analityki żywności metody izotopowe stanowią uzupełnienie metod analizy chemicznej, a nie są bezpośrednią dla nich konkurencję. W artykule przedstawiono cele i zakres funkcjonowania metod izotopowych wdrożonych już przez różne organizacje. Temat został zilustrowany wieloma przykładami zastosowań.
In the article, the application of isotopic methods in the food control was discussed. The differentiation of the isotopic composition of food products depending on the method of their production and the place of their origin (geographical region)) enables identification of the different types of food adulteration, i.e. allows food authenticity control. From the analytical point of view the isotopic methods play a supplemental role for methods of classical chemical analysis, but not for immediate competition with them. In the article the aims and the range of employing the isotopic methods, being already implemented by different international organizations, were submitted. The theme is illustrated by many examples of applications.
Content available remote Izotopy stabilne w kontroli pochodzenia żywności
Lake series from the Eemian Interglacial and Early Vistulian has been discovered at Solniki in the Białystok Upland region, north-eastern Poland. Preliminary results of interdisciplinary researches (pollen, diatom, Cladocera, isotopic and magnetic susceptibility analyses) were used to illustrate the changes of the Eemian climate. At present stage of investigations, there are found signs of two abrupt climatic oscillations - first with very humid climate took place at middle part of the regional Carpinus pollen zone (E5 R PAZ), and second with cold and dry climate at middle part of the regional Pinus zone (E7 R PAZ).
W Solnikach na Wysoczyźnie Białostockiej (północno-wschodnia Polska) odkryto serię osadów jeziornych reprezentujących interglacjał eemski i wczesny vistulian. Wstępne wyniki badań interdyscyplinarnych (analiza pyłkowa, okrzemkowa i Cladocera, pomiary podatności magnetycznej osadów oraz zawartości izotopów stabilnych tlenu i węgla) wykorzystano do zilustrowania zmian klimatu podczas interglacjału eemskiego. Udokumentowano dwie gwałtowne oscylacje klimatu - pierwsza z ciepłym i bardzo wilgotnym klimatem (?opady) miała miejsce w środkowej części poziomu pyłkowego E5 Carpinus, druga z klimatem suchym i bardzo zimnym - w środkowej części poziomu E7 Pinus.
Results of oxygen and carbon isotope analyses of Eemian lacustrine sediments from two sites from central Poland are presented. The Besiekierz palaeolake is located about 25 km north of Łódź at 130 m a.s.l. The 4 m thick sediments are represented by silty sands and clayey silts, overlain by gyttja and organic silts and peat. The Studzieniec palaeolake is located near Sierpc at 112 m a.s.l. The sediments above 19 m thick of Studzieniec core were analysed. The succession contains silty sands and clayey silts on the bottom, then gyttja, organic silts and peat in the upper part. Results of pollen analysis document that the sediments from Besiekierz and Studzieniec accumulated during the final part of the Wartanian Glaciation through to the Vistulian Glaciation. Based on the results of stable isotope analyses of sediments the isotopic horizons (Is) were defined and characterized for each succession. Results of isotopic analysis correlated with pollen data enabled reconstruction of both climatic and hydrological processes such: a lake deepening and/or an influx of groundwater enriched in light isotopes (at Besiekierz - Is 3-Be; at Studzieniec - Is 3-St); a warming of climatic conditions (at Besiekierz - Is 3-8-Be; at Studzieniec - Is 3-6-St); an increase of biological activity or existence of methanogenesis (at Studzieniec - Is 7-St). The positive correlation of d18O and d13C curves is characterized for the closed system of lake.
Wykonano oznaczenia składu izotopów trwałych tlenu i węgla dla osadów jeziornych, zawierających węglan wapnia, z dwóch profili: Besiekierz i Studzieniec (centralna Polska). W Besiekierzu (ok. 30 km na północ od Łodzi) pod osadami piaszczysto-gliniastymi występuje seria osadów jeziorno-bagiennych złożona z gytii, mułków organicznych i torfów. W Studzieńcu k. Sierpca (112 m n.p.m.) osady jeziorne wykształcone są: w spągu - w postaci mułków słabo węglanowych, wyżej - gytii, a w stropie - mułków organicznych i torfów. Na podstawie wyników analiz palinologicznych stwierdzono, że badane osady były akumulowane od schyłku zlodowacenia warty, przez interglacjał eemski, do początku zlodowacenia wisły. Uzyskane wyniki oznaczeń izotopowych pozwoliły na wydzielenie i scharakteryzowanie horyzontów izotopowych (Is) dla każdego profilu. Korelacja danych izotopowych i palinologicznych umożliwiła rekonstrukcję zmian klimatycznych i hydrologicznych zachodzących w okresie interglacjału eemskiego, takich jak: pogłębienie zbiornika i/lub dopływ wód bogatych w lekkie izotopy (Besiekierz - Is 3-Be, Studzieniec - Is 3-St), ocieplenie klimatu (Besiekierz - Is 3-8-Be, Studzieniec - Is 3-6-St), wzrost aktywności biologicznej lub występowanie zjawiska metanogenezy (Studzieniec - Is 7-St). Ponadto zaobserwowana współkształtność krzywych izotopowych w obu profilach jest charakterystyczna dla zamkniętych systemów jeziornych.
Suwalski masyw anortozytowy wraz ze skałami osłony należy do powszechnie występującej na świecie facji skał magmowych typu AMCG (anortozyty-mangeryty-czarnokity-granity), związanych ze strefami głębokich rozłamów w skorupie proterozoicznej. W ostatnich latach, dzięki intensywnym badaniom w ramach międzynarodowych programów badawczych, np. IGCP-290, NATO, EUROBRIDGE-EUROPROBE, przeprowadzono w różnych ośrodkach na świecie (głównie w Kanadzie, USA i w Belgii) wiele nowych badań i eksperymentów laboratoryjnych, które poszerzyły wiedzę dotyczącą genezy i ewolucji anortozytów masywowych i skał z nimi związanych. Możliwość wykorzystania nowoczesnych, wyspecjalizowanych technik badawczych, geochemicznych (XRF, ICP MS i analiz w mikroobszarze), katodoluminescencji, metod geochronologicznych Re-Os i U-Pb oraz stosunków izotopowych 186Os/187Os, 143Nd/186144Nd i 86Sr/87Sr, pozwoliło również na weryfikację istniejących poglądów dotyczących genezy anortozytowej intruzji suwalskiej. Zastosowany do datowań siarczków i tlenków kruszcowych, rozproszonych w anortozytach i norytach, chronometr Re-Os pozwolił na określenie nie tylko wieku mineralizacji kruszcowej Fe-Ti-V, lecz pośrednio także wieku intruzji. Było to pierwsze w świecie zastosowanie metody Re-Os do datowań anortozytów masywowych. Wiek izochronowy dla rud z rejonu Krzemianka i Jezioro Okrągłe wynosi 1559-37 mln lat, a dla rud z Udrynia 1556-94 mln lat. Uzyskane stosunki izotopowe 186Os/187Os (1,16-0,06 mln lat dla złoża Krzemianka i 0,87-0,20 mln lat dla złoża Udryń) oraz Nd (-2,5 do -5,3) wskazują na dolnoskorupowe pochodzenie magmy macierzystej dla anortozytów. Prawdopodobnym protolitem dla anortozytów były skały o składzie gabronorytów przetapiane na głębokości odpowiadającej ciśnieniom 10-13 kbar oraz temperaturom ok. 1300 stopni Celsjusza. Badania geochemiczne i mikroskopowe jotunitów (monzodiorytów hiperstenowych) z masywów Suwałk i Sejn oraz obserwacje deformacji fenokryształów plagioklazów i piroksenów w anortozytach wskazują, że magma macierzysta przemieszczała się ku powierzchni w stanie zawiesiny plagioklazów i piroksenów. Umiejscowienie półplastycznego diapiru plagioklazowego odbywało się w warunkach ciśnień ok. 3-5 kbar. Mineralizacja rudna Fe-Ti-V została skoncentrowana w strefach brzeżnych masywu (złoże Krzemianka, Jezioro Okrągłe i Jeleniewo) w wyniku procesów granulacji i poligenizacji anortozytów z centralnych części masywu i wciskania plastycznej substancji rudnej w strefy spękań tektonicznych (złoże Udryń). Wyniki badań izotopów stabilnych rho34S i rho13C wskazują na magmową genezę siarczków: pirotynu, pentlandytu i chalkopirytu oraz grafitu. Piryt natomiast jest typowym minerałem wtórnym, pochodzenia hydrotermalnego. Wartości rho18O dla próbek całych skał oraz magnetytu i plagioklazu świadczą o braku wpływu procesów metamorficznych na skały i minerały z intruzji suwalskiej.
Suwałki Anorthosite Massif (SAM) and associated rocks belong to the widespread, magmatic AMCG suite (anorthosite-mangerite-charnockite-granite "rapakivi"), related to Proterozoic deep crustal structures. Due to intensive research work (mainly in Canada, Belgium and the USA), carried out within international scientific programs e.g. IGCP-290, NATO, EUROBRIDGE-EUROPROBE, a large number of the new laboratory experiments and investigations has been performed in the recent years. This research constrained the geological and petrological evolution model of massif-type anorthosites which occur in Proterozoic rocks worldwide. Availability of modern, sophisticated research techniques, such as geochemical ones (XRF, ICP MS, and microprobe analyses), cathodoluminescence, geochronological Re-Os, U-Pb methods and application of osmium, neodymium and strontium initial isotope ratios, let us better understand the origin and verify existing genetical concepts concerning the Suwałki Anorthosite Massif. Application of a new Re-Os chronometer for direct dating of sulphides and ore-oxides, dispersed in the Suwałki anorthosites and norites, resulted in precise age determination for the Fe-Ti-V ores and Fe-Cu-Co-Ni sulphide mineralisation, as well as dating indirectly the age of the SAM. It was the first use of the Re-Os radiogenic method to anorthosite dating in the world. The isochrone age of the Krzemianka and Jezioro Okrągłe ores is 1559-37 Ma and for Udryń ores yields 1556-94 Ma. The obtained initial isotope 186Os/187Os ratios (1.16-0.06 Ma for Krzemianka and 0.87-0.20 Ma for Udryń) and Nd (-2.5 to -5.3) indicate lower crustal source of the parental Suwałki anorthosite magma. The gabbro-norite composition of rocks, remelted at the depth interval corresponding to 10-13 kbars of pressure and ca. 1300 degrees of Celsius, are believed to be the most probable protholith for anorthosites. The geochemical and microscope investigations of jotunites (hyperstene monzodiorites) from the Suwałki and Sejny massifs and observed plagioclase and pyroxene phenocrysts deformations in medium-grained anorthosite matrix highlight that parental magma was channeled to the surface as a plagioclase crystal mush, lubricated by a minor amount of interstitial liquids. Diapiric emplacement of plagioclase mushes on the final level took place in pressure conditions of ca. 3-5 kbars. Fe-Ti-V ore mineralization was concentrated in the marginal parts of the massif (Krzemianka, Jezioro Okrągłe and Jeleniewo ore fields), as a result of granulation and polygenization processes of anorthosites from the central part of the massif, as well as filter-pressing and squeezing out the ore-minerals` mush into the tectonic cracks and faults. The stable isotope rho34S and rho13C results confirm magmatic origin of sulphides: pyrrhotite, pentlandite, chalcopyrite and graphite. On the contrary, pyrite is a typical secondary mineral of the hydrothermal provenance. The low rho18O value for the whole rock samples, magnetite and plagioclase provides an evidence for normal magmatic origin and lack of metamorphic overprints in the Suwałki intrusion.
Content available remote Ocena "wieku" wód podziemnych na podstawie wybranych metod izotopowych
Oznaczenia izotopów środowiskowych i interpretacja wyników stanowią ważny element badań hydrogeologicznych. W Polsce stosuje się przede wszystkim oznaczenia trytu 14C (13C) oraz stabilnych izotopów tlenu i wodoru. Możliwość stosowania innych izotopów obiecujących z punktu widzenia hydrogeologii jak 36Cl jest ograniczona ze względu na konieczność korzystania z laboratoriów zagranicznych. W artykule podjęto próbę zwięzłego przedstawienia podstawowych informacji o pochodzeniu wspomnianych wyżej izotopów promieniotwórczych i ich zastosowaniu do oceny czasu przebywania wód podziemnych w środowisku skalnym. Podano kilka podstawowych modeli pozwalających, do pewnego stopnia, ocenę taką skwantyfikować. Krótko omówiono możliwość zastosowania do "datowania" innych izotopów kosmogenicznych i/lub antropogenicznych.
Determinations of environmental isotopes and the interpretation of results constitute an important pan of hydrogeological investigations. In Poland mostly measurements of tritium and 14C (13C) as well as of stable isotopes of hydrogen and oxygen are applied. The possibility of determination of other isotopes promising from the hydrogeological point of view like 36Cl is limited as they have to be carried out in foreign laboratories. The paper includes an attempt to concisely present basic information concerning the origin of the above-mentioned radioactive isotopes and their application to evaluate the time of groundwaters residence in the rock environment. A few basic models are presented; their application allows to a certain extent to quantify this evaluation. The possibilities to apply for water "dating" other cosmogenic and/or anthropogenic are briefly discussed.
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