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Diffusion multiple method was applied to investigate the alloying elements distribution and interface diffusion reactions in Co-Al-X system, in order to accelerate the alloy development. The diffusion regions of Co-Al-X system at 1173 K were investigated by scanning electron microscope (SEM) and nanoindentation. SEM images show that phases of Co-Al-Ni diffusion interface consisted of β-CoAl + γ Co, γ Co, γ + γ'-(Co, Ni)3Al and γ Ni, while Co-Al-Cr diffusion interface is shaped with δ + γ + β, γ and σ region. TiNiX diffusion layer with high Ni-content was formed in Co-Al-Ti diffusion interface. The diffusion layers during diffusion multiple play an important role in mechanical properties in these alloying systems. The γ + γ' diffusion layer in Co-Al-Ni diffusion interface presented the best comprehensive performance, while the highest hardness (17.48 GPa) was confirmed in Co-Al-Cr diffusion interface due to a large number of brittle phases. Darken method was applied to determine the interdiffusion coefficients of alloying elements in pseudo-binary phase, accordingly the diffusion capacities of alloying elements can be ordered as Al > Ni > Cr in Co-based alloys.
The aim of the paper is to identify the direction of evolution, the conditions of organisation and the impact of the new concept of digital innovation ecosystem in boostering circularity development. The traditional model of innovation brokerage and the new circularity broker paradigm in the development of the circular economy is presented. The authors discuss the circularity broker as an IT interface, equipped with wide range of IT tools, and above all, self-learning applications with AI elements. The circularity broker is accompanied by its watch dog, i.e. a set of IT tools used to search, process and transfer information dedicated to specific stakeholders, exactly when they need this information. The concept of circular brokerage is anchored in the area of the regional clusters dedicated to circular economy development.
This paper investigates the static behavior of bolted joints and the extent of its control in the design of assembled structures. An analysis method is thus first developed highlighting stresses distribution in the junction to dimension the functional performance area. A description of the joint characteristics is presented. Numerical simulations, comparing the complete and simplified finite element models relevance, are then carried out. The integration of results of this analysis in the design of multiple bolted joints structures in finally presented. Experiments on a testbed, where a viscoelastic material is introduced in joints interfaces to enhance global damping, validate the approach developed.
Celem niniejszego artykułu jest porównanie interfejsów aplikacji z przyciskami w formie graficznej i tekstowej. Na potrzeby przeprowadzenia badań przygotowano aplikację internetową z funkcją umożliwiającą zmianę formy przycisków. Analiza dotycząca dostępności aplikacji została wykonana przy pomocy narzędzia WAVE. Do przeprowadzenia eksperymentu z wykorzystaniem okulografu i ankiety przygotowano grupę badawczą stanowiącą 10 studentów. Badania przeprowadzone za pomocą okulografu pozwoliły ocenić, która wersja interfejsu umożliwia szybsze i poprawne wykonanie zadań. Do zbadania jakości wykonanego interfejsu użyto listy kontrolnej LUT
The purpose of this article is to compare application interfaces with buttons in graphical and text form. For the needs of the research, a web application was prepared with the functionality to change the form of buttons. The analysis of the availability of the application was performed using the WAVE tool. A research group of 10 students was prepared for the eyetracking experiment and form. The surveys conducted on the eyetracker allowed to assess which version of the interface enables faster and correct execution tasks. LUT’s list was used to test the quality of the designed interface.
Projektowanie uniwersalne jest filozofią tworzenia różnych produktów oraz otoczenia tak, aby było ono dostosowane do jak najszerszego grona odbiorców. Celem niniejszego artykułujest porównanie interfejsów z uwzględnieniem zasad projektowania uniwersalnego oraz interfejsów aplikacji, które pomijają takie zasady. Po zapoznaniu się z przeglądem literatury postawione zostały następujące hipotezy badawcze: „Większy kontrast interfejsu ma wpływ na widoczność oraz szybkość wyszukiwania poszczególnych elementów interfejsu graficznego” oraz „Rozmieszczenie elementów interfejsu ma zasadniczy wpływ na efektywność poruszania się po serwisie”.Badania przeprowadzone zostały na dwóch serwisach internetowych. Serwisemniespełniającymzasad projektowania uniwersalnego była witryna sklepu Empik. Zaś aplikacja spełniająca zasady projektowania uniwersalnego została stworzona na potrzeby badań. W pracy zastosowano trzy metody pomiaru jakości interfejsów: narzędzie WAVE, badania okulograficzne oraz badania subiektywnej oceny za pomocą ankiety LUT. Badania okulograficzne wykazały, że uczestnicy badania potrzebowali średnio 2 razy mniej czasu na zlokalizowanie elementów na stronie o wysokim kontraście oraz 4 razy mniej czasu na znalezienie wszystkich komponentów umieszczonych w miejscach zgodnych z ogólnie przyjętymi normami projektowania
Universal design is a philosophy of creating various products and the environment to adapt to the most comprehensive possible group of recipients. This article aims to compare interfaces with the principles of universal design and application interfaces that ignore such principles. After the literature review, the following research hypotheses were posed: “Higher interface contrast affects the visibility and speed of searching for individual elements of user interface” and “The arrangement of interface elements has a significant impact on navigating the website”. The research was conducted on two websites. The Empik storefront was a webservice that did not comply with universal design principles. The application that follow the regulations of universal design was created for the purpose of research. Three methods of measuring the quality of interfaces were used in the study: WAVE tool, eye-tracking tests, and subjective assessment using the LUT questionnaire (Lublin University of Technology). Eye tracking study showed that participants needed an average of 2 times less time to locate elements on a high-contrast interface and 4 times less time to locate all components placed compliant with generally accepted design standards.
The interfacial structure and binding forces of polytrimethylene terephthalate/polyethylene terephthalate filament were investigated through the methods of Carbon-13 nuclear magnetic resonance (13C-NMR), differential scanning calorimeter (DSC), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and optical microscopy. When two molten polymers met during the spinning process, an interface layer between the PTT and PET components formed and played an important role in binding the two components together. When the blending time was sufficient, an ester-interchange reaction took place with the generation of the copolymer. The PET recrystallisation was observed in the DSC curve under the influence of entangled PTT molecular chains. The morphology of the cross-section and side view proved that the linear boundary line was short and weaker in binding without a chemical bond and molecular diffusion. Side-by-side bi-component fiber and split-type fiber was able to be controllably spun by adjusting the spinning parameters.
Content available remote Numerical analysis of interfacial debonding of metal/ceramic bimaterial using FEM
The bimaterials applied in various fields of industry consist mainly of ceramics and metal. Their damage is mainly due to the presence of residual stresses generated during their manufacture. The damaged area is closely related to the high production temperature. The aim of this study is to analyze the effect of these factors on the behavior of an interfacial and subinterfacial crack in the volume of alumina material. This behavior is studied in terms of variation of the stress intensity factor (SIF) in Modes I, II and III. A study by means of the finite element method (FEM) was carried out. This work demonstrates that the risk of sudden propagation of these cracks is all the more probable when the bimaterial is produced at high temperatures. The elastoplastic behavior of the metal considerably minimizes this risk by plasticizing the metal, which allows strong relaxation of the residual stresses.
Content available remote Component interface standardization in robotic systems
Components are heavily used in many software systems, including robotic systems. The growth in sophistication and diversity of new capabilities for robotic systems presents new challenges to their architectures. Their complexity is growing exponentially with the advent of AI, smart sensors, and the complex tasks they have to accomplish. Such complexity requires a more flexible approach for creating, using, and interoperability of software components. The issue is exacerbated because robotic systems are becoming increasingly reliant on third-party components for specific functions. In order to achieve this kind of interoperability, including dynamic component replacement, we need a way to standardize their interfaces. A formal approach is desperately needed for specifying what an interface of a robotic software component should contain. This study performs an analysis of the issue and presents a universal and generic approach to standardizing component interfaces for robotic systems. Our approach is inspired and influenced by well-established robotic architectures such as ROS, PX4, and Ardupilot. The study is also applicable to other software systems with similar characteristics to robotic systems. We consider using either JSON or Domain-Specific Languages (DSL) development with tools such as Antlr and automatic code and configuration files generation for frameworks such as ROS and PX4. A case study with ROS2 has been done as a proof of concept for the proposed methodology.
Jeszcze do niedawna komputery były urządzeniami przeznaczonymi dla procesów badawczych i militarnych, a dziś stanowią integralną część życia człowieka. Tak szybki rozwój technologii i nowych możliwości sprawia, że nauka, która zajmuje się relacjami człowieka z komputerem (HCI) ma pełno niezbadanych lub niewystarczająco przebadanych obszarów. Niniejszy artykuł na podstawie dostępnych metod badawczych HCI ma pokazać, że obecnie mocno spopularyzowana mysz komputerowa, która jest narzędziem umożliwiającym HCI, nie zawsze będzie najlepszym rozwiązaniem dla każdego użytkownika. Zestawienie myszy komputerowej z innymi dostępnymi na rynku kontrolerami i przebadanie ich w specjalnie przygotowanym środowisku testowym przez wybraną grupę badawczą, będzie najlepszym sposobem do rzetelnego stwierdzenia, że użycie myszy komputerowa nie zawsze może okazać się najlepszym wyborem.
Until recently, computers were devices intended for research and military processes, and today they are an integral part of human life. Such a rapid development of technology and new possibilities means that the science that deals with human-computer relations (HCI) has a lot of unexplored or insufficiently studied areas. Based on the available HCI research methods, this article is to show that the currently highly popularized computer mouse, which is a tool that enables HCI, will not always be the best solution for every user. Comparing a computer mouse with other commercially available controllers and testing them in a specially prepared test environment by a selected research group will be the best way to reliably state that the use of a computer mouse may not always be the best choice.
The aim of this research is to check which of two devices the keyboard or the controller –has a positive effect on a player's game-play in a platform game. Four parameters are defined: death count, error count, game time, learning time. A custom game is designed and implemented specifically for the research. The conducted experiment is divided into thirty-minute sessions, during which one player participates in the game after getting acquainted with the game’s mechanics. After completing the game, he/she fills out a survey in which he/she can express his/her level of satisfaction while using the assigned device. Each player has only one attempt. 16 players agree to participate. They are divided into two groups of 8 people each. Participants in the first group use the keyboard while those in the second group use the controller.In order to determine final results for the tested devices, the AHP method is used. The importance values for all pairs of measured parameters are determined in order to calculate their priorities. The priorities allow for distinguishing important from less important parameters. For this purpose, a survey of experienced players is conducted. They help to identify parameter importance.After trials and analysis of responses from the game-play satisfaction and parameter importance surveys, it turns out that players using the keyboard achieve better results, and the keyboard is more satisfying to use.
Celem badań było sprawdzenie, które z dwóch urządzeń służących do sterowania postacią w zręcznościowej grze platformowej, klawiatura czy kontroler, wpływa pozytywnie na wyniki rozgrywki gracza. W tym celu zdefiniowane zostały czteryparametry: liczba śmierci, liczba błędów, czas gry, czas nauki. Badania polegały naukończeniu gry zaprojektowanej i zaprogramowanej specjalnie na potrzeby badań. Badaniazostały podzielone na trzydziestominutowe sesje, podczas których jeden gracz brał udziałw rozgrywce po wcześniejszym zapoznaniu się z mechanikami gry. Po ukończeniu grywypełniał ankietę, w której mógł wyrazić swój poziom satysfakcji z korzystaniaz przypisanego mu urządzenia. Na każdego gracza przypadała jedna próba wykorzystującaklawiaturę lub kontroler. Do badań zgłosiło się 16 osób, które zostały podzielone na dwiegrupy badawcze po 8 osób. Uczestnicy z pierwszej grupy korzystali z klawiatury podczasbadań, a osoby z drugiej –z kontrolera.Aby wyznaczyć wyniki końcowe dla badanych urządzeń, dzięki którym możnabyło je ze sobą porównać, zastosowana została metoda AHP. Na potrzeby tej metodynależało określić przewagi pomiędzy wszystkimi mierzonymi parametrami, aby obliczyćich wagi. Wagi te przyczynić się miały do wyróżnienia parametrów ważnych od mniejważnych. W tym celu utworzona została ankieta skierowana do doświadczonych graczy,którzy pomogli w określeniu tych przewag.Po przeprowadzeniu badań i analizie odpowiedzi z ankiet dotyczących satysfakcjiz rozgrywki oraz przewag parametrów, okazało się, że gracze korzystający z klawiaturyotrzymali lepsze wyniki, a klawiatura była bardziej satysfakcjonująca w użyciu.
In this study, the surface morphology of composites, the effect of the particle geometry like the size and shape of the filler materials, their dispersion efficiency and interfaces are analyzed by morphological characterization. According to the tensile tests, it was found that the composites fabricated with CuO exhibit increasing trends of tensile strength in all the experiments compared to that of the composites with TiO2, which is verified by the degree of composite crystallinity determined by the strong interfacial interaction as well as the size, shape and compactness of the filler particles as observed by SEM micrograph analysis using Mountains software. Evaluation of this analysis shows similar amplitude variations in all the PSD curves of the composites and indicate a fatigue-like behavior. The stable isotropic properties in the composite samples with CuO result in a better surface finish, which was also well defined in the analysis of its surface texture and density function. Due to all these positive correlations, a significant rising trend in tensile strength (55.50, 105.53 and 20.40%) was found in every composite modified with CuO in comparison to TiO2. The highest tensile strength of the fabricated composite incorporating the CuO functional filler was found to be 105.530%. Such composites with TiO2 and CuO having a tensile strength of 117.9 and 141.95 N/mm2 respectively, may be used for the interior design of aircraft, watercraft, offices, residences, car and sports accessories and others.
Vector II slab was tested on a natural scale (a slab with a dimension of 6.30 × 6.30 m) and a strip 6.30 m long and 1.20 m wide. The Vector II slab is built by precast panel 60 cm wide, 4 cm thick and 14-20 cm thick concrete overtopping on the construction site. The main purpose of the slab tests on a natural scale was to observe the "faulting" effect and temporary deflections. During the tests, the displacements in the area of the panel joints in the middle of the slab span were recorded. The maximum difference in displacement between adjacent panels of the slab model was 0.16 mm, and the vertical displacement was 1.9 mm. The strip model had no cracks that could indicate a interface cracks between the precast element and the concrete overlay. After completion of the field tests, the load was left on the slab model to verify long-term effects.
Piankę szklaną stosuje się ostatnio, jako kruszywo do produkcji lekkich betonów. Lekkość betonu jest spowodowana znaczną porowatością granulowanej pianki szklanej, która ma zamknięte pory i gładkie powierzchnie. W związku z tym w tej pracy zastosowano granulowaną piankę szklaną (GPS) z otwartą porowatością, do uzyskania lekkich, samozagęszczających się zapraw. GPS otrzymano z proszku szklanego – stłuczki szklanej i „pieniącego się” dodatku, którym był wapień. W związku z tym zastosowano prażenie w 850°C, w ciągu 20 minut. Następnie otrzymano piasek, stosując kruszenie i przesiewanie przez sito 5 mm. Z kolei przygotowano samozagęszczające się zaprawy, z drobnym kruszywem w formie piasku i inne zaprawy z granulowaną pianką szklaną, zastępując nią piasek, w stosunku objętościowym 30%, 50% i 100%. Następnie zbadano właściwości reologiczne – płynność i fizyko-mechaniczne zapraw, a mianowicie gęstość i porowatość, w oparciu o absorpcję wody. Badanie strefy przejściowej – matryca cementowa / granule GPS wykazało, że otwarta porowatość GPS – piasek, sprzyjała adhezji z matrycą cementową, bez segregacji faz cementowych. Natomiast stwierdzono zmniejszenie wytrzymałości na ściskanie zapraw, o szczególnej lekkości. Należy podkreślić, że ta ostatnia właściwość ma w budownictwie duże znaczenie.
The foamed glass is currently used in the manufacture of concretes as aggregate to produce lightweight concrete. The lightness of the concrete is assured by the important porosity of foamed glass granulates [GFG], however, they have a closed porosity with a smooth surface. In this respect, this study aims to use foam glass granulates with open-porosity, to produce lightweight self-compacting mortars. GFG were prepared from the glass powder - glass cullet and foaming agent – limestone, according to the current applied process for GFG – heat treatment at 850°C for 20 min. Then from GFG the sand fine aggregate – 0/5 mm was prepared by crushing and sieving. The self-compacting mortars were obtained using natural sand as fine aggregate and other mortars with granulated foam glass substituting sand at volume ratios: 30, 50 and 100 %. Rheological tests of fluidity and physical properties, i.e. density and porosity, by measuring absorption of water and mechanical tests were carried out on studied mortars. The interface of cementitious matrix/GFG granules study shows that open-porosity of GFG sand has favored adhesion to cement matrix, without causing the segregation of the mortar phases. Also, the decrease of the compressive strength for mortars exhibiting a specific lightness, was found. It should be noted that the latter property is very important in construction.
Tensile tests of 8009Al alloy reinforced with SiC and Al₂O₃ particles fabricated by powder metallurgy (PM) were conducted at temperatures of 250–350°C and strain rates of 0.001–0.1 s⁻¹. The ultimate tensile strength and yield strength of the samples decreased while the temperature and strain rate increased. The elongation slightly decreased at first and then increased with growing temperature because of the medium-temperature brittleness of the alloy matrix. When the strain rate was 0.1 s⁻¹, the elongation of the 8009Al/Al₂O₃ composites always decreased with an increase in temperature because of the poorly coordinated deformation and weak bonding between the matrix and Al₂O₃ particles at such a high strain rate. The work-hardening rates of the composites sharply increased to maxima and then decreased rapidly as the strain increased. Meanwhile, the 8009Al/SiCₚ composites displayed superior UTS, YS, elongation, and work-hardening rates than those of the 8009Al/Al₂O₃ composites under the same conditions. Compared to 8009Al alloys reinforced with spherical Al₂O₃ particle, 8009Al alloys reinforced with irregular SiC particles exhibited a better strengthening effect. The fracture mechanism of the 8009Al/SiCₚ composites was mainly ductile, while that of the 8009Al/Al₂O₃ composites was primarily debonding at the matrix–particle interfaces in a brittle mode.
The article presents a model of connection of ETCS application and classical base layer equipment. The model distinguishes three layers: physical, logic and data, which require different modelling techniques and at the same time must be consistent. The model will form the basis for the digital mapping in the Digital Twin of the ETCS application. Layer division is a natural way to represent the structure of a device and its operating rules. It allows a detailed and structured representation of the interfaces of a connection and then an analysis of the connection both with respect to the layer of interest and from the point of view of the interaction between features in the different layers. The S-interface of the LEU encoder of the ETCS is described, taking into account different solutions encountered in practice. The conditions of the connection between the LEU encoder and the environment form a description of one of the two boundaries between the ETCS application, i.e. the implemented ERTMS/ETCS on a specific area of the railway network, and the environment. A general connection model and definitions of a connection and an interface are presented. As an example, the electrical connection with signals transmitted through galvanic connections has been assumed to be typical for LEU encoder and track-side signalling control circuits found in base layer equipment. The physical layer is described in terms of physical parameters and their values. The parameters are divided into electrical (current, voltage and frequency) and mechanical ones (number of leads, conductor thickness, etc.). The values of the electrical parameters are expressed in terms of a uncountable set with defined limits. The logic layer was described in a vector-matrix form. Logic signals are assigned to electrical signals with specific physical parameters. The data layer contains information about the assignment of specific telegrams to specific electrical signals.
In this study, stainless steel 316L and Inconel 625 alloy powders were additively manufactured by using directed energy deposition process. And heat treatment effect on hardness and microstructures of the bonded stainless steel 316L/Inconel 625 sample was investigated. The microstructures shows there are no secondary phases and big inclusions near interfacial region between stainless steel 316L and Inconel 625 except several small cracks. The results of TEM and Vickers Hardness show the interfacial area have a few tens of micrometers in thickness. Interestingly, as the heat treatment temperature increases, the cracks in the stainless steel region does not change in morphology while both hardness values of stainless steel 316L and Inconel 625 decrease. These results can be used for designing pipes and valves with surface treatment of Inconel material based on stainless steel 316L material using the directed energy deposition.
Scharakteryzowano mechaniczne modele pracy tego rodzaju styków, a także różne postępowania obliczeniowe podane w normach. Oceniono je w świetle wyników badań eksperymentalnych, wskazując stwierdzone rozbieżności i ich możliwe przyczyny. Stwierdzono, że mimo uwzględnienia wielu czynników, takich jak wytrzymałość betonu, stopień zbrojenia poprzecznego, szorstkość powierzchni zespolenia, w żadnej z analizowanych norm nie opisano w sposób zadowalający nośności styków między betonami układanymi w różnym czasie.
In the paper mechanical models describing behaviour of interface between concrete cast at different times, as well as various design procedures were presented. Regulations were evaluated in the light of the results of experimental investigations. The discrepancies found and their possible causes were indicated and discussed. Despite including such factors as concrete strength, interface reinforcement ratio or roughness of the joint surface, it was found that none of the analysed standard procedures satisfactorily describes the load bearing capacity of the interfaces between concrete cast at different time.
High temperature behavior of three compacted graphite iron (CGi) alloys on polycrystalline aluminasubstrates (99.7%, porosity <3%) were examined by the sessile drop method combined with classical contact heating procedure in flowing Ar. High-speed high-resolution CCd camera was used for continuous recording of the CGi/Al2 O3 couples during melting alloy, heating to and holding the couples at the test temperature of 1450°C for 15 min and their subsequent cooling. The comparative studies were made with conventional CGi (in wt.%: 3.70 C, 2.30 Si, 0.44 Mn, 0.054 P, 0.017 Mg, 0.015 S) and two alloys additionally containing the same amounts of 0.25 Mo, 0.1 V, 0.045 Sn and 0.032 Sb with different concentrations of Mg + Cu additions, i.e. 0.01Mg + 0.33Cu and 0.02Mg + 0.83Cu. All three CGi alloys demonstrated non-wetting behavior on the Al2 O3 substrates while the contact angle values slightly decreased with increase of the Mg + Cu content in the alloy, i.e. 131° (unalloyed CGi), 130° (0.01Mg + 0.33Cu) and 125° (0.02Mg + 0.83Cu). Structural characterization of solidified couples by light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy coupled with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy revealed: 1) heterogeneous nucleation of discontinuous graphite layer at the drop-side interfaces and on the surface of the drops; 2) reactively formed Mg-rich oxide layer at the substrate-side interface; 3) the formation of satellite droplets on the surface of the drops during their solidification; 4) degeneration of initially compacted graphite to lamellar graphite after remelting and subsequent solidification of the drops, particularly in their surface layer.
W artykule przedstawiono możliwą realizację interfejsu pomiędzy urządzeniami komputerowymi: protokoły TCP i UDP jednej z warstw modelu TCP/IP, wraz z ich cechami. Wyróżniono reakcje na błędy. Następnie przedstawiono przykład współpracy dwóch rzeczywistych systemów sterowania ruchem kolejowym oraz inne przykłady uzupełniając je zaproponowaną klasyfikacją powiązań. Przedstawiono również systemy, wewnątrz których wykorzystywane są połączenia sieciowe operujące protokołami TCP i IP. Przedstawiono również wpływ wskazanych uszkodzeń na merytoryczną pracę połączenia.
The article presents the possible implementation of the interface between computer devices: TCP and UDP protocols of one of the layers of the TCP / IP model, along with their features. Responses to errors were distinguished. Then an example of cooperation between two actual rail traffic control systems and other examples was presented, supplementing them with the proposed classification of connections. Systems are also presented, inside which network connections using TCP and IP protocols are used. The influence of the indicated damages on the substantive work of the connection was also presented.
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