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Purpose: The objective of the argument in this paper is to attempt at answering the question whether learning and knowledge exchange are the key factors determining online work preferences for Generation Z employees. Design/methodology/approach: The essence of knowledge management is that all knowledge, both explicit and tacit, accumulated by an organization becomes easily accessible to each of its members. This is important for decision-making processes and allows the organization to become more agile. Knowledge management is most often associated with modern information technologies. Thanks to them, streams of various data can be processed and analyzed in many different ways. However, in the literature there is an increasingly common attitude that more attention should be paid not only to the technological but also to the human aspect of knowledge management. The processes of knowledge exchange among employees have been subject to extensive research and studies, yet the recent years have added another thread to the discussion about the matter, i.e. a significant proportion of employees switching to the online work model. Based on the findings of the studies conducted on a group of employees representing Generation Z, the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) technique was applied to organize the factors with the highest relevance for the respondents in online work. Findings: PCA demonstrated that the components recognized as most important were those relating to knowledge transfer and their impact on employee efficiency, and on the other hand employee relations as a factor that supports the learning processes. Research limitations/implications: In order to dwell upon the underlying causes of this situation, it should be recommended to proceed with further in-depth qualitative research. Practical implications: What the research communicates to the organization is that although Generation Z members are aware of the significance of the knowledge transfer and learning processes and they understand the role of peer relations in these processes, they are unable to overcome the social barriers created by the online working system due to lack of appropriate skills. Originality/value: The paper reveals new aspects that play crucial role in shaping Generation Z attitude to online work from one side. On the other hand it also helps to design synthetic tool researching this area in the future.
The study examines the impact sustainable product attributes have on the purchase decision-making process of Generation Z by applying the Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB) and Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA). A quantitative method was used for the research, which implemented a questionnaire distributed to 156 participants that belong to Generation Z. The study found that sustainable product attributes have a positive impact on the behavioural intention which then positively influences the purchase decision-making of Generation Z. It was also shown that the impact of environmentally sustainable product attributes is stronger than the impact of socially sustainable product attributes. The study also proves that Generation Z is very interested in sustainability and is willing to pay more for them.
Badanie analizuje wpływ zrównoważonych cech produktów na proces podejmowania decyzji zakupowych przez Pokolenie Z, stosując Teorię Planowanego Zachowania (TPB) i Teorię Uzasadnionego Działania (TRA). Do badań zastosowano metodę ilościową, wykorzystując kwestionariusz, który został rozdany 156 uczestnikom należącym do Pokolenia Z. Badanie wykazało, że zrównoważone cechy produktów mają pozytywny wpływ na intencje behawioralne, co z kolei pozytywnie wpływa na proces podejmowania decyzji zakupowych przez Pokolenie Z. Pokazano również, że wpływ ekologicznie zrównoważonych cech produktów jest silniejszy niż wpływ społecznie zrównoważonych cech produktów. Badanie dowodzi również, że Pokolenie Z jest bardzo zainteresowane zrównoważonością i jest gotowe zapłacić więcej za takie produkty.
Paper is focusing on post-covid19 impulsive buying behavior and generation Z in a case of Central European transitional economies. Important is, that generation Z will be become full-fledged consumers with their own income. The aim of the paper is, how they are sensitive on impulsive buying behaviour. Previous research has not yet investigated impulsive buying behaviour on generation Z in the post-covid19 era in Central Europe. Based on literature review, four hypotheses identifying relationships were sets. Research design consists of survey-based quantitative research. The data (n=119) were obtained in 2023 through an online questionnaire survey. For statistical analyses were used p-value and the Pearson Chi-square Test. It was found, there is relationship between reason of impulsive purchase and impulsive buying behavior and relationship between gender and impulsive buying behavior, and it wasn’t found relationship between free funds to spend and impulsive buying behavior. Research was looking into product category which was bought impulsively by generation Z in last 6 months. Most sold product category impulsively were clothes and entertainment. This paper helps marketers with fresh information on which type of products are most impulse purchased in post-covid19 era. With the right marketing tools, it will then be easy for marketers to convince customers to buy these products.
Artykuł koncentruje się na impulsywnych zachowaniach zakupowych po pandemii Covid19 i pokoleniu Z w przypadku gospodarek przejściowych w Europie Środkowej. Ważne jest, aby pokolenie Z stało się pełnoprawnymi konsumentami posiadającymi własne dochody. Celem artykułu jest zbadanie, w jaki sposób są oni wrażliwi na impulsywne zachowania zakupowe. Wcześniejsze badania nie dotyczyły jeszcze impulsywnych zachowań zakupowych pokolenia Z w erze post-covid19 w Europie Środkowej. Na podstawie przeglądu literatury postawiono cztery hipotezy identyfikujące zależności. Projekt badania obejmuje badania ilościowe oparte na ankietach. Dane (n=119) uzyskano w 2023 r. w drodze ankiety internetowej. Do analiz statystycznych wykorzystano wartość p oraz test Chi-kwadrat Pearsona. Stwierdzono, że istnieje zależność między powodem impulsywnych zakupów a impulsywnymi zachowaniami zakupowymi oraz zależność między płcią a impulsywnymi zachowaniami zakupowymi, natomiast nie stwierdzono zależności pomiędzy wolnymi środkami do wydania a impulsywnymi zachowaniami zakupowymi. Badanie dotyczyło kategorii produktów, które pokolenie Z zakupiło impulsywnie w ciągu ostatnich 6 miesięcy. Najczęściej sprzedawaną kategorią produktów impulsywnie były ubrania i rozrywka. Artykuł dostarcza marketerom świeżych informacji na temat tego, jakie rodzaje produktów są najczęściej kupowane pod wpływem impulsu w erze po pandemii Covid19. Dzięki odpowiednim narzędziom marketingowym marketerom będzie łatwo przekonać klientów do zakupu tych produktów.
The aim of this article is to identify the attitudes of tourism region residents from generation Z presenting local identity and relate them to innovation, which shapes the product in the sustainable tourism context. A qualitative empirical study was carried out using the focus group interview method, divided into residents representing large centres, medium-sized towns and villages. The research yielded new information stating that young people have a sense of local identity and are attached to their place of residence with no relation to the type (and size) of residence. The research also showed respondents generally expect innovations to be introduced in tourism services and infrastructure, as they see the importance of innovations for building tourism attractiveness and improving the economic situation, which is in line with the idea of sustainable tourism. It, therefore, becomes important for authorities and managers to understand the local identity in the attitude of residents towards tourism innovation.
Celem artykułu jest rozpoznanie postaw mieszkańców regionów turystycznych z pokolenia Z prezentujących tożsamość lokalną i odniesienie ich do innowacji, co kształtuje produkt w kontekście turystyki zrównoważonej. Przeprowadzone zostały jakościowe badania empiryczne przy wykorzystaniu metody zogniskowanego wywiadu grupowego (badanie focusowe) w podziale na mieszkańców reprezentujących duże ośrodki, średnie miasta i wsie. W wyniku badań uzyskano nowe informacje stwierdzające, że młodzi ludzie mają poczucie tożsamości lokalnej, są przywiązani do miejsca zamieszkania bez związku z typem (i wielkością) miejsca zamieszkania. Badania wykazały, również że mieszkańcy generalnie oczekują wprowadzania innowacji w zakresie usług turystycznych i infrastruktury turystycznej w zamieszkiwanych miejscowościach, ponieważ zauważają znaczenie innowacji dla budowania atrakcyjności turystycznej i poprawy sytuacji ekonomicznej, co jest zgodne z ideą turystyki zrównoważonej. Dla władz i menedżerów ważne staje się zatem zrozumienie tożsamości lokalnej w nastawieniu mieszkańców do innowacji turystycznych.
Content available Pokolenie Z nie jest gotowe na pracę w turkusie
Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie wyników badań opinii osób pracujących w różnych przedsiębiorstwach na temat podejścia do zarządzania i jego funkcji, roli managerów oraz motywacji w pracy oraz zestawienie ich z badaniami innych autorów (Jelonek et al., 2022; (Żarczyńska-Dobiesz, Chomątowska, 2014; Ozkan, Solmaz, 2015; Muster, 2020). Dobrana grupa respondentów – przedstawiciele pokolenia Z oraz sformułowany cel badawczy miały pozwolić na znalezienie odpowiedzi na pytanie badawcze: „Czy pokolenie Z jest gotowe do pracy w organizacji turkusowej”?. Zestawienie takich wyników ma dać wskazówki dla zarządzających organizacjami, w jakim kierunku powinni podejmować swoje działania (np. wprowadzać turkus), aby organizacje mogły się rozwijać dbając przy tym o pracowników mających określone oczekiwania względem pracy. Do zebrania danych wykorzystano metodę ankietową. Głównym wnioskiem, który można sformułować jest konstatacja, że choć pokolenie Z rozwija się w nowoczesnym technologicznie środowisku, z łatwym i szerokim dostępem do wiedzy, to jednak brakuje mu samodzielności i kreatywności, by faktycznie spełnić w pełni warunki funkcjonowania organizacji turkusowej.
The aim of the article is to present the results of surveys of opinions of people working in various enterprises on the approach to management and its functions, the role of managers and motivation at work, and to compare them with studies by other authors (Jelonek et al., 2022), (Żarczyńska-Dobiesz, Chomątowska, 2014), (Ozkan, Solmaz, 2015), (Muster, 2020). A selected group of respondents – representatives of generation Z and the formulated research goal were supposed to answer the research question: Is generation Z ready to work in a teal organization. The compilation of these results is intended to provide guidance to managers of organizations in which direction they should take their actions (e.g. introduce teal) so that organizations can develop while taking care of employees who have specific expectations regarding work. The survey method was used to collect the data. The main conclusion that can be formulated is that generation Z develops in a technologically modern environment, with easy and wide access to knowledge, but lacks the independence and creativity to actually fully meet the conditions for the functioning of a teal organization.
Purpose: One of the most important challenges of civilization in the contemporary world is obtaining the goals of sustainable development. This challenge is addressed to present and future generations who have to possess or acquire various sustainable development competencies. Shaping them is particularly essential in the case of generation Z, thus it should take place both in the process of academic education, as well as in cooperation with university stakeholders. The aim of the paper is to answer the question of whether the implementation of students’ internships enables shaping sustainable development competencies. Design/methodology/approach: The survey was conducted in Poland in 2022 among 367 full-time students in the management field of study. The CAWI method was used. The paper presents a quantitative analysis of the obtained data. In the theoretical part of the article, the author explained the essence and goals of sustainable development, described sustainable development competencies, and the role of higher education and stakeholders in shaping the SD competencies of Generation Z. Findings: Generation Z has a positive attitude towards the implementation of the concept of sustainable development and almost all of the studied sustainable development goals are of great importance to the respondents. The obtained results confirmed that the implementation of internships in a real work environment affects the shape of many SD competencies of students. The greatest opportunities for the development of SD competencies were provided to interns by business organisations and administration, while less importance was assigned to such stakeholders as NGOs. Students expect the cooperation of the university and its stakeholders in shaping their SD competencies. Research limitations/implications: The size of the surveyed group does not allow for the formulation of general conclusions. However, the obtained results may be the basis for further in-depth studies on the problem. Similar research could be conducted to establish the opinion of employers and university representatives with a broader consideration of other variables. Practical implications: The conclusions of the study will provide universities and various stakeholders with valuable information on the possibility of using student internships to develop SD competencies of representatives of Generation Z. Originality/value: The obtained results allow one to fill the research gap concerning the assessment of whether the realization of student internships in a real work environment enables shaping students' competencies in the field of sustainable development.
Purpose: The aim of the article is to present a model approach to knowledge management in the field of sustainability in social media and to discover whether social media properly fulfill their role in the key processes of this management in the case of generation Z. They include the acquisition, collection and development of knowledge, as well as its dissemination and use. Design/methodology/approach: The qualitative method was used in the research. Focus studies were conducted using the method of partially defined, focus group interviews. The authors adopted the principle of a posteriori research in close correlation with theoretical thinking, while recognizing the studied socio-cultural reality as a system of interrelated elements. The actual research was preceded by a critical analysis of domestic and foreign literature on the subject. Findings: The study found that, in terms of sustainability, young people are more likely to encounter content on social media about environmental issues and less likely to encounter content about social issues. Social media contribute to the growth of their interest in sustainability issues. The young generation requires that the content on sustainability posted on social media be understandable, easily digestible and not overloaded with facts. The authenticity of the presented content, a title that arouses curiosity and interesting graphics are important. Research limitations/implications: The study focused on young people. Another proposed line of research is therefore to include other age groups, such as the elderly and middle-aged people. Practical implications: The conclusions and solutions contained in the article may contribute to a better use of social media in managing the knowledge of the young generation in the field of sustainability. Social implications: This will positively influence the shaping of pro-environmental and prosocial attitudes and behaviours of the young generation and increase their activity in the area of sustainability. Originality/value: The model approach to the management of sustainability knowledge on social media presented in this article organises this area and identifies opportunities to better exploit its potential.
Purpose: The aim of the research was to assess the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the preferences of employees belonging to generation Z regarding the selected elements of the incentive system. Design/methodology/approach: The research was conducted in 2018, in Poland before the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic and repeated during its duration in June 2021. Each time the research group consisted of 200 respondents belonging to generation Z working in Polish enterprises. In the standardized questionnaire used in our study, the representatives of the generation Z were asked to assign importance to 22 elements of the incentive system broken down into financial, non-financial and non-material incentives. The degree of importance of a given motivator was assumed as a measure of employees' preferences. Findings: The research results indicate that the duration of the pandemic caused a change in the preferences of young workers in terms of the ways of motivating them by employers. This applied to a greater extent to men rather than to women. The greatest increase in the value of the importance rank took place in the case of remote work, work in a state-owned enterprise and the health benefits system offered by the employer. The period of the pandemic increased the sense that young Poles were in danger of losing their jobs and having their salaries reduced. This is evidenced in particular by the increased importance of job opportunities in a state-owned enterprise and the amount of remuneration. Originality/value: The paper is mainly addressed to people responsible for shaping the incentive system. All the main motivators were included in the study, which provided a holistic view of how the preferences of young Poles belonging to generation Z changed under the influence of the COVID-19 pandemic. In the context of the pandemic, usually selected motivators are examined, especially the hybrid work model.
Purpose: The purpose of the paper is to identify the attitudes of young people representing the so-called generation Z, towards the concept of lifelong learning in the context of managers' expectations. Design/methodology/approach: The article includes both a literature review and the authors’ own primary research. The study applies the results of qualitative (an individual in-depth interview) and quantitative (CAWI) research conducted in 2021 in Wielkopolska [Greater Poland]. Findings: The research shows that there is a large discrepancy between the managers’ expectations and the attitudes of young people towards the necessity to participate in lifelong learning. Managers pay attention to the extreme importance of the necessity to constantly learn new things not only in contemporary, but especially in the future, labor market. At the same time there is a relatively low level of acceptance of this necessity among people representing the generation Z. Research limitations/implications: In the future it is worth repeating the research among the representatives of generation Z living in other provinces and even other countries. Social implications: The article indicates that the development of lifelong learning skills requires, among others, developing a comprehensive education policy and cooperation between the public, private and civic sectors. It is also connected with the necessity to promote this concept in various environments – among different generations of employees, as well as young people soon entering the labor market. Originality/value: The obtained results confirm a large discrepancy between the managers’ expectations and the attitudes of young people towards the necessity to participate in lifelong learning. The article provides recommendations for paying attention to the need to teach young people the methods of effective self-learning and promote this concept in various environments.
Purpose: There are several factors that affect the satisfaction and performance of virtual and face-to-face teams. Literature shows however, that there is a research gap as to the influence regarding the analysis of those factors in regards to different generations. The purpose of the paper is the youngest generation – Gen Z functions in virtual and face-to-face teams and how the type of team influences the performance and satisfaction of team members. Design/methodology/approach: Adopting a generational approach, a research design, including an experiment and a survey, was developed in order to analyze if the type of teamwork affects performance and satisfaction of Generation Z representatives. Findings: Findings suggest that the youngest, tech-savvy generation functions easier and more naturally in virtual teams, showing no significant differences in performance in virtual and face 16 to-face teams, and even indicate that working in virtual teams is more satisfying than working in traditional teams. Practical implications: The results of the research can provide a basis for managerial decisions when selecting members of real and virtual teams. Originality/value: The paper contributes to the ongoing scientific debate by presenting the perspective of Generation Z on virtual work, which, to a certain extent, contradicts current beliefs about performance and satisfaction in traditional and virtual teams. It shows that the generational approach should be included in team design in order improve team and organizational competitiveness.
Purpose: The article's primary goal is to identify the most important values in the life of representatives of Generation Z after their experience of remote work in an uncertain time of COVID-19 pandemic and critical competencies essentials at home-office. Design/methodology/approach: The authors conducted a diagnostic survey with a survey questionnaire. The questionnaire was carried out using the CAWI method. It was filled in by 310 respondents who represent Generation Z, are professionally active and worked remotely during the pandemic. Frequency and percentage statistics and descriptive parametric were applied in the statistical evaluation. Findings: The research results showed that, in Gen Z-ers' opinion, they need specific competencies to be effective in remote work. They indicated the most important ones: the ability to use remote technologies and manage their own time, independent problem solving, self-motivation and commitment. Research limitations/implications: The authors intend to continue the research carried out in the discussed topic, as well as in the field of adaptability to remote work of other three generations, i.e., Y, X and BB. Due to the limitations of the research sample, it is important to underline that generalizing the research results must be done with caution. Practical implications: Human resource managers are challenged to develop the competencies necessary for effective work in a virtual environment. It is also a guideline for which areas employees need support and appropriate training policy. Originality/value: Our paper contributes to the latest insight into essential competencies for Gen Z in remote work. Managers need this knowledge to manage young employees from the Z generation best and ensure their effectiveness while working remotely.
Purpose: The aim of the paper is to elaborate the structure of the concept of functional digital competences for young adults in the area of work and professional development, and to develop a tool for measuring it. Design/methodology/approach: Based on theoretical assumptions (Klimczuk et al., 2015; Nikodemska, 2016; Tarkowski et al., 2015) as well as empirical verification, the author elaborated a five-factor model of digital competences and a special questionnaire for measuring this concept was prepared. Author used such statistic methods as the EFA, the CFA, the Mann 12 Whitney U test, the Student’s t-test for independent samples, the Spearman’s rho correlation. Findings: The elaborated tool and model was validated and, in the majority, the socio 14 demographic factors (such: age, gender, education level, employability) affecting functional digital competencies were also statistically significant. Research limitations: the study include a relatively small research sample as well as its geographic scope was narrow – the research was conducted at a university of economics in Poland among a group where the school-to-work transition occurs smoothly, and the periods of education and work often overlap. The findings could also be affected by the situation related to the Covid-19 pandemic and the resulting major shift of the entire society to online activity. Practical implication: The results show the areas of competency deficiencies in Polish Z generation and could help, by special developing programmes, make them more competitive on the European young people's labour market. Social implication: The development of a society’s digital competences is crucial because in an information society they are the ticket to a successful career and a comfortable, high-quality life. Originality/value: The paper presents the new model and a dedicated measuring tool to assess digital competences of generation Z in the area of work and professional development. It’s addressed to educators, employers, and specialists elaborating programme of society’s digitalization.
Purpose: The aim of the article is to identify the challenges that are significant for the implementation of remote work in the opinion of the representatives of Generation Z in Poland. Design/methodology/approach: The implementation of the chosen goal was possible thanks to the literature review and the survey carried out among the representatives of Generation Z in Poland. The empirical part of the article presents the results of the authors' own research. The survey was conducted among representatives of the Z generation and concerned the perception of challenges related to remote work and the assessment of their impact on its implementation. Findings: Working time flexibility and remote work outside the office are becoming the norm. The conducted research allowed to identify the perception of challenges for the implementation of remote work by representatives of Generation Z in Poland. According to the respondents, the most important of them are: the necessity of technical and IT development of the organization and its resources. It is important to develop the competences of employees, both those necessary to manage remote work (virtual teams) and its implementation in accordance with the expectations of the employer. Great importance is also attached to the need to monitor remote work by the employer (implementation of the control function in management) and the development of self-control skills and self-discipline of employees. Research limitations/implications: The conducted research is one of the first in Poland and may be an inspiration for the next ones. Their limitation is the number of respondents who took part in the survey. Nevertheless, conducting them allowed to identify the perception of the challenges of implementing remote work by representatives of Generation Z in Poland. Practical implications: The awareness of the challenges related to remote work among the representatives of Generation Z allows for better preparation of the organization, both employees and managers, for the implementation of remote work. Originality/value: The value of the article is the identification of the perception of challenges for the implementation of remote work by employees of Generation Z. Research was carried out on representatives of a generation that, due to the knowledge of new technologies, seems to be prepared for remote work, and in the coming years will constitute an increasing percentage of people on the labor market (both as specialists and managers). The research shows that in order to achieve the benefits of remote work for both the employee and the employer, it is necessary to meet the challenges of working in a virtual environment. The results and conclusions of the conducted research may be useful for managers, employees and job applicants who should develop the required competences.
Content available remote Klasyfikacja barier komunikacyjnych z pokoleniem Z w miejscu pracy
Przedstawiciele pokolenia Z wchodzą obecnie do organizacji z określonymi oczekiwaniami, umiejętnościami oraz kompetencjami. Warunkują one sposób zachowania i budowania relacji między nimi a innymi pracownikami, a także przełożonymi w każdej organizacji. Stąd celem rozważań jest analiza i klasyfikacja barier komunikacyjnych z pokoleniem Z. Na początku w wyniku krytycznej analizy literatury przedstawiono kontekst różnic pokoleniowych oraz opisano bariery komunikacyjne. Następnie ukazano autorski podział barier komunikacyjnych z pokoleniem Z oraz opisano jego najważniejsze elementy. Na koniec przedstawiono rekomendacje dotyczące komunikacji z pokoleniem Z w organizacjach dla menedżerów różnego szczebla oraz firm szkoleniowych w zakresie szkolenia kadry menedżerskiej. Posiadanie wiedzy z zakresu barier w komunikacji z pokoleniem Z pozwala na podejmowanie strategicznych i naprawczych działań w celu usprawnienia procesów komunikacyjnych na wszystkich poziomach funkcjonowania organizacji.
The representatives of Generation Z are entering the organization now with the specific expectations, skills and competences. They determine the manner of behavior and building relationships between them and other employees, as well as superiors in each organization. Hence, the aim of the considerations is to analyze and classify communication barriers with the Generation Z. At the beginning, as a result of a critical analysis of the literature, the context of generation differences was presented and communication barriers were described. Then, the author presents the division of communication barriers with the Generation Z and describes its most important elements. Finally, there were presented the recommendations for managers of different levels and training companies in the field of management training regarding communication with Generation Z in organizations. The knowing of communication barriers with Generation Z allows to take strategic and corrective actions in order to improve communication processes at all levels of the organization’s functioning.
This descriptive research aims to explain the characteristics of employees at generation Z (Gen Z) in Vietnam which influence on their interests and priorities towards their job satisfaction at sport businesses in Ho Chi Minh city. The survey research was designed based on the Job Descriptive Index (JDI) measure about job satisfaction and the sample used 480 respondents who are working in Ho Chi Minh city from January to April, 2022. The regression analysis results showed that there are five concerns for Gen Z to decide to join and stay in sport organizations. The leadership and salary factors take strongly influence to job statisfaction and the least influence is colleague factor. The findings show that the characteristis influence on job satisfaction of Gen Z which differ from previous generations. Human resource managers exploit the results to develop traing courses for managers, competitive salary system, and working conditions to attract and retain Gen Z.
The paper presents a process of testing a created virtual reality application for displaying the "Hujra", a room for students of the 17th century madrassa in the area of the Silk Road, together with interactive objects. The designed 3D objects had sufficiently small file sizes to be introduced into virtual reality, and the fully mobile application worked effectively using smartphones within the price group available to the average user. The application was presented to a group of students and researchers from Kyrgyzstan. In addition, objects not belonging to the Islamic culture were introduced into the students' room. Pilot tests confirmed the usefulness of the proposed solution of 3D modelling. Interviews with the participants of the experiment and the results of a survey showed that the virtual reality application was a very attractive form of presentation, especially for people belonging to Generation Z. The combination of the complexity of the project and its high availability via smartphones was considered a successful solution by those questioned.
Sustainability in the fashion industry has an importance in the global context; societies and fashion brands are taking measures to shift from non-renewable resource consumption and non-sustainable business models to a more circular economy that leads to sustainable consumption patterns. The younger members of Generation Z constitute an active and relevant fashion consumer segment with significant contributions; therefore, marketers must gain insight into the perceptions and attitudes of these young customers. The purpose of this paper is to explore the perceptions and attitudes of the younger members of Generation Z towards sustainable clothing in order to identify managerial implications and further academic research. The research was qualitative in nature, utilising semi-structured interviews and was accompanied by individual interviews with 120 active fashion shoppers aged between 18-25 years. The study examined the perceptions and sustainable fashion aspects with a positive attitude profile and the results indicate that health and environment-related values should be in focus to be more attractive for young customers. The decision-making barriers and positive keywords should be a base for effective communication strategies and marketing messages. The findings of the research show that, during their customer journey, young customers gather information mostly from the e-commerce retailer’s product descriptions, product labels, filter systems, peer-reviews, and point of sales communication assets found at the point of sale. This exploratory study acts as the first stage of further quantitative academic research.
Zrównoważony rozwój w branży modowej ma znaczenie w kontekście globalnym; Społeczeństwa i marki modowe podejmują działania mające na celu przejście od konsumpcji zasobów nieodnawialnych i niezrównoważonych modeli biznesowych do gospodarki o bardziej zamkniętym obiegu, która prowadzi do zrównoważonych wzorców konsumpcji. Młodsi członkowie pokolenia Z stanowią aktywny i istotny segment konsumentów modowych o znaczącym udziale; Dlatego marketerzy muszą uzyskać wgląd w postrzeganie i postawy tych młodych klientów. Celem tego artykułu jest zbadanie postrzegania i nastawienia młodszych członków pokolenia Z do zrównoważonej odzieży w celu zidentyfikowania implikacji menedżerskich i dalszych badań naukowych. Badanie miało charakter jakościowy, wykorzystując wywiady częściowo ustrukturyzowane i towarzyszyły mu wywiady indywidualne ze 120 aktywnymi kupującymi modę w wieku 18-25 lat. W badaniu przeanalizowano postrzeganie i aspekty zrównoważonej mody z pozytywnym nastawieniem, a wyniki wskazują, że wartości związane ze zdrowiem i środowiskiem powinny być w centrum uwagi, aby były bardziej atrakcyjne dla młodych klientów. Bariery decyzyjne i pozytywne słowa kluczowe powinny być podstawą skutecznych strategii komunikacyjnych i przekazów marketingowych. Wyniki badania pokazują, że podczas podróży klienta młodzi klienci zbierają informacje głównie z opisów produktów sprzedawców e-commerce, etykiet produktów, systemów filtrów, recenzji partnerskich i zasobów komunikacyjnych w punkcie sprzedaży, które można znaleźć w punkcie sprzedaży. To badanie eksploracyjne stanowi pierwszy etap dalszych ilościowych badań naukowych.
W związku z różnymi wartościami wyznawanymi przez poszczególne pokolenia oraz odmiennymi etosami pracy rynek pracy staje przed ogromnym wyzwaniem związanym z dopasowaniem się do oczekiwań zgłaszanych przez cztery pokolenia: BB, X, Y i Z. Najbardziej zdigitalizowanym i usieciowionym pokoleniem jest to ostatnie. Współcześnie coraz częściej mówi się o wirtualizacji sieci logistycznych w ramach tzw. III platformy informatycznej SMAC (social, mobile, analytics, cloud). Przełożenie platformy SMAC na branżę TSL dokonuje się w ramach aktywnego stosowania elektronicznych giełd transportowych (EGT). Zmieniająca się sytuacja na rynku pracy, w tym w branży TSL, wywołana pandemią COVID-19, determinuje upowszechnienie pracy zdalnej, która wpisuje się w tzw. wirtualizację pracy. Jest to istotne z perspektywy kompetencji posiadanych przez pracowników reprezentujących poszczególne pokolenia z ukierunkowaniem na pokolenie Z, które pracę wirtualną i życie wirtualne traktuje jak zwykłą codzienność. Zasadniczym celem artykułu jest ocena zdolności do pracy pokolenia Z z wykorzystaniem EGT jako atrakcyjnego narzędzia teleinformatycznego branży TSL. W artykule postawiono tezę mówiącą, że EGT stanowi innowacyjne narzędzie pracy w branży TSL dla reprezentantów pokolenia Z, które może służyć minimalizacji i/lub eliminacji konfliktów międzypokoleniowych. W opracowaniu dokonano przeglądu literatury fachowej oraz zastosowano metodę uproszczonej wersji panelu ekspertów (sondaż ekspercki) z wykorzystaniem wywiadu standaryzowanego.
Due to the different values shared by individual generations and different work ethos, the labor market faces a huge challenge in adapting to the expectations of four generations: BB, X, Y and Z. The most digitized generation is Generation Z. Nowadays, there is more and more talk about the virtualization of logistics networks as part of the so-called 3rd IT platform SMAC (Social, Mobile, Analytics, Cloud). The SMAC platform is adopted in the TSL industry in the form of electronic freight exchange (EFE). The dynamic change on the labor market, including TSL industry, caused by the COVID-19 pandemics, determines the spread of remote work, which is part of the so-called virtualization of work. It is important from the perspective of the competences held by employees representing particular generations with a focus on Generation Z, who treat virtual work and virtual life as a natural daily existence. The main aim of the article is to assess the Generation Z's ability to work with the use of EFE as an attractive ICT tool in the TSL industry. The article presents the thesis that EFE is an innovative work tool in the TSL industry for the Generation Z representatives, which can be used to minimize and/or eliminate intergenerational conflicts. The article reviews the professional literature and uses the method of a simplified version of the expert panel (expert survey) in the form of a standardized interview.
Purpose: The aim of this article is to identify the challenges that employers face when it comes to the use of social media (SM) at work in the context of expectations of future Generation Y and Z employees. Design/methodology/approach: A critical analysis of literature of the subject, research results and reports analysis. Findings: Literature as well as documents and reports analysis will allow to answer the following research questions: How important are social media for Generation Y and Z? What are the preferences and expectations of Generation Y and Z when it comes to future employers in terms of use of modern information technologies and social media at work? In what areas employers are currently using social media? What changes are necessary in human resources management to motivate and maintain Generation Y and Z employees? Originality/value: This study indicated the challenges that employers face when it comes to the use of social media (SM) at work in the context of expectations of future Generation Y and Z employees. From among these challenges, the authors paid attention to the need to increase the level of use of social media when it comes to employee management, the ability to create a positive company image in the social media and use these media to verify information on candidates applying for positions.
Introduction/background: Modern management theories require organizations to recognize 7 the expectations of the environment in order to improve the quality of their products and 8 services. The ability to listen attentively to the needs of stakeholders is one of the key pillars of 9 any company's competitive strategy. The concept of social responsibility, which is based on 10 a long-lasting dialogue with stakeholders, sheds new light on the role of organizations in 11 society, and social engagement promotes obtaining the precious intelligence employed in 12 shaping new sources of value growth. 13 Aim of the paper: The aim of this paper is to present the results of research on the perception 14 of representatives of the Generation Z in the field of corporate social responsibility. 15 The research allowed gathering the information needed to determine the existing state of 16 knowledge of people belonging to this generation with respect to their understanding of the 17 subject of CSR. 18 Materials and methods: The research included 320 students of the Częstochowa University 19 of Technology. The results were subjected to the chi-square independence test. On its basis, 20 it was assessed whether the responses to given questions depended on the field of study of the 21 respondent. 22 Results and conclusions: Only 75% of the respondents indicated that they held knowledge of 23 the problem. Considering their declarations regarding the need to receive more information 24 about CSR, education must be conducted skillfully using appropriate tools. Despite the average 25 level of knowledge of the young generation in the field of CSR, they are positive about it and 26 believe that organizations should be more involved in social activities.
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