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Content available remote Habitat – structure and form, design experience in teaching interior design.
This paper is an attempt to take a closer look on this issue in the context of design experiments carried out in the Interior Design Studio by second-year Interior Design students, Faculty of Architecture and Fine Arts, Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Krakow University. The formula adopted in the studio is seeking the form, analysing, building structures, experiencing, discussing and making presentations. In designing we refer to numerous disciplines. The design process combines both visual arts, technical and sociological disciplines. The project is conducted with reference to the issues of building a structure of specific content, with distinctive signs of a residential space. The idea of a residential space is built based on material and emotional categories, an analysis of structures that serve equivalent functions, as well as inspirations drawn from culture and science. The presented designs show the multifaceted nature of interpreting and understanding of the residential space. Design education is an endless process that is constantly changing despite the adopted rules and methods, thus making it continuously relevant to exchange experiences and update knowledge on the subject.
Referat jest próbą przyjrzenia się temu zagadnieniu w kontekście doświadczeń projektowych prowadzonych w ramach przedmiotu Projektowanie architektury wnętrz na Wydziale Architektury i Sztuk Pięknych Krakowskiej Akademii im. Andrzeja Frycza Modrzewskiego. Formułą pracowni są poszukiwania formy, analiza, budowanie struktur, doświadczanie, dyskusje, prezentacje. Projektując odnosimy się do wielu dyscyplin. Proces projektowy integruje w sobie zarówno dyscypliny plastyczne, techniczne jak i socjologiczne. Zadanie projektowe prowadzone jest w odniesieniu do zagadnień budowania struktury o określonych treściach, o znamionach przestrzeni mieszkalnej. Idea przestrzeni mieszkalnej jest budowana w oparciu o kategorie materialne i emocjonalne, o analizę obiektów o analogicznej funkcji jak i inspiracje ze świata kultury i nauki. Prezentowane projekty pokazują różnorodność interpretowania i rozumienia przestrzeni zamieszkiwania. Nauka projektowania to niekończący się proces i mimo przyjętych reguł i metod nieustannie ulegający zmianom, zatem niezmiennie aktualna jest wymiana doświadczeń i odnawianie wiedzy w tym temacie
Purpose: The aim of this elaboration has been to get to know the opinions of students on benchmarking, its practical application and a possibility of improving the classes. Design/methodology/approach: With the applicable literature and own experience supported with the results of a preliminary (pilot) survey questionnaire performed among students, a need to facilitate public higher education provider’s classes was justified. Findings: The results of the study justify the use of benchmarking in the process of education in management, management and production engineering as well as finance and accounting programmes. Research limitations/implications: The considerations covered in this elaboration determine further directions of theoretical and practical studies. Interesting research problems are e.g. the benefits of using benchmarking, management system improvement, the role of the measurement system and reporting of accomplishments in benchmarking. Originality/value: Benchmarking, as a research tool, is an important source of information indispensable for an adequate operation and development of the organisation. The multi-dimensionality of the tool allows its application both to evaluate the entire organisation for respective results accomplished, and the processes, procedures, standards, etc.
The developing countries of Asia, are faced with rapid changes as far as the economic, political, socio-cultural factors are concerned. These changes require greater investment in basic and higher education, as well as development of skills, in order to support the transition to a high-tech, service-oriented economy. Today, most Asian countries are trying to solve these problems by restructuring or reforming their education systems. The following article discusses the state of educational processes in the technical fields of higher educational institutions of the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States. The results of the study show a high level of development of government strategies to maintain technological modernization of the country.
Students' dropout is certainly one of the major problems that afflict educational institutions, the losses caused by the student's abandonment are social, academic and economic waste. The quest for its causes has been subject of work and educational research around the world. Several organizations seek strategic decisions to control the dropout rate. This work's goal is to evaluate the effectiveness of the most used data mining algorithms in the education area. An "in vivo'' controlled experiment was planned and performed to compare the efficacy selected classifiers. The Random Forest and SVM algorithms have stood out in this context, having, statistically similar accuracy (80.36%, 81.18%), precision (80.79%, 80.25%), recall (76.50%, 77.51%) and f-measure (78.86%, 78.81%) averages. The results showed evidence of significant differences between the algorithms, and also showed that, although the SVM had the best metric of accuracy and recall, it results were statistically similar with Random Forest results.
W dobie dokonujących się współcześnie przemian w środowisku bezpieczeństwa dotykających każdej sfery funkcjonowania człowieka oraz w związku z wszechobecną globalizacją i niepewną sytuacją międzynarodową, zauważamy, że bezpieczeństwo państwa i jego obywateli nabiera szczególnego znaczenia. Na jego rozstrzygający kształt wpływ ma wiele czynników, w tym między innymi, właściwy poziom kompetencji członków formacji mundurowych czuwających nad zachowaniem jego status quo. Wiedza i umiejętności żołnierzy, policjantów, strażaków i funkcjonariuszy są nabywane i doskonalone nie tylko w codziennym działaniu, lecz przede wszystkim podczas realizacji procesu kształcenia i szkolenia zawodowego. W swoich działaniach potwierdzają oni, że szeroko pojęta edukacja sprzyja realizacji przedsięwzięć służbowych i pomaga w formułowaniu celów podejmowanych działań oraz realizacji często złożonych procesów. Celem artykułu jest pokazanie czytelnikowi, jak ważne miejsce w kontekście efektywnej realizacji przedsięwzięć służbowych, tak istotnych dla zapewnienia bezpieczeństwa państwa, ma wiedza i umiejętności zdobywane w czasie realizacji procesu kształcenia członków formacji mundurowych. W procesie tym, rozumianym jako systematyczny i regularny, ważną rolę odgrywają aspekty zarówno praktyczne oraz specjalistyczne, jak i humanistyczne oraz społeczne. Właściwa kompozycja procesu kształcenia umożliwia przygotowanie kompetentnych członków formacji mundurowych, którzy będą przygotowani do podejmowania działań w sytuacjach występujących zagrożeń w środowisku bezpieczeństwa.
In the time of contemporary changes in the security environment, affecting every sphere of human functioning and in connection with the common globalization and the uncertain international situation, the security of the state and its citizens seems to be an extremely important matter. Its decisive shape is influenced by many factors, including, among others, the appropriate level of competence of members of uniformed formation who monitor the status quo. The knowledge and skills of soldiers, policemen, firemen and other officers are acquired and improved not only in everyday activities, but above all, during the process of vocational education and training. In their activities, they confirm that widely understood education favors the implementation of business ventures and helps in formulating the objectives of undertaken activities and the implementation of often complex processes. The aim of the article is to show how important in fulfilling the duties and ensuring the state security, are the knowledge and skills acquired during the training process of the members of uniformed formations. In this process, understood as a systematic and regular, the practical ,specialist as well as humanistic and social aspects play a very important role. The proper organization of the education process makes the preparation of competent members of uniformed units, prepared to handle any emergency situation, possible.
Content available Kształcenie ustawiczne człowieka dorosłego
Wstęp i cele: W pracy przedstawiono koncepcję kształcenia ustawicznego w odniesieniu do człowieka dorosłego. Omówiona zarys teorii kształcenia ustawicznego. Głównym celem pracy jest podanie podstaw metodyki kształcenia ustawicznego dorosłych. Materiały i metody: Materiał stanowią badania nad kształceniem ustawicznym człowieka dorosłego. Zastosowano metodę analizy. Wyniki: Zaakceptowanie metod kształcenia ustawicznego to początek budowy własnej metodyki pracy edukacyjnej z dorosłymi, która w harmonii z wybranym modelem kształcenia gwarantuje osiągnięcie zamierzonego wyniku. Na kształtowanie wiedzy, umiejętności i postaw współczesnego społeczeństwa mają niewątpliwie ogromny wpływ czynniki przemian związane z rozwojem cywilizacji naukowo-technicznej, społeczeństwa informacyjnego oraz z pogłębiającym się procesem globalizacji gospodarki. Wniosek: Specyfikę uczenia się dorosłych określają reguły rządzące ich zachowaniem w sytuacji uczenia się, a efektywne zrealizowanie procesu kształcenia zależy od respektowania owych indywidualnych właściwości i odnajdywania dla nich miejsca w poszczególnych ogniwach procesu dydaktycznego.
Introduction and aims: The work presents the concept of lifelong learning in relation to an adult person. The outline of the theory of continuing education discussed. The main purpose of the work is to provide the basics of continuing adult education. Material and methods: The material is research into the continuing education of an adult. The analysis method was used. Results: Accepting methods of lifelong learning is the beginning of building your own methodology of educational work with adults, which in harmony with the chosen model of education guarantees achievement of the intended result. The development of knowledge, skills and attitudes of modern society are undoubtedly influenced by factors of changes related to the development of scientific and technical civilization, information society and the deepening process of globalization of the economy. Conclusions: The specificity of adult learning determines the rules governing their behavior in a learning situation, and the effective implementation of the learning process depends on respecting these individual properties and finding places for them in individual parts of the didactic process.
Content available remote Importance of computer games in children’s life in the 21st century
This paper discusses the level of acceptation of different kinds of computer games and the changes of the attitude depending on the respondents’ knowledge and context of playing activity. The forms of entertainment for the young generations are the extremely popular computer games. The main goal of this paper is to show the attitude of people toward the game industry and the correlation between the ways of spending spare time and the level of acceptation of computer games. The study is based on a questionnaire in which respondents could declare their opinions in open questions. The study included more than 60 parents, both men and women. It is not surprising that, despite the popularity of computer games, they still arouse much controversy, particularly as they relate to children. Collected parents’ opinions give the picture of the most important pros and cons of playing games and the goals and circumstances of the game activity. When respondents have been informed about term “serious games”, they have changed their previous perceptions of computer games, and the acceptance to the children’s activity grows.
W artykule przedstawiono celowość kształcenia na symulatorach siłowni okrętowych oraz odniesiono się do przepisów regulujących kształcenie na symulatorach siłowni okrętowych. Przedstawiono bazę dydaktyczną symulatorów siłowni okrętowych Akademii Morskiej w Gdyni i dokonano tabelarycznego zestawienia symulatorów z wizualizacją typu 3D.
The article presents the desirability of training based on the engine room simulators. National and international regulations regarding the education based on the simulators have been discused. Also the engine room simulators’ facilities installed in Gdynia Maritime University have been presented and tabularized based on the 3D simulators.
Artykuł przedstawia problematykę organizacji procesu kształcenia w uczelni na studiach wyższych na przykładzie kierunku studiów „Zarządzanie i inżynieria produkcji”, który był prowadzony na Wydziale Górnictwa i Geologii Politechniki Śląskiej. Artykuł obejmuje analizę porównawczą wybranych wyników procesu kształcenia na 4 specjalnościach kształcenia. Przyjęte kryteria analizy wyników procesu kształcenia to: sprawność kształcenia, efekty kształcenia.
The publication presents problems of education process organization in a university on high studies for example of studies direction of “Management and production engineering”, realized on Faculty of Mining and Geology in Silesian University of Technology. The elaboration contains comparing analysis of selected results of education process for example of four of education specialty. Received criteria of results analysis of education process: education efficiency, education effects.
The article is concerned with the influence of modern technologies on learning mathematics and other subjects. It presents Marc Prensky’s theory of digital natives and digital immigrants in the roles of the present-day pupils and teachers. The article includes opinions with regard to the necessary change in the educational process, especially in the approach of teachers to the present-day pupils and students.
Architecture itself could be considered as a hybrid of engineering and beaux-arts. Nowadays there are many tools that can help architects develop and optimize their innovative concepts. This paper describes a hybrid design approach based on combination of traditional architectural design and computational design (Fig. 3) based on study program in Sopot College, Faculty of Architecture. The paper explores the field of cooperation and hybrid interaction between manual and automated methods of developing architectural concepts. The results show that student are eager to experiment with new methods of design. Moreover, the results they achieve in this way are far more innovative and complex. Knowledge of hybrid design methods may contribute to expansions of avant-garde architecture and research-based design methodology.
Artykuł ma na celu zestawienie alternatywnych i tradycyjnych metod nauczania oraz porównanie ich efektów. W celu przybliżenia tematyki, dokonania analiz porównawczych oraz wyciągnięcia wniosków zostały opisane konkretne przykłady zrealizowanych projektów w ramach czterech wybranych metod dydaktycznych. Opisane projekty studenckie zostały przeprowadzone w Zespole Komputerowego Wspomagania Projektowania w Instytucie Architektury i Urbanistyki PŁ. Na podstawie analizy przebiegu i wyników projektów autorka ocenia ich przydatność w odniesieniu do założonych efektów kształcenia. Jest to szczególnie istotne w kontekście dynamicznego rozwoju technologii cyfrowej i związanej z nim konieczności ciągłego uaktualniania programu nauczania.
The paper is based on the author's pedagogical experience in the Institute of Architecture and Urban Planning at the Technical University of Lodz. It addresses pedagogical methods for teaching/learning of design in a changing and challenging educational setting. The impact of the Bologna Process and implementation of the Bloom's taxonomy on the assessments' requirements is stressed. The results of students' selected semester projects and workshops are presented, and methods of teaching are discussed. Various modes of teaching applied in the projects are presented, including group work, workshop and problem based learning as compared to instructional courses. On the basis of the analytical, systematic overview of teaching experiences and approaches the paper concludes with posing some questions concerning the best methods to achieve intellectually satisfying results of high quality. Nowadays architects and designers are challenged by constantly evolving technology and, in consequence, are provoked to explore undiscovered domains. Moreover, the best known masterpieces of contemporary architects would be not possible without advanced information technology. As a result, it evokes constant challenges and requirements of the education process.
In the article psychological aspects of adaptation were discussed. Opinions of specialists in the field of job counseling on professional adaptation were presented. Professional adaptation in the light of constant individual personality traits concept was analyzed. Implications of constant individual personality traits concept on labor process and education process were demonstrated.
W artykule omówiono psychologiczne aspekty przystosowania. Przytoczono opinie specjalistów z dziedziny poradnictwa zawodowego na temat przystosowania zawodowego. Przeanalizowano przystosowanie zawodowe z punktu widzenia koncepcji stałych indywidualnych cech osobowości. Przedstawiono implikacje koncepcji stałych indywidualnych cech osobowości dla przystosowania do procesu pracy i procesu edukacyjnego.
E-politechnika, elektroniczna platforma komunikacji Politechniki Radomskiej ze społecznością regionu umożliwi komunikację społeczności Uczelni przy użyciu Internetu. Wdrożenie tego systemu zostanie przeprowadzone w Politechnice Radomskiej w roku 2011. W artykule przedstawiono przepływ danych pomiędzy systemami składowymi oraz wskazano na rozwój komunikacji on-line ze studentami.
E-politechnika is the electronic communication platform of Technical University of Radom with regional community. This platform will enable the communication via Internet. Implementation of this platform will be conducted in 2011 at the Technical University of Radom. The flow of data between systems and components are presented. The progress of online communication with students are shown.
In the article some of the aspects of creative activity of pupils were presented. The article focuses on own activity through sole individual decision. It was proposed to teat stages of creative problem solutions as a base for organisation and realisation of technical issues. Influences resulting in pupils' development in the educational process regarding technical subjects and developing character of this process are presented, as well as and pupils' activeness and its creativity aspects.
From the perspective of long-term growth of STU FEI in Bratislava, the educational process quality management system is one of the key faculty management priorities. The system comprises processes that try to find answers to questions such as what are the actual results of the faculty educational processes, what is the actual level of improvement in student skills and competences or what are the characteristics of a good teacher or faculty. Answers to the questions may only be identified by consequently applying scientific principles in school management, by adapting ideally to changing political, social and economic environment and consequently improving the quality of education. The study attempts to provide partial answers to some of the applicable questions - tuition process assessment, implementation of quality management system at the faculty and accreditation of selected test labs.
Content available remote Viznacenna funkcij zmistu programi z trudovogo navcanna
Function of labour education program contents have been studied and determined. Approaches to education contents determination and realization have been presented. The very problem has been analysed. Main and specific functions of labour education program with beads wicker-work specialization have been determined.
In her article, the authoress presents a classification of problems to solve due to their functional character. The systemic conception of problems that appear in relation to all kinds of systems is discussed in detail. Two groups of problems are analysed: cognitive problems and decision-making problems. The authoress also presents implications resulting for technical education from such attitude towards the problems.
Content available remote Rola środowiska w procesie edukacji
The article is an introduction into the presentation of researches on the influence of some factors on the effect of teaching of the subject Technical Mechanics in technical secondary schools in Czestochowa. It handles therefore the influence of environmental conditions on the students' school effects and factors conditioning the educational chances of the youths who are finishing their primary schools - before the school reform.
In clause is given the analysis of approaches to definition of the maintenance licnostno-orientirovannogo the approach during profile training pupils of the senior school. Results of the comparative analysis of traditional and self-guided training are sent. Principles self-guided are concretized.
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