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Content available remote Fundamenty i izolacje budynków – problemy projektowo-budowlane
W artykule na konkretnych przykładach pokazano problemy, które mogą się pojawić przy budowie lub renowacji budynków. Zwrócono uwagę na kwestię budowy i izolacji fundamentów, a także odwadniania terenów, na którym stoi lub ma stanąć budynek.
The article shows specific examples of problems that may arise during the construction or renovation of buildings. Attention was paid to the issue of construction and insulation of foundations, as well as drainage of the areas where the building is located or is to be erected.
The paper deals with the possibilities of using alkali silicate based inorganic binders for automotive industry aluminium castings production. In recent years, inorganic binders are coming back to the foreground and their manufacturers are developing new processes, which are starting to progressively supersede organic binder systems. Paper describes known knowledge about classic alkali silicate binders with focus on hardening processes and on improving their technological properties. Trends from the area of development and the use new alkali silicate based inorganic binders are also shortly described. As part of the experimental work, specific methods of producing samples were developed, with the help of which properties such as disintegration were subsequently evaluated by measuring abrasion and residual strengths. Characteristics such as residual compressive strength or shear strength at different thermal loads were also evaluated. When comparing the laboratory results with the results of de-coring in real conditions, a high degree of correlation was achieved, which makes it possible to determine the optimal recipe/procedure for the production of geometrically complex cores.
This research presents the characteristics and inferred evolution of post-bog soils developed in the Last Glacial Maximum area of northwestern Poland near the southern Baltic coast. The study involved a total of five sites near existing lakes in NW Poland. In total, 21 soil pits were described and sampled and 17 piezometers were installed. In soil samples chemical and physical properties were determined. During the hydrological year the water level was checked and chemical properties of water were determined, the floristic composition at each location was also carried out. Mineralisation of post-bog soils initiated by dehydration leads to the decomposition of organic surface layers and an increase in CaCO3 content as well as mineral non-lime components at the expense of organic matter. A sequence of five soil types occurs in this landscape: Sapric Histosols (Limnic), Drainic Histosols (Calcaric, Limnic), Histic Gleysols (Murshic), Umbric Gleysols (Hyperhumic), Gleyic Phaeozems (Hyperhumic) that represent individual stages of soil genesis. Differences between the chemical properties of soils are apparent between organic vs organic-mineral and mineral layers. Man-induced drainage of post-bog soils changes their physical parameters. Bulk density increase and water retention decrease. The fluctuation of groundwater determines the moisture content of post-bog soils and affects the species composition of vegetation. Chemistry of groundwater is shaped mainly by the construction of catchment and the nature of its use, however, it is modified as a result of the inflow of macronutrients released during organic matter mineralisation processes and leaching of exchangeable forms from the sorption complex.
The goal of the current study was to determine the mineral content of different fruit varieties (Na, K, Ca, P, Mg, Fe, Zn, and Cu), as well as the effects of various processing methods (such as canning, drying, stewing, syrup process, and concentration of juices). All tested fruits that were subjected to various types of processing were exposed to a degree of mineral loss, varying from very little to high reduction. However, it still retains its nutritional value. All fig products have the greatest levels of most tested minerals, compared to other processed fruit products, particularly P and Fe. In turn, orange products supply higher quantities of Ca. On the other hand, apricot products have a comparable value of other minerals with those found in fig and orange products. Among canned juices, guava had the highest contents of Ca, P, and Fe, while mango scored the first juice as Mg and Zn supplying. Canned apricot halves contain the best amounts of K, Ca, P and Mg than the same products of apple and peach. Among jam products, fig jam has higher amounts of Na, Ca, P, Mg, and Fe than those found in other fruit jams. The concentration of fruit juices by vacuum-heating or dehydration of fruit produced higher mineral retentions than the fruit products that were processed by other techniques. The concentrated orange juice by vacuum-heating processing retained most of the minerals found in raw juice, also dried apricot sheet retained higher minerals than those retained in dehydrated whole apricot.
The article highlights the results of research into the process of dehydration of amber-containing mining mass using a vibroclassifier. Features of the technological scheme of amber extraction are described, as it relates to water supply points. The state of equilibrium of the liquid in the cell of the vibroclassifier under different conditions of sieve wettability was studied: a liquid that does not wet the sieve fibers; liquid that wets the fibers of the sieve; a thin film of liquid that wets the sieve fibers. As a result of the research, it was established that in the case when the liquid does not wet the fibers of the sieve, the height of the layer of liquid that is maximally retained in the cell is at least 3 times greater than in the case of the liquid that wets the fibers of the sieve. The reliability of the obtained results is confirmed by the use of proven research methods and a relative error between calculated and experimental values at the level of 20%.
W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań procesu odwadniania masy wydobywczej zawierającej bursztyn, za pomocą wibroklasyfikatora. Opisano cechy schematu technologicznego wydobywania bursztynu w odniesieniu do punktów zaopatrzenia w wodę. Badano stan równowagi cieczy w komorze wibroklasyfikatora w rożnych warunkach zwilżalności sita: ciecz niezwilżająca włókien sita; płyn zwilżający włókna sita; cienka warstwa cieczy zwilżającej włókna sita. W wyniku przeprowadzonych badań ustalono, że w przypadku gdy ciecz nie zwilża włókien sita, wysokość maksymalnie zatrzymanej w komórce warstwy cieczy jest co najmniej 3 razy większa niż w przypadku cieczy zwilżającej włókna sita. Wiarygodność uzyskanych wyników potwierdza zastosowanie sprawdzonych metod badawczych oraz względny błąd pomiędzy wartościami obliczonymi a doświadczalnymi na poziomie 20%.
In the article, a device for measuring the parameters of the rotational movement of the auger for dewatering solid waste is proposed based on the analysis of signal processing methods and measurement of physical quantities. It can be used in the development of high-performance special vehicles for transporting waste as the main link in the structure of machines for the collection and primary processing of solid waste. The structural scheme of the means and block diagram of the microcontroller control program algorithm for implementation of the device for measuring the parameters of the rotational motion are proposed. The main technical characteristics of the proposed means are given. The results of experimental tests for measuring the parameters of rotational motion are shown. The results of experimental studies, which are given in the work, confirmed the reliability of the measured parameters.
The objective of the research was to determine the amount of moist extractable matter from the precooked potato dough with the cut in the shape of sticks and the acceleration of the subtraction of moisture from the matter to be dried inside the solar dryer, controlling the flow of dry air entering the collector through six fans. The temperature and relative humidity in the dryer vary with the flow of air that enters the interior of the dryer and by the heat of the brass generated by the exposure of the extraction chamber to radiation from the Sun from 9:00 am. to 5:00 pm. The temperature and relative humidity values detected by the DHT 22 sensor were processed by the Arduino based microcontroller that has embedded the PID control program, whose outputs acted on the fans and heaters, fed with conventional energy, with respect to the setpoints of temperature 36.5 °C and relative humidity 33%. 26 temperature and relative humidity samples were taken during the day, inside the solar dryer chamber with electronic PID controller. As a result, an average controlled temperature of 36.36 °C and relative humidity of 33.115% were obtained in the dryer chamber, allowing the extraction of 73.16% of the weight of the wet matter from the precooked potato. Achieving, dry potato weighing 26.84% of the initial mass, in a drying time of 8 hours.
The aim of the work presented in the article was to review the design solutions of devices used for honey dehydration. The conducted analysis included literature reports from patent databases, solutions described in scientific publications as well as commercial solutions. The final conclusion of the considerations points out that the topic of honey dewatering is a current problem, the solution of which has been worked on since the 1970s, and which solutions are nowadays refined, modified and implemented for industrial production.
Celem pracy zaprezentowanej w artykule był przegląd rozwiązań konstrukcyjnych urządzeń stosowanych do zagęszczania (odwadniania) miodu. Przeprowadzona analiza obejmowała zarówno doniesienia literaturowe z baz patentowych, rozwiązania opisane w publikacjach naukowych jak i rozwiązania komercyjne. Wniosek końcowy rozważań zwraca uwagę, iż te mat odwadniania miodu jest aktualnym problemem, nad rozwiązaniem którego pracowano już od lat 70 XX wieku, a które to rozwiązania w dzisiejszych czasach są dopracowywane, modyfikowane i wdrażane do produkcji przemysłowej.
Obok tlenu, to właśnie woda jest najważniejszym składnikiem pobieranym przez człowieka z otoczenia. Nie od dziś wiadomo, że niedobór płynów, prowadzący do zaburzeń funkcjonowania organizmu i do śmierci, jest dużo szybciej odczuwalny niż całkowity brak dostępu do pożywienia. Zapewnienie odpowiedniego nawodnienia pracownikom jest jedną z najbardziej skutecznych interwencji w celu ochrony ich zdrowia i wydajności podczas pracy w gorącym środowisku. Pracownicy podczas pracy powinni pić często niewielkie ilości schłodzonej (10-15 "O wody przed wystąpieniem uczucia pragnienia. Aby skutecznie zapobiegać odwodnieniu w pracy, należy być prawidłowo nawodnionym przed rozpoczęciem pracy, często przyjmować małe porcje płynów już od początku pracy oraz wyrównać powstałe niedobory po jej zakończeniu.
Water (except for oxygen) is sometimes said to be the most important component absorbed by humans from the environment. It's been widely known for a long time that a deficiency of fluids, leading to disturbances in the functioning of the body and, ultimately, to death, is felt much faster than the total lack of access to food. Providing adequate hydration for employees is one of the most effective interventions to protect their health and performance while they work in hot environments. These workers should often drink small amounts of chilled (10-15 °C) water before feeling thirsty. To effectively prevent dehydration at work, the employee should be properly hydrated beforehand, he should follow with drinking small portions of fluid in the beginning of her/his shift, and compensate for any deficiency of fluid after work.
W artykule przedstawiono opracowany w Instytucie im. V.R. Williamsa rotacyjny kondycjoner przystosowany do tarczowej kosiarki KR-2,1M. Jakość kosiarki z rotacyjnym kondycjonerem została oceniona zgodnie z GOST 28722-90. Charakterystyka skoszonej trawy została zbadana zgodnie z ogólnie przyjętymi metodami prowadzenia eksperymentów polowych. Test przeprowadzono na roślinach pastewnych i na trawie. Podczas badań sprawdzono jakość koszenia przez kosiarkę i oceniono jak koszenie wpłynęło na szybkość wysychania roślin. Oceniono, że rotacyjny kondycjoner jest funkcjonalny, ma prostą konstrukcję i wspomaga pracę kosiarki. Dodatkowo koszty jego produkcji są niskie.
Described developed in the Federal Williams Research Center of Forage Production & Agroecology rotary conditioner with beater working organs to mower КR-2,1М produced on the open jointstock company "Sasovkormmash". Jointed beaters, installed directly on disks of the mower, have a dynamic influence on the stems of plants during mowing. The mower with the developed conditioner is tested in field conditions on the cereal-legume mixture of 1st cut. The quality of the mower with a rotary conditioner was evaluated in accordance with GOST 28722-90. The characteristic of the mown grass was determined in accordance with the generally accepted methods of conducting field experiments with forage crops. mown grass. Data on the quality of processing of plants by experimental working organs and their influence on speed of a dehydration of plants are presented. It was established that the rotary conditioner is functional, has a simple design, low material consumption and, accordingly, cost.
The use of terahertz-based techniques has grown very fast since they are capable of performing evaluations at molecular level, being very suitable for the analysis of biological samples and biomaterials such as those for contact lenses. These biomaterials are continuously evolving to enhance the lens wearer’s comfort by improving their hydration state and surface wettability. Therefore, this study examines a novel terahertz system for the assessment of the temporary in vitro dehydration of hydrogel contact lenses, which provides a new index to assess their state of hydration. Several conventional and silicone hydrogel contact lenses and lens care solutions were analysed. Traditional methods such as the gravimetric determination of water content and the measurement of the static contact angle were also carried out for the validation of the developed system. The dehydration rate measurements of contact lenses obtained with the proposed system correlated with the values provided by traditional methods. As a whole, conventional hydrogel contact lenses exhibited the lowest values for dehydration rate. The tests conducted on various solutions showed a correlation between the wetting action of the solution and the dehydration rate of the contact lens material.
Właściwe zaprojektowanie elementów odwodnienia jest niezwykle istotne ze względu na zapewnienie prawidłowego funkcjonowania drogi w całym okresie jej użytkowania. W artykule opisano przykład niewłaściwego podejścia do problemu wody w konstrukcji na przebudowie jednej z dróg wojewódzkich.
The proper design of drainage elements is extremely important to ensure the appropriate functioning of a road throughout its entire lifetime. The article describes, among others, an example of a wrong approach to the problem of water in the structure during the reconstruction of one of the provincial roads.
Content available remote Funkcja drenażowa geosyntetyków
Spośród wielu funkcji geosyntetyków, które powszechnie znajdują zastosowanie w budownictwie, jedną z istotniejszych jest funkcja drenażowa. Zapewnienie długotrwałego, niezawodnego funkcjonowania drenażu wymaga przyjęcia odpowiedniego geokompozytu drenażowego.
Recently, the use of inorganic binders cured by heat as a progressive technology for large scale production of cores is widely discussed topic in aluminium foundries. As practical experiences show, knock-out properties of inorganic binders were significantly increased, although they cannot overcome organic based binder systems. This paper contains information about hot curing processes based on alkali silicate and geopolymer binder systems for core making. Main differences between hot cured geopolymers and hot cured alkali silicate based inorganic binders are discussed. Theory of geopolymer binder states, that binder bridge destruction is mainly of adhesive character. The main aim of this research paper was to examine binder bridge destruction of alkali silicate and geopolymer binder systems. In order to fulfil this objective, sample parts were submitted to defined thermal load, broken and by using SEM analysis, binder bridge destruction mechanism was observed. Results showed that geopolymer binder system examined within this investigation does not have mainly adhesive destruction of binder bridges, however the ratio of adhesive-cohesive to cohesive destruction is higher than by use of alkali silicate based binder systems, therefore better knock-out properties can be expected.
W pracy zaprezentowano wyniki badań wpływu temperatury na aktywność wody miodów w postaci płynnej oraz półpłynnej (częściowo skrystalizowanej) oraz wyniki badań intensywności odwadniania tych miodów w warunkach kontrolowanych. Stwierdzono iż aktywność wody miodów zmienia się wraz ze wzrostem temperatury. Charakter tych zmian jest paraboliczny z maksimum zależnym od postaci i odmiany miodu. Na podstawie analizy uzyskanych krzywych parabolicznych określono przedział temperatury w zakresie którym badane miody charakteryzują się najwyższą aktywnością wody. Stwierdzono również że odwadnianie miodu w postaci półpłynnej (częściowo skrystalizowanej) charakteryzuje się wyższą intensywnością w porównaniu do odwadniania miodu płynnego.
The paperpresents the results of studies on the influence of temperatureon the wateractivity of honey in a liquid and semiliquidstate (partlycrystallized)and results of investigations of the dehydrationintensity of thesehoneysundercontrolledconditions. It was foundthat the honeywateractivitychanges with the increase of temperaturę. The nature of thesechangesisparabolic with the maximum depending on the form and variety of honey.Based on analysis of graphs of changes of wateractivity was determined the temperaturerange in whichtestedhoney’shave the highestwateractivity. It was alsofoundthat the dehydration of honey in semi-liquid (partlycrystallized) form ischaracterized by a higherintensity in comparison to the dehydration of liquidhoney.
Content available Zagospodarowanie wód opadowych i systemy odwodnień
Wody opadowe stanowią bardzo istotne zagadnienie w warunkach funkcjonowania osadnictwa, a ich zagospodarowanie było zawsze priorytetem. Szczególne miejsce zajmują w tej kwestii odwodnienia układów komunikacyjnych, których zasadniczą właściwością powinna być przede wszystkim skuteczność działania. Odpowiednie systemy odwodnienia gwarantują także trwałość budowli infrastrukturalnych.
Celem podjętych badań było ustalenie możliwości ponownego wykorzystania odpadowego wypełniacza uzyskanego ze zmielenia drobnych frakcji pochodzących z gruzu betonowego jako zamiennika spoiwa w kompozytach cementowych. Wypełniacz pozyskano z próbek laboratoryjnych z zaprawy normowej domielonej do frakcji 0/0,063 mm. Eksperyment badawczy obejmował 11 serii, w którym zmiennymi były: X1 – temperatura prażenia gruzu betonowego (250 °C, 550 °C, 850 °C) oraz X2 – zawartość wypełniacza w stosunku do masy cementu (10%, 20%, 30%). Na podstawie uzyskanych wyników wytrzymałości na ściskanie, wytrzymałości na zginanie, nasiąkliwości i gęstości ustalono najkorzystniejszą temperaturę prażenia gruzu betonowego równą 550 °C. Wypełniacz z recyklingu spowodował pogorszenie badanych cech fizykomechanicznych kompozytów. Przy zawartości na poziomie 10%, a nawet do 20% masy cementu uzyskano parametry kompozytu zbliżone do kontrolnego.
The aim of this study was to determine the possibility of reuse of waste concrete powderderived from the grinding of concrete rubble fine fractions as a substitute for binder in the cement composites. For the waste powder production standard of mortar from laboratory samples were used ground to a fraction of 0/0.063mm. The experiment consisted of 11 series, where the variables were: X1 – calcinating temperature (250 °C, 550 °C, 850 °C) and X2 – waste concrete powder content as percent of cement weight (10%, 20%, 30%). Based on the test results of compressive strength, flexural strength, water absorption and density the most preferred calcination temperature of concrete rubble equal to 550 °C was found. The presence of recycled powder generally deteriorated all studied physical and mechanical cement composite properties. However, when the content of the powder was up to 10% or even up to 20% by cement weight, composite parameters similar to those of the control were obtained.
Carbon materials represent difficult chemical compounds [1, 2]. They demand not only dispergating (crushing), and dehydration (removal of moisture) [3], but also cleanings of harmful impurity which negatively influence the environment at their further use in the industry. Now there are many installations and techniques of dehydration and dispergating of rheological material, including coals of different types. Comparative analysis of standard technologies and technology of thermal vacuum dehydration and dispergating of brown coal carried out. The experimental technique of dehydration and dispergating of brown coal described. Temperature, pressure, time of dehydration and dispergating of brown coal are determined. The physical model of simultaneous dehydration and dispergating of fine porous material offered. Dispergating of the dried-up material described by means of two models of disintegration of a part in the course of drying: discrete and continuous. It shown that at the initial stage of drying the maximum difference on the mass of the extracted water calculated on two models makes size about 7%. On big times of drying dependence of amount of the extracted water on time for the models considered above is almost identical. Calculations show that rapid withdrawal of water from a sample explains rather intensive process of crushing of the dried-up material at the initial stage of drying. At the same time with excess of temperature of the heater by 1.68 times over temperature of boiling of water with the lowered part pressure in the same number of times are crushed quicker. Comparison of theoretical calculations with experimental data shows adequacy of the offered models of dehydration and dispergating of fine rheological material.
Odwadnianie to podstawowy proces zmniejszenia objętości osadów ściekowych. W celu zwiększenia zdolności osadów do oddawania wody stosuje się różne procesy wspomagające. Jedną z metod jest zastosowanie polielektrolitów, jak również działanie pola ultradźwiękowego przy odpowiednio dobranych parametrach sonifikacji. Kondycjonowanie osadów ściekowych zmienia strukturę oraz właściwości osadów, powodując zmiany w równowadze układu, co sprzyja zwiększeniu zdolności do zagęszczania i odwadniania. W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań dotyczące zastosowania polielektrolitów kationowych Praestol, dezintegracji ultradźwiękowej oraz połączenia powyższych metod na przebieg procesu zagęszczania, jak również wartości czasu ssania kapilarnego i oporu właściwego osadów. W badaniach wykorzystano dwie długości fali pola ultradźwiękowego (39,42 µm oraz 21,4 µm) oraz czasy ekspozycji 15 i 30 s. Dla różnych kombinacji i połączeń założonych parametrów procesu kondycjonowania określano ich wpływ na przebieg zagęszczania, czas ssania kapilarnego (CSK) oraz wartości oporów. Przy założonych parametrach prowadzenia badań zaobserwowano dla wszystkich kombinacji kondycjonowania poprawę zagęszczania osadów ściekowych w odniesieniu do osadów niekondycjonowanych. Również dla niektórych metod wspomagania odnotowano uzyskanie wyników charakteryzujących lepszą efektywność oddawania wody.
The article presents results of research on the use of cationic polyelectrolyte Praestol, ultrasonic disintegration, and a combination of these methods on the process of compaction as well as the capillary suction time and the resistiveity of the sludge. The study used two wavelengths of the ultrasound field (39.42 microns and 21.4 microns) and exposure times of 15 and 30 s. For various combinations and connections established parameters of the conditioning process determined their impact on the thickening time of capillary suction (CST), and resistance values. The assumed parameters of research was observed for all combinations of improving the conditioning of sludge thickening for nonprepared sludge. Also, for some methods of supporting observed to obtain results more efficiently characterize the donation of water.
Po omówieniu w poprzednich artykułach z niniejszej serii zagadnień związanych m.in. ze sprawami teoretycznymi, sposobami obliczeń i projektowania oraz przygotowania inwestycji [10] kolejnym ważnym tematem są zagadnienia związane z wykonawstwem przedmiotowych obiektów.
In this article, the authors discuss issues related to the proper performing of the construction of culverts in the technology of concrete and reinforced concrete, and their equipment elements which have a direct influence on the functionality. Because of the magnitude of discussed issue article has been divided into two parts. This article applies to discuss issues related to the performance of the construction of culverts in the field of preparatory works, excavation and foundations.
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