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Modernization of aged rolling stock is one of the possibilities to adapt it to the current requirements for better environmental friendliness and economy of railway transport. However, some vehicle upgrades lead to new failures that were not observed in the original vehicles. The cause is the so-called “hybrid design”, built on a combination of original and selected new components. The aim of the work was to improve the situation with frequent failures and unavailability that occur on the modernized locomotive where a new diesel engine and new electronic control system was installed. Within the work, a simplified methodology for evaluating the outputs of diagnostic equipment was developped based on and applied to specific locomotive type and its diesel engine. The methodology resulted in a significant reduction of the time for assessing the condition of the vehicle’s diesel engine and more effective maintenance. The paper also presents other possibilities in the analysis of big data in the maintenance of rolling stock e.g. using fuzzy logic.
Automation of processes related to design and manufacturing is one of the essential goals of most manufacturing companies. The use of modern computer-aided design systems CAD allows partial automation of such processes. The parametric model can be built in some CAD systems. In the parametric model, selected dimensions are treated as control parameters. By changing the values of these parameters, we can control the remaining geometrical dimensions of the model. These dimensions can be associated with linear control parameters using mathematical relationships. Parameterization allows you to associate a geometric model with a mathematical model and allows you to automatically make changes to all elements associated with the currently modified parameter. When working on a non-parameterized model, the changes in the modelled object must be applied separately for each part and subassembly of which it is composed. In a parametric model, changing one parameter entails changes in other parameters dependent on it. Parameterization of the model allows its use for further modification of the designed structure related to customer requirements, even for that very complex, as well as accelerating the design process itself. The article presents a three-dimensional geometric model of a boat davit created with the use of the Siemens NX 9.0 software. In the work, the geometry of the crane model was parameterized for the assumed values of its height and reach. As a result of parametric modelling, the values of the individual geometric dimensions of the device’s structure elements and their mass were obtained. It was justified that thanks to the use of parameterized models, the time of design and construction processes can be significantly reduced, which makes the process more efficient.
Given the importance of quality and responsiveness of manufacturing companies to customers, the most important principle can be considered reducing the cycle time of the production process. Since preserving the quality standards in a disposable necessities manufacturer is important, the Fuzzy Taguchi method as a powerful design optimization tool is used to determine the quality and design of optimal control parameters. Because in the real world due to measurement errors and inaccuracies in information and uncertainty in processes, fuzzy concepts have been used. Therefore, in this study, the parameters for controlling the process of disposable essentials are optimized to reduce the time cycle. Also, S/N and ANOVA methods have been used to study the characteristics of process performance. The four control parameters affecting the feed rate of the sheet, the machine wind pressure, and the mold temperature and sheet thickness affect the quality of the process. And Taguchi Fuzzy is a systematic and efficient method that reduces the cycle time. Experimental results have been reviewed and presented to evaluate the effectiveness of this approach in the Kach Company.
Czas trwania cyklu procesu produkcyjnego jest jednym z podstawowych czynników zarówno zapewnienia wysokiej jakości produkcji jak również zmniejszenia czasu reakcji producentów na wymagania klienta. W pracy prowadzono optymalizację parametrów sterujących stosowanych w procesie produkcji wyrobów jednorazowego użytku dla skrócenia czasu cyklu produkcyjnego. Do badań przyjęto metodę Taguchiego z elementami logiki rozmytej. Uwzględniono w procesie optymalizacji wpływ błędów pomiarowych, niedokładność danych wejściowych oraz niepewność w ustaleniu prawidłowych wartości parametrów procesu. Stosowano w badaniach cztery parametry sterujące procesu: grubość arkusza tworzywa, prędkość podawania arkusza, ciśnienie robocze maszyny i temperaturę matrycy. Stosowano metodę S/N i analizę wariancji (ANOVA) dla oceny przebiegu procesu produkcyjnego. Wyniki analizy danych doświadczalnych były podstawą oceny efektywności optymalizacji procesu produkcyjnego w firmie Kach Company.
In this paper, we present a new optimization method based on a new class of functions, namely generalized polynomials (GPs) for solving linear and nonlinear fractional differential equations (FDEs). In the proposed method, the solution of the problem under study is expanded in terms of the GPs with fixed coefficients, free coefficients and control parameters. The initial conditions are employed to compute the fixed coefficients. The residual function and its ǁ.ǁ2 are employed for converting the problem under consideration to an optimization one and then choosing the unknown free coefficients and control parameters optimally. As a useful result, the necessary conditions of optimality are derived as a system of nonlinear algebraic equations with unknown free coefficients and control parameters. The validity and accuracy of the approach are illustrated by some numerical examples. The obtained results show that the proposed method is very efficient and accurate.
This paper evaluates an ASD tug’s main control parameters in terms of: the propeller thrust, a direction thereof (the thruster angle), and the hull drift angle for given escort speed and required push force. Such a relation is sometimes referred to as the tug performance diagram. A simplified model of tug hydrodynamics is used to arrive at the qualitative and most representative relations of the above variables. This model is rather generic that can also suit any type of tug hydrodynamics, including even that related to a conventional tug.
This paper devoted to pollution of the atmosphere due marine diesel engines in operation. In the paper presented are results of the investigations carried out in the Gdynia Maritime Academy laboratory with the use of a ship diesel engine, one-cylinder, two-stroke, crosshead of longitudinal scavenging, which was loaded by means of the water brake. This diesel engine combusting heavy fuel oil IF 40. The test-involved effect of two selected control parameters of fuel injection system ship diesel engine: fuel injection pressure and injection advance angle. Both selected control parameters were changed during the experiment separately, each of them three times. And so: changing the fuel injection pressure - for three selected values: 18, 22 and 26 MPa; changing the fuel injection advance angle - for three selected values: -10 centigrade, -13 centigrade and -16 centigrade before the piston's top dead centre (BTDC). The measurements were performed within the wide range of engine load at the permanent rotational speed of 220 rpm. For each of the above selected values six measurements were performed at the following engine loads: 25%, 40%, 50%, 60%, 70% and 80% nominal loads. Control parameters to change the injection pump and injector engine, during operation of the engine, by means of a supplementary-scaled instrumentation of the injector and injection pump. Owing to this is was not necessary to stop the engine before each successive test cycle. This way of realization of the measurements guaranteed running them in steady conditions. The elimination of influence of possible disturbances witch could arise from multiple starting and stopping the engine improved accuracy and reliability of the obtained results.
A method for modeling of the dynamics characteristics for a 5-phase permanent magnet tubular linear motor (PMTLM) is presented. Its electromagnetic nonlinear field analysis with finite element method (FEM) has been coupled with the circuit model. The calculation model includes the equations for electrical circuits and mechanical quantities as well. They have been obtained using Lagrange's method. The calculated and measured waves of the mover position have been compared for several values of the excitation current. This comparison yields a good agreement. Presented calculation model is very useful in designing and optimization of the PMTLM and in the calculation of the parameters for the control algorithms intended for such a type of actuators.
An intensive expansion of motorization caused a necessity to limit its negative acting on the environment. It is connected with more and more law requirements from the range of protection of the natural environment. Directions of the introduced changes refer both to the sector of mass use of electric and thermal energy and the individual consumer who sees in a given problem most often in the aspect of liquid fuel consumption. The essential part in this process is played by vegetable fuel like rape oil methyl group ester of higher fatty acids (RME), more and more often used to supply Diesel engines. At the same time, there is a problem of minimising unfavourable aspects of the operation of drive unit supplied with a fuel with different physicochemical properties when compared with diesel oil. In the paper is discussed an attempt to cope with these requirements by changing selected control settings of a engine turbocharging with rotational combustion chamber, treating rapeseed methyl esters as a self-contained fuel. The parameters adjusted in relation to the nominal settings were: injection pressure, the injection advance angle and injection pump volumetric fuel charge. The results of the tests have been shown in the form of the external characteristics of the engine tested.
Intensywny rozwój motoryzacji spowodował konieczność ograniczenia jej negatywnego działania na otoczenie. Związane jest to z coraz ostrzejszymi wymaganiami prawnymi z zakresu ochrony środowiska naturalnego. Kierunki wprowadzanych zmian dotyczą zarówno sektora masowego wykorzystania energii elektrycznej i cieplnej, jak również odbiorcy indywidualnego postrzegającego dany problem najczęściej w aspekcie zużycia paliw płynnych. Istotną rolę w tym procesie odgrywają paliwa roślinne takie jak ester metylowy wyższych kwasów tłuszczowych oleju rzepakowego (RME), który coraz częściej stosuje się do zasilania silników o zapłonie samoczynnym. Jednocześnie pozostaje problem zmniejszenia niekorzystnych aspektów pracy jednostki napędowej zasilanej paliwem o odmiennych właściwościach fizykochemicznych w porównaniu z olejem napędowym. W referacie omówiono próbę sprostania tym wymaganiom przez zmianę wybranych nastaw regulacyjnych silnika turbodoładowanego z wirową komorą spalania, traktując ester metylowy oleju rzepakowego jako paliwo samodzielne. Parametrami regulowanymi w stosunku do ustawień nominalnych były: ciśnienie wtrysku, kąt wyprzedzenia wtrysku i objętościowa dawka paliwa pompy wtryskowej. Wyniki badań przedstawiono w formie charakterystyk zewnętrznych badanego silnika.
In recent years intensification has been observed in activities that aim at decreasing the contribution of mineral fuels in global energy system. Directions of the introduced changes refer both to the sector of mass use of electric and thermal energy and the individual consumer who sees in a given problem most often in the aspect of liquid fuel consumption. This has resulted from an unusually dynamic increase in prices of crude oil on the world's markets and a larger and larger demand for products produced from it. Having in mind the international legal regulations that refer to the protection of natural environment, the preservation of energy security or finally the necessity of rational use of the resources of mineral fuels, a larger and larger role in transportation is played by fuels of the plant origin. With respect to this, an alternative for classic fuels is first of all ethyl alcohol for engines with spark ignition and rapeseed methyl esters for engines with compression ignition. Their use seems to be fully justified in case of older motive units for which other solutions would be troublesome or irrational economically and ecologically. At the same time, there is a problem of minimising unfavourable aspects of the operation of engine fed with a fuel with different physicochemical properties when compared with petrol or diesel oil. In the paper is discussed an attempt to cope with these requirements by changing selected control settings of a normally aspirated engine with turbulence combustion chamber, treating rapeseed methyl esters as a self-contained fuel.
W ostatnich latach obserwuje się intensyfikację działań mających na celu zmniejszenie udziału paliw kopalnych w globalnym systemie energetycznym. Kierunki wprowadzanych zmian dotyczą zarówno sektora masowego wykorzystania energii elektrycznej i cieplnej, jak również odbiorcy indywidualnego postrzegającego dany problem najczęściej w aspekcie zużycia paliw płynnych. Wynika to z niezwykle dynamicznego wzrostu cen ropy naftowej na rynkach światowych i coraz większym popycie na produkty z niej wytwarzane. Mając na uwadze międzynarodowe regulacje prawne dotyczące ochrony środowiska naturalnego, zachowanie bezpieczeństwa energetycznego czy wreszcie konieczność racjonalnego wykorzystania zasobów kopalnych, coraz większą rolę w transporcie odgrywają paliwa pochodzenia roślinnego. W tym zakresie alternatywę dla paliw klasycznych stanowią przede wszystkim alkohol etylowy do silników o zapłonie iskrowym i ester metylowy oleju rzepakowego do silników o zapłonie samoczynnym. Ich stosowanie wydaje się w pełni uzasadnione w przypadku starszych jednostek napędowych, dla których inne rozwiązania byłyby kłopotliwe lub ekonomicznie i ekologicznie nieracjonalne. Jednocześnie pozostaje problem zmniejszenia niekorzystnych aspektów pracy silnika zasilanego paliwem o odmiennych właściwościach fizykochemicznych w porównaniu z benzyną czy olejem napędowym. W referacie omówiono próbę sprostania tym wymaganiom przez zmianę wybranych nastaw regulacyjnych silnika wolnossącego z wirową komorą spalania, traktując ester metylowy oleju rzepakowego, jako paliwo samodzielne.
Przedstawiono wyniki pomiarów temperaturowych pieca komorowego pustego oraz ze wsadem ceramicznym. Omówione zostały różnice przebiegu regulacji między tymi dwoma przypadkami oraz ich przyczyny i ewentualne metody poprawy jakości regulacji.
The paper presents results of temperature measurements in a chamber furnace with and without a batch. The differences in temperature control between these two cases have been described as well as theirs causes and possible ways of improvement the quality of control.
Zarządzanie łańcuchami dostaw odgrywa dla każdego przedsiębiorstwa kluczową rolę, gdyż urzeczywistnia procesy biznesowe stanowiące o przychodach ze sprzedaży wyrobów i usług. Krytyczne znaczenie dla sukcesu w szybko zmieniającym się i konkurencyjnym biznesie stanowi kompleksowość i wzajemna zależność działań oraz ilość wymienianych danych wymagających globalnej standaryzacji. Operacyjna współpraca partnerów w dynamicznie zmieniających się warunkach rynkowych, wymaga pozyskiwania i przetwarzania masowych strumieni danych, aby usprawniać swoje funkcje, procesy i relacje wewnętrzne we współpracy z dostawcami i odbiorcami, zwiększając tym samym konkurencyjność całego łańcucha dostaw. Zarządzanie wzajemnie zależnymi procesami biznesowymi jest wspomagane zintegrowanymi systemami klasy SCM (Supply Chain Management) lub wykorzystaniem otwartych standardów globalnych e-biznesu. Do opisu procesów wykorzystywane są międzynarodowe standardy metodyk modelowania - UMM (Unified Modelling Methodology) i języki modelowania - UML (Unified Modelling Language) (UN/CEFACT - United Nations / Centre for Trade Facilitation and Electronic Business - Centrum Ułatwiania Handlu i Elektronicznego Biznesu ONZ). Zarządzanie procesami wymaga stałego monitorowania kluczowych i operacyjnych wskaźników efektywności, parametryzacji procesów na potrzeby ich sterowania oraz algorytmów sterujących powiązanych w procedury zarządzania procesami. W artykule przedstawiono jak zwymiarowane i operacyjnie przygotowane zarządzanie procesami biznesowymi (BPM - Business Process Management) w łańcuchach dostaw, daje możliwość sterowania wartością dodaną łańcucha i rentownością dostarczanych produktów (DPP - Direct Product Pofitability)
The supply chain management is playing a key role for each company because makes real business processes and income from product sale. The comprehension and business processes interactions along supply chain making up critical importance for success in the fast changing and competitive global business arena. Business partners cooperation in rapid changing market environment requires mass data flows acquisition and quasi-real time processing in many areas of operations activities in supply chain. All above mentioned ventures are aimed at processes rationalization together with deliverers and receivers that allows for competitiveness increasing in full supply chain. The management of mutually related business processes is supported by SCM (Supply Chain Management) level integrated information system or by electronic data interchange open standards of global e-business. Global standards of process modelling methodology (e.g. UMM - Unified Modelling Methodology) and modelling language (e.g. UML - Unified Modelling Language)5 applied to process specification guarantee equal and clear-cut process interpretation between business partners in supply chain. The process supervision requires performance indicators continuous monitoring and process parameters to control procedures execution.The article presents how operations processes management in supply chains adjusted to business process management (BPM) systems contribute controlling added value and direct product profitability in supply chain
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