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W tym roku Zarząd Zieleni m.st. Warszawy wraz z Towarzystwem Przyjaciół Warszawy organizują jubileuszową, 40. edycję konkursu „Warszawa w kwiatach”. Co ciekawe, konkurs ten ma o wiele dłuższą tradycję i sięga lat 30. ubiegłego wieku, gdy ówczesny prezydent Warszawy Stefan Starzyński, któremu przyświecała wizja „miasta bukietu”, zapoczątkował tę inicjatywę.
Artykuł przedstawia proces projektowania i wykonania lekkiej mieszanki betonowej zbrojonej włóknami spełniającej regulaminowe kryteria konkursu „FRC Bowling Ball Competition 2023” organizowanego przez American Concrete Institute (ACI) w San Fransisco USA.
The article presents the design process and making a fiber reinforced lightweight concrete in accordance with the rules of the “FRC Bowling Ball Competition 2023” organized by the American Concrete Institute, San Francisco USA.
Celem artykułu jest naświetlenie problemów rozwoju europejskiego przemysłu obronnego oraz prób jego reformowania. Prezentowany tekst został opracowany na podstawie dokumentów Europejskiej Służby Działań Zewnętrznych, w strukturach, których funkcjonują między innymi: Sztab Wojskowy UE oraz Europejska Agencja Obrony. W 2017 roku powołano kilka instytucji, które miały na celu modernizację oraz integrację kilkuset rozproszonych europejskich przedsiębiorstw zbrojeniowych i wyposażenie ich w konkurencyjne technologie. Ważną rolę w tej dziedzinie odgrywają Europejski Fundusz Obrony oraz Roczny Skoordynowany Przegląd Obronny (CARD). W 2022 r. procesy integracyjne w dziedzinie obronności zostały przyspieszone z powodu agresji Rosji przeciwko Ukrainie, a także po przyjęciu nowej strategii bezpieczeństwa Unii Europejskiej zwanej „Kompasem Strategicznym”. Europejska Agencja Obrony opublikowała także rezultaty i wnioski CARD 2022.
The aim of the article is to highlight the problems of development of the European defense industry, and the attempts to reform it. The presented text was prepared on the basis of documents of the European External Action Ser-vice, in the structures of which they function, and among others the EU Military Staff and the European Defense Agency. In 2017, several institutions were established to modernize and integrate several hundred dispersed European defense companies and equip them with competitive technologies. The European Defense Fund and the Coordinated Annual Review on Defense (CARD) play an important role in this area. In 2022, integration processes in the field of defense were accelerated due to Russia's aggression against Ukraine, as well as after the adoption of a new European Union security strategy called the Strategic Compass. The European Defense Agency has also published the results and conclusions of CARD 2022.
Purpose: The purpose of the publication was to attempt to present housing cooperatives as a competitive entity in relation to other entities forming the „real estate stock”. The resource of housing cooperatives was presented and compared to the resource of other entities operating on the real estate market in Poland. It also shows how housing cooperatives are performing on the real estate market in Poland. Design/methodology/approach: Empirical research on the competitiveness of housing cooperatives in the real estate market was nationwide. The number of dwellings put into use by particular entities operating on the real estate market in Poland has been analysed with a division into voivodships. The standard of buildings put into use has been characterized, and the quality of housing stock management has been analysed. Data concerning the number of dwellings completed has been obtained from the Local Data Bank of the Central Statistical Office and from the Analysis and Monitoring System form the Real Estate Market (AMRON). Findings: The legally and historically established position of the owner of often huge housing resources and the gap between housing cooperatives to function without any assessment of their competitiveness. Legal changes, which include the right to transform a cooperative right into separate ownership of premises, the right to change the property manager from a cooperative to a competitive commercial entity, undoubtedly force housing cooperatives to compete in the housing market in Poland. Originality/value: To date, competition between operators in the property market has not been studied. In this publication, the authors examined the competitiveness of housing cooperatives in relation to other business entities.
W artykule prezentowany jest drużynowy konkurs matematyczno-informatyczny Koala dla młodzieży z Wielkopolski, którego celem jest rozbudzanie i rozwijanie zainteresowania matematyką i informatyką, w szczególności takimi dziedzinami jak: kombinatoryka, algorytmika i logika (stąd nazwa konkursu: Koala). Ponadto celem konkursu jest doskonalenie umiejętności pracy w grupie, dyskusji oraz prezentowania własnych rozwiązań zadań i uzasadniania ich poprawności. W roku szkolnym 2021/2022 odbyła się już IX edycja konkursu. W artykule przedstawione zostaną metody (strategie) przydatne podczas rozwiązywania niektórych typów zadań konkursowych.
Currently, focus on dry ports in the People's Republic of China (PRC) is growing, and therefore, the number of dry ports in the country is actively increasing. Due to the multifunctionality of dry ports, they meet the modern requirements of China's transport policy, which prioritizes improving the quality of providing transportation services by providing general access to value-added and high-quality services. The purpose of the PRC's transport system is also to facilitate the movement of freight flows within the State's territory, due to a faster modal shift, increased accessibility of transport, development of auxiliary functions, and construction of integrated transport hubs. Dry ports deal with the mentioned tasks; however, with the increase in the number of dry ports in the PRC, the issue of optimizing the interaction between dry ports has become urgent. The purpose of this research is to scientifically substantiate the need for strengthening technological cooperation between dry ports. The problem of determining the optimal structure of the system of interaction of dry ports was solved using the method of discreteevent simulation and the anyLogistix software tool. The results of assessment of the economic efficiency of the interaction between dry ports are presented. The results of experiments with a model of China’s dry port system showed the possibility of increasing the total profit of participants of the supply chain by 2.3 times and their profitability by 2.6 times, reducing the cost of container transportation by 1.3 times, and fully meeting the demand for transportation. It has been proven that the cooperation of dry ports in supply chains provides enhanced opportunities for processing cargo flows, as a result of the redirection of cargo consignments from overloaded dry ports to dry ports with reserves ith processing capacity. A methodology for optimizing the structure of the system of interaction of dry ports is presented. The methodology is proposed for use as a tool for strategic and current planning of supply chains.
Recent reforms in the Ukrainian audit market should have been activated the competitiveness in the market. This paper explores concentration in the Ukrainian audit market in order to analyze the efficiency of these reforms. In this study, the annual data from the Audit Chamber of Ukraine over the period 2007 - 2019 is used. Using various statistical methods and specific market concentration indicators, the present study finds the pieces of evidence in favor of high concentration of the Ukrainian audit market and the failure of the reforms. The situation with the competitiveness only gets worse after them. The results of the study provide suggestions for improving the situation concerning the rising of market integrity principles, qualification of auditors in Ukrainian firms, and strengthening monitoring of audit quality in B4 and mid-tier companies.
Ostatnie reformy na ukraińskim rynku audytorskim powinny pobudzić konkurencyjność na rynku. Niniejszy artykuł bada koncentrację na ukraińskim rynku audytorskim w celu analizy skuteczności tych reform. W niniejszym opracowaniu wykorzystano dane roczne Izby Obrachunkowej Ukrainy za lata 2007 - 2019. Korzystając z różnych metod statystycznych i określonych wskaźników koncentracji rynku, niniejsze badanie znajduje dowody na korzyść wysokiej koncentracji ukraińskiego rynku audytorskiego i niepowodzenia reform. Sytuacja z konkurencyjnością tylko się po nich pogarsza. Wyniki badania dostarczają propozycji poprawy sytuacji w zakresie podnoszenia zasad uczciwości rynku, kwalifikacji biegłych rewidentów w firmach ukraińskich oraz wzmocnienia monitoringu jakości badania w firmach B4 i mid-tier.
Czy istnieje jakaś metoda, dzięki której wyróżnimy się na rynku i przestaniemy zwracać uwagę na konkurencję? Czy są sposoby na to, aby zbudować przewagę strategiczną w sprzedaży kruszyw? Jak docierać do nowych klientów poza zasięgiem radarów konkurencji? Jak zwiększyć sprzedaż kruszyw?
Is there any method that will make you stand out on the market and stop paying attention to your competition? Are there any ways to build a strategic advantage in the sales of aggregates? How to find new customers beyond the reach of your competitors’ radars? How to increase the sales of aggregates? The article answers these questions.
Purpose: The article is a theoretical one and aims to presents potential threats for academics and science development in the context of corporate university model which is functioning in other countries. Design/methodology/approach: Critical literature review, especially concentrating on studies which results refer to the experiences of academics from countries where corporate university model has been implemented. Findings: Dominating organizational culture of competition and continuous audits based on citations (IF) evidently contribute to the number of publications and their citations. Unfortunately, at the same time there is also a growing amount of publications, including JCR journals, which do not add any value the science. “Scientists” who “produce” these papers are entrepreneurs able to use the Questionable Research Practices. Research limitations/implications: There is a need to develop and publicize this problem because it is a real threat to science. It is necessary to pay greater attention to ethics in the scientist's conduct and to introduce mechanisms to discourage potential "entrepreneurs". Originality/value: The article highlights a new research and social problem, which is a fraud in science.
W artykule poruszono kwestie związane z funkcjonowaniem zaplecza surowcowego dla polskiego przetwórstwa mięsa wieprzowego. Analizowano możliwości zaspokojenia popytu na żywiec wieprzowy z produkcji krajowej oraz z importu. Celem opracowania jest ocena zaszłości oraz aktualnego stanu sektora produkcji żywca wieprzowego w kraju w latach 2005-2019 oraz jego powiązań z przetwórstwem mięsa wieprzowego. Stwierdzono, że mimo licznych zawirowań otoczenia gospodarczego zachodzą w nim procesy konsolidacji wpływające na stabilizację podaży wieprzowiny, przy względnie stabilnej wielkości importu mięsa wieprzowego narynek krajowy.
The article raises issues related to the functioning of the raw material base for Polish pork processing. The possibilities of satisfying the demand for live pigs from domestic production and from imports were analyzed. The aim of the study is to assess the past and current state of the live pig production sector in Poland in 2005-2019 and its links with the pork processing. It was found that despite numerous turbulence in the economic environment, consolidation processes taking place affecting the stabilization of the supply of pork, with a relatively stable volume of pork import into the domestic market.
The practical implementation of hazard analysis and critical control point (HACCP) and in particular the definition of the critical control points (CCPs) in the food industry is usually a complex structured task. This is particularly the case of food enterprise, where quality/safety manager ability, knowledge of the production processes and ‘‘sensitiveness’’ is usually the discriminate for the proper identification and prioritization of risks. The same applies for the definition of causes which may lead to food safety hazards. This paper addresses the issues of how quality/safety managers can objectively and automatically implement the HACCP principles of hazard analysis in the application of HACCP, which is the identification of risk priorities and of the related CCPs. The proposed methodology combines decision tree analysis approach for the analytical decomposition of the relevant steps in the manufacturing process of ice cream.
It is demonstrated that (1) transport enterprises can operate on the market with a profit of zero and (2) they can finance their investments without profit. The rigid conditions of pure competition are not necessary. It is enough to adjust the different situations of incomplete competition by setting equal and homogeneous rules for accounting, founding and running enterprises well as financing. A special rule is to have no foreign trade. But these conditions are not stringent. There are many non-profit-enterprises in Austria and a lot of other countries which are operating without these conditions. The result is a new maxim for (transport) economics: Application of the principle of covering the costs and optimization of quality in spite of profit maximization! THE postulate to consider the quality in transport theory and policy has the same long tradition as the postulate to applicate the principle of covering the costs. The joint application will bring more benefit for realizing welfare and an equal distribution of income and property.
Celem artykułu jest propagowanie Konkursu ”O złoty indeks Politechniki Śląskiej” w dziedzinie matematyki, edycja 2019/2020 wśród jak największej rzeszy uczniów i nauczycieli szkół średnich. W artykule przedstawione zostały przykładowe rozwiązania zadań ze wszystkich etapów Konkursu w formie, w jakiej z jednej strony można oczekiwać od uczniów, z drugiej strony wystarczającej do uzyskania maksymalnej liczby punktów.
Purpose: The purpose of the study was presentation of modern bioengineering technology in order to help people with severe disabilities. Methods: Bioengineering industry can offer severely disabled people several devices in order to enable them to take part in the competition different than Paralympics. The first international competition for people with disabilities supported by modern assistive technology, such as sensors, motors, displays were allowed to compete in Cybathlon held in Zürich in 2016. About 70 athletes and their teams from 25 countries appeared at the event. Results: There were six disciplines (races): 1) Powered Arms (Upper Extremities) Prostheses Race, 2) Powered Legs (Lower Extremities) Prostheses Race, 3) Powered Wheelchair Race, 4) Powered Exoskeleton Race, 5) Functional Electrical Stimulation Bike Race, 6) Brain-Computer Interface Race. About a quarter of the teams represented industry and the rest represented university laboratories. Conclusions: The competition was a success. The organisers have decided for it to be organized every four years, just like the Olympic Games for able bodied competitors. The main inventor of the event professor Robert Riener from Zürich Polytechnic (ETHZ) said assistive technology should: a) be user-friendly b) to function well, c) be affordable, d) to be used within the barrier-free environment.
In the case of competing industries, proper assessment of needs and opportunities supported by market analysis and forecast allows adopting strategies for dealing with competition. Coopetition of services is one of the possibilities for the development of entities. The article indicates the reasons for competition cooperation. This cooperation may result from the expectations to increase the scale of impact, reduce operating costs or offer an extended package of services. This causes the need to study customer needs and identify market trends, and consequently build scenarios that are answer to them and allow to adapt to market changes.
Celem artykułu jest zbadanie poziomu innowacyjności polskich przedsiębiorstw w latach 2011- 2016. Przedstawione wyniki porównano z danymi przedstawionymi w pracy Baruka [2012, ss. 66-79]. Z analizy porównawczej wynika, że poziom innowacyjności polskich przedsiębiorstw jest niski. Poziom innowacyjności Polski w badanym okresie charakteryzował się tendencją spadkową.
The aim of the article is to examine the level of innovativeness of Polish enterprises in the years 2011-2016. The presented results were compared with the data presented in Baruk’s work. The post-equivalent analysis shows that the level of innovativeness of Polish enterprises is low. The level of innovativeness of Poland in the analysed period was characterised by a downward trend.
Content available Analiza rynku meblarskiego
Analiza rynku umożliwia weryfikację potencjału tkwiącego w danym segmencie. Co więcej, pomaga zdobyć przewagę nad konkurencją oraz wzmocnić dotychczasową pozycję na rynku. Dzięki temu przedsiębiorstwo może właściwie ukierunkować swoje działania. Niniejszy artykuł został opracowany na podstawie danych GUS i zawiera analizę uwarunkowań branżowych dla przedsiębiorstw z branży meblarskiej. Analizie poddano m.in. wielkość eksportu, wielkość produkcji mebli w Polsce, przychód netto itd.
The company's structure is shaped by the environment in which it operates. Market analysis allows to verify the potential inherent in a given segment. Moreover, it helps to gain the advantage over the competition and to strengthen the current position on the market. Thank to that, the company can properly focus on its activities. The article has been prepared on the basis of data provided by the Central Statistical Office and of the Internet data sources. It provides the analysis of industry conditions for furniture manufacturing companies. The analysis included exportation volume, the volume of furniture production in Poland, and net income among others.
The peculiarity of the transit freight transportation by rail in international traffic is the fact that while performing transportation, the railway administrations are in competition among themselves. At the same time, the routes of cargo traffic volumes significantly depend on the conditions of transportation by railways of individual states. The mathematical model for the distribution of transit freight traffic volumes on the railway network, based on the methods of graph theory and game theory, was proposed in this article. The developed model enables the evaluation of the possibilities of attracting transit freight traffic volumes by individual railway administrations by changing the tariff value and transportation conditions.
Content available Food safety in quality mark aspect
The purpose of the publication is to determine the level of consumer awareness regarding the knowledge of quality marks and food safety awareness in the aspect of purchasing decisions. The research covered a group of 51 respondents who were residents of the Silesian Voivodship. On the basis of literature research and analysis in the field of food quality and safety, the following hypothesis was formulated: By using generally known management methods, we can determine the degree of consumer awareness in terms of quality labels and food safety in the aspect of purchasing decisions. The research was conducted on a quarterly basis in 2018 based on a questionnaire (CAWI - Computer Assisted Web Interview). The results of research and their analysis have shown that consumer awareness regarding the awareness of quality marks increases, however, there is still a great need to build consumer awareness regarding the existence of quality marks and information that they provide to the consumer in terms of both quality and food safety. Research has shown that consumers are aware of the quality marks existence, but their knowledge about familiarity is still too small. It was shown that consumers, when making purchasing decisions, pay attention to product quality, price, quality certificate and ecological certificate. The factor that determines the safety of the product according to consumers turns out to be its composition. Consumers showed in research that they will not buy a product that has palm oil, sulfur dioxide, glucose-fructose syrup and aspartame.
Artykuł opisuje tło instytucjonalne kryzysu kolei pasażerskiej w Polsce w okresie 1990–2015. Wskazuje etapy przekształceń podmiotów i procedury kształtujące obszar kolejowych przewozów regionalnych. Zwrócono zarazem uwagę na zależności pomiędzy modelami zamawiania i finansowania usług o charakterze służby publicznej a ich jakością i efektywnością. Analiza oparta jest na ocenie zmian o charakterze formalnoprawnym oraz statystyk ilustrujących udziały rynkowe przewoźników. Wnioski wskazują natomiast na zalety modelu opartego na silnym i kompetentnym ośrodku decyzyjnym oraz konkurencyjnym trybie wyboru operatora usług publicznych, i tym samym mogą stać się elementem dyskusji o dalszych przekształceniach sektora kolejowego w Polsce.
The article describes the institutional background of the passenger rail crisis in Poland between 1990 and 2015. It indicates the stages of transformation of entities and procedures. It also draws attention to dependencies, between the models for ordering and financing PSO and their quality and effectiveness. The analysis is based on the assessment of formal and legal changes and statistics illustrating the market share of carriers. The conclusions, on the other hand, indicate the advantages of a model based on a strong and competent decision-making center and a competitive mode of selecting rail operator, and thus constitute a practical recommendation as to further transformations of the railway sector in Poland.
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