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w słowach kluczowych:  choroba układu krążenia
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Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death worldwide. The diagnosis is made by non-invasive methods, but it is far from being comfortable, rapid, and accessible to everyone. Speech analysis is an emerging non-invasive diagnostic tool, and a lot of researches have shown that it is efficient in speech recognition and in detecting Parkinson's disease, so can it be effective for differentiating between patients with cardiovascular disease and healthy people? This present work answers the question posed, by collecting a database of 75 people, 35 of whom suffering from cardiovascular diseases, and 40 are healthy. We took from each one three vocal recordings of sustained vowels (aaaaa…, ooooo… .. and iiiiiiii… ..). By measuring dysphonia in speech, we were able to extract 26 features, with which we will train three types of classifiers: the k-near-neighbor, the support vectors machine classifier, and the naive Bayes classifier. The methods were tested for accuracy and stability, and we obtained 81% accuracy as the best result using the k-near-neighbor classifier.
In this study, we analysed the influence of atherosclerosis on the anisotropic and incompressible behaviour of the human thoracic aortic wall under mechanical loads. The mechanical tests involved preparations of the human thoracic aortic wall, which were evaluated based on the six-stage histological classification of atherosclerosis proposed by Stary. Anisotropy was evaluated on the basis of directional tests of mechanical properties, which were determined based on a uniaxial tensile test conducted in two directions, i.e. longitudinal and circumferential. The evaluation of incompressibility was carried out based on the product of the stretch ratios obtained in the x–y and y–z planes and on the basis of Poisson's ratio. The results presented in this study indicate that the blood vessel wall is an anisotropic material only in the case of normal vessels and in early atherosclerotic lesions. Atherosclerosis progression causes a gradual loss of the anisotropic character of the work of the thoracic aortic wall in moderate and very advanced stages of atherosclerosis under mechanical loads. The results show that the wall of the thoracic aorta is an incompressible material. Development of atherosclerosis does not cause a loss of incompressibility of the thoracic aorta. This study is the only one so far that presents changes in the mechanical properties at all stages of atherosclerotic development. A large number of preparations were included in the study, which is important for the results obtained due to the multi-factorial etiology of atherosclerosis development.
Availability of low-cost, reliable, and portable Electrocardiography (ECG) devices is still very important in the medical world today. Despite the tremendous technological advancement, Cardiovascular Diseases (CVDs) remain a serious health burden claiming millions of lives on an annual basis globally. This is more prevalent in Low and Middle-Income Countries (LMICs) where there are huge financial instability and lack of critical infrastructure and support services for the health care system. Efforts aimed at reducing the prevalence of CVDs are confounded by late diagnosis, frequently, caused by lack of access to or nonavailability of basic diagnostic modalities such as the ECG. Hence effective mitigation of the effect of CVDs in LMICs depend on the development of such devices at low-cost with reliability, accuracy and energy efficiency. This paper therefore, was developed to understand the state of the art of low-cost ECG acquisition systems with respect to design features and system capabilities for different use cases. In addition, different design options and taxonomies of available low-cost ECG devices, case studies reports of efficacy tests have been provided. The paper proposes a generalised ECG framework and provides implementation challenges and open research directions that should be considered when developing such devices for proper management of CVDs.
Coronary artery disease (CAD) can cause serious conditions such as severe heart attack, heart failure, and angina in patients with cardiovascular problems. These conditions may be prevented by knowing the important symptoms and diagnosing the disease in the early stage. For diagnosing CAD, clinicians often use angiography, however, it is an invasive procedure that incurs high costs and causes severe side effects. Therefore, the other alternatives such as data mining and machine learning techniques have been applied extensively. Accordingly, the paper proposes a recent development of a highly accurate machine learning model emotional neural networks (EmNNs) which is hybridized with conventional particle swarm optimization (PSO) technique for the diagnosis of CAD. To enhance the performance of the proposed model, the paper employs four different feature selection methods, namely Fisher, Relief-F, Minimum Redundancy Maximum Relevance, and Weight by SVM, on Z-Alizadeh sani dataset. The EmNNs, with addition to the conventional weights and biases, uses emotional parameters to enhance the learning ability of the network. Further, the efficiency of the proposed model is compared with the PSO based adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (PSO-ANFIS). The proposed model is found better than the PSO-ANFIS model. The obtained highest average values of accuracy, precision, sensitivity, specificity, and F1-score over all the 10-fold cross-validation are 88.34%, 92.37%, 91.85%, 78.98%, and 92.12% respectively which is competitive to the known approaches in the literature. The F1-score obtained by the proposed model over Z-Alizadeh sani dataset is second best among the existing works.
Choroby układu krążenia (ChUK) stanowią poważny problem cywilizacyjny. Od wielu lat są główną przyczyną przedwczesnych zgonów na świecie, a dyslipidemia jest najczęściej występującym modyfikowalnym czynnikiem ryzyka sercowo-naczyniowego. Celem profilaktyki i leczenia ChUK jest skupienie działań na normalizacji wartości lipidow i lipoprotein we krwi. Przedstawiono dowody działania wybranych nutraceutyków, takich jak β-glukan, sterole i stanole roślinne, wielonienasycone kwasy tłuszczowe n-3, polifenole oraz czerwony ryż drożdżowy, ukierunkowanych na prewencję i leczenie chorób sercowo-naczyniowych, przez wpływ na wartości parametrów profilu lipidowego. Dostępne dane naukowe potwierdzają skuteczność działania nutraceutyków, a ich stosowanie, wraz z odpowiednio skomponowaną dietą, stanowi istotny element profilaktyki i leczenia chorób układu krążenia.
Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) constitute a serious civilization problem. They have been a major cause of premature deaths in the world for many years, and dyslipidemia is the most frequently occurring modifiable cardiovascular risk factor. The purpose of CVD prevention and treatment is to focus on normalizing the value of lipids and lipoproteins in blood. The article presents evidence of the action of selected nutraceuticals, such as β-glucan, plant sterols and stanols, n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, polyphenols and red yeast rice, directed to prevention and treatment of the cardiovascular diseases by influencing the parameters of lipid profile. Available scientific data confirm their effectiveness. The use of nutraceuticals, along with a properly composed diet, is a significant element in the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases.
Content available remote Simultaneous multi-site measurement system for the assessment of pulse wave delays
A precise, multi-track system for the simultaneous, real-time measurement of electrocardiographic (ECG) and many photopletysmographic (PPG) signals is described. This system allows the calculation of pulse wave delay parameters such as pulse arrival time (PAT) and pulse transit time (PTT). The measurement system was built on a custom, real-time embedded system with multiple specific analogue-front-end devices. Signals were recorded on-line and data were processed off-line in the Matlab software. Testing of human subjects was carried out on a group of 16 volunteers. The system was capable of taking a measurement of one 24-bit ECG and eight 22-bit PPG tracks with high precision (input-referred noise 1.4 mV for ECG and about 20 pA for PPG). All signals are sampled simultaneously (phase shift between ECG and PPG is only 1.5 ms for 250 Hz frequency sampling). Significant differences in pulse wave delays were found for the 16 subjects studied (e.g. about 100 ms for PAT on a right toe, 40 ms for differential PAT on left-right toes and about 100 ms for PTT calculated for forehead-right toe pulse wave). The proposed system provides a simultaneous and continuous evaluation of pulse wave delays for the entire arterial bed. The proposed measurement methods are comfortable and can be used for a long time. Simultaneous measurements of pulse wave delays at various sites increase the reliability of measurement and create new possibilities for medical diagnosis.
Choroby układu krążenia są najczęstszą przyczyną zgonów ludzi na świecie (według danych WHO w 2015 r. stanowiły około 31% całości zgonów). W ciągu kilku ostatnich lat naukowcy coraz większą wagę przywiązują do mikrobiomu człowieka jako potencjalnego źródła różnych jednostek chorobowych. W artykule skupiono się na mikrobiomie jamy ustnej oraz jelit, a także ich potencjalnym udziale w powstawaniu chorób krążenia.
Cardiovascular diseases are the most common cause of deaths in the world (according to WHO, in 2015 they accounted for 31% of all deaths). Over the past few years, scientists have been paying more and more attention to human microbiome as a potential source of various nosological entities. The article focuses on oral and intestinal microbiota and their potential involvement in the development of cardiovascular diseases.
W artykule przedstawiono system wspomagania decyzji odnośnie do oceny stanu ogólnego pacjenta, ze szczególnym naciskiem położonym na choroby układu krążenia i układu oddechowego. Działanie tego systemu jest oparte na danych wejściowych ze standardowego monitora funkcji życiowych (w fazie rozwoju algorytmów dane są również symulowane). Sygnały są przetwarzane i analizowane za pomocą algorytmów opartych, przede wszystkim, na sieciach Bayesa. System na wyjściu powinien generować informację na temat wykrytych problemów, przyszłych zagrożeń, przyczyn pogorszenia zdrowia i propozycji dalszego leczenia.
This paper presents decision support system for estimation of patient's general state, with particular stress laid on cardiovascular and pulmonary diseases. It works in conjunction with a standard medical monitor, which provides asset of input signals (for development stage signals are also simulated). The signals are preprocessed and analysed by a set of algorithms, the core of which is based on Bayesian networks. As an output the system should give information about detected problems, eventual future threats, possible causes and suggestions for further treatment.
Praca w środowisku zimnym powoduje znaczne obciążenie układu krążenia Jest to szczególnie niebezpieczne dla osób z chorobami układu krążenia (chorobą wieńcową, nadciśnieniem tętniczym) oraz dla osób starszych. W Polsce od wielu lat - mimo postępów w diagnostyce i leczeniu - choroby te są odpowiedzialne za ok. 50% wszystkich zgonów, co stawia nasz kraj na jednym z pierwszych miejsc pod tym względem w Europie. Publikacje naukowe dotyczą przede wszystkim wpływu niskich temperatur otoczenia na zaostrzenie chorób układu krążenia w populacji ogólnej. Znany jest fakt, że przypadki zawału serca i zaostrzenia choroby niedokrwiennej serca występują częściej w chłodniejszych porach roku. Według badań, narażenie na zimno zwiększa również skurczowe i rozkurczowe ciśnienie tętnicze krwi. Powtarzająca się ekspozycja na Środowisko zimne w miejscu pracy może stanowić również ryzyko rozwoju nadciśnienia tętniczego i choroby niedokrwiennej serca.
Working in the cold causes a significant burden on the cardiovascular system It is especially dangerous for people with cardiovascular disease (coronary heart disease, hypertension) and for the elderly. In Poland, despite advances in diagnosis and treatment, these diseases have been responsible for about 50% of all deaths, which puts our country in one of the first places in Europe. Scientific publications mostly discuss the impact of low ambient temperatures on the risk of cardiovascular disease in the general population. The incidence of myocardial infarction and exacerbated coronary heart disease are more frequent in colder seasons. Exposure to the cold increases systolic and diastolic blood pressure. Repeated exposure to a cold environment m the workplace can also be a risk f actor for developing high blood pressure and coronary heart disease.
Content available remote Modele i metody CFD w diagnostyce i leczeniu chorób układu krążenia
Choroby układu krążenia (CVD) stanowią główną przyczynę zgonów – są odpowiedzialne za niespełna co drugą śmierć w skali światowej. Zasadniczym celem tej pracy jest prezentacja krótkiego przeglądu potencjalnych zastosowań metod CFD w diagnostyce, leczeniu jak i zrozumieniu natury CVD.
Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of deaths – it is responsible for nearly one in two deaths worldwide. The main purpose of this paper is to provide short review of potential application of CFD methods in diagnosis, treatment, and understanding nature of CVD.
Celem pracy było określenie częstości występowania chorób układu krążenia wśród kandydatów do czynnej służby wojskowej na okrętach Marynarki Wojennej RP, badanych w latach 2000-2007 przez Wojskową Komisję Morsko-Lekarską w Gdańsku. Przeanalizowano dane 21009 mężczyzn zawarte w dokumentacji medycznej WKML. Najczęstszymi schorzeniami były: nadciśnienie tętnicze, wady zastawki dwudzielnej oraz zaburzenia rytmu serca. Zaobserwowano stały trend w występowaniu chorób układu krążenia będących przyczyną niezdolności do czynnej służby wojskowej.
The aim of the work was to determine the frequency of circulatory system diseases among candidates for active military duty on the Republic of Poland’s Naval warships, examined in years 2000-2007 by the Military Maritime Medical Board in Gdansk. 21009 men’s data, included in the MMMB’s medical documentation, was analyzed. The most common diseases were: arterial hypertension, faults of bicuspid valves and arrhythmia. A constant trend was observed of occurrence of circulatory system diseases being the cause of inability for active military duty.
1-2 czerwca 2004 r. w Luksemburgu, został podpisany przez 25 ministrów zdrowia krajów Unii Europejskiej dokument "Promocja Zdrowego Serca, Europejski Consensus". Dokument stwierdza istnienie dowodów na to, że zachorowalności i umieralności na choroby układu sercowo-naczyniowego można zapobiec lub opóźnić ich wystąpienie w populacji jako całości, a także w grupach wysokiego ryzyka dzięki: zachęcaniu do rezygnacji z palenia tytoniu, popularyzowaniu zdrowej diety i zwiększenia aktywności fizycznej. Dokument przedstawia żywieniowe cele dla populacji regionu europejskiego mające za zadanie prewencję chorób sercowo-naczyniowych i zaleca tworzenie rekomendacji dla produktów spożywczych na poziomach narodowych.
On 1-2 June 2004 in Luxemburg was adopted by 25 Health Ministers of the European Union document "Promoting Heart Health, a European Consensus". This document concludes that there is substantial evidence that CVD morbidity and mortality can be prevented or postponed in the population as a whole, as well as in those identified as being at increased risk throughout: popularize of smoking cessation, healthy diet and increase of physical activity. This document presented dietary goals for the population in order to prevent CVD in the European region and considered the need translating those goals into food -based dietary guidelines at national levels.
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