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Audit wewnętrzny, jak każdy inny obszar działalności organizacji, powinien podlegać okresowej ocenie w zakresie jakości działania oraz efektywności. W artykule przedstawiono ogólne wymagania w odniesieniu do auditu wewnętrznego, metody wspomagającej proces zarządzania w organizacji. Zaprezentowano wyniki badań ankietowych oraz wnioski wynikające z przeprowadzonej ankiety. Dokonano identyfikacji problemów napotykanych w trakcie przeprowadzania auditów wewnętrznych, co pozwoli na doskonalenie prac w tym obszarze.
Internal audit, as any other activity of an organization, should be periodically assessed as regards the quality and effectiveness. General requirements as regards internal audit, i.e. a tool aiding management in the organization, are given. The results of questionnaire inquiries and conclusions resulting from the survey are presented. Problems encountered during internal audits are identified, which will enable to improve the efforts in this field of activity.
nr 1
405--411, CD1
Jednym z wymagań dla systemu zarządzania jakości i bezpieczeństwem produktu określonych w standardzie IFS Logistics jest ciągłe doskonalenie jego skuteczności. Ważnym elementem procesu ciągłego doskonalenia jest systematyczna ocena systemu w celu zidentyfikowania potrzeb doskonalenia, ustalenia priorytetów w tym zakresie oraz podjęcia właściwych działań doskonalących. Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie narzędzi oceny systemu zarządzania jakością i bezpieczeństwem produktu wdrożonego w oparciu o wymagania standardu IFS Logistics, takich jak inspekcje wewnętrzne, audit wewnętrzny oraz przegląd zarządzania.
One of the requirements for product quality and safety management system specified in IFS Logistics standard is the continual improvement of its effectiveness. An important element of the process for continual improvement is a systematic assessment of the system to identify improvement needs, establish priorities in this area and take appropriate improvement actions. The aim of this article is to present tools of product quality and safety management system assessment implemented on the basis of IFS Logistics standard, such as internal inspections, internal audit and management review.
Poprzez zarządzanie ryzykiem związanym z procesem auditów wewnętrznych organizacje w łańcuchu żywnościowym mogą zwiększyć ich wartość dodaną.
ISO 19011:2011 standard is not about requirements, but only recommendations - this is why its guidelines, including those concerning international audits' process risk management, do not have to be taken obligatory by organizations in the food chain. However, analysis of the risk connected with international audits' process shall be a systematic approach, considering, if possible, a comprehensive evaluation of factors that influence this risk. It is a new attitude, so every organization has to work out its individual solutions in this area. Clues of certifying bodies' auditors, who during auditing the third party shall verify efficiency of internal audits in the organization (including risk management) may be helpful.
The paper presents a theoretical analysis of issues related to internal audit carried out in manufacturing and service companies. The research part is dedicated to the analysis of the causes and actions to improve operational processes carried out on the basis of the results of the internal audit of logistics service provider located in the Silesian province. Basing on analysis of the internal audit, nine key operational processes selected which significantly affect the quality of logistics customer service. Calculated values determined measures and indicators of selected processes are characterized by specifying the manner and frequency of their designation and became the basis for the process of controlling for the research subject. For each indicator the results achieved are presented, which became the basis for future decision making in logistics processes quality improvement.
W artykule przedstawiono analizę teoretyczną zagadnień związanych z audytem wewnętrznym przeprowadzanym w firmach produkcyjnych i usługowych . Część badawcza poświęcona jest analizie przyczyn i działań w celu poprawy procesów operacyjnych realizowanych na podstawie wyników audytu wewnętrznego usług logistycznych operatora, mającego swą siedzibę w województwie śląskim . Opierając się na analizie audytu wewnętrznego , wybrano dziewięć kluczowych procesów operacyjnych istotnie wpływających na jakość logistycznej obsługi klienta . Obliczone wartości pozwoliły na scharakteryzowanie mierników i wskaźników wybranych procesów, poprzez określenie sposobu i częstotliwości ich wyliczania i stał się podstawą procesu sterowania w badanym podmiocie . Dla każdego wskaźnika przedstawiono osiągnięte wyniki , które stały się podstawą do podejmowania decyzji w przyszłości zmierzających do poprawy jakości procesów logistycznych.
The paper has shown requirements of the ISO 14001:2004 standard concerning performance improvement. The work presents elements of the environmental management system, which should be used by road transport undertakings for continual improvement of their environmental performance. It presents that the environmental management system should be improved in a direct way by taking corrections and corrective actions and also in an indirect way by management reviews, internal audits, monitoring and measurement.
Laboratoria corocznie tworzą plany szkoleń, auditów wewnętrznych oraz badań biegłości i/lub porównań międzylaboratoryjnych. Niestety w wielu przypadkach nie są w stanie w 100% ich zrealizować. Istnieje kilka sposobów na przygotowanie planów, aby ich realizacja była możliwa. Jak to zrobić?
Every year laboratories plan trainings, internal audits and proficiency testing (PT) and/or interlaboratory comparisons (ILC). However in most cases they are not able to realize the plans in 100%. There are a few ways to prepare the plans, the implementation of which is possible. How to do it?
The article presents the requirements and recommendations concerning internal audits stated in the ISO 9000 series. It presents also the results of a research conducted among 97 organizations that operate in Poland and have acquired the ISO 9000 certificate. The research focused, among others, on defining the usefulness of internal audits, the number of internal audits per year and the average length of the audits.
The objective of carrying out an audit in the company is to help the management in introducing necessary changes. This, in turn, is to improve the company's working system and to raise the clients' satisfaction. In order to make it happen the facts given in the report should be well collected and correctly interpreted. It is also essential that the auditor works according to the rule of law and the quality standards. What is import_ant is the right attitude of the management towards the audit. The audit should not be treated as the inspection but as a source of valuable information, basis of taking correct decisions that will improve the work of the company. Employing the auditor inside the company would result in his or her greater objectivity and reliability as well as pointing out failures that exist in the business.
Quality management is connected with continuous improvement of organization, which shall be based on facts gathered during direct researches of real situations. Internal audit is a complex, continuous research and evaluation of processes. It is described in the article the run of internal audit in three different types of organizations (commercial enterprise, public administration unit and automotive enterprise). There is also mentioned a matter of internal controlling and outsourcing of quality function.
The author argues that a formal, systematic approach to the innovation level assessment brings about measurable advantages to businesses. The major advantages discussed include e.g. identification of business strengths and weaknesses, regular evaluation of development, defining a common set.
Making improvements in the initiated quality management systems, companies of rubber industry concentrate their actions on not only quality of either goods or service but also work quality taken within the confines of basie and auxiliary process-es including audit and post-audit actions. Research results Led in 2007-2008 show precisely that as the most precious source of management systems improvement, analyzed companies point at internal audits. The kinds of audits provide valuabLe tips for management systems improvement, among which there arę improvements of documents system, supervision system and also internal communication. On the other hand companies encounter with crucial barriers in the rangę of making internal audits. A very fundamental dif-ficulty is being interested in the system a few days before the audit, so called "pre-audit spurt". A proxy "wrestle with" poor motivation of internal audits as well as difficulties in arranging the dates of internal audits. Another group of barriers is con-nected with internal auditors' competence and the ways they mąkę the audits. Most of the analyzed barriers have their source in an insufficient awareness and the managers' engagement in actions connected with functioning and possessed quality management systems improvement. It turns out that the most often pointed correcting and preventive actions taken in the rangę of fighting against mentioned above difficulties is to engage the management and giving the managers the entitlement to mąkę internal audits. The article, in a detailed way, presents the research results in the rangę of advantages, barriers of internal audits and also actions that implicate the internal audit process improvement taken by companies of rubber industry, with the division on individual kinds of management systems. Collected information let companies of different trades improve actions in the discussed range.
Content available remote Systemy zarządzania jakością w CMG KOMAG : rola auditów wewnętrznych
W latach dziewięćdziesiątych w wielu polskich organizacjach zdano sobie sprawę, że nie ilość, ale jakość usług decyduje o sukcesie. Uświadomiono sobie także, że przewagę na rynku zdobywa ten kto słucha klienta, zna jego potrzeby i życzenia, potrafi szybko reagować spełniając a nawet przewyższając jego oczekiwania. To spowodowało, że na funkcjonujące już wtedy normy jakościowe kierownictwo CMG KOMAG spojrzało inaczej widząc w nich nie tylko szansę nowoczesnego zarządzania, ale i wzrostu zaufania klientów do prac realizowanych przez jednostkę. Warto jednak pamiętać, że z chwilą wdrożenia systemu jakości problemem staje się ich utrzymywanie i rozwój, co pociąga za sobą konieczność ciągłego doskonalenia wiedzy i kwalifikacji osób zaangażowanych w doskonalenie systemów zarządzania również auditorów, od których wymaga się obecnie szerszej wiedzy na temat procesów, powiązań, celów i mierników ich efektywności.
In 1990s many Polish organizations realized that not quantity but the quality of service decides about the success. It has also been realized that those who listen to the customers, know their needs and requirements, can immediately meet and even exceed customers' expectations, become more important on the market. It caused that the managers of the KOMAG Mining Mechanization Centre found the already existing quality standards to be not only a chance for state-of-the-art management but also for increase of customers trust as regards the work realized by the KOMAG Centre. The maintenance and development of the quality system become a problem at the moment of its implementation, what results in a necessity of constant improvement of knowledge and qualifications of people involved in an improvement of management systems as well as of auditors, which should have better knowledge about the processes, connections, objectives and measures of their effectiveness.
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