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Due to the diversity of characteristics and the high number of World Heritage sites (49) inscribed by Spain, this country and its ICOMOS National Committee have a long experience in the application of the World Heritage Convention throughout these 50 years. The World Heritage Working Group of the Spanish National Committee of ICOMOS has therefore carried out an analysis of these sites, their history and evolution, typology, and state of conservation with the final goal of assessing their current heritage situation and the contribution of the Convention to the conservation of the Spanish natural and cultural heritage. We also aim to reflect on how Spain has contributed to the World Heritage Convention during these five decades and about the most important challenges that our country needs to confront in order to continue complying with the spirit of the Convention and the principles of its Operational Guidelines. To conduct this analysis, we first deal with the background of the ratification of the Convention in Spain, provide an overview of its application, and describe the evolution of the Spanish Tentative List. Second, we deepen on the Spanish nominations and the typologies of the Spanish properties inscribed on the World Heritage List. Thirdly, we focus on the preservation of the Spanish World Heritage sites basing on the State of Conservation Reports (SOCs) that affect them and the results of the first survey on these properties’ conservation, management and presentation carried out by the Heritage Observatory of ICOMOS Spain. This allows us to share some conclusions about the most positive effects of the Convention for the protection of Spanish cultural heritage and the most important challenges for its future development, many of which can be extended at least to the European context.
Content available ”Cum grano salis”
This short note is devoted to presentation of the essential points in the history of collaboration between the present-day Department of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence of the University of Granada and the Systems Research Institute, Polish Academy of Science, with special emphasis on the place, taken in this collaboration by Control and Cybernetics. Thus, I mention encounters, conference meetings, jointly undertaken projects, as well as certain selected publications. In doing this, I also try to delineate the substance matter of the collaboration, which formed the backbone of it.
The Santos Juanes Church in Valencia, Spain, is one of the most important religious buildings in the city. Based on this church, this work proposes an analysis that can be extrapolated to other historic buildings where, like this one, no detailed documents on constructive measurement reasons exist. Hence the present work outlines the unpublished hypothesis of how the sequential process of traces on both the plan and section might have been based on the different ancient and medieval architectural treatises. All this will allow the existing intrinsic relations between the shape of the building and its current aesthetics to be obtained through a metric and geometric analysis of the church.
Kościół Santos Juanes w Walencji jest jednym z najważniejszych budynków sakralnych miasta. Na podstawie tej świątyni artykuł proponuje analizę, która może być przeniesiona na inne budynki historyczne, nieposiadające – podobnie jak ona – szczegółowej dokumentacji dotyczącej wymiarów konstrukcyjnych. W związku z tym tekst przedstawia niepublikowaną hipotezę odnośnie do sekwencyjnego rozmierzania zarówno rzutu, jak i przekroju, które mogło być oparte na różnych starożytnych i średniowiecznych traktatach. Wszystko to pozwoli ustalić relacje pomiędzy kształtem budynku i jego obecną estetyką poprzez metryczną i geometryczną analizę kościoła.
Przedsiębiorstwo Naturgy wprowadziło odnawialny gaz wysypiskowy do hiszpańskiej sieci dystrybucji gazu.
Content available remote Spanish military education : army officer base line
Spain is having new winds of changes in the field of education and consequently the army is not an exception in the way this institution is adapting new teaching-learning bases. Although the 21st century is bearing to new models and procedures in pedagogy we cannot lose the track and forget how cadets are taught and how cadets are learning, and less now in this new biological atmosphere. The aim of this article is to provid an analysis of Spanish military education and overviews its evolution.
Hiszpania przechodzi nową ewolucję w dziedzinie edukacji, a w konsekwencji edukacja wojskowa nie jest wyjątkiem w sposobie, w jaki ta instytucja dostosowuje nowe bazy nauczania i uczenia się. Chociaż XXI wiek ma wpływ na nowe modele i procedury w edukacji wojskowej, nie możemy jednak zapomnieć tradycyjnego nauczania kadetów, ukazując ich obecny stan, który również dotyczy obecnej sytuacji pandemicznej. Ten artykuł zawiera analizę hiszpańskiej edukacji wojskowej i przekrojowo przedstawia jej dostosowywanie się do nowej rzeczywistości.
The current pandemic has provided many examples of effective and not so effective communication strategies from government agencies. In this short article, the authors focus on an analysis of the COVID-19 crisis communication from selected governments of Spain and Poland. Despite the differences in communication strategies of both countries, resulting from characteristic administrative structures and constitutional competences, common features as well as errors and shortcomings can be observed. The authors conclude that the particularism of political interests of the party politicians, who were in power at the time of the pandemic outbreak (regardless of their political foundations) may be a threat to the national security of a given country undermining the public trust, causing unwanted behaviours and thus translating into an extent and a duration of the pandemic as well as negative economic consequences. The crisis of the virus turns out to be a test that highlights the shortcomings of the political and social systems of both countries and opens up the field for further research.
Obecna pandemia dostarczyła wielu przykładów skutecznych i niezbyt skutecznych strategii komunikacyjnych instytucji rządowych. W tym krótkim artykule autorzy skupiają się na analizie komunikacji kryzysowej COVID-19 wybranych rządów: Hiszpanii i Polski. Pomimo różnic w strategiach komunikacyjnych w obu krajach, wynikających z odmiennych struktur administracyjnych i konstytucyjnych kompetencji, można zaobserwować ich cechy wspólne, a także ich błędy i niedociągnięcia. Wydają się one wynikać z uwarunkowań innych niż przeciwdziałanie pandemii. Autorzy konkludują, iż partykularyzm politycznych interesów partyjnych polityków, którzy sprawowali władzę w momencie wybuchu epidemii (niezależnie od ich poglądów politycznych), może być zagrożeniem dla bezpieczeństwa narodowego danego kraju, gdyż przekłada się na zasięg i czas trwania pandemii oraz na negatywne skutki gospodarcze. Kryzys wirusa okazuje się być testem, który uwydatnia wady systemów polityczno-społecznych obu krajów i otwiera pole do dalszych badań.
The paper presents the first record of a Chara connivens (Characeae) stand from Fuerteventura (Canary Islands, Spain). The species was previously recorded only on Tenerife and Lanzarote, mostly in marine and artificial habitats. Physicochemical parameters of water and morphological features of the thalli and plant community were analyzed. General habitat requirements of C. connivens populations located in Europe, North Africa, and South-West Asia were reviewed. The newly described stand was located in a natural rock crevice that was part of a riverbed in El Barranco de las Peñitas (Penitas Canyon). This habitat was unshaded and filled with brackish water. C. connivens co-occurred with Cladophora glomerata and Ruppia maritima. Our report on the presence of C. connivens in the Spanish territory of the Atlantic Ocean is the first in almost 40 years. The distribution of C. connivens and its plant associations on the Canary Archipelago are poorly explored, which is why this topic requires further research.
W artykule przedstawiono genezę kultu św. Jakuba w Europie, historię pielgrzymek do jego grobu, które największy rozkwit przeżywały w średniowieczu, następnie renesans wędrówek do Santiago de Compostela u schyłku XX i w początkach XXI w. Podjęto próbę klasyfikacji motywów, którymi kierują się współcześni wędrujący. Omówiono specyfikę krajobrazów kulturowych dróg św. Jakuba, zwł. nietypowe rozwiązania w zakresie bazy noclegowej, nagromadzenie obiektów sakralnych i zabytków historycznych, infrastrukturę zaopatrującą w wodę wędrowców. Autorzy uważają, że drogi św. Jakuba stanowią charakterystyczny integracyjny element obecny w różnych rodzajach krajobrazów kulturowych Europy.
This paper presents the origins of the cult of St. James in Europe, a history of the pilgrimages to his grave, which flourished most in the Middle Ages, and the revival of wanderings towards Santiago de Compostela at the end of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st. The paper also attempts to classify the motivations of contemporary wanderers who choose to make this journey. Specific aspects of the cultural landscapes which characterise the Ways of St. James are commented upon, especially with respect to the highly unusual solutions relative to the overnight stages of the pilgrimage, the concentration of sacral objects and historical monuments and the infrastructure for water provision for the pilgrims. The present authors are of the opinion that the pilgrimage itineraries for the route to Santiago (the Ways of St. James) constitute a characteristic integrative element which is present in various kinds of cultural landscapes of Europe.
Content available Miejsce pamięci w prawie hiszpańskim
Interpretacja pojęcia miejsca pamięci w hiszpańskim prawie ochrony dziedzictwa historycznego prowadzona jest niekonsekwentnie. Niniejszy artykuł dokonuje próby przedstawienia problemów, które pojawiają się przy kwalifikowaniu danych obszarów jako miejsc pamięci oraz omówienia ich istoty posługując się przykładem Wspólnoty Autonomicznej Madrytu. Wskazane błędy powinny przestrogą i zmuszać do refleksji.
Interpretation of the concept of a place of remembrance in Spanish law of historical heritage protection is carried out inconsistently. This article attempts to present problems that arise in the qualification of given areas as places of remembrance and to discuss their essence using the example of the Autonomous Community of Madrid. The indicated errors should be a warning and forcing to reflection.
Climate change projections suggest that extremes, such as floods, will modify their behaviour in the future. Detailed catchment-scale studies are needed to implement the European Union Floods Directive and give recommendations for flood management and design of hydraulic infrastructure. In this study, a methodology to quantify changes in future flood magnitude and seasonality due to climate change at a catchment scale is proposed. Projections of 24 global climate models are used, with 10 being downscaled by the Spanish Meteorological Agency (Agencia Estatal de Meteorologı´a, AEMET) and 14 from the EURO-CORDEX project, under two representative concentration pathways (RCPs) 4.5 and 8.5, from the Fifth Assessment Report provided by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Downscaled climate models provided by the AEMET were corrected in terms of bias. The HBV rainfall-runoff model was selected to simulate the catchment hydrological behaviour. Simulations were analysed through both annual maximum and peaks-over-threshold (POT) series. The results show a decrease in the magnitude of extreme floods for the climate model projections downscaled by the AEMET. However, results for the climate model projections downscaled by EURO-CORDEX show differing trends, depending on the RCP. A small decrease in the flood magnitude was noticed for the RCP 4.5, while an increase was found for the RCP 8.5. Regarding the monthly seasonality analysis performed by using the POT series, a delay in the flood timing from late-autumn to late-winter is identified supporting the findings of recent studies performed with observed data in recent decades.
The purpose of this research was to identify major drought events on the Spanish mainland between 1961 and 2014 by means of two drought indices, and analyze the spatial propagation of drought conditions. The indices applied were the standardized precipitation index (SPI) and the standardized evaporation precipitation index (SPEI). The first was calculated as standardized anomalies of precipitation at various temporal intervals, while the second examined the climatic balance normalized at monthly scale, incorporating the relationship between precipitation and the atmospheric water demand. The daily meteorological data from Spanish Meteorological Archives (AEMet) were used in performing the analyses. Within the framework of the DESEMON project, original data were converted into a high spatial resolution grid (1.1 km2) following exhaustive quality control. Values of both indices were calculated on a weekly scale and different timescales (12, 24 and 36 months). The results show that during the first half of the study period, the SPI usually returned a higher identification of drought areas, while the reverse was true from the 1990s, suggesting that the effect from atmospheric evaporative demand could have increased. The temporal propagation from 12- to 24-month and 36-month timescales analyzed in the paper seems to be a far from straightforward phenomenon that does not follow a simple rule of time lag, because events at different temporal scales can overlap in time and space. Spatially, the propagation of drought events affecting more than 25% of the total land indicates the existence of various spatial gradients of drought propagation, mostly east–west or west–east, but also north–south have been found. No generalized episodes were found with a radial pattern, i.e., from inland to the coast.
This paper summarizes the actual state and "in progress" results of an ambitious project based on transversal skills that has been created at Universitat Politecnica de Valencia (UPV) - Spain. One of the last initiatives of this project has been the proposal of rubrics for assessment, with a double purpose: to prove the acquisition of transversal skills though several checkpoints along the degree (and master) study plan; and to establish a systematic assessment strategy by defining in which courses is acquired every competence, and how should be evaluated.
Autor przedstawia powstanie i działalność hiszpańskiej Gwardii Cywilnej która stoi na straży bezpieczeństwa publicznego. Prezentuje sukcesy i porażki w walce z organizacją ETA oraz prognozuje współczesne zagrożenia które mogą dotknąć społeczeństwo Hiszpanii.
The Guardia Civil is a military force under the authority of both the Ministry of the Interior and the Ministry of Defence. The Corps has been engaged primarily in maintaining order in rural areas and in patrolling the frontiers. Today the Guardia Civil assumed new responsabilities, such as counterterrorism, protection of coasts, cyber and internet crime. At present the Guardia Civil is conducting different missions in Haiti, Bosnia, Gambia, Senegal and Mauritania. In the last thirty years the fight against ETA has attracted the Guardia Civil’s main anti-terrorist efforts.
The paper defines the meaning and scope of the term enotourism by presenting various related aspects. It also describes the status of contemporary enotourism in Spain overviewing enotourist offers of the regions. Their further growth is considered to lie in raising the quality of the enotourist regions’ offers and implementing the sustainable development as well as in purposeful branding that will contribute to the establishment of a brand related to enotourism in Spain. Using the method of diagnostic survey, the Poles’ (n = 150) awareness of the enotourism meaning was determined, along with their knowledge of enoregions in Spain and preferences when it comes to wine consumption. It was also assessed whether Spain is branded as the top enotourism destination.
Szczegóły plaż na Costa Blanca i słynnej promenady z falistą nawierzchnia marmurową o wdzięcznej nazwie Explanada de Espana w Alicante opisano w pierwszej części artykułu. Niniejszy artykuł dotyczy kolejnych słonecznych promenad, znajdujących się w całorocznym kurorcie turystycznym Alicante w Hiszpanii.
The ammonite species Mesosimoceras cavouri (Gemmellaro), the index of the Mediterranean Cavouri Zone, is recorded for the first time from the Submediterranean Upper Jurassic of SW Germany. It occurs in the Untere-Felsenkalke Formation, within a rich ammonite association of the late Pseudomutabilis Zone characterized by fine-ribbed variants of Aulacostephanus pseudomutabilis (de Loriol) and a still undescribed flexuous-ribbed variant of Aulacostephanus eudoxus (d’Orbigny). This ammonite association represents the here newly introduced Lingulaticeras semicostatum γ horizon. The record of Mesosimoceras cavouri (Gemmellaro) confirms at least a partial correlation of the Mediterranean Cavouri Zone with the Submediterranen Pseudomutabilis Zone and the Subboreal Eudoxus Zone.
XXII Europejska Wyprawa Mostowa Północna Hiszpania – Pireneje 2016 została zorganizowana w dniach 9–23 lipca 2016 r. przez Stowarzyszenie Wyprawy Mostowe oraz Biuro Turystyczne Anitour z Czechowic-Dziedzic przy współpracy Katedry Budowy Mostów i Tuneli Politechniki Krakowskiej. Patronat medialny nad wyjazdem objął magazyn Nowoczesne Budownictwo Inżynieryjne.
Content available remote Glassberries Design Awards 2015
Celem kolejnej wyprawy Polskiego Stowarzyszenia Górnictwa Solnego w 2014 roku było poznanie geologii utworów ewaporatowych, w tym też soli, w rozległym trzeciorzędowym basenie katalońskim na przedpolu Pirenejów. Basen ten wykazuje pewne analogie w budowie i rozkładzie facji do polskiego zapadliska przedkarpackiego, lecz jego gigantyczne rozmiary i długa historia rozwoju sprzyjały powstaniu osadów potasonośnych. Podczas bogatego programu badań terenowych poznano wykształcenie utworów siarczanowych z obrzeża basenu salinarnego (gipsy w rejonie Odena i Vilobi) oraz serii potasonośnych z centrum panwi ewaporacyjnych (czynne kopalnie soli potasowych w Suria i Sallent oraz kopalnia-muzeum w Cardona). Facje klastyczne krawędzi basenu katalońskiego były widoczne w ścianach stromych klifów góry Montserrat.
Following expedition of the Polish Salt Mining Association in 2014 was dedicated to geology of evaporites, especially the salts, developed in the giant Tertiary Catalonian Basin (Fig. 1) located on the Pyrenean foreland. This basin has same analogies in its structure and facies pattern to the Polish Carpathian Foredeep, but its extent and the long history favoured generation of potash-bearing sediments (Fig. 2). The numerous field stops of geological tour enabled to study the development of sulphate deposits from the salinary basin margin e. g. gypsum from Odena (Figs 6-7) and Vilobi (Figs 14-17) and of the potash-bearing series from the evaporite pans in the active potash mines in Suria (Fig. 3, 5), Sallent (Fig. 4) and in the old mine-museum in Cardona (Figs 8-11). The clastic facies of the Catalonian basin frames were visible in the steep cliff walls of Montserrat Mountain (Fig. 12).
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