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Content available remote Istota innowacyjnego zachowania żołnierzy zawodowych w Siłach Zbrojnych RP
Zachowanie się żołnierzy zawodowych w służbie wojskowej w Siłach Zbrojnych RP jest innowacyjne. Dowodem na to są liczne opracowania naukowe. Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie krytycznej analizy literatury przedmiotu oraz dostępnych raportów z badań społecznych w wojsku. Celem utylitarnym jest diagnoza innowacyjnych zachowań i proinnowacyjnych postaw utalentowanych żołnierzy zawodowych służących w Siłach Powietrznych RP na podstawie badań własnych. Liczne korelacje między czynnikami, ich siła i kierunek stanowią wkład do nauki. Artykuł składa się ze wstępu, analizy literatury przedmiotu, omówienia wyników badań Wyższej Szkoły Oficerskiej Sił Powietrznych i Wojskowego Biura Badań Społecznych, z części empirycznej, badającej postawy wobec służby utalentowanych żołnierzy zawodowych i ich wpływ na innowacyjne zachowania, oraz zakończenia. Badania społeczne na żołnierzach zawodowych i krytyczna analiza literatury przedmiotu zostały przeprowadzone w latach 1999-2020. Natomiast badania (sondaż diagnostyczny) wśród utalentowanych żołnierzy zawodowych w Siłach Powietrznych RP w 2015 roku. Badani żołnierze spełniali cztery główne kryteria: służyli w Siłach Powietrznych RP, byli postrzegani przez swoich przełożonych jako utalentowani, wyróżniali się wieloma kompetencjami podczas służby wojskowej, osiągali wybitne rezultaty podczas realizacji zadań operacyjno-taktycznych. Wdrażanie innowacji wymusza odpowiednie zachowania utalentowanych żołnierzy zawodowych w wojsku. Proinnowacyjne postawy wobec służby stanowią fundament zmian i wprowadzania innowacji, głównie technologicznych.
The soldiers’ behavior in the Polish Armed Forces is innovative. As a proof there are many scientific publications. The main goal is to present the critical analysis of the scientific literature and available social research in the Polish Armed Forces. The utilitarian aim is the diagnose of innovative behavior and proinnovative attitude of talented soldiers in Polish Air Force in the own research. Many correlations between the factors are the contribution to science. The article consists of an introduction, a literature analysis, research of Air Force College of Officers and Military Office for Social Research and an empiric part which explores attitude of Polish soldiers, their innovative behavior and a conclusion. Social research of Polish soldiers and critical literature analysis were carried out in 1999-2020. Own research of talented soldiers in Polish Air Force in 2015. Talented soldiers were qualified based on four main criterions: served in Polish Air Force, were talented in the opinion of their superiors, were standed out many competitions in the Army, achieved outstanding results while had achieved operational-tactical tasks. From practical point of view innovative behavior of soldiers will be the first step to implement more technological, logistic, organizational changes which are the crux to develop soldiers competences. The innovation thinking supports positive attitude and positive attitude supports innovations.
The paper discloses the method for evaluation of service lifetime of on board avionic hydrostatic drives on the background of information acquired from human independent flight control devices on the basis of description how the structural parameters of the system subject to alterations over the equipment lifetime. The description of structural parameters related to the hydrostatic drives takes advantage of these data from the human-independent flight control devices that have not been used so far and establishes correlation between these data and the measurement signals that are typical for the drives. Evaluation of the service lifetime employed by the presented method consists in comparison between the values for actual structural parameters and adequate threshold limits under provision that specific parameters affecting the process of predicted lifetime evaluation as well as describing the technical condition of the devices are mutually independent. Identification of structural parameters attributable to avionic hydrostatic drives was carried out on the basis of information that can be acquired from human-independent flight control devices. The theoretical backgrounds for the proposed method related to assessment of technical condition of an avionic hydrostatic drive and evaluation of its expected lifetime on the background of information acquired from the human-independent flight control devices are presented, as well as measurement data are listed whereas the data had been acquired from human-independent flight control devices and they refer to structural parameters of avionic hydrostatic drives for two types of aircrafts that are operated by Polish Air Forces.
The matters concerning logistic supplies on national Armed Forces contingents in operations outside our own country have currently become one of the basic problems of the troops organisation and operations. It has resulted from the necessity to be prepared to effective operations not only in alliances, so called CJTF, or newly created European Union Reaction Forces but also in the framework of temporary multinational coalitions as for instance recently deployed “antiterrorist coalition” forces. These problems were recently abandoned in our Air Forces because of the lack of interoperability in the basic equipment. However, due to the close perspective of new multitask aircraft that fulfill NATO standards, fast developments are expected which will take into consideration a wide spectrum of conditions and requirements to prepare and carry out logistic tasks in joint Air Forces. This article develops the Air Force logistic concept in a hypothetical, recognised by the author as futuristic, model of our Air Force „environmental” logistics. It also presents basic assumptions of its organisation to operate outside Poland taking into account the possibilities of functioning in the framework of, as recommended in NATO, multinational logistics and many-sided acquisition of logistic resources and also airbases playing the role of an indirect link with other branches of AF troops.
One of priorities is currently to state the logistic support organisation of the Polish Air Force and Air Defence, selected to NATO Air Force and transport aviation in peace operations conducted outside the territory of the country, or even outside the territory of the Alliance responsibility. Conducting this task is not facilitated by the lack of scientifically justified concepts of this support, whereas applying present developments does not seem to be advisable. Taking into consideration the developments of the logistic support concept of the Polish Air Force subunits that carry out peace operations outside the country, it is essential to recognise the conditions of this support, which logistic tasks accomplishing depends on, and also to fulfill tasks by the air force and taking into account its priority role in such operations – to reach the goal of the operation. In order to familiarise the reader with possible ways to determine factors that influence the Polish Air Force logistic support in peace operations outside the territory of the country, the authors tried to establish methodological bases of these conditions and support concept.
Content available remote Wybrane problemy dowodzenia siłami powietrznymi RP na tle integracji z NATO
Certain problems connected with the integration of Polish and NATO air force command system have been dealt with in the article. The crucial tasks and priorities in order to reach interoperability with NATO have been presented in a methodological approach to solutions of the integration with NATO problem. Also selected research methods have been pointed out so that to enable to solve explicit problems. The directions of command systems integration actions referring to the role and functioning of the Polish Air Forces have been discussed in the further part of the article. The idea of NATO modified strategy and its influence on integration actions, taking into account national and coalition factors, have been touched on. The way (directions) to reach an inner compatibility and interoperability of NATO international air force (air defence) structures have been defined.
Characteristic features necessary to perform military pilot’s job have been discussed in the article. Flying abilities have been defined as a whole set of quite stable mental individual characteristics of personality that decide on the airman’s efficiency and work. The best method to examine flying abilities is to compare the data received from pedagogical, clinical, experimental and psychological tests of the candidate with the data gained from objective assessment of his flights in practical training. The methods of candidates’ selection for military pilots in practical air training have been presented in the article in a historical approach.
The article deals with the analysis of co-ordinate systems used currently in both Polish and foreign (mainly western) military systems. The analysis particularly shows the indications of applied co-ordinate systems that require elimination or, at least, diminishing in the future air defence system. The carried out analysis has been the basis to work out a coordinate system that is likely to eliminate faults of systems applied so far and, at the same time, will not cause additional ones. The suggested global co-ordinate system is a solution for the future that agrees with world tendencies.
Content available remote Logistyka sił powietrznych w modelu „2012” SZ RP
The article describes the organisational functional structure of initiated currently incoming Air Force logistics model included in “2012 Polish Republic’s Armed Forces “ model. These characteristics are presented on the background of our Armed Forces’ latest logistic assumptions concept that assimilates standard NATO logistic solutions. Presented Polish Armed Forces’ logistic developments in “2012” model, the Air Force logistics including, refer directly to rules and principles of general and military NATO and Polish logistic theory which shows the areas and ranges of discrepancy between theory and practice. The author presents his own, original interpretations of new logistic terminology, e.g. “production logistics” or “consumer logistics”. Moreover, the author gives his own interpretations of NATO logistics that were not included in the Polish Republic’s Armed Forces’ new concept, such as “co-operative logistics” for instance, and interprets those ones which, according to him, require a different approach (e.g. “special logistic unit”).
Content available remote Rekrutacja kandydatów do sił powietrznych : dawniej i dziś
The article deals with the candidates recruitment for the Air Force both at present and in the past. The first part describes pre-war years when the French aviation experiences and the search to find our own criteria to select candidates for the Air Force were the basis of the pilot’s training system in Poland. This led to define conditions to be fulfilled by a candidate for a military pilot. Much attention was focused on physical and mental health of the candidate and also on his education, motivation and so called the spirit of flying (i.e. courage, patriotism, honour and so on). Apart from collecting our own experiences, also methods applied by our closest neighbours were taken into account. The second part of the article concerns the present times. Admitting candidates to the Air Force Academy is conducted through Recruitment Centres which carry out the introductory selection consisting in the evaluation of formal criteria (age, citizenship, marital status), the state of health and the candidate’s serviceableness to the air service. Then the candidate takes entrance examination (Mathematics, Physics, Foreign Language, Physical Education). The Examination Board makes, in agreement with the qualification procedure, an official record which is the basis for admitting the candidates to the academy. Their number is conditioned by a limit. The number of candidates taking the entrance examination varies.
The content of the article concerns the requirements to adjust service and repair bodies of the appearing air bases to perform duties in the framework of joint NATO air force logistic support. The fact of Poland’s entry to NATO imposes for our Air Force the obligation to prepare air bases fulfilling conditions included in the programme called „Common Development of Air Force Logistic Support”. The realisation of these stipulations will enable a combat readiness interoperability re-creation of defined air ship types in the Polish air bases registered for the disposition of the NATO Joint Air Force Command.
Content available remote Kształtowanie się podstaw sztuki wojennej lotnictwa polskiego w latach 1945-1949
In the first post-war years, Polish air force war art used mainly the combat experiences of Russian Army air force in the Second World War. It was characteristic for Russian theoreticians, whose viewpoints inspired Polish strategies, to use the air forces, first of all, for joint operations with the land forces. Polish theoreticians were of the opinion that the only form of the air force actions, ena-bling them to reach an advantage in air, was to carry out offensive actions both over our territory and over the enemy country as well. It was believed that these actions should be conducted by all air force kinds. Col. Navigator, Józef Jungraw, a prominent Polish air force theoretician, stressed that the air force was an important part of the armed forces, capable of co-operating with the land forces, the navy and independent actions on the enemy country territory. Polish attempts of independent viewpoints on strategic and operational use of the air force finished in 1949 when, due to the Soviet Union dictatorship, a hasty unification of social - political life was started in Socialist countries.
The operational - tactical training integration of Polish air forces with NATO air forces is necessary and is to prepare the units to participate in joint military and non-military endeavours (humanitarian and rescue operations), co-ordinating national CAOC (Combined Air Operation Centre) components and prepare the crews to co-operate on the battlefield. The process to prepare NATO exercises has several stages and includes: programming, planning, conducting, evaluation and reporting. The programme of exercises (worked out in a five-year cycle) includes a schedule of exercises and a plan of intentions, plans of exercises - general data concerning conducting exercises in a two-year circle.
Content available remote Ewolucja sztuki wojennej lotnictwa polskiego w latach 1950-1955
A successive development stage of Polish air force operational art includes the years of 1950-1955. In those times, the attempts to form our own viewpoints to use air force were finally abandoned and the Russian ones were adopted. The equipment of the Polish air force units influenced significantly the change of opinions in the air force operational art and tactics. The Polish Air Force Command started to work out the concept to use air force in the middle of 1951. It was stated that the task of the air force was to co-operate with all kinds of land forces and the navy. Effective use of the air force required concentrating its efforts on main directions, spreading of efforts was thought to be inadmissible. In offensive operations, the air force tasks included, like during the Second World War, three stages: preparing an air assault, assault air support and air force accompanying attacking forces. In the years 1954 and 1955, a different character of future war was noticed. Massive use of nuclear weapons was not forecast at that time. It was thought that using atomic arms would not change basic rules of armed fighting, armoured troops, artillery and air force would still decide of the advantage and only few atomic explosions would allow for a fast manoeuvre. The role of air force increased since the moment of nuclear weapon appeared because an aircraft was at that time capable of carrying ABC weapons on long distances. The troops’ ordinance in rockets and missiles in the 1950s caused the end of air force domination in carrying nuclear weapon on long distances.
The article presents a specific way to gain civilian and military logistic resources to safeguard national contingents in actions outside the territories of countries providing troops for NATO forces, i.e. Host Nation Support (HNS), in the aspect of air force logistics. Three complementary ways to ensure the troops necessary logistic resources are currently adopted in NATO. The „first way”, which can be called „improved traditional variant”, is to ensure logistic resources for the troops using their own assets. The „second way” to gain logistic resources for the troops is Host Nation Support. The „third way” are „local contracts” consisting in gaining civilian local resources. Eight principles have been distinguished (seven of them are general logistic principles) in the area of NATO logistic activity referring to HNS and subsequently discussed in the article.
Content available remote Polskie Siły Powietrzne w NATO
The article has been based on an introductory lecture given by the commandant of Air Force and Air Defence Department. Its aim is to state the place and role of Polish Air Force and Air Defence Forces in NATO coalition forces. A new strategy has been presented which stipulates the ability of active combat actions - in a short time, often on distant territories, both while conducting peace tasks and during crisis and war as well. The Polish Air Force possible importance and tasks in NATO have been discussed. The Polish contribution of the Air Force component to NATO has to have both a factual character with high parameters in its military dimension and an intellectual character with modem security philosophy, the carriers of which will be well trained and educated soldiers, career soldiers in particular.
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