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The paper is a review of the literature on the application of biodegradable materials (agroplastics) in modern agriculture, and particularly in horticulture. Agroplastics are used within the so-called plasticulture system – in mulches, different forms of plant covers, pots for seedlings, strings, and other materials. Although they leave behind a considerable amount of waste, their recycling has been implemented in only some European countries. The positive solution of this environmental problem lies in propagation and implementation of biodegradable plastics in agricultural practice. In order to achieve this, a clear system of classification and assessment has been introduced in the European Union. Results of experiments with biodegradable plastics applications as soil and plant covers, and their impact on the environment are presented.
Artykuł stanowi przegląd literatury dotyczącej zastosowania biodegradowalnych materiałów polimerowych w nowoczesnym rolnictwie, w szczególności w ogrodnictwie. Są one wykorzystywane w systemach tzw. plastikultury – ściółkach, różnych formach osłon, doniczkach, sznurkach itp. Ich stosowanie powoduje jednak powstawanie znacznej ilości odpadów, których recykling wprowadzono jedynie w nielicznych krajach Europy. Rozwiązaniem tego problemu jest propagowanie i wprowadzanie do praktyki rolniczej tworzyw biodegradowalnych, a także przejrzysty system klasyfikacji zgodny z zaleceniami Unii Europejskiej. Przedstawiono eksperymentalne próby zastosowania biodegradowalnych tworzyw jako ściółek i osłon bezpośrednich oraz ich wpływ na środowisko.
Artykuł przedstawia przegląd literatury poświęconej problematyce wpływu materii organicznej na zmiany rozpuszczalności metali ciężkich w glebach zanieczyszczonych. W procesach remediacji powszechnie stosuje się różne rodzaje materii organicznej w celu zwiększenia zdolności sorpcyjnej gleb i immobilizacji metali, jednak często opisywane są niepożądane efekty polegające na wzroście rozpuszczalności metali w wyniku zastosowania takich dodatków organicznych, jak węgiel brunatny, nawozy organiczne, osady ściekowe, komposty i biowęgiel. Tym doniesieniom poświęcono szczególną uwagę. Omówiono także tematykę zagrożeń związanych z formowaniem się i dekompozycją ściółek na zalesionych obszarach zdegradowanych.
The article presents a critical review of literature focused on the influence of organic matter on the changes in solubility of heavy metals in contaminated soils. Various kinds of organic matter are commonly used in remediation processes in order to increase soil sorption capacity and to immobilize heavy metals. Several papers reported, however, unwished-for effects of those measures, that involved an increase in the solubility of metals caused by application of organic amendments, including brown coal (lignite), organic fertilizers, sewage sludge, composts, and biochar. This review focuses particularly on such effects. Additionally, the hazards associated with formation and decomposition of forest litter in degraded areas after their forestation, have also been discussed.
Content available remote Effects of Litter Accumulation on Plant Communities in Fenced Desert Steppe
The litter decomposition plays an important role in nutrient circle of grassland ecosystem, the water holding ability of litter and physical and chemical characteristics have been studied exclusively over the past century. However, the effect of litter accumulation on plant community in desert steppe under fenced condition was little known. In this study, four typical plant communities were employed to identify the effects of litter accumulation on plant communities. The results showed the trend of litter accumulation amount in the four different types of plant communities was best represented by Birk model. The accumulation of litter had different effects on the number of seedlings. When litter accumulation reached 300–400 g cm-2, green-up dates advance 7 days. The amount of seedling germination and the number of plant species reached a peak. Meanwhile, plant density, coverage, average height, richness, and evenness reached maximum values. It was concluded that when opposite fencing time was about 6 years, and the optimum amount of litter accumulation was about 300–400 g cm-2, which could advance the green-up dates and increase the number of plant seedlings, and also improve or maintain community stability. Such a notion has to be taken into account for the development of an improved policy for environmental management in desert steppe.
Przedstawiono wyniki analizy profilu związków lotnych za pomocą GC/MS trzech rodzajów ściółek pochodzących z kurników w których utrzymywane są kury nioski. Zidentyfikowano 115 związków lotnych, 46 należało do grupy metabolitów grzybów mikroskopowych. Wśród nich dominowały aldehydy i ketony - średnio od 0,5222 (RU) dla słomy pszennej do 2,7536 (RU) dla sieczki słomiastej, oraz węglowodory - średnio od 0,1825 (RU) dla sieczki słomiastej do 1,0918 (RU) dla słomy żytniej. Przeprowadzona analiza dyskryminacyjna wykazała, że największe znaczenie podczas rozdziału populacji grup analizowanych prób ściółek na podstawie profilu związków lotnych mają następujące związki: 2-metylobutanal, 1-heptanol, naftalen oraz trichodien.
The paper presents results of analyses of the volatile compound profile provided by GC/MS for three types of litters from laying houses (poultry houses for layer hens). Among 115 identified volatile compounds 46 were found to be metabolites of microscopic fungi, predominantly aldehydes and ketones accounting on average for 0.52 (RU - peak area/area of internal standard - tridecane) for wheat straw up to 2.75 (RU) for chopped chaff, as well as hydrocarbons ranging from 0.18 (RU) for chopped chaff up to 1.09 (RU) for rye straw. Discriminant analysis showed the greatest role of 2-methylbutanal, 1-heptanol, naphthalene and trichodiene in the population distribution of groups of analyzed litter samples based on their profiles of volatile compounds.
Analizowano pod względem ilościowym i jakościowym poziom zanieczyszczenia grzybami mikroskopowymi 5 rodzajów ściółek pochodzących z kurników (kury nioski, stada 250-300 kur) zlokalizowanych na terenie Polski północno-zachodniej, zebranych latem 2013 r. w szczycie nieśności kur rasy Ross. Wśród badanych ściółek najbardziej zanieczyszczona okazała się ściółka z sieczki słomiastej mieszanej, natomiast ściółki z trocin oraz wióry drzewne były najmniej zanieczyszczone grzybami mikroskopowymi. Na podstawie wykonanych badań stwierdzono, że rodzaj materiału, z którego przygotowana jest ściółka, jest bardzo ważny nie tylko ze względu na zapewnienie dobrostanu ptakom, ale również ich bezpieczeństwa zdrowotnego związanego z narażeniem na choroby o etiologii grzybowej.
Analyzed in terms of quantitative and qualitative level of contamination by microscopic fungi 5 types of litter collected from poultry houses (laying hens, flocks of hens 250-300) located on north-west Poland in the summer of 2013 at the peak of laying hens breed Ross. Among the respondents, the most contaminated litter mulch proved to be chopped straw, and littered with sawdust and wood chips were the least contaminated by microscopic fungi. Based on the tests performed, it was found that the type of material from which the litter is prepared is very important not only because of the welfare of the birds, but also their health safety arising from exposure to the fungal disease etiology.
Microbes remain active and play an important role in soil nitrogen (N) cycle during the winter in soil of the alpine zone. A shift from microbial N immobilization process dominant during summer to prevailing microbial mineralization process during the winter is observed. Warmer soil under deep snow cover may increase the microbial activity and rate of organic matter decomposition over the winter. Furthermore, severe shortages of dissolved carbon (C) in the winter may cause microbial mortality and lyses. Thus, C limitation on microbial growth and activity may have an important effect on winter N mineralization and even on soil N pools. However, the combined effects of additional organic C (litter inputs) and snow cover on soil N biogeochemical processes in the Tibetan Plateau remain unclear. In the current study, the in situ effects of snowpack and litter decomposition on N dynamics in the alpine zone of the Eastern Tibetan Plateau were investigated. Intact soil core incubations in three different snow regimes (0, 30 and 100 cm depth snow) in the winter were used to solve the problem by measure concentrations of mineral form of soil N. In addition, the litter bag method was used to analyze the litter decomposition over the winter. Our results indicate that the snow cover reduced the ammonium (NH4+-N) content, accelerate N mineralization in soil, and did not significantly change the dissolvable organic nitrogen (DON) and microbial biomass nitrogen (MBN). Meanwhile, snowpack increased the litter N content and accelerated litter decomposition in late winter. Litter addition reduced the MBN and NH4+-N contents in soil, but increased the nitrate (NO3--N) content and net N mineralization, suggesting that N availability to plants during the spring thaw period may be enhanced.
The relationship between litter decomposition and forest succession in addition to the influence of climate variables on the rate of litter decomposition in forest ecosystems are poorly understood. In this study, the effects of forest successional stages, climate, and litter quality on litter decomposition rates were investigated in five sites located in China. The selected sites cover 29 degrees of latitude from 18[degrees]N to 47[degrees]N and spans more than 5,000 km in length along a temperature gradient that transverses across eastern China. This zonal gradient includes five climate zones from temperate to subtropical to tropical zones. Forest types include broad-leaved Korean pine, deciduous broad-leaved, evergreen broad-leaved, monsoon evergreen broad-leaved, and tropical rain forests. The North-South Transect of Eastern China (NSTEC) is one of fifteen international standard transects setup by Global Change and Terrestrial Ecosystems (GCTE). NSTEC is a key component of the International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme (IGBP). The litterbag method was used in this study to determine mass loss and annual decomposition rates of eight tree species (Pinus massoniana Lamb., Cunninghamia lanceolata (Lamb.) Hook., Schima superba Gardn. et Champ., Cinnamomum camphora (L.) Presl., Cyclobalanopsis glauca (Thunb.) Oerst., C. gracilis (Rehd. et Wils.) Cheng et T. Hong, Michelia chapensis Dandy, and Castanopsis eyeri (Champ.) Tutch. through a timeframe starting in May, 2006, and ending in May, 2008. Litterbags 15 x 15 cm and 0.5 x 1.0 mm mesh were filled with 10 g of leaf litter collected from the subtropical forest region and then placed onto the forest floor in triplicate samples for each eight species in all five sites. Three litterbags per species were retrieved from each of the five sites at two month intervals during the two year experimental period. Results suggest that species litter in the climax stage (C. glauca, C. gracilis, and M. chapensis) tended to decompose faster than those in the pioneer stage (P. massoniana and C. lanceolata). Initial phosphorous (P) and nitrogen (N) concentrations of leaf litter were the most critical variables of litter quality in relation to the impact on the rate of litter decomposition. Litter decomposition at different successional stages was found to be directly related to climatic variables such as mean annual precipitation (MAP) and mean annual temperature (MAT). MAP and initial P and N concentrations could therefore be considered good indicators of rates of decomposition.
Celem podjętych badań było określenie liczby bakterii tlenowych mezofilnych oraz grzybów w świeżej ściółce i powietrzu w zależności od zmieniających się warunków termiczno-wilgotnościowych oraz właściwości fizykochemicznych ściółki w poszczególnych tygodniach odchowu kurcząt brojlerów. Stwierdzono, że wraz ze wzrostem kurcząt ogólna liczba bakterii tlenowych mezofilnych oraz grzybów w świeżej masie ściółki zwiększała się, przy czym w ostatnim tygodniu liczba bakterii wynosiła 2,32 · 109, natomiast grzybów - 1,3 · 108 jtk ·g- ¹. W miarę upływu czasu odchowu ptaków nieznacznie zwiększała się również wartość pH ściółki, co wobec coraz większej ilości pomiotu i procesów fermentacyjnych zachodzących w świeżej ściółce mogło sprzyjać rozwojowi drobnoustrojów. Czynniki te wpłynęły także na zwiększanie się ilości powstającego w ściółce amoniaku. W powietrzu, mimo stopniowego spadku jego temperatury i wzrostu wilgotności, nie zaobserwowano tak wyraźnej tendencji zmian liczebności mikroorganizmów, jak w ściółce. Zarówno liczba bakterii, jak i grzybów ulegała wahaniom w poszczególnych tygodniach odchowu, co najprawdopodobniej było związane ze zmieniającym się zapyleniem i niejednakową wentylacją pomieszczeń. Liczba bakterii była najmniejsza w III tygodniu (3,64 · 104 jtk · m- ³), a największa - na końcu odchowu (2,12 · 105 jtk · m- ³). Najmniejszą liczbę grzybów stwierdzono na początku odchowu (1,71 · 104 jtk · m- ³), a największą - w II i V tygodniu (odpowiednio 4,63 · 104 i 4,47 · 104 jtk ·m- ³). Zaobserwowano, że w powietrzu i ściółce na początku badań przeważały grzyby pleśniowe (Fusarium sp., Penicillium sp., Aspergillus sp.), natomiast w końcowym okresie, zwłaszcza w ściółce, wzrastała liczebność drożdży (do 90-100%).
The objective of the undertaken study was to determine the number of aerobic mesophilic bacteria and fungi in fresh litter and air in relation to different temperature, humidity and physicochemical properties of litter in particular weeks of broiler chicken rearing. The study demonstrated that along with the growth of the chickens, the number of aerobic mesophiles and fungi in fresh litter showed an increasing tendency; in the last week of rearing the number of bacteria was 2.32 · 109 cfu ·g- ¹ and that of fungi -1.3 · 108 cfu ·g- ¹. In subsequent weeks of rearing, the increase was also observed in litter pH, which together with increasing bulk of faeces excreted by the chickens and fermentation proceeding in fresh litter might have facilitated the growth of microorganisms. The above factors were also shown to affect the content of ammonia formed in the litter. When it comes to microbiological contamination of air, despite a successive decrease of temperature and an increase of air humidity, such a distinct tendency in changes of bacterial count as in the case of litter was not observed. Both the number of bacteria and that of fungi were subject to fluctuation in particular weeks of rearing, which was most likely due to varying dustiness and irregular ventilation of rooms. The number of bacteria was the lowest in the 3rd week and reached 3.64 · 104 cfu · m- ³, and the highest - at the end of rearing when it reached 2.12 · 105 cfu · m- ³. The lowest number of fungi was found at the beginning of rearing (1.71 · 104 cfu · m- ³), whilst the highest one in the 2nd and the 4th week (4.63 · 104 cfu · m- ³ and 4.47 · 104 cfu · m- ³, respectively). Fungal analyses demonstrated that mould fungi (Fusarium sp., Penicillium sp., Aspergillus sp.) were prevailing in both litter and air at the beginning of the study, and that the number of yeasts rose to 90-100% at the termination of the study, especially in the litter.
The objective of this paper was to recognize the influence of forest strips planted (as the shelterbelts) in agricultural area, on adjoining cereal fields basing on the distribution and composition of enchytraeid community. Species composition, density and individual size of enchytraeids were estimated in October and April 2003-2005 along two transects: 6 and 11 years old shelterbelts > ecotones > fields (at a distance of 15 and 50 m. from the wood strip) and in two reference sites: large (about 100 ha) forest stand and the field ("control" field) located in deforested area. The results have been compared with the published results of the previous studies made in the same area four years before (1999-2000). Samples were colleted with soil corer 10 cm[^2] in area and 15 cm deep. Ten samples in each site were taken twice a year. Sixteen species were found in total. The range of density and biomass of enchytraeids for all study sites accounted for 1.6 to 15.3 ind. m[^-2] and 55 to 956 mg f.wt. m[^-2] (i.e. 15-308 mg d.w.) respectively. The lowest density was obserwed in the control field located in the deforested area. However, density and biomass of enchytraeids in the fields accounted for 67% and 47% respectively of those in shelterbelts. Species composition of enchytraeids in the young (2-11 yrs old) forest strips and in the adjacent fields was similar, however different from those in the forest stand and in old (150 yrs) shelterbelt. The response of enchytraeids to grass litter introduced on the soil surface was assessed in the experiment performed in a control field and in the transect of wood strip > field. The 7-10 portions of dried grass Dactylis glomerata (L.), (10 g each) were exposed in each plot for 12 and 18 months. More animals was found in the upper soil laver taken below the exposed litter as well as the density of all enchytraeids and percent share of the dominant genus Enchytraeus increased in the soil after 18 months of litter exposure.
Badano rozwiązania i stosowane usprzętowienie gospodarki nawozami naturalnymi w oborach ściółkowych stanowiskowych analizując aspekty organizacyjne, technologiczne i techniczne procesu usuwania i magazynowania obornika i gnojówki. Stwierdzono, że w badanych oborach występuje wyłącznie obornik słomiasty, który w około 80% obór usuwany jest mechanicznie na gnojownię dwa razy na dobę. W złym stanie technicznym znajduje się około 54% płyt gnojowych i 10% zbiorników na gnojówkę oraz ponad 33% przenośników, ponad 43% ładowaczy i ponad 71% rozrzutników. Zapotrzebowanie na nowe maszyny zgłasza 43% badanych gospodarstw, a zapotrzebowanie na modernizację i nowe inwestycje budowlane zgłasza 17% badanych gospodarstw.
There were studied - by means of the analysis of the organisational, technological and technical aspects of the process of removing and stockpiling manure and liquid manure - the solutions and equipment used in the process of managing the natural fertilisers in bedding post cowsheds. It was found that exclusively straw manure was present in studied cowsheds, which from ca 80% cowsheds was removed mechanically to dunghill twice a day. About 54% of manure plates and 10% of reservoirs on liquid manure as well as over 33% of conveyors, 43% of loaders and 71% of spreaders were in poor technical condition. Demand for new machines reports 43% of studied farms, and demand for new building investments and modernization 17% of them.
Ocenie poddane zostały słoma i wióry - najczęściej stosowane w produkcji drobiarskiej materiały ściółkowe. Zdjęcia termowizyjne pokazały, iż ściółka z wiórów, pomimo większej wilgotności początkowej o 6,5 pkt %, wykazała o 0,7K większy przyrost temperatury w trakcie przygotowywania obiektu do zasiedlenia. Podczas trwania całego cyklu produkcyjnego odnotowano zbliżony pod względem tempa i wielkości spadek średnich wartości temperatury powierzchni obu podłoży, który w całym cyklu wyniósł 13.3K dla słomy i 13.2K dla wiórów. Stwierdzono, że podłoże wiórowe miało mniejsze tendencje do wahań temperatury powierzchni, jednakże przy obu materiałach wystąpił nasilający się w czasie rozrzut wartości.
Straw and wood shavings - the materials most often used as a litter in poultry housing - were evaluated with the use of thermovision technique. The thermovision images showed that the litter of wood shavings, apart from its higher by 6,5% initial moisture content, at preparing the object to settling ensured the temperature rise higher by 0,7K. Similar drops of average temperature for the surface of both floors in terms of rate and height, were observed during whole production cycle; for the whole cycle the temperature decreases averaged 13.3K and 13.2K for the straw and wood shavings, respectively. The surface under wood shavings' litter showed less tendency to temperature variation, however increasing in time dispersion of these values was observed for both bedding materials used.
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