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Landfills are widely utilised for waste disposal due to their economic advantages and ease of implementation compared to alternative methods. However, landfills exert significant environmental and health impacts on adjacent agricultural land. Accumulation of heavy metals in soil is a risk to ecological and food safety. Methodological approaches to assess and mitigate the impact of landfills on agricultural land are essential for ensuring sustainable land use practices and safeguarding human health. In this study, landfills were assessed at the local level, and the hazard level was classified according to it. A set of priority measures for restoring technogenic disturbed areas and minimising their impact on agricultural land was determined. The need to select a set of innovative, ecologically oriented methods for remediation of landfills, depending on the type and degree of soil contamination, was identified in context of ensuring environmental and food security.
The problem of soil contamination is relevant today. Soil contamination is generally associated with intensive industrial activities, inadequate waste management, mining, military activities, or accidents. Pollutants (e.g. heavy metals) are accumulating in soil and have major indirect impacts on biodiversity, quality of groundwater resources, and food safety. Soil contamination of agricultural land is a particular threat. Due to the military action and other conditions, the numbers of sites where potentially polluting activities have taken place are increasing in Ukraine. The cultivation of agricultural crops on soils with a medium or high level of toxicity is only possible after the remediation of this area. The use of biological methods to intensify soil remediation processes, thereby reducing the additional burden on the environment, is becoming more widespread. The application of probiotics is an innovative and ecological method for the restoration of contaminated soils. This will enable to improve the conceptual approaches to the implementation of an ecologically safe model for the restoration of contaminated land under the conditions of military action in Ukraine. The aim of the research was to assess the phytotoxic effect of soil contaminated with heavy metals and petroleum products before and after probiotic application. The seedling method was used to determine the remediation potential of contaminated soils. An express test of Triticum aestivum was used to determine soil phytotoxicity. The research results show the negative impact of soil contamination with heavy metals and petroleum products on the biometric indices of Triticum aestivum plants and positive dynamics of biometric indices of Triticum aestivum in variants after probiotic treatment (86–92% compared to the control). The obtained data show that a significant phytotoxic effect is observed by all biometric indices of Triticum aestivum in all studied variants. The highest phytotoxic effect (33.56–42.70%) was observed in variants with combined contamination (PP+Zn+Pb). The results of probiotic application show a phytotoxic effect of less than 20% by all biometric indices of Triticum aestivum for all studied variants. Therefore, the results of the research can be used to develop recommendations for the remediation of land contaminated by military actions in Ukraine and the creation of sustainable agroecosystems.
Municipal solid waste landfills are mostly bordering on rural areas and may to cause the environmental degradation. Therefore, the issue of monitoring and assessment of negative landfill impact on bordering areas, including agricultural land, is relevant. The aim of the study is monitoring and assessment of landfill impact on air pollution, soil contamination, pollutants content of leachate from landfills. Monitoring of air pollution was measured on the soil sites situated at the landfill, at the border between landfill and agricultural areas, at the distance of 200 m from the landfill. The following pollutants were investigated: CO2 , NO2 , NH3 , H2S, C7H8, C8H10 dust. Monitoring of soil contamination was measured at the border between landfill and agricultural areas; at the distance of 50, 100, 200 and 500 m from the landfill. The following pollutants were investigated: Pb, Hg, Cu, Zn, petroleum products. Monitoring of leachate pollution was conducted by following pollutants: NO2-, NO3-, NH4, SO42-, Cl-, Fe, Cu, Pb, Zn, Ni, PO43-, petroleum products, surface active substance. Sampling of the leachate was carried out at the territory of the landfill. The results of our study show that 90% of studied landfills are in close proximity to agricultural land and have technogenic impact on the bordering areas. The assessment of landfill impact on atmospheric air established the exceeding of MPC of all investigated pollutants at the border between landfill and agricultural land. Exceeding of the MPC of pollutants in atmospheric air at a distance of 200 m and more have not been established. The assessment of landfill impact on soil contamination established the exceeding of MPC of heavy metals and petroleum products at the border between landfill and agricultural land and at a distance of 50 m and 100 m from landfills. Exceeding of the MPC of heavy metals and petroleum products in the soil at a distance of 200 m and more has not been established. The results of the assessment of leachate from landfill sites show the exceeding of MPC of investigated pollutants for 60% studied areas. This creates an additional chemical load on groundwater, soils and can lead to decreasing the quality of agricultural products which grown in technogenic pressured areas. Thus, our research confirmed the existence of a threat to environmental and food security on areas, bordering on the landfills.
Utilization of mineralized fossil water (MFW), as a by-product of oil production is a special environmental problem in oil and gas areas. In Ukraine the annual production of mineralized fossil water together with oil is estimated at about 20 million tons. Taking into account that MFW is an aby-product of oil production, they are usually placed in waste disposal sites and can contaminate environment. It was determined that toxicological properties of mineralized fossil water have not been studied so far. There is the need for study of toxicological features of the MFW which will allow to determine its hazard class and to develop some measures for safe usage of this drug for making the agriculture more ecological. Thus, in the work we have made the assessment of ecotoxicological properties of MFW as an environmentally safe substitute for agrochemicals. It was established that MFW is referred to low-toxic compounds. LD50 for oral introduction of the compound in the bodies of white female rats is more than 21,000 mg/kg, female mice – 31,000 mg/kg, male mice – more than 20,000 mg/kg; when applied to the skin of rats – more than 8000 mg/kg. The value of LD50 when applied to the inhalation routes of entry for female rats is more than 5000 mg/kg. It was justified that by oral route of entry and skin penetration the MFWs belong to the IV class of danger, and by inhalation route of entry – to III class. It was also determined that MFW does not have an irritating effect on the skin and mucous membranes of the eyes. There is also no sensitizing effect on the body of guinea pigs. Studies have shown that the cumulative properties of MFW are weakly represented. The accumulation coefficient is greater than 5. At a dose of 4260 mg/kg MFW has cardiotoxic effect, it affects the process of erythropoiesis and increases filtration and excretory function of the kidneys. Ineffective dose for rats in a subchronic experiment is 2130 mg/kg. These results of ecotoxicological study of MFW make it possible to confirm that its usage is safe in the agricultural system, especially as environmentally friendly organo-mineral fertilizer, herbicide, and fungicide.
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