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In this study, NiCrBSi-B4C (wt. %5, %10 ve %15 B4C) powder mixtures are coated on the stainless steel surface of AISI304 by tungsten inert gas (TIG) method. We use optic microscope and scanning electron microscope (SEM) for the coating layer analysis, energy dispersive spectrometry (EDS) for element distribution analysis and X-ray diffractogram (XRD) for the analysis of phase components. The measurements of hardness are determined by the microhardness tester. Based on the results obtained by the examination of microstructure and phases, it has been observed that while B and C elemets are more intense in the middle and upper parts of the coating layer, the parts close to the interface have a higher intensity of Ni and Fe. Moreover, there are phases such as Cr7C3, γ – Ni, CrFeB, Ni3B, CrB ve Fe2B are formed in the coating layer. The increasing ratio of B4C results in increasing on the measurement values of microhardness. The maximum hardness value (430,8 HV0.2) is obtained from the coating layer of S4 sample while the minimum value (366,9 HV0.2) is observed from the NiCrBSi coated sample
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