Purpose: The aging society poses new challenges to managers of medical facilities to ensure that older adults have adequate conditions and access to professional health care and provide them with opportunities to increase their level of satisfaction and improve the quality of their functioning in society. The aim of the survey was to examine the opinions of older adults aged 65 years and older on the quality of medical services and to identify the most important characteristics of the quality of medical services included in their assessment. Design/methodology/approach: The study used a diagnostic survey method based on a questionnaire technique that was addressed to older adults living in the Silesian Voivodeship. The survey was conducted in late 2022 and early 2023 and covered 128 older adults. Findings: The survey showed that older adults living in the Silesian Voivodeship rated the medical services offered relatively well. Older adults gave the highest ratings to the location of health facilities, the approach to patients, the efficiency of service, and the availability of services provided by primary care physicians. Research limitations/implications: Analysis of the survey of older adults’ opinions on the quality of medical services identified key areas in need of corrective actions, such as the availability of night and holiday care, the use of modern solutions, the need for additional fees for medical services, and the number of medical staff members in medical facilities. Practical implications: By measuring patient satisfaction, healthcare facilities gain information on how well their healthcare delivery meets patients' expectations and needs, and what in their services is a source of patient dissatisfaction. The results of the survey provide the basis for corrective measures to improve the services provided whereas the managers in healthcare facilities gain knowledge about the needs of older adult patients and areas requiring solutions to improve the quality of the services offered. Social implications: The use of information from the survey makes it possible, through changes, to adapt the care system to the needs of older adults and suggests a direction for further quality assurance measures in healthcare. Originality/value: The paper provides an introduction to the complex topic of improving the quality of medical services and achieving a sufficient level of satisfaction among older adults.
Purpose: The aim of the study was to determine the factors that shape the sense of work satisfaction for selected uniformed services and to learn the level of satisfaction of servicepersons in terms of working in their respective services covered in this study. Design/methodology/approach: The research utilized the diagnostic survey method, a survey technique using a questionnaire addressed to employees of selected uniformed services based in the Silesian Voivodeship. Intentional-random selection was used, taking into consideration gender, age, service seniority, education, and corps, resulting in the inclusion of 174 employees of selected uniformed services in total. The survey included 22 statements. Assessments were made by granting points on the Likert scale, where 1 means "strongly disagree" and 5 means "strongly agree". The study was carried out over a period of five months (February-June) 2022. Findings: The conducted research allowed to identify key areas that require corrective action. The most significant gaps between the assessment and the expectations of the members of the examined uniformed services were identified in such areas as: fair treatment, perspective of professional development, the value of performed tasks, or interpersonal relations. Research limitations/implications: Due to the fact that the survey only included uniformed services, the biggest challenge was the access to respondents. That is why, this study is a pilot one and it is recommended to carry out extended studies in order to verify the results presented here. Practical implications: The study allowed to obtain an initial assessment of the sense of satisfaction among the members of the uniformed services covered. Social implications: The analysis of factors determining the sense of satisfaction with the work performed in uniformed services constitutes an important element impacting the potential improvement of the management of officers in the studied services. Originality/value: Due to the specific character of work in the uniformed services that includes numerous threats to health and life, as well as working under stress, it is important to study the factors affecting the sense of satisfaction with the performed work in order to improve the management of human potential.
Purpose: The communication between a patient and the staff of a clinic's reception desk forms the patient's ideas and opinions about the entire health care facility. The purpose of this article was to analyze the assessment of the level of service provided by selected private health care facilities, on the example of handling the patient at the reception desk. Design/methodology/approach: The SERVQUAL service quality assessment method has been used in the research. The research was carried out in seven private health care facilities located in the Silesian Voivodship, in the cities with a population of between 100,000 and 250,000. 220 patients have been surveyed. The survey consisted of two questionnaires, a section concerning the determination of the weights of specific criteria and the section with demographic questions. Both surveys included 22 statements each, and there were also 4 demographic questions included. The assessments were made by giving points on the Likert scale of 1-7. The study was carried out from January to March 2022. Findings: The conducted analysis of the level of the studied service allowed for identifying key areas that require corrective actions. The biggest gaps between patient assessments and expectations concern such aspects as: response time, reliability, and empathy. Research limitations/implications: Due to the fact that the worst-rated areas are closely related to communication, it is advisable to take corrective actions on the part of management as soon as possible. It is also advisable to conduct a study on the diagnosis of errors made in patient’s service during registration on the example of other health care entities. Practical implications: The application of the SERVQUAL method enabled to diagnose the expected and obtained quality level of the tested service in the opinion of patients of selected NZOZs. Social implications: The results of the conducted research confirm that effective and efficient use of communication in the process of providing health care services influences the maximization of patients’ satisfaction and, as a result, it requires systematic investments in the development of human potential. Originality/value: In the conducted study, a model of the quality of patients service in reception desk in non-public health care units was proposed. The evaluation criteria were presented in the model in order to diagnose dimensions that are perceived well by the patients and those that, in their opinion, require improvement.
The aim of the article is to find an answer to the main research problem, how the covid-19 pandemic affected the functioning of crisis management teams and on the way to its solution. The following subsidiary questions were used: what is the composition and mode of work of provincial, district and municipal crisis management teams, with what frequency were the meetings of the teams held in the period before and during the pandemic, what problems the teams encountered during the counteraction to the pandemic, and what should be done to improve their work in the future? The theoretical part discusses issues related to crisis management and its evaluation process. The empirical part presents the methodology of own research and its results. The presented study was conducted on selected units of public institutions from 2018 to 2021. The questionnaires were sent to public administration bodies by e-mail, to the addresses of security and crisis management departments or crisis management centers provided on the websites of the above institutions. The authors of this article aimed primarily to learn about selected, most important issues concerning the activities of crisis management teams rather than to quantitatively measure specific parameters of their functioning. That is why crisis management teams functioning on the level of voivodships from the whole of Poland were subjected to qualitative research. One voivodship was randomly chosen to make a qualitative analysis of the functioning of poviat crisis management teams. Then one poviat from the above-mentioned voivodship, i.e. Słupsk poviat, was randomly chosen, of which the communal crisis management teams functioning in that area were examined. The research results showed that there is no need to introduce radical changes in the functioning of crisis management teams at the territorial levels of their functioning (voivodship, poviat and commune). Pandemic covid-19 modified the mode of work of teams from stationary to remote, which in the future can be used in solving other non-military crises. Assessing the efficiency of the teams, it can be indicated that they function best at the provincial level. Based on the conducted research, the authors presented postulates to improve the functioning of crisis management teams. The issues discussed in the article can be interesting for both theoreticians and practitioners specializing in crisis management.
Celem artykułu jest znalezienie odpowiedzi na główny problem badawczy, w jaki sposób pandemia COVID-19 wpłynęła na funkcjonowanie zespołów zarządzania kryzysowego i na drodze do jej rozwiązania. Posłużono się następującymi pytaniami pomocniczymi: jaki jest skład i tryb pracy wojewódzkich, powiatowych i gminnych zespołów zarządzania kryzysowego, z jaką częstotliwością odbywały się spotkania zespołów w okresie przed iw trakcie pandemii, jakie problemy napotykały zespoły podczas przeciwdziałanie pandemii i co należy zrobić, aby w przyszłości usprawnić ich pracę? W części teoretycznej omówiono zagadnienia związane z zarządzaniem kryzysowym i procesem jego oceny. Część empiryczna przedstawia metodologię badań własnych i ich wyniki. Prezentowane badanie zostało przeprowadzone na wybranych jednostkach instytucji publicznych w latach 2018-2021. Ankiety rozesłano do organów administracji publicznej drogą elektroniczną na adresy departamentów bezpieczeństwa i zarządzania kryzysowego lub centra zarządzania kryzysowego podane na stronach internetowych ww. instytucji. Celem autorów niniejszego artykułu było przede wszystkim zapoznanie się z wybranymi, najważniejszymi zagadnieniami dotyczącymi działalności zespołów zarządzania kryzysowego, a nie ilościowy pomiar określonych parametrów ich funkcjonowania. Dlatego też zespoły zarządzania kryzysowego funkcjonujące na poziomie województw z całej Polski zostały poddane badaniom jakościowym. Do jakościowej analizy funkcjonowania powiatowych zespołów zarządzania kryzysowego wybrano losowo jedno województwo. Następnie losowo wybrano jeden powiat z ww. województwa, tj. powiat słupski, z którego zbadano funkcjonujące na tym terenie gminne zespoły zarządzania kryzysowego. Wyniki badań wykazały, że nie ma potrzeby wprowadzania radykalnych zmian w funkcjonowaniu zespołów zarządzania kryzysowego na terytorialnych poziomach ich funkcjonowania (województwo, powiat i gmina). Pandemia covid-19 zmodyfikowała tryb pracy zespołów ze stacjonarnego na zdalny, co w przyszłości może być wykorzystane przy rozwiązywaniu innych kryzysów pozamilitarnych. Oceniając efektywność zespołów można wskazać, że najlepiej funkcjonują one na szczeblu wojewódzkim. Na podstawie przeprowadzonych badań autorzy przedstawili postulaty usprawnienia funkcjonowania zespołów zarządzania kryzysowego. Zagadnienia poruszane w artykule mogą być interesujące zarówno dla teoretyków, jak i praktyków specjalizujących się w zarządzaniu kryzysowym.
With contemporary challenges and threats, health safety is more and more often taken into account in various European safety and health programmes. The European Union plays an important role in the improvement of public health, prevention and treatment of diseases, reduction in the number of sources of hazards to human health, and alignment of health strategies between member states. This paper presents the problems related to the management of health safety in the European Union. Furthermore, based on the analysis of EU documents, the strategic objectives of health safety management in member states were enumerated, with examples of coordination, cooperation and exchange of practices.
This paper focuses on the methods to reduce social inequalities through appropriate public health management implemented within the EU. In the initiatives taken by the EU, it is important to contribute to the achievement of greater equality in terms of health in all social groups in the member states, and to reduce heterogeneity between countries in combating health inequalities by focusing on their socioeconomic determinants related to health and lifestyles. The research method adopted in this paper was the analysis of documents related to direct actions on health safety and health policy within the European Union.
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