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Paper presents results of laser welding of dissimilar joints. Flange pipe joints of austenitic TP347-HFG and low carbon S235JR steels were performed. Possibility of laser girth welding of dissimilar joints was presented. Welding of dissimilar materials are complex phenomena, chemical composition of chromium and nickel base austenitic steel with carbon amount of 0.07%, comparing to low carbon steel with trace amount of chromium, nickel and with 0.17% of carbon are different, and affect on welding result. Amount of carbon and chromium have great effect on steel phase transformation and crystallization process, which affect on material hardenability and strength characteristic. In conventional GMA welding methods solidification process of different metals is controlled by use of a selected filler material, for creating buffer zone. The main advantages of laser welding over other methods is process without an additional material, nevertheless some application may require its use. Laser welding with additional material combines advantages of both methods. To carry out weld with high strength characteristic, without welding defects, selecting chemical composition of filler wire are required. Welding parameters was obtained using numerical simulation based on Finite Element Method (FEM). Joint properties was investigated using hardness test. Metallographic analysis of obtained weld was carried out using optical microscopy and energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) analysis.
Article presents results of laser overlaying welding of metal powder Inconel 625. Laser metal deposition by laser engineered net shaping (LENS) is modern manufacturing process for low scale production series. High alloy materials such as Inconel 625 nickel based super alloy have high thermal resistant and good mechanical properties, nevertheless it's hard to machining. Plastic forming of high alloy materials such as Inconel 625 are difficult. Due to high strength characteristic performing components made from Inconel alloy are complex, selective melting of metallic powder using laser beam are alternative method for Inconel tooling. Paper present research of additive deposition of spatial structure made from Inconel 625 metallic powder with CO2 laser and integrated powder feeder. Microstructure analysis as well as strength characteristic in normal condition and at elevated temperature was performed. Possibility of using LENS technology for manufacturing components dedicated for work in high temperature conditions are presented.
Content available remote Problemy laserowego spawania materiałów do pracy w podwyższonej temperaturze
Przedstawiono niektóre wyniki badań spawania laserowego materiałów przeznaczonych do pracy w podwyższonej temperaturze. Program badawczy obejmował stale węglowe, stopowe konstrukcyjne, stale nierdzewne martenzytyczne i austenityczne oraz nadstopy na bazie niklu. Opisano trudności związane z łączeniem tych materiałów oraz metody ich przezwyciężania.
Some effects of experiments on laser welding of heat resistant materials has been presented. The research programme included welding of carbon and alloy steels, martensitic and austenitic stainless steels and nickel based superalloys. The difficulties encountered and the ways to overcome them have been described.
Paper presents results of microstructure and tests of welded joints of new generation VM12-SHC martensitic steel using high power CO2 laser (LBW method) with bifocal welding head. VM12-SHC is dedicated to energetic installation material, designed to replace currently used. High content of chromium and others alloying elements improve its resistance and strength characteristic. Use of VM12-SHC steel for production of the superheaters, heating chambers and walls in steam boilers resulted in various weldability researches. In article are presented results of destructive and non-destructive tests. For destructive: static bending and Vickers hardness tests, and for non-destructive: VT, RT, UT, micro and macroscopic tests were performed.
Artykuł przedstawia numeryczne modelowanie rozkładu temperatury w procesie spawania laserowego. Analizie zostały poddane modele zakładające stałe współczynniki termofizyczne materiału, zaczerpnięte z literatury, a także parametry zmienne oszacowane analitycznie, na podstawie eksperymentalnego pomiaru temperatury, oraz numerycznie – na podstawie stabelaryzowanych zmiennych wartości tych parametrów. Celem pracy jest porównanie wyników modeli zakładających stałe i zmienne współczynniki, oraz jak najdokładniejsze modelowanie procesu laserowego przetopu blach.
The paper present numerical temperature distribution modeling during laser welding. Models are based on constant and change thermo-physical material properties from literature data, experimental temperature measure and numerical analyze using models of moving heat source. The aim of paper is comparing results of constant and change coefficient. Knowing differences between this models, modeling of laser welding will be easier and more precise.
W artykule opisano dwuogniskowy układ optyczny skupiający wiązkę laserową i pokazano oddziaływanie tak ukształtowanej wiązki na materiał. Zaproponowano wykorzystanie technologii spawania laserowego z zastosowaniem dwuogniskowej głowicy spawalniczej do łączenia stali stopowych średnio i trudno spawalnych wykorzystywanych w produkcji pojazdów mechanicznych. Zaproponowany został również analityczny model szacowania szerokości strefy przetopu z użyciem kombinacji ruchomych źródeł ciepła pozwalający na ograniczenie ilości eksperymentalnych przetopów. Model zakłada uwzględnienie współczynników termofizycznych dla stałej oraz ciekłej fazy materiału w celu dokładniejszego oszacowania rozkładu temperatur.
The bifocal optical system for focusing laser beam has been described and the results of so formed beam affecting the material has been shown. The welding with the use of such laser head of medium and hard weldable steels used in construction of motor vehicels has been proposed. Analytical model of estimation of the width of the melted zone has been also proposed. This model uses combination of point and linear moving heat sources and different thermopysical parameters for solid and liquid zone and it may be useful in holding down the number of experimental trials.
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