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This paper presents the method of evaluation of initial availability of means of transport to carry out the assigned transport tasks. As an example of research object illustrating the presented deliberations, an actual city bus system from a selected urban agglomeration was used. In systems of this type, the technological objects (means of transport) have to initiate carrying out of the assigned transport tasks at assigned times, according to the adopted timetable. In order to assure the possibility to fulfill the transport tasks at assigned times, the so called time buffer is implemented in order for the necessary service processes to be carried out. In order to evaluate the availability of means of transport in the operational cycle of which the so called time buffer was implemented, it is convenient to use the characteristics describing initial availability of technological objects. Initial availability determines the probability of initiating (activating) the necessary number of technological objects in order to carry out the assigned tasks over a designated time period needed for their preparation and activation. The presented deliberation is illustrated by examples of the results of evaluation of initial availability in the actual tested transport system.
W pracy przedstawiono metodę oceny gotowości początkowej środków transportu do realizacji przydzielonych zadań transportowych. Jako przykład obiektu badań, na którym zilustrowano przedstawione rozważania, wybrano rzeczywisty system eksploatacji autobusów miejskich w wybranej aglomeracji miejskiej. W systemach tego typu obiekty techniczne (środki transportu), w wyznaczonych chwilach, zgodnie z przyjętym harmonogramem, muszą przystąpić do realizacji przydzielonych zadań przewozowych. W celu zapewnienia możliwości rozpoczęcia w wyznaczonych chwilach zadań przewozowych, stosowany jest przedział czasu, tzw. bufor czasowy, przeznaczony na realizację niezbędnych procesów uzdatniania. Do oceny gotowości środków transportu, w których cyklu eksploatacyjnym zastosowano tzw. bufor czasowy, wygodnie jest zastosować charakterystyki opisujące gotowość początkową obiektu technicznego. Gotowość początkowa określa prawdopodobieństwo przystąpienia (uaktywnienia) wymaganej liczby obiektów technicznych do realizacji przydzielonych zadań, w wyznaczonym przedziale czasu przeznaczonego na ich przygotowanie i uaktywnienie. Przedstawione rozważania zilustrowano przykładowymi wynikami oceny gotowości początkowej w badanym rzeczywistym systemie transportowym.
Nieodłącznym elementem ruchu drogowego są wypadki. Prowadzenie pojazdu samochodowego wymaga od operatora nie tylko wiedzy i umiejętności ale także sprawności fizycznej i psychicznej. Na system drogowy składają się trzy podstawowe elementy, takie jak droga, pojazd oraz człowiek. Z punktu widzenia bezpieczeństwa realizowanego procesu transportowego najistotniejszą role odgrywa właśnie człowiek. Musi on posiadać umiejętność właściwej oceny sytuacji, wykonywania prawidłowych manewrów i dostosowywania ich do aktualnej sytuacji. Analizując systemy transportowe, należy mieć na uwadze, że człowiek, pełni w nich różne funkcje. Może być zarówno kierowcą środka transportu, jak też jego pasażerem lub stanowić nieodzowny elementem otoczenia systemów transportowych. Jego zachowanie w istotny sposób wpływa zarówno na bezpieczeństwo transportu indywidualnego jak i zbiorowego.
Collisions are inseparably connected with road traffic. Driving a mechanical vehicle requires not only a good knowledge of traffic rules and appropriate skills but also physical and psychical fitness. The road system consists of three basic elements such as: road, vehicle and human. From the point of view of safety of the executed transport process this is the human who plays the most important role in it. They need to have the ability of quick situation estimation and providing proper response to it involving performance of right maneuvers and adjusting them to a given situation. Studying transportation systems it should be remembered that the role of a human plays in them is of different character. They may be drivers, passengers or belong to the environment. Thus, their behavior has a large influence on the transportation system safe functioning including both public and individual transport.
Safety of the transport process is a criterion of top priority for a transportation system operation and maintenance. It is of special importance in case of public municipal transportation. Systems of this type operate in specific road conditions: increased intensity of traffic during a day and night, a big number of pedestrians as well as drivers of other vehicles. In such conditions the human factor and its impact on the transport system operation is of key importance. A human can be involved in the transportation system as a driver, passenger, pedestrian, or in another way (cyclist, motorcyclist). Improper behavior of people account for 36% - 46% of road accident causes defined as undesirable events occurred within the space of the road. In this paper there has been mad an attempt to evaluate the transportation system from the point of view of people present in the transportation system and its environment.
Bezpieczeństwo realizowanego procesu transportowego jest priorytetowym kryterium działania systemów transportowych. Szczególnie ważne jest to w przypadku systemów zbiorowego transportu miejskiego. Systemy tego typu podlegają szczególnym warunkom ruchu: wzmożone natężenie ruchu w ciągu doby, duża liczba pieszych uczestników ruchu drogowego jak również kierowców pojazdów obcych. W takich warunkach szczególnie istotnym jest czynnik ludzki i jego oddziaływania na system transportowy. Człowiek w systemie transportowym usytuowany może być jako kierowca pojazdu, jego pasażer, pieszy w otoczeniu lub inny uczestnik ruchu (rowerzysta, motocyklista). Niewłaściwe oddziaływania ludzi stanowią 36% a 46% przyczynę powstawania zdarzeń drogowych definiowanych jako zdarzenia niepożądane zaistniałe w obszarze przestrzeni drogowej. W pracy podjęto próbę oceny systemu transportowego z punktu widzenia działań ludzi usytuowanych w systemie i jego otoczeniu.
Transport safety is the primary standard in the functioning of transport systems. Most of all, it is true in the case of passenger transport systems. This article introduces classification of transport systems into land transport systems (road and rail) as well as land and water transport systems (inland and sea), depending on the type of environment in which these systems carry out their tasks. Such systems fall under the class of social engineering systems of the Man – Technological Object – Environment (M – TO – E) type. Such systems are influenced by forcing factors, leading to changes in their states. Such factors may be divided into operational, outside and anthropotechnical and they influence the system on various levels, including degradation of the degree of its safety. The article attempts to evaluate the safety of the operation of transport systems on the basis of the evaluation of the safety of the transport process carried out over a defined time interval Δt. The evaluation of the safety of the carried out transport process was prepared on the basis of a set of calculated index values determined depending on the type of transport. The article presents the principles of the construction of the model of evaluation of the safety of the operation of the transport system on the basis of the evaluation of the safety of the transport process carried out by the system.
Bezpieczeństwo jest priorytetowym kryterium funkcjonowania systemów transportowych. Dotyczy to w szczególności systemów transportu pasażerskiego. W pracy dokonano szczegółowej klasyfikacji systemów transportowych. Systemy tego typu należą do klasy systemów socjotechnicznych (C – OT - O), Człowiek – Obiekt Techniczny – Otoczenie. Bezpieczeństwo tych systemów uzależnione jest od niepożądanych oddziaływań ludzi usytuowanych w systemie i jego otoczeniu, niepożądanych oddziaływań obiektu technicznego oraz niepożądanych oddziaływań otoczenia. W pracy podjęto próbę oceny bezpieczeństwa działania systemów transportowych na podstawie oceny zrealizowanego procesu transportowego w określonym przedziale czasowym Δt. Artykuł przedstawia zasadę budowy modelu oceny bezpieczeństwa funkcjonowania systemu transportowego, na podstawie oceny bezpieczeństwa procesu transportu realizowanego za pomocą systemu.
This paper presents a model of the operation and maintenance process of the technical objects within the urban transport bus system. All the investigations have been presented on the basis of the selected real operation and maintenance system of the city buses. Basing on the identification of the system under investigation and on the process being realized within it a model of the operation and maintenance process of the city buses was built, assuming that the model of this process is the homogeneous semi-Markov process X(t). For this purpose, crucial states of operation and maintenance process in selected transport system were determined as well as possible transfers between those states. Based on this, an event-based model of the operation and maintenance process of the city buses was built, assuming that its model is the homogenous semi-Markov process. For operation data obtained after research conducted in an authentic transport system, values of unconditional periods of duration of process states, values of stationary distribution included in the Markov chain as well as values of probabilities of limit distribution of the semi-Markov process were determined. Based on this, an analysis of the city buses operation and maintenance process in question was performed. Presented in this article the semi-Markov model operation and maintenance process of city buses is the first stage of the creation of the availability model of the urban transport bus system.
W artykule przedstawiono model procesu eksploatacji obiektów technicznych w systemie autobusowej komunikacji miejskiej. Całość rozważań przedstawiono na przykładzie wybranego rzeczywistego systemu eksploatacji autobusów miejskich. Na podstawie identyfikacji badanego systemu i realizowanego w nim procesu zbudowano model procesu eksploatacji autobusów miejskich, zakładając, że modelem tego procesu jest jednorodny proces semi-Markowa X(t). W tym celu wyznaczono istotne stany procesu eksploatacji realizowanego w wybranym systemie transportowym oraz możliwe przejścia między wyróżnionymi stanami. Na tej podstawie zbudowano zdarzeniowy model procesu eksploatacji autobusów miejskich, a następnie matematyczny model tego procesu, zakładając, że jego modelem jest jednorodny proces semi-Markowa. Dla danych eksploatacyjnych, uzyskanych z badań przeprowadzonych w rzeczywistym systemie transportowym, wyznaczono wartości bezwarunkowych czasów trwania stanów procesu, wartości rozkładu stacjonarnego włożonego w proces łańcucha Markowa oraz wartości prawdopodobieństw rozkładu granicznego procesu semi-Markowa. Na tej podstawie dokonano analizy rozpatrywanego procesu eksploatacji autobusów miejskich. Prezentowany w artykule semimarkowski model procesu eksploatacji autobusów miejskich jest pierwszym etapem budowy modelu oceny gotowości systemu autobusowej komunikacji miejskiej.
Systemy transportowe są systemami socjotechnicznymi, w których bezpośrednią realizacją zadań zajmuje się podsystem wykonawczy złożony z podsystemów elementarnych typu człowiek – obiekt techniczny (operator – środek transportu) realizujących zadania w otoczeniu systemu. Ze względu na człowieka umiejscowionego w systemie transportowym najistotniejszym kryterium w ocenie realizowanych przewozów jest ich bezpieczeństwo. Na poziom bezpieczeństwa realizacji zadań wpływają zagrożenia wynikające z oddziaływania czynników wymuszających, oddziałujących na elementarny podsystem wykonawczy. Czynniki te można podzielić na: - robocze - zewnętrzne - antropotechniczne W pracy podjęto próbę oceny wpływu oddziaływań ludzi na bezpieczeństwo działania systemu.
Transport systems are systems socjotechnicznymi where the direct execution of the tasks involved in the executive subsystem consisting of a man of elementary subsystems - technical object (operator - means of transport) carrying out the task in the environment of the system. Due to the man positioned in the transport system the most important criterion in the assessment of traffic carried is their safety. The level of security tasks affect the risks arising from the impact of the forcing factors that affect the elementary executive subsystem. These factors can be divided into: - working - external - human The study was to assess the impact of human impacts on the safety of the system.
W pracy dokonano klasyfikacji zagrożeń występujących w trakcie realizowania procesu eksploatacji przez systemy transportowe. Jako przykład takiego systemu przedstawiono system autobusowej komunikacji miejskiej, oraz podjęto próbę oceny poziomu bezpieczeństwa realizowanych przewozów w tym systemie.
The paper presents the threat classification that exists during the transport systems maintenance process. The urban public bus transport system is the example of the aforementioned one.
Analiza wyników badań eksploatacyjnych oraz literaturowy przegląd zagadnienia wykazały, że problematyka szacowania kosztów oraz ocena skuteczności realizowanych napraw środków transportowych, ma istotny wpływ na efektywność ich działania. Czynniki eksploatacyjne oddziałujące na elementy obiektów technicznych wywołują niekorzystne zmiany wartości istotnych cech elementów powodując ich uszkodzenia. Uszkodzenia są zdarzeniami, które mają istotny wpływ na obniżanie efektywności jak i bezpieczeństwa i niezawodności działania pojazdów. Na podstawie zrealizowanych badań eksploatacyjnych, dotyczących chwil wystąpienia uszkodzeń stwierdzono, że zbiór uszkodzeń można podzielić na podzbiory uszkodzeń pierwotnych oraz wtórnych. Wyniki badań wykazały, że przyczyną powstawania uszkodzeń wtórnych są z reguły, niewłaściwie realizowane naprawy uszkodzeń pierwotnych.
An analysis of experimental tests and a literature survey of the issue revealed that the problems connected with assessment of costs and effectiveness of transport means repairs has a significant influence on their operation efficiency. Operating factors affecting the elements of technical objects cause negative changes in their features resulting in failures. The failures are referred to as events which significantly impair the vehicle operation efficiency, safety and reliability. On the basis of experimental tests concerning times of failures occurrence, it was found that the set of failures can be divided into subsets of primary and secondary failures. The tests results revealed that the most frequent cause of secondary failures occurrence was improperly performed primary repairs.
In this paper there have been presented results of an analysis of repair efficiency for an emergency repair subsystem (technical service units) in a selected transportation system. The research object was a real system of municipal transportation, in a given urban agglomeration. Experimental data, necessary to determine values of indexes describing efficiency of repairs performed by the technical service units, come from a selected group of technical objects (city buses) used in the analyzed system. The data was obtained on the basis of experimental tests conducted within the studied system, employing a method of passive experiment, in conditions natural for the technical objects functioning. This work presents a method according to which the values have been determined and the analysis of efficiency of repairs performed within the emergency subsystem has been made. The values of repair efficiency assessment concern selected systems of the analyzed buses. The selection of these systems was made taking into consideration the number of the studied systems failures. The obtained results have been demonstrated in the form of tables and graphically, in charts. On this basis, there has been made an analysis of efficiency of repairs performed by emergency repair units. Due to its general character, the presented method can be used for an assessment of repair efficiency both within operation and maintenance systems of technical objects of different types and efficiency of repairs performed at particular repair stations, groups of stations or subsystems providing vehicles with serviceability.
The necessity of rationalization of construction machine operation and maintenance processes results in development of computer diagnostic systems. Use of diagnostic systems in operation and maintenance of machines is conditioned by the accepted strategy of operation. The current method of operation with a view of the Resurs is characterized by: set the assigned operating area specific use, implementation of the agreed duration of maintenance, prioritization of maintenance. Dates and ranges of maintenance adopted in the implementation of this strategy are fixed, based on the results of years of research supplies and are independent of the state of the machine. Prioritize ongoing maintenance and repair means that the service or repair of higher-order includes the following ranges of operation, lower maintenance row. In this work there has been made an attempt to evaluate the level of threat connected with failure to perform a transport task by a technical object. Data for the assessment was obtained on the basis of information collected from used telematic systems diagnosing continuously the state of tested technical objects. In this work there has been made a survey of normalized risk assessments methods. On this basis, FMEA method has been used for risk assessment connected with failure to perform a task by the analyzed objects.
Safety of transport is the main goal of transportation systems to achieve. This is of crucial importance for the road transportation as the number of used transport means is constantly increasing which involves a rise in the number of used vehicles and an increase in the intensity of traffic, especially in urban areas. Obviously, actions aiming at reducing the number of road collisions and protecting people involved in those events have been taken. These actions are taken both by vehicle designers both active and passive safety systems, as well as road traffic engineers who are responsible for actions aiming at increasing the safety level of transport infrastructure through implementation of Intelligent Transportation Systems. Although there are more and more modern engineering solutions in the fields of vehicle design and road traffic, it is still the human who is the weakest link of the socio-technical system, including the system of road transportation. For this reason, the authors of this work have made an attempt to analyze the undesirable impact of transport means on the safety of transport tasks. The experimental tests have been performed within a real system of municipal public transportation to illustrate a transportation system exposed to changing conditions of road traffic during twenty-four hours.
Content available remote The method of assessment of transport safety
This article introduces classification of transport systems into land transport systems (road and rail) as well as land and water transport systems (inland and sea), depending on the type of environment in which these systems carry out their tasks. Such systems fall under the class of social engineering systems of the Man – Technological Object – Environment (M – TO – E) type. Such systems are influenced by forcing factors, leading to changes in their states. Such factors may be divided into operational, outside and anthropotechnical and they influence the system on various levels, including degradation of the degree of its safety. The article attempts to evaluate the safety of the operation of transport systems on the basis of the evaluation of the safety of the transport process carried out over a defined time interval Δt.
W pracy dokonano klasyfikacji systemów transportowych na systemy: transportu lądowego (drogowego i kolejowego), transportu powietrznego i wodnego (śródlądowego i morskiego), w zależności od rodzaju otoczenia, w którym systemy te realizują swoje zadania. Systemy te należą do klasy systemów socjotechnicznych typu Człowiek – Obiekt Techniczny – Otoczenie, . Na systemy te oddziaływają czynniki wymuszające powodujące zmiany ich stanów. Czynniki te można podzielić na: robocze, zewnętrzne i antropotechniczne, które w różnym stopniu oddziaływają na system i w różny sposób wpływają na jego degradację, powodującą obniżenie poziomu bezpieczeństwa jego działania. W pracy podjęto próbę oceny bezpieczeństwa działania systemów transportowych na podstawie oceny bezpieczeństwa zrealizowanego procesu transportowego w ustalonym przedziale czasu Δt.
W niniejszym opracowaniu zaprezentowano zagadnienia dotyczące oceny i analizy jakości działania pasażerskiego systemu transportu kolejowego. Dokonano ogólnej charakterystyki problematyki jakości działania systemów transportowych oraz zdefiniowano pojęcie jakości ich działania. Na tej podstawie oraz mając na uwadze cel opracowania, zrealizowano badania ankietowe dotyczące wymagań jakościowych pasażerów, korzystających z usług transportowych rozpatrywanego systemu. Zaprezentowana w niniejszym opracowaniu metoda zastosowana została do oceny jakości działania wybranego systemu transportowego, natomiast istnieje możliwość jej implementacji zarówno do oceny jakości działania tego samego systemu w różnych chwilach czasowych, jak i dwóch różnych systemów w tej samej chwili czasu oraz różnych systemów w różnych chwilach czasowych.
In this work, issues concerning evaluation and analysis of a passenger railway transport system have been studied. A general characteristics of problems connected with transport means operation quality has been presented. Moreover, the notion of operation quality has been defined. On this basis, and having in mind the purpose of the article, a survey was carried out concerning quality requirements of the passengers using services of the studied transport system. Although the method presented in this paper was used for an assessment of operation quality of a selected transport system, it also can be implemented for evaluation of both: the same system in different times of its operation, two different systems at the same time and also for different systems in different times of their functioning. In this work, issues concerning evaluation and analysis of a passenger railway transport system have been studied. A general characteristics of problems connected with transport means operation quality has been presented. Moreover, the notion of operation quality has been defined. On this basis, and having in mind the purpose of the article, a survey was carried out concerning quality requirements of the passengers using services of the studied transport system. Although the method presented in this paper was used for an assessment of operation quality of a selected transport system, it also can be implemented for evaluation of both: the same system in different times of its operation, two different systems at the same time and also for different systems in different times of their functioning.
System zbiorowego transportu miejskiego realizuje swoje zadania w wyznaczonym obszarze terytorialnym granic miasta lecz również terenach mu podległych, spełniających analogiczne funkcje jak dzielnice miasta. Wymagania stawiane tego typu systemom jest bezpieczne i niezawodne realizowanie zadania przez 24 godziny na dobę. Systemy tego typu poddane są oddziaływaniom niepożądanych czynników wymuszających mających wpływ na powstawanie zdarzeń niepożądanych. W pracy dokonano analizy kosztów napraw pojazdów eksploatowanych w analizowanym systemie, zaistniałych na skutek zdarzeń niepożądanych.
Systems of public transport carry out their tasks on the territory of a given town and in the suburbs performing the same functions as in towns. A distinctive feature of this type of system is performance of its task for twenty four hours, in different traffic intensity conditions over an assigned administrative area. This type of variables have a large influence on occurrence of undesirable events (failure of vehicles and their devastation, collision and accidents). In the work, an attempt of identification of undesirable events occurring in the analyzed transport system has been made.
Every year in Poland, approximately 22 million tons of dangerous materials is transported, which, apart from the German railway, places it on the second position in Europe. The most numerous group of dangerous materials include items of class 3 (liquid, flammable materials), especially liquid fuels. In order to prevent accidents and remove their effects, the European Union countries have developed an international code regulating transport of dangerous materials by railway, RID. Every year 110 billion ton kilometres of dangerous materials are transported on the territory of the EU. Materials carried by road transport account for 58%, by railway 25% and by water 17% of all the transported dangerous products. Transport of dangerous materials accounts for 8% of all freight transports in the European Union. Having in view natural environment protection and safety of people, there are carried out works on one legal act to account for all the three transport branches. Railway transports of dangerous materials are performed in a safe way and rare, in terms of the transports number, accidents and failures do not cause harmful effects, neither on people nor the natural environment. In the paper, there has been made an analysis of transport procedures and threats which occur while carrying dangerous materials. On the basis of carried out investigations an assessment of the risk factor in the studied process has been presented. General rules for transport of dangerous materials by railway and their classification have been presented, markings according to RDI regulations. An attempt of threats identification and analysis of the maim causes of undesirable events occurrence during railway transport of dangerous materials has been made by the authors of this work.
An analysis of experimental tests and a literature survey of the issue revealed that the problems connected with assessment of costs and effectiveness of transport means repairs has a significant influence on their operation efficiency. Operating factors affecting the elements of technical objects cause negative changes in their features resulting in failures. The failures are referred to as events which significantly impair the vehicle operation efficiency, safety and reliability. On the basis of experimental tests concerning times of failures occurrence, it was found that the set of failures can be divided into subsets of primary and secondary failures. The tests results revealed that the most frequent cause of secondary failures occurrence was improperly performed primary repairs. Primary failures are not related to each other and they appear randomly. However, secondary failures are related to each other as their occurrence is conditioned by the primary failure and results from an inappropriate performance of the successive secondary failure. Basing on an analysis of the author 's own tests results, it was established that failures of transport means used in real transport systems are the effect of impact of various forcing factors. Some failures result from the natural wear of machine elements, whereas, other failures can be caused by inappropriate repair of the previous damage. Thus, there occur the so called secondary failures in a short period of time. In connection with this, high efficiency of the repair performance is of primary importance as it largely affects efficiency of transport tasks accomplishment. In this article, there has been discussed a method developed for assessment of repair costs connected with elimination of secondary failures and its influence on the studied transport system operation efficiency. Familiarity with available technologies for repairs of primary failures as well as with costs of work and costs connected with technical equipment of the repair stations enables specification of the lowest costs necessary for reduction of the number of secondary failures and the average time of their repairs.
In the article, a method for assessment of risks connected with a technical object functioning has been studied, in a selected operating system. An urban system of bus transportation, in a selected urban complex, has been chosen as the research object. Functioning of each technical object operating system, including transportation systems, is dependent on its possibility to perform properly the assigned transport task. One of the methods for assessment of the transportation system ability to accomplish the assigned transport task in a proper way is determination of the transport means operation risk. The presented approach involves determination of indexes defining the risks connected with functioning of one technical object (transport means) in an executive subsystem. Indexes of the risk connected with functioning of a single technical object have been determined on the basis of a mathematical model of the operation process, in the studied transportation system. On the basis of the identification of the authentic transport system and the means of transport operation process carried out in it, crucial operational states were designed as well as the possibilities of transferring between the particular states. Based on that, an event-centered model of the use of the means of transport was built, followed by a mathematical model of that process. A Mathematical model of the operation process has been developed with acceptance of an assumption that the process model is to be represented by a homogeneous Markov model X(t). In this paper, the transport means operation risk is determined as a product of probability (or sum of probabilities) of its being in an undesirable state (states) of the Markov model of transport means operation process and the size of the damage in effect of being in the state (states). The size of the suffered damage is measured by a product of time and unit cost whose quantities are connected with being in the operation process undesirable state or states. Assessment of risk connected with technical objects operation and maintenance can be the point of reference to formulate design requirements concerning durability and reliability of the operated objects (transport means) as well as assumptions concerning design or modernization of the technical means necessary for assurance of the vehicle availability in a given transport system.
In the article, a method for determination of the technical object availability, GO (r) in a finite time interval x, defined by the time of the transport task duration, has been discussed. All of the study has been presented on the example of a selected system of technical object operation - a system of transport means operation, in a big urban complex (more than 400 thousand inhabitants). Direct performance of the transport tasks in the analyzed system is the responsibility of an executive system consisting of elementary subsystems of the type operator- transport means. Availability of transport means elementary subsystems is crucial for efficient accomplishment of transport tasks. The presented method involves determination of the technical object availability, on the basis of a mathematical model of the operation process which takes place in the studied system, taking into consideration the technical object reliability characteristics. For this purpose, significant states of the transport means operation have been determined and they have been classified in terms of the availability criterion. Basing on this, an event and mathematical models of transport means operation process have been developed, with the semi Markov homogenous model serving as a mathematical model of the studied operation process. Also, values of the analyzed characteristics have been determined.
Continuous and dynamic development of freight transports, especially in the road sector, results in generation of negative effects on the environment and poses hazards to human health and life and by generating high costs it creates significant economic, social and environmental problems. Therefore, it is necessary to take actions aiming at promotion of development of sustainable and efficient transport systems, integrating different transport branches and technologies. Such requirements are fulfilled by the subsystem of inter-mode transport system, that is, combined transport which is an alternative for a traditional road transport, and can also play a very important role in achieving goals of the European policy for sustainable development of transport. Its promotion can largely contribute to solving present and future problems connected with transport in Europe through relieving excessively loaded roads from a certain portion of freight transports which will result in improvement in the traffic safety and reduction of its negative impact on the humans and the environment. Providing high quality of inter-mode transport operation, especially in terms of reliability, punctuality, safety and keeping delivery terms depends on the infrastructure state, modern equipment of terminals and efficiency and effectiveness of their functioning. It should be emphasized that promoting inter-mode transport provides social benefits on a big scale as shifting a part of international road transports into a combined one inter-mode can have a significant influence on reduction of the road transport external harmful effects. In this paper, there has been made an analysis and assessment of inter-mode transports in Poland, taking into consideration the motor and railway (linear and point) infrastructure. Also, a suggestion concerning the location and construction of terminals for the service of inter-mode transports has been considered. Moreover, a technical-economic analysis of implementation of the discussed solution purposefulness has been made as well.
Systems of public transport carry out their tasks on the territory of a given town and in the suburbs performing the same functions as in towns. A distinctive feature of this type of system is performance of its task for twenty four hours, in different traffic intensity conditions over an assigned administrative area. This type of variables has a large influence on occurrence of undesirable events (failure of vehicles and their devastation, collision and accidents). In the work, an attempt of identification of undesirable events occurring in the analyzed transport system has been made. Moreover, an analysis has been made which covers one day of the week, time of the day and weather conditions in which particular events took place. Another aspect of the work was to make an analysis of the vehicle driver's age, job experience and a given hour of work on the day of the event occurrence. Obtainment of such data allowed demonstrating the structure of events according to the criterion of the event type, and costs connected with bringing the damaged transport means to the state of serviceability. The obtained results of experimental tests provide a basis for taking rational decisions by decision makers employed in a given system. These decisions are supposed to reduce the number of undesirable events occurrence and costs connected with them.
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