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Dany jest system potokowej produkcji wieloasortymentowej, w którym operacje transportu wewnętrznego realizowane są przez flotę autonomicznych pojazdów powietrznych (APP). Rozważany problem, związany z obsługą przemieszczania ładunków, sprowadza się do wyznaczenia marszrut i odpowiadających im harmonogramów pracy jednostek wchodzących w skład zadanej floty APP. Poszukiwane są rozwiązania gwarantujące zadany czas taktu rozważanego przepływu produkcji. Deklaratywny model analizowanego przypadku pozwala na sprowadzenie rozważanego problemu do postaci problemu spełniania ograniczeń i w konsekwencji na jego rozwiązanie w środowisku Oz Mozart.
The focus is on a production system in which material handling operations are carried out by a fleet of UAVs. The problem formulated for the considered case of cyclic multi-product batch production flow is a material handling cost problem. To solve this problem, it is necessary to designate the routes and the corresponding schedules for vehicles that make up the given UAV fleet. The aim is to find solutions that guarante a given takt time of the cyclic production which material handling operations are performed by the UAVs. A declarative model of the analyzed case was used. This approach allows us to view the problem as a constraint satisfaction problem and to solve it in the OzMozart constraint programming environment.
The problems of designing supply networks and traffic flow routing and scheduling are the subject of intensive research. The problems encompass the management of the supply of a variety of goods using multi-modal transportation. This research also takes into account the various constraints related to route topology, the parameters of the available fleet of vehicles, order values, delivery due dates, etc. Assuming that the structure of a supply network, constrained by a transport network topology that determines its behavior, we develop a declarative model which would enable the analysis of the relationships between the structure of a supply network and its potential behavior resulting in a set of desired delivery-flows. The problem in question can be reduced to determining sufficient conditions that ensure smooth flow in a transport network with a fractal structure. The proposed approach, which assumes a recursive, fractal network structure, enables the assessment of alternative delivery routes and associated schedules in polynomial time. An illustrative example showing the quantitative and qualitative relationships between the morphological characteristics of the investigated supply networks and the functional parameters of the assumed delivery-flows is provided.
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