Piwo jest najpopularniejszym napojem alkoholowym wśród Polaków. Przynajmniej kilka razy w roku pije je prawie 73% dorosłych osób, co odpowiada blisko 23 milionom konsumentów. Celem badań było poznanie postaw i zachowań konsumentów do 40. roku życia na rynku piw. Największa grupa respondentów zadeklarowała okazjonalne spożycie piwa (38,74%), a jako najbardziej popularne miejsce konsumpcji tego trunku wskazała bary oraz puby (35,14%). Prawie 40% badanych wybierało puby, bary, które oferują szeroką gamę piw lokalnych i zagranicznych. Chęć poszukiwania i próbowania piw rzemieślniczych zadeklarowało 62% ankietowanych.
Beer is one of the most popular alcohol beverage among Poles. It is being consumed at least a couple times a year, by almost 73% of adults, which gives about 23 million consumers. The aim of the study was to cognize attitudes and behavior of people between 18–40 year of life towards beer. Drinking occasionally was manifested by 38,74% of respondents, and the most popular place of consumption turned out to be bars and pubs (35,14%). Almost 40% of analyzed group was choosing places that offered a variety of imported beers and locally brewed ales. Desire to look for and to try craft beers was suggested by 62% of respondents.
Celem podjętych badań była ocena czynników wpływających na zachowanie młodych matek na rynku żywności dla niemowląt. Stwierdzono, że 87% kobiet korzysta z dań gotowych dla niemowląt.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the factors influencing the behavior of young mothers on the baby food market. It was found that 87% of women use the ready meals for babies.
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Celem przeprowadzonego badania była ocena postaw i preferencji wybranej grupy dzieci wobec produktów mlecznych. Badana grupa dzieci liczyła 100 osób w wieku od 9 do 13 lat, byli to uczniowie klas 4–6 Szkoły Podstawowej nr 10 im. Eugeniusza Kwiatkowskiego w Gdyni. Stwierdzono, że 78% dzieci spożywało produkty mleczne codziennie. Najbardziej preferowanym przez dzieci produktem mlecznym było mleko, jogurt pitny i jogurt owocowy. Dzieci wykazały postawę pozytywną wobec smaku i właściwości prozdrowotnych mleka i jego przetworów.
The aim of the study was to estimate children's attitudes and preferences towards dairy products. The study was conducted in March 2015 at the Primary School number 10 of Eugeniusz Kwiatkowski, Gdynia. The study group consisted of 100 children at ages 9–13, students of grades 4–6. It was found that children did consume dairy products, and as much as 78% of respondents consumed them every day. The most preferred milk product by children was milk itself, then drinking yoghurt and fruit – flavour yoghurt. Children showed a positive attitude towards flavour and prohealth properties of dairy products.
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Spożycie ryb ma udowodniony pozytywny wpływ na rozwój dziecka. Dzieje się to za sprawą zawartych w nich składników odżywczych i minerałów. Celem badań była analiza opinii dzieci w wieku szkolnym związanych ze spożyciem mięsa ryb. Stwierdzono pozytywny stosunek grupy badanej do tego rodzaju żywności oraz jej wartości odżywczej. 100% ankietowanych uznało, że jedzenie ryb jest zdrowe. Pod względem smaku aż 68% dzieci uważa, że ryby są raczej smaczne oraz 25%, że zdecydowanie smaczne. Jedynym negatywnym walorem smakowym ryb według dzieci były zawarte w nich ości. Średnio często ryby chciałoby jadać 63% badanych, 29% zaś – często.
Consumption of fish meat have a proven positive impact on children’s development. This happens due to nutrients and minerals contents. The aim of the study was analysis of the views of school-age children associated with the consumption of fish meat. The positive attitude towards this type of food and its nutritional value was found in the test group. All of the respondents felt that eating fish is healthy. In terms of taste even 68% of children believed that fish are “rather tasty”, and 25% declared “definitely tasty”. The only disadvantage of fish indicated by children was bones inclusion. 63% of respondents would like to consume fish with “average frequency” and 29% preferred to do it “often”.
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Proper labelling is an important source of information for the consumer and it is also the fulfilment of an obligation imposed on manufacturers, distributors and importers. Poland’s accession to the European Union boosted the importance of legibility of information and correct labelling in compliance with the valid regulations. The objective of this study was to examine the awareness of a contemporary consumer with respect to labelling food product packaging and the effect of encoding on product purchase. A questionnaire survey was conducted with 130 respondents (male and female). It found that a considerable portion of Polish consumers pay attention to how food product packages are labelled, particularly for dairy products, meat products and beverages. Consumers regarded the absence of information in Polish and placing illegible signs on labels as the most important packaging defects.
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The aim of this study was to obtain information about the state of consumer awareness about organic food and its impact on health and the perception of this type of product and to determine on the basis of what factors are critical for the development of retail sales of products from organic farming system and associated with this development of organic farming. The majority of subjects had a satisfactory level of knowledge about organic products. The results indicate that the citizens of Gdynia know that organic food is characterized by high nutritional values. Centers that are efficiently informing about organic food are television and radio. Most consumers make their purchases of organic products in supermarkets and specialty stores. The majority of respondents are familiar with the EU's Euro-leaf logo, and can identify units responsible for the certification of organic food. Consumers choose organic food mainly because of concern about the health of their own and their families. Behind the main disadvantage of organic food among non-consuming subjects, was the price difference between organic products from their equivalents coming from conventional production.
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