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Content available remote Okupacyjne losy Władysława Konopczyńskiego
During the 2nd World War’s Sonderaktion Krakau operation, Konopczyński was arrested by the Germans and sent to Sachsenhausen concentration camp. After returning to Kraków, he committed himself in underground educational activities of the Jagiellonian University and became the head of the history faculty. Throughout the period of German occupation, he lived in his family’s manor house at Młynik near Ojców, where from 1944 he was hiding a Jewish family. He wrote many important scientific worksduring the war, and only part of them was published, the rest remained in typescript in his family collection. In the years 1940–1942, Konopczyński prepared a two-volume work entitled “Piłsudski a Polska” and simultaneously drafted the Polish history of the years 1918–1939. Then he wrote “Konfederacje w rozwoju dziejowym”, which was not published at all and until today remains in typescript. The reason it was not published was that his name was on the blacklist of the censorship in the Polish People’s Republic. His next important work was a methodology manual “Historyka”, which because of the abovementioned censorship at that time was not published as well. Only 70 years after the work had been finished by the author it was published by Maciej Janowski, with his detailed introduction, under the imprint of the Institute of the History of Science. After finishing this work, Konopczyński got down to writing a biography of his long-standing friend, Stefan Surzycki (the typescript of the unpublished work is in the PSB editorial office). Next, he wrote a monograph entitled “Pierwszy rozbiór Polski”, which was published only after 60 years, compiled by Zofia Zielińska and thanks to the efforts made by the “Arcana” publisher. An academic book entitled “Kiedy nami rządziły kobiety” was devoted to the times of the reign of Stanislaus II and the Confederacy of Bar. It was published only in 1960 in London. The third trend in his writing was represented by the works: “Fryderyk Wielki a Polska” (1947) and “Kwestia bałtycka do XX wieku” (1947). After completing his work on Kwestia bałtycka, Konopoczyński got down to writing “Dzieje Inflant”, i.e. the history of three nations: Latvians, Estonians and Baltic Germans, addressed to the general public. Currently, this typescript is being prepared for publishing by the Center for Political Thought in Kraków. Konopoczyński was simultaneously writing numerous minor sketches and syntheses for the general public, e.g. “Krótki zarys dziejów Polski”, “Polska w dobie pierwszego rozbioru” and biographies of “Stanisław Dunin Karwicki”, “Józef Sawa Caliński”, “Andrzej Zamoyski” and “Ferdynand Nax”. Only part of those works went to print. Among the works most vital to the science were: “Chronologia sejmów polskich 1493–1793” (1948) and “Reforma elekcji – czy naprawa Rzeczypospolitej. (Wybór źródeł 1630–2)” (1949).
W artykule, powołując się na oryginalne publikacje, scharakteryzowano sposoby i częstotliwość wykorzystywania pestycydów na świecie. Uwzględniono także doniesienia dotyczące pośredniej ekspozycji na pestycydy domowników niezatrudnionych w rolnictwie. Problem ujęto w kontekście przestrzegania zasad bezpieczeństwa i higieny pracy z pestycydami.
This article presents ways and frequency of the use of pesticides in agricultural work across the world; this is done on the basis of original data from new publications. It considers communications on indirect exposure to pesticides of family members not employed in agriculture. The problem is discussed in the context of complying with the rules of occupational safety rules and health for work with pesticides.
W artykule poruszono złożony problem bezpieczeństwa zdrowotnego tłuszczów używanych do smażenia. Przybliżono wytyczne projektowanego rozporządzenie Ministra Zdrowia dotyczącego tej kwestii, które zacznie obowiązywać od 1 stycznia 2012 r. Wprowadza się metody, które będą służyły kontroli stopnia niebezpiecznych przemian, jakie zachodzą w tłuszczach w trakcie smażenia wraz z granicznymi wartościami dla metod odniesienia: liczba kwasowa nie więcej niż 2,5 mg KOH/g tłuszczu (do końca 2012 r.) oraz zawartość związków polarnych poniżej 25% (od 1 stycznia 2013 r.). Przedstawiono również projekt założeń dobrowolnego programu "Odpowiedzialne smażenie", który ma zapewnić kontrolę wyjściowej jakości tłuszczu przeznaczonego do smażenia, przez zapewnienie zarówno korzystnego żywieniowo składu kwasów tłuszczowych (limit zawartości izomerów trans i kwasów nasyconych), jak i ograniczenie temperatury smażenia.
The article raised the complex issue of health safety of fats used for frying. Guidelines of proposed Minister of Health regulation, which will be in forced from 1st of January 2012, were presented. The introduced methods will serve for control of the degree of dangerous changes taking place in fats during frying; limit values for the reference methods are : acid value no more than 2.5 mg KOH/g of fat (till the end of 2012) and polar compounds less than 25% (from the 1st of January 2013). Also project of guidelines of voluntary program: "Responsible frying", which will ensure control of initial quality of fat destined for frying through both nutritionally beneficial fatty acid composition (the limit for trans and saturated fatty acids) and limitation of frying temperature, was outlined.
Content available remote Korespondencja Jana Ptaśnika z Jarosławem Bidlo
Podstawą niniejszej edycji listów jest korespondencja wybitnego znawcy historii kultury europejskiej Jana Ptaśnika ze znakomitym czeskim historykiem Jaroslaven Bidlo. Pochodzi ona ze spuścizny Bidla, przechowywanej w Archiwum Akademii Nauk Republiki Czeskiej w Pradze (Archiv AV ČR, osobni fond Jaroslava Bidla, karton 6, invent č.521) i materiałów Jana Ptaśnika w Bibliotece Narodowej (BN, rkps 2910, k. 21-35). Do najważniejszych tematów poruszanych w 28 publikowanych listach ( z 30 odnalezionych) należą sprawy publikacji prac naukowych, sytuacji politycznej w obu krajach i przeniesienie się Ptaśnika do Lwowa. Wymiana listów obejmuja lata 1906-1929.
A subject-matter of the present edition is correspondence between an eminent historian - Jan Ptaśnik - and Czech historian - Jaroslav Bidlo. The published letters significanlly enrich the knowledge of connections and relationships of Czech and Polish intelectuals in the beginning of the 20th century. Among others, they reveal an attitude of Jan Ptaśnik both towards southern neighbours of Poland and some historiographic matters at issue. The letters of Ptaśnik are kept among posthumous works of Bidlo in Record Office of Academy of Sciences of Czech Republic in Prague. However, a few of Bidlo`s replies are kept in Manuscripts' Section in National Library.
Content available remote Środowisko rodzinne i naukowe Stanisława Kutrzeby
Stanisław Kutrzeba (1876 - 1946) was born in the Cracow middle-class family. He studied law at Jagellonian University where took a doctor's degree and qualified himself as assistant professor in the realm of the history of Polish law. His academic career was very complicated. Kutrzeba was discriminated by the part of professors because of his middle-class provenience. After many defeats and disappointments, in 1908, he got a longed-for Department of the History of Polish Law. His productive scientific and didactic activity was stopped by the outbreak of World War I. Then he sacrificed himself for a politics and engaged himself in the development of the Polish Academy of Arts anc Sciences. That is why a year 1914 is such a significant turning point in his scientific biography.
Content available remote Studium z dziejów liceum i gimnazjum Św. Anny w Krakowie
Schools of Nowy Dwór founded in 1586 by the rector of Cracow Academy - Piotr of Gorczyn - several times changed their name. In the period of partitions they were named the Secondary School of St. Anna, which endured over 100 years, and was changed not before 1928. In the half of the 19th century the school's connections with Jagellonian University were dissolved by the invaders' authorities. Since then the Secondary School of St. Anna was subordinated to Native School Council in Lvov and was placed in Austrian educational system. This period in the school's history was rich with scientific, artistic and literary talents that could have been improved under direction of a head master leon Kulczyński- a meritorious assistant professor of pedagogics, who abandoned his bright looking scientific caree in order to begin a didactic work with extremely gifted youth of the Secondary School in Cracow.
A subject matter of the present and based on authority publication is correspondence of the famed Cracow scholar - Stanislaw Kutrzeba, and the principal of Central Registry of Late Documents in Warsaw - Teodor Wierzbowski. 15 letters from Kutrzeba to Wierzbowski are kept in Academic Library in Polish Academy of Arts and Polish Academy of Sciences in Cracow. Instead, '6 of the letters from Wierzbowski to Kutrzeba are located in Science Registry in Polish Academy of Sciences and Polish Academy of Arts in Cracow. The most important subjects discussed in 21 published letters concern researches and other instructions that were sent by Kutrzeba to the registry board in the years 1901 - 1912. The letters not only present scientific skills and research methods that were put into practice by young Kutrzeba in the beginning of the 20th century, but also reveal his great diligence and precision in scientific researches and in publishing voluminous and based on authority editions.
Content available remote Nieznana korespodencja Mariana Zdziechowskiego z Adolfem Cernym
A subject matter of the present edition is correspondence of Polish philologist and philosopher - Marian Zdziechowski and Czech poet and Slavophil - Adolf Ćerny. The published letters in a very significant way enrich knowledge of connexions and mutual relationships that were held by Czech and Polish intellectuals on the turn of the 19th century. Among others, they reveal Zdziechowski's attitude towards Slavophilism, Pan-Slavism and Bolshevism. The letters of Zdziechowski that lately have been recovered, are kept among posthumous works of Ćerny in Record Office belonging to Academy of Sciences of Czech Republic in Praha whereas few preserved answers of Ćerny are located in Library of the University of Vilna.
Content available remote Droga kariery akademickiej Józefa Feldmana na Uniwersytecie Jagiellońskim
Józef Feldman (1899-1946) came from the Jewish family. He studied history at Jagellonian University. At the same university he took a doctor's degree and qualified himself as assistant professor within the domain of contemporary history. A way of his academical career was very complicated, because he was discriminated by part of the students and professors due to his ancestry. After many defeats and disappointments, in 1937 he was conceded administration over the longed -for Contemporary History Department. His fruitfuI scientific and didactic activity was interrupted by the out break of II World War. Ali the Nazi occupation Feldman had to hide himself from the Germans. He took part in secret tuition and wrote articles to the underground press. After the end of II World War again he delivered the lectures at Jagellonian University, and also engaged himself in political activity within the oppositional Polish Peasant Party. Unfortunately, because of an excess of the duties and arduous heart disease Feldman's death was hastened.
Content available remote Spory Wincentego Lutosławskiego z Uniwersytetem Jagiellońskim
The paper describes the turbulent relationships between the outstanding but eccentric philosopher Wincenty Lutosławski and the Jagiellonian University in Cracow. Lutosławski had submitted several applications for the Chair of Philosophy at the Jagiellonian University since 1890, but for these were repeatedly turned down. It was only ten years later that he was granted the post of Privat-Dozent (assistant professor) at the Chair. Soon, however, his lectures began to arouse a great deal of controversy: Lutosławski failed to follow the previously submitted topics, he dressed and behaved in a strange way, and a lot of people from outside the university were allowed to attend the lectures. In 1900 Lutosławski was diagnosed by two university psychiatrists as suffering from psychosis, which led to his suspension by the Faculty Council. The philosopher made renewed attempts to appeal from the decision by sending letters to the rector of the university and the dean, but that only aggravated the conflict. In 1908, after another refusal to reinstate his right to lecture, Lutosławski demanded that his name be struck off the university's list of Dozents, which the university authorities duly complied with.
Content available remote Feliks Karol Koneczny - droga kariery akademickiej
Feliks Koneczny’s ideas in history and philosophy of history are well-known in today’s world. Since the 1990s many researchers have devoted their interests and studies to that very matter. They have written a lot about the issue. Yet there hasn’t been even one thorough biography of that outstanding scholar based on an in-depth archival query. It was the author’s research conducted in national and foreign archives, that finally provided the answer to the hitherto unexplained, mysteries concerning Feliks Koneczny. Feliks Koneczny (1862-1949) graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy at the Jagiellonian University in Cracow and began work as an office senior lecturer at the Academy of Arts and Sciences; since 1897, he worked at the Jagiellonian Library. After Poland regained its independence, he became an assistant professor in 1919. In June 1920, after he had qualified received the degree of doctor habilitatus, he became a professor of the Stefan Batory University in Vilnius. After having retired in 1929, he came back to Cracow. His interests moved from purely historical research to the philosophy of history, religion and philosophy. Dureing the Second World War his two sons were killed by the Nazis, and part of his house was occupied by German co-tenants. His pioneering works dealing with the history of Russia. As well as his theory the evolution of civilizations are among his greatest achievements. Foreign researchers and scholars, among them Anton Hilckman, Arnold Toynbee and Samuel Huntington widely draw upon Koneczny’s works and achivements. In 1948, after sixty years of research work, Koneczny calculated that his written scholarly output encompassed 26 volumes, each of them being 300 to 400 pages long, not to mention more than 300 articles, brochures and reprints. Although a lot of Polish scholars can boast of having completed more works than he had not many Polish historians can prode themselves on such an enormous scape of research, which included anthropology, sociology, philosophy, theology, ethnology, psychology, economics, history and law. This list, impressive as it may be, fails to do justice to the moral and personal dimension of his work. This loner by choice was the creator of Polish philosophy of history, a major Catholic thinker, a university professor and humanist in the most significant sense of the word.
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