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A field studies illustrating the current condition of the consolidation area are carried out as a part of the general land consolidation project. One of the field studies is the area structure of farms, which presents the land area in particular area ranges of farms, e.g. scope 1 (up to 1 ha), scope 2 (1 – 5 ha), scope 3 (5 – 10 ha), scope 4 (10 – 15 ha), range 5 (15 – 50 ha), range 6 (above 50 ha). In order to prepare the area structure, data from the cadastre are used. The problem is that the data shown in the cadastre do not take into account the actual state of land use, which is influenced by leases. Leases are not listed in the cadastre. Therefore, the state shown in the usage structure is not consistent with the actual state of the area, including leases. In order to demonstrate the discrepancies between the state shown in the cadastre and the actual state, data from the cadastre are compared with data from the list of beneficiaries of the Common Agricultural Policy of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, illustrating the actual state of usage (including leases). The paper presents research results for selected poviat of the Masovian Voivodeship in Poland. Complete data on the actual state of affairs would enable field studies showing the actual pattern of plots and would allow for the calculation of land layouts resulting from the actual state of usage. This would facilitate the process of designing a new state during land consolidation.
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Bibliogr. 21 poz.
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- Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Geodesy and Cartography, Department of Cadastre and Land Management, Warsaw, Poland
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