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Geopark Arouca w Portugalii

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Arouca Geopark in Portugal
Języki publikacji
Arouca Geopark is located in northern Portugal, approximately 50 km to the southeast from the city of Porto. It was established in 2006 and covers 330 km2 of the municipality of Arouca. Geologically it includes Early Palaeozoic weakly metamorphosed slates and quartzites, intruded by several granite massifs of Carboniferous age. Geological highlights of the area are findings ofgiant Ordovician trilobites, now on display in a special museum and rare textural varieties of granites. Arouca Geopark offers interesting geomorphology too, such as high-elevated planation surfaces in granites, tors and boulder fields, waterfalls and river gorges. Mining heritage is also present, focused on tungsten. Earth heritage is made accessible primarily through a network of 41 designated geosites and further promoted by a range of educational activities addressed to schools of all levels and initiatives aimed at engagement of local communities.
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Bibliogr. 13 poz., rys.
  • Instytut Turystyki, Wyższa Szkoła Bankowa we Wrocławiu, ul. Fabryczna 29-31, 53-609 Wrocław
  • Instytut Geografii i Rozwoju Regionalnego, Uniwersytet Wrocławski, pl. Uniwersytecki 1, 50-137Wrocław
  • 1. BRZEZIŃSKA-WÓJCIK T. 2015 - Strategia hand-on activity w kreowaniu geoparków w kontekście edukacji, interpretacji promocji geodziedzictwa na Roztoczu (środkowowschodnia Polska). Zesz. Nauk. Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego 847, Ekonomiczne Problemy Turystyki, 1: 170-193.
  • 2. GRAY M. 2013 - Geodiversity. Valuing and Conserving Abiotic Nature, Wiley Blackwell, Chichester, s. 495.
  • 3. GUTIÉRREZ-MARCO J.C., SÁ A.A., GARCÍA-BELLIDO D.C., RÁBANO I. & VALÉRIO M. 2009 - Giant trilobites and trilobite clusters from the Ordovician of Portugal. Geology, 37: 443-446.
  • 4. HENRIQUES M.K., TOMAZ C. & SA A.A. 2012 - Arouca Geopark (Portugal) as an educational resource: A case study. Episodes. J. Inter. Geosci., 35: 481-488.
  • 5. MOURA A. 2005 - Historic tungsten mines from Arouca (Portugal). Geology as a tourist highlight toward Arouca (north Portugal). [W:] 8th International Symposium: Cultural Heritage in Geosciences, Mining and Metallurgy. 5. Arbeitstagung zur Geschichte der Erdwissenschaften in Österreich. Ber. Geol. Bundesanst., 65: 134-135.
  • 6. POROS M. 2014 - Georóżnorodność w architekturze - wykorzystanie lokalnych surowców skalnych w architekturze użytkowej na obszarze istniejących i projektowanych geoparków europejskich. Prz. Geol., 62: 151-155.
  • 7. REAVY R.J. 1988 - Amodel for the emplacement of the Serra da Freita granite in the geotectonic context of the Central Iberian Zone. Trabajos de Geologia, Univ. de Oviedo, 17: 133-138.
  • 8. REAVY R.J., HUTTON D.H. W. & FINCH A.A. 1993 - The nodular granite of Castanheira, north central Portugal: origin of the nodules and evidence for diapiric mobilization of granite. Geol. Mag., 130: 145-153.
  • 9. SÁ A.A., GUTIÉRREZ-MARCO J.C., RÁBANO I. & VALÉRIO M. 2007 - Palaeontology and stratigraphy of the Ordovician in the Arouca region (Central Portugal). Acta Palaeont. Sinica, 46: 434-439.
  • 10. SÁ A.A., ROCHA D. & PAZ A. 2011 - Ordovician geosites as the basis of the creation of the European and Global Arouca Geopark. [W:] Gutiérrez-Marco J.C., García-Bellido D.C. & Rábano I. (red.), Ordovician of the World, Cuadernos del Museo Geominero, 14: 493-498, Madrid.
  • 11. WILLIAMS R.B.G. & ROBINSON D.A. 1989 - Origin and distribution of polygonal cracking of rock surfaces. Geogr. Ann., 71A: 145-159.
  • 12. ZOUROS N. 2004 - The European Geoparks Network. Geological heritage protection and local development. Episodes. J. Inter. Geosci., 27: 165-171.
  • 13. ZOUROS N. 2008 - European Geoparks Network: transnational collaboration on Earth heritage protection, geotourism and local development. Geoturystyka, 12: 3-22.
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