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Will people come to the railway regardless of station location or should rather the railway come to where people are? The pursue for central locations for stations was probably the most characteristic feature of Victorian railways urging them to cover huge costs of inner city lots and approaches. It has been often stressed the station has changed it character becoming far more than the pure transport node. The evolution towards a retail and service centre was possible thanks to its inner city location [1]. Recent developments in some countries with most advanced railway systems show that modern stations are often neither central nor even easily accessible. The time gained on quick train travel and lack of check in times is then lost by most customers on long access travels. Also the overall comfort of train travel is thus reduced even if the long journey to the station can be made by metro. Are these good circumstances to turn the railway into most favourite form of travel?
Opis fizyczny
Bibliogr. 5 poz., fot.
- Lodz University of Technology
- 1. Załuski D., Śródmiejskie przestrzenie podróży. Dworce Kolejowe, Wydział Architektury Politechniki Gdańskiej, Gdańsk 2010.
- 2. Wikipedia, Taiwan High Speed Rail (Access 04.2017).
- 3. Wikipedia, Beijing–Guangzhou–Shenzhen–Hong Kong High- Speed Railway (Access 04.2017).
- 4. European Platform On Mobility Management web site, URL: epomm.eu (Access 06.2013).
- 5. Pucher J., Peng Z. R., Mittal N., Zhu Y., Korattiswaroopam N., Urban Transport Trends and Policies in China and India; published at URL: web.mit.edu/dusp/chinaplanning/paper/ Peng%20zhongren%20PPT.pdf
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