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Logistics challenges in enterprise management in contemporary conditions

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Purpose: The aim of the article is to analyse key logistics challenges in the enterprise management in contemporary conditions on the example of selected manufacturing and trading enterprises. On the basis of the literature studies, the author has presented contemporary trends in enterprise management and analysed key logistics challenges related to them. The research methodology has been described and the examined population has been briefly characterized. The results of the research concerning key logistics challenges in the management of the surveyed manufacturing and trading enterprises have been presented. Design/methodology/approach: The article is based on the study of literature and own empirical research. The results of the author’s empirical research presented in the article come from more extensive surveys conducted in 2017 regarding the analysis of logistics systems and logistics processes management in Polish manufacturing and trading enterprises in 2014-2016 in the context of building enterprise competitiveness. The research was conducted by the use of direct interview method with managers responsible for logistics in the surveyed companies using the author’s detailed questionnaire. 298 small, medium and large enterprises were examined from Warmia-Masuria Province (55.4%) and Podlasie Province (44.6%), characterized by a diversified competitive position on the market. Findings: The conducted research confirmed that meeting the contemporary challenges of enterprise management depends more and more on logistics. Logistics activities and logistics solutions enabled the surveyed companies to create competitive advantage, increase profit, profitability and enterprise value, and build competitiveness. Logistics managers from the best surveyed companies combined a strategic approach for creating a comprehensive concept of logistics activities and solutions with a quick and adequate response to permanently changing market conditions. Due to the limited volume of the article, only selected aspects of key logistics challenges in the management of the surveyed enterprises were presented. Research limitations/implications: The literature emphasizes that logistics will have an ever growing influence on enterprise management, which is also confirmed by the empirical studies; more and more logistics managers, including in Polish companies, administer logistics processes on the scale of an enterprise and the entire supply chain, or on the scale of an enterprise including opportunities and threats resulting from the existence of a network of co-operators and opportunities associated with establishing relationships with new co-operators. The issues presented in the article require further, in-depth research. Practical implications: The results of theoretical and empirical studies presented in the article have a practical significance. The author offered logistics managers of Polish manufacturing and trading enterprises practical suggestions for using logistics in the process of enterprise management and presented key challenges related to them. Originality/value: The article fills the cognitive gap regarding the issues of key logistics challenges in enterprise management in contemporary conditions. The author carried out a comprehensive literature review on contemporary trends in the enterprise management and analysis of key logistics challenges related to them. The article also fills the empirical gap. It presents the research results concerning key logistics challenges in management of the surveyed manufacturing and trading enterprises. The research results presented in the article can be used by logistics managers of Polish manufacturing and trading enterprises.
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