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Purpose: The aim of the article is to analyze and assess the role of logistics in the process of enterprise management during the COVID-19 pandemic on the example of selected manufacturing, trade and service enterprises. Design/methodology/approach: The article is based on the study of literature and own empirical research. The results of own empirical research presented in the study constitute the effects of more extensive research on an in-depth analysis of the logistics process management in Polish manufacturing, trade and service enterprises in 2019-2021 in the context of shaping enterprise results. The research was conducted in 2022 among 335 randomly selected small, medium and large Polish manufacturing, trade and service enterprises. Findings: The results of the research show that the strategic and operational management of logistics processes within the enterprise and between entities which are the links in the supply chain increasingly determined the economic and market results of the best surveyed enterprises and the supply chains they created during the COVID-19 pandemic. Thanks to adequately applied logistics to the occurred conditions, the best surveyed enterprises responded quickly and appropriately to the effects of the pandemic and created and maintained the competitive advantage. The analyzed enterprises did not use the full potential of logistics processes to reduce the negative influence of the COVID-19 pandemic on their results. The research confirmed that logistics played an extremely important role in the process of enterprise management during the COVID-19 pandemic. Research limitations/implications: The article presents only selected aspects of logistics in the process of enterprise management of the surveyed enterprises during the COVID-19 pandemic. Practical implications: The article offers logistics managers practical suggestions on how to use logistics to achieve above-average economic and market results in conditions of a pandemic. Originality/value: The article fills the cognitive and empirical gap regarding logistics in the process of enterprise management during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Artykuł stanowi pierwszą część opracowania, którego celem jest przedstawienie wpływu pandemii COVID-19 na logistykę na przykładzie wybranych polskich przedsiębiorstw produkcyjnych, handlowych i usługowych. Artykuł powstał na podstawie studiów literatury oraz własnych badań empirycznych. Badania przeprowadzono w 2022 r. wśród 335 losowo wybranych małych, średnich i dużych polskich przedsiębiorstw produkcyjnych, handlowych i usługowych. W wyniku badań stwierdzono, że pandemia COVID-19 miała ogromny wpływ na logistykę we wszystkich badanych przedsiębiorstwach w latach 2020–2021. Zmiany uwarunkowań logistyki spowodowane pandemią nałożyły się na determinanty logistyki współczesnych przedsiębiorstw przed pandemią. Strategiczne i operacyjne zarządzanie procesami logistycznymi coraz bardziej determinowało wyniki ekonomiczne i rynkowe najlepszych badanych przedsiębiorstw w czasie pandemii COVID-19. Przedsiębiorstwa osiągające najlepsze wyniki w czasie pandemii realizowały strategię zarządzania łańcuchem dostaw, będącą w ciągłym stadium tworzenia, kształtowania się, charakteryzującą się błyskawiczną reakcją na zmieniające się wymagania klientów, warunki otoczenia oraz działania konkurentów, przy respektowaniu zasad zrównoważonego rozwoju. Najbardziej skuteczni menedżerowie logistyki w czasie pandemii podejmowali szybkie działania umożliwiające ograniczenie prawdopodobieństwa zakłócenia, zmniejszenie dotkliwości skutków zaistniałych zdarzeń oraz kreowanie i utrzymanie przewag konkurencyjnych przedsiębiorstw.
The article constitutes the first part of the study, the aim of which is to present the influence of the COVID-19 pandemic on logistics on the example of selected Polish manufacturing, trade and service enterprises. The article is based on the study of literature and own empirical research. The research was conducted in 2022 among 335 randomly selected small, medium and large Polish manufacturing, trade and service enterprises. As a result of the research, it was found that the COVID-19 pandemic had a huge influence on logistics in all surveyed enterprises in 2020–2021. Changes in logistics conditions caused by the pandemic overlapped with the logistics determinants of contemporary enterprises before the pandemic. Strategic and operational management of logistics processes increasingly determined the economic and market results of the best surveyed enterprises during the COVID-19 pandemic. Enterprises achieving the best results during the pandemic implemented the supply chain management strategy that was in a constant state of creation and development, characterized by an immediate response to changing customer requirements, environmental conditions and competitors' activities, respecting, at the same time, the principles of sustainable development. During the pandemic, the most effective logistics managers took quick actions so as to reduce the likelihood of disruption, decrease the severity of the effects of events, and create and maintain competitive advantages of their enterprises.
Purpose: The aim of the article is to present the development perspective of the e-commerce market area and courier services, taking into account the time of uncertainty (the prospect of a pandemic), based on selected data from the Pointpack company and secondary data. Design/methodology/approach: The topic includes an analysis (case study) based on the example of Pointpack and data that has been examined by experts, as well as secondary data, a report on the state of the e-commerce market in Poland. Findings: The analysis showed a significant development of the e-commerce market and consumer activity despite the times of uncertainty (pandemic, war). Research limitations/implications: The research has been limited to data obtained from a single source and limited resources (a selected segment of the market and consumers), hence future research can be extended to different levels and theoretical areas. It is important to conduct further research in this area to increase their universality. An interesting comparative study would be an analysis of consumer behavior in the perspective of sending and receiving parcels in selected regions of the country. Practical implications: The described data and case study analyzes may indicate to organizations that the introduction of courier services to points of sale (or service) is today a necessity and a future in acquiring new customers. Social implications: The development of the e-commerce market associated with sending and collecting parcels in stores contributes to the development of CSR attitudes of the organization by reducing carbon dioxide to the environment and building responsible customer attitudes.
Purpose: The main purpose of this article is to evaluate the capabilities of SAP ERP software in managing an organization's logistics subsystem, identify the main strengths and weaknesses of SAP ERP software in an organization, and identify the information requirements associated with identifying logistics activities. Design/methodology/approach: In preparing the article, the author used both theoretical and empirical research methods, particularly analysis, synthesis, deduction, induction, comparison, generalization, as well as scientific observation with casual observation technique. The qualitative methods mentioned above were used to analyze the literature on the subject. Analysis was used to deepen knowledge in the area of the issues under study, as well as to identify their interrelationships and the relationships that exist between them. Deduction, for the process of inferring the particular from the general. Induction was used during observation. Comparison was mainly used to identify similarities and differences in the use of SAP ERP software in the various logistics subsystems. Inference was used to develop conclusions, included at the end of this article. Using the aforementioned methods, it was possible to evaluate the functionality of SAP ERP software in the management of the enterprise's logistics subsystems, to identify the main advantages and disadvantages of SAP ERP software in the enterprise, and to identify the information needs related to logistics activities in the enterprise. Findings: Modern enterprises operate in a highly competitive environment, so they need to quickly adapt to changes occurring in their environment: near and far. This is possible thanks to the implementation of modern tools, methods or techniques that enable continuous management of all departments of the enterprise, including logistics system. Originality/value: This article is addressed to theoreticians and practitioners of business management. Theoreticians reading this article will find a sentiment of current data on SAP ERP software and the scale of possibilities for its use. Practitioners, in turn, will find useful tips on where SAP ERP software can be implemented or how to improve the form of its use in an enterprise.
Purpose: This article presents the limitations and opportunities for implementing Industry 4.0 solutions in cluster enterprises in the context of the results of studies of their digital maturity. Design/Methodology/Approach: The article uses the following research methods: the analysis of domestic and foreign literature on the subject, the analysis of secondary sources (the results of research by other authors, the results of a study of digital maturity of enterprises belonging to several clusters in Poland and enterprises outside the clusters, the data of the Digital Economy and Society Index 2022 report), induction and deductive reasoning. Findings: Compared to EU countries, companies in Poland (especially SMEs) show a low level of digital maturity necessary to implement Industry 4.0 solutions (including big data technologies, cloud solutions, and artificial intelligence). In fact, this is a solid barrier to improving and maintaining the competitiveness of companies in the conditions of the fourth industrial revolution. Moreover, it stems from certain exo- and endogenous barriers. The research on behalf of the Future Industry Platform among companies participating in clusters revealed that their members show a higher degree of digital maturity than those outside such forms of network cooperation. It indicates more significant opportunities for cluster companies to implement Industry 4.0 solutions. Membership in a cluster represents an opportunity for them to reduce barriers to digitisation. The research results confirm that companies that are members of clusters are more innovative and competitive entities that can function more effectively and efficiently in the digital economy. Practical implications: The article discusses a unique methodology for measuring the digital maturity of enterprises from several clusters in Poland, which business entities can use and apply for self-assessment. The presented research results and information on the barriers and limitations of digitisation will allow government representatives and other institutions to choose appropriate tools to support enterprises in Poland (especially in the SME sector), facilitating the implementation of Industry 4.0 solutions. Originality/value: The study presents research results on cluster enterprises’ digital maturity using an innovative method. It discusses them in the context of existing limitations in implementing Industry 4.0 solutions in Poland. It highlights the importance of clusters for improving the ability of enterprises to effectively use digital technologies for the success of the enterprise in the conditions of the fourth industrial revolution.
W artykule opisano wady dualistycznego modelu własności mieszkania i zarządzania budynkami wielomieszkaniowymi (kondominium), które pojawiły się w krajach postsocjalistycznych po prywatyzacji i były spowodowane niewłaściwym otoczeniem instytucjonalnym. Przedstawiono również ogólną problematykę stosowania modelu kondominium dla nowoczesnych i dużych kompleksów mieszkaniowych oraz w trudnych sytuacjach braku środków finansowych na remonty budynków. W takich przypadkach zamiast dalszego komplikowania zarządzania wspólnotami mieszkaniowymi uzasadniona jest celowość ich przekształcenia w jednolity model korporacyjny wspólnej własności domu.
The article describes the defects of the dualistic model of home ownership and management of multi-apartment buildings (condominium), which appeared in post-socialist countries after privatization and were caused by an inappropriate institutional environment. However, the general problematic of using the condominium model for modern large residential complexes and in difficult situations of lack of funding for renovation of buildings is also shown. In these cases, instead of further complicating the management of condominiums, the expediency of their transformation into a unitary corporate model of joint home ownership is substantiated.
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Przedsiębiorcy muszą prowadzić działalność w taki sposób, by w jak najmniejszym stopniu oddziaływała na środowisko. Czasy, kiedy można było jedynie deklarować swoje działania na rzecz zrównoważonego rozwoju, powoli dobiegają końca. Coraz szybciej nadchodzi wymóg obowiązkowego raportowania i… ponoszenia kosztów z tym związanych.
The article substantiates the influence of digitalization, which affects the development of socioeconomic relations. The trends that arose as a result of the development of digitalization and contribute to the gradual transformation of socio-economic relations and the economic base was identified. Digitization as a factor influencing the change of the economic base was substantiated. The economic basis of business models in the conditions of digitalization is considered. The most widespread business models of the modern type in the conditions of digitalization of the economy was characterized. An analysis of the evolution of scientific opinion regarding the transformation of business models from traditional to digital ones was made. It is proven that the business models used in the digital economy are client-oriented, which proves their purely marketing nature. The influence of “Industry 4.0” technologies on the evolution of approaches to the definition and formation of business models was substantiated.
Artykuł uzasadnia wpływ cyfryzacji na rozwój stosunków społeczno-gospodarczych. Zidentyfikowano trendy, które powstały w wyniku rozwoju cyfryzacji i przyczyniają się do stopniowej transformacji stosunków społeczno-gospodarczych oraz bazy ekonomicznej. Uzasadniono cyfryzację, jako czynnik wpływający na zmianę bazy ekonomicznej. Rozważane są ekonomiczne podstawy modeli biznesowych, w warunkach cyfryzacji. Scharakteryzowano najbardziej rozpowszechnione modele biznesowe nowoczesnego typu, w warunkach cyfryzacji gospodarki. Dokonano analizy ewolucji opinii naukowej, dotyczącej transformacji modeli biznesowych, z tradycyjnych na cyfrowe. Udowodniono, że modele biznesowe stosowane w gospodarce cyfrowej są zorientowane na klienta, co świadczy o ich czysto marketingowym charakterze. Uzasadniony został wpływ technologii „Przemysłu 4.0” na ewolucję podejść do definiowania i kształtowania modeli biznesowych.
Purpose: The paper aims to identify major components of the competitive potential of enterprises operating at the initial stage of the economic crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The research hypothesis H1 is advanced: the scope of business objects affects the selection of enterprise competitive potential components. The concept and nature of competitiveness are discussed and the subject matter of enterprise competitive potential is detailed. Design/methodology/approach: The theoretical section follows a thorough review of leading specialist literature. The empirical part, on the other hand, uses the exploratory factor analysis, which detects an optimum group of main factors and explains correlations among observable variables, serves to verify the hypothesis. The number of factors is determined by means of the Cattell scree and Kaiser criteria. Findings: The paper contains the results of research into 253 large enterprises in the Polish economy. Exploratory factor analysis is employed to define the statistically significant components of competitive potential of enterprises active in the initial phase of the economic crisis and the effect of business objectives is explored on the selection of the components of enterprise competitive potential. It is shown that, regardless of business objects, three factors, namely, innovative machinery and equipment, the financial condition of an enterprise, and human capital, are the key components of enterprise competitive potential. Practical implications: The results can be utilised by entrepreneurs as a guide to the selection of the components of enterprise competitive potential at the times of crises. Originality/value: The paper presents the results of original research into a representative group of large enterprises which can be generalised to the entire population assuming a confidence level of α = 95% and maximum error of β = 6%.
Purpose: The aim of the article is to learn about the attitudes of innovative enterprises representatives towards the strength and importance of relations in regard to business environment institutions (BEI). Design/methodology/approach: The presented analyzes constitute a part of a broader study on the determinants of the quality of relations between enterprises in the quadruple helix. The article focuses on the enterprise – BEI. The research was carried out with the use of CATI method on a sample of 200 innovative enterprises Findings: The results show that in the case of the relationships strength and importance, communication is an important construct in relation to BEI. The significance of trust, commitment and satisfaction with regard to the strength and importance of the relationship between an innovative enterprise and BEI was not indicated. Moreover a high positive correlation was indicated between the individual relationship quality constructs. Research limitations/implications: The research sample is a limitation. The research was conducted on a sample of 200 innovative enterprises, but only 33% declared maintaining relations with BEI. Practical implications: The article indicates which quality constructs should be paid attention to by BEI in managing relations with enterprises. Originality/value: The article indicates that in some aspects of relationship management, communication is more important component than trust, commitment and satisfaction.
Purpose: The aim of the article is to learn about the attitudes of innovative enterprises representatives towards the strength and importance of relations in regard to scientific/research and development institutions. Design/methodology/approach: The presented analyzes constitute a part of a broader study on the determinants of the quality of relations between enterprises in the quadruple helix. The article focuses on the enterprise - scientific institutions plane. The research was carried out with the use of CATI method on a sample of 200 innovative enterprises Findings: The results show that in the case of the relationships strength, communication is an important construct in relation to scientific and R&D institutions, while in the case of the relationships importance it is commitment. The significance of trust and satisfaction with regard to the strength and importance of the relationship between an innovative enterprise and scientific and research and development institutions was not indicated. Moreover a high positive correlation was indicated between the individual relationship quality constructs. Research limitations/implications: The research sample is a limitation. The research was conducted on a sample of 200 innovative enterprises, but only 22.5% declared maintaining relations with scientific and research and development institutions. Practical implications: The article indicates which quality constructs should be paid attention to by representatives of scientific and research institutions in managing relations with enterprises. Originality/value: The article indicates that in some aspects of relationship management, commitment and communication are more important components than trust and satisfaction.
Aim: Running a business is correlated with incurring costs. These are related to the management of resources in enterprises, which is why they must be constantly analysed and controlled. Based on cost information, certain management decisions are made. The aim of the article is to present basic issues concerning the functioning of distribution costs in an enterprise. Design/methodology/approach: An analysis of a company's activities in terms of distribution costs was conducted. In addition, the article defines the logistical indicators and measures of an enterprise and presents expenses incurred for training in specific years. Determinations: The article presents the allocation of primary distribution costs, which are divided into storage costs, transport costs, inventory maintenance costs, and administrative costs through conducting an interview in the enterprise. Originality/Value: The results of the study can be used in the company's strategic distribution decisions.
Introduction/background: Currently in Poland, it is becoming increasingly popular to implement activities related to social responsibility in organizations. Companies have begun to pay more and more attention to such issues as building relationships with the environment, as well as widely understood social interest or environmental protection has become important. Aim of the paper: The purpose of the article is to indicate the role of social responsibility and its relationship to the development of the organization using a selected example. Materials and methods: The study used the case-study method using a survey questionnaire tool. Results and conclusions: Based on the survey, it can be concluded that the employees of the surveyed enterprise have a positive view of social responsibility activities. The organization should focus on a strategy based on investing in solutions to improve the quality of life of employees, the local community, and strive to offset the negative impact on the environment.
Kontrole w zakresie ochrony środowiska, a zwłaszcza gospodarki odpadami budzą wiele emocji i wątpliwości przedsiębiorców. Przedsiębiorcy często zadają pytania: jakie uprawnienia posiada kontrolujący, czy korzystający z władztwa organ kontrolujący może żądać dokumentów niezwiązanych bezpośrednio z zakresem kontroli, czy i kiedy może dojść do wyłączenia pracownika organu? Jakie są środki ochrony prawnej przeciwko ustaleniom zawartym w protokole kontroli, a także jakie są skutki podpisania protokołu z pokontrolnego? Są to tylko niektóre istotne zagadnienia związane z prowadzoną kontrolą.
Artykuł stanowi drugą część opracowania, którego celem jest prezentacja zmian w zarządzaniu łańcuchami dostaw przed pandemią COVID-19 i w pierwszych miesiącach pandemii oraz ocena wpływu tych zmian na budowanie przewagi konkurencyjnej na przykładzie wybranych polskich przedsiębiorstw produkcyjnych, handlowych i usługowych. Podjęto w nim próbę pogłębionej analizy najważniejszych, w przekonaniu autorki, aspektów zmian w zarządzaniu łańcuchami dostaw wybranych polskich przedsiębiorstw produkcyjnych, handlowych i usługowych w latach 2018–2020 oraz oceny wpływu tych zmian na proces budowania przewagi konkurencyjnej badanych firm.
The article constitutes the second part of the study which aim is to present changes in supply chain management before the COVID-19 pandemic and in the first months of this pandemic as well as to assess the influence of these changes on building a competitive advantage on the example of the selected Polish production, trade and service enterprises. It attempts to carry out an in-depth analysis of the most important, in the opinion of the author, aspects of changes in supply chain management of the selected Polish production, trade and service enterprises in 2018–2020 and to assess the influence of these changes on the process of building a competitive advantage of the surveyed companies.
Artykuł stanowi pierwszą część opracowania, którego celem jest prezentacja zmian w zarządzaniu łańcuchami dostaw przed pandemią COVID-19 i w pierwszych miesiącach pandemii oraz ocena wpływu tych zmian na budowanie przewagi konkurencyjnej na przykładzie wybranych polskich przedsiębiorstw produkcyjnych, handlowych i usługowych. Przedstawiono w nim istotę i kierunki zarządzania współczesnymi łańcuchami dostaw. Opisano metodykę badań i dokonano skrótowej charakterystyki badanej populacji. Zaprezentowano wyniki badań dotyczące wybranych uwarunkowań zarządzania procesami logistycznymi w badanych przedsiębiorstwach w latach 2018–2020.
The article constitutes the first part of the study which aim is to present changes in supply chain management before the COVID-19 pandemic and in the first months of this pandemic as well as to assess the influence of these changes on building a competitive advantage on the example of the selected Polish production, trade and service enterprises. It presents the essence and directions of managing contemporary supply chains. The research methodology has been described and a short description of the examined population has been made. The results of the research concerning selected conditions for managing logistics processes in the surveyed enterprises in 2018–2020 have been presented.
Purpose: The concept of CSR is one of the most important topics from the point of view of both scientific research and companies’ actions. Although corporate social responsibility seems to be common practice, however in many cases, these are often one-time actions aimed at building firms’ image. The paper tries to look at this issue from a perspective of a telecommunications company. Design/methodology/approach: Secondary sources of information were used as well primary ones, obtained by the means of direct interviews conducted in a company providing telecommunication services, using an independently prepared, unstructured questionnaire as the research tool. The data obtained was analyzed using the inductive-deductive method. Findings: The CSR initiatives undertaken by the studied company proves that it develops good, long-term relations with its stakeholders such as suppliers and business partners, clients as well as the local government. The corporate social responsibility is incorporated in company’s organizational culture and it cannot be treated as one-time, ad-hoc events which is quite common for other companies. Originality/value: The analyzed company was not previously studied in terms of CSR activities. The paper can be useful for stakeholders, especially the local government as it can see the firm’s strong commitment to the development of the social, the economic and the natural environment of the region.
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