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7th International Conference System Safety: Human - Technical Facility - Environment, CzOTO 2018 (7 ; 12-14.12.2018 ; Zakopane, Poland)
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Safety is a key and necessary condition for the sustainable development of the railway industry. Every entity operating in the railway area should maintain and increase the level of security as part of its operations. The subject of the analysis of data on the rail transport safety in European countries and content of the safety culture program implemented in Poland, whose main objective is to implement safety culture principles in the railway transport and to encourage all companies operating in the railway industry to improve the rail transport safety as the key condition for the sustainable development of railway industry. Paper contains results of the analysis of the European rail transport safety level in the context of the objectives set for Poland indicated by the European Union (CSI value) as improvement areas.
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Bibliogr. 19 poz., rys.
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