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Social capital as a factor of development of a smart city

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Purpose: Social capital constitutes an important factor in the development of a smart city. The adoption of this assumption facilitated the formulation three research questions: In what sphere do the city inhabitants participate in social networks? What is the level of trust shown to neighbours that create the local community? To what degree does the scope of information on the activities on behalf of the local community have an impact on their active participation? Design/methodology/approach: The assumed goal was executed thanks to the application of the method of critical analysis of literary sources and the use of the survey method that served to identify the indicators of social capital in the context of the implementation of the principal assumptions of a smart city. Findings: The findings of empirical research indicate that the level of social capital in the analysed city constitutes a significant barrier in terms of the development of a smart city. Structural capital in the form of neighbourly ties, which are usually restricted to five people, restricts the scope of neighbourly ties. Low relational capital, namely trust has a negative impact on the level of involvement of inhabitants in social initiatives. Engagement in urban social issues is dependent on the knowledge of social initiatives in the area of the district where they live. The application of information and communication technologies (ICT) increases the scope of information about projects and events organized in the city. Research limitations: The acquired research findings with regard to their quantitative nature (survey research) constitutes the basis for the limited findings. Practical implications: The research findings provide knowledge on the subject matter of the level of the existence of social capital and its barrier to development, which may serve the preparation of new solutions in the policies of a smart city. Social implications: The research findings presented in this paper indicate the need to use information and communication technologies in the creation of social capital in the city. Originality/value: The research findings, in a cognitive sense, lead to becoming familiar with the role of social capital in the development of a smart city.
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