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Planując rozwój miast i wsi, należy brać pod uwagę klasycznie rozumiane obszary – infrastrukturę, urbanistykę czy też rozwój społeczny i gospodarczy. Dziś jednak to za mało, gdyż coraz większą rolę odgrywa rozwój technologiczny tych terenów.
Purpose: The goal of the paper is to analyze the main differences between the smart mobility idea implementation in Copenhagen and Barcelona. Design/methodology/approach: Critical literature analysis. Analysis of international literature from main databases and polish literature and legal acts connecting with researched topic. Findings: The papers compares the smart mobility solutions implemented in Copenhagen and Barcelona, two cities that have developed comprehensive and innovative transportation systems. While both cities have sustainable, efficient, and convenient transportation systems, they differ in their focus and governance structure. Copenhagen is a leading city in sustainable transportation, with a strong focus on cycling infrastructure and an integrated public transportation system. On the other hand, Barcelona focuses on reducing traffic congestion and improving air quality, with innovative solutions such as a low-emission zone and a smart parking system. Additionally, Copenhagen has a highly centralized governance structure, while Barcelona adopts a more decentralized approach, engaging citizens and stakeholders in transportation decision-making. Originality/value: Detailed analysis of differences between Copenhagen and Barcelona in the case of smart mobility implementation.
Content available Smart mobility in a smart city concept
Purpose: The purpose of this publication is to present the most important features with which the smart mobility approach is characterized. Design/methodology/approach: Critical literature analysis. Analysis of international literature from main databases and polish literature and legal acts connecting with researched topic. Findings: In a smart city, smart mobility also plays an important role in environmental protection. Modern modes of transportation, such as electric cars and urban bicycles, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution. Thus, smart mobility contributes to improving air quality and the health of residents. As part of the smart city, smart mobility is also seen as part of improving traffic safety. Smart traffic monitoring systems and rapid response to dangerous situations, such as collisions or accidents, can help minimize accidents and collisions. Smart mobility is also one of the key elements of a smart city, which contributes to improving the quality of life for city residents by increasing mobility, reducing air pollution, improving road safety and introducing innovative transportation solutions. Originality/value: Detailed analysis of all subjects related to the problems connected with the smart mobility in smart city.
Purpose: To highlight the current smart city trends and innovations that will shape the future of modern cities. Design/methodology/approach: This article review is based on a theoretical literature review on the idea of smart city trends and innovations globally. The theoretical approach was based on published journals, government sources, and other sources. Findings: Human needs as well as the development of electronic-based projects for urban areas have evolved over the years. Environmental pollution has caused a drastic change in climate, urbanization happening rapidly, and more pandemics are expected in the future. But with modern technology advancements, it's important for public institutions and private entities to collaborate to make cities more sustainable. Smart energy solutions, urban planning, and smart health communities are important to smart city trends that can help to significantly transform urban centers. Originality/value: the presented review paper provides a current realistic overview of the innovations and trends implemented for smart city projects. They are implemented in some of the major cities of the world and their influence is important in shaping the lives of urban residents and the future of cities.
Purpose: The aim of the paper is to examine the specific issues concerning intellectual property protection in the development and functioning of smart city. The authors describe Polish law of intellectual property protection and interpret it in terms of actions carried out when the smart city is created, implemented, and then managed. Design/methodology/approach: This work uses the formal and dogmatic method typical of legal sciences. It contains the content of legal norms and their interpretation, and is based on the analysis of the literature as well. Findings: There are many areas where the law of intellectual property protection is directly related to acts taken when a city is transformed into smart city, covering the scope of copyright and industrial property. They are mentioned and analysed and their implications for city management are discussed. Practical implications: We have shown what smart city managers should know from the scope of intellectual property regulations. This lets them to avoid infringement of someone else's intellectual property on the one hand and to be aware of how to protect the effort put into development work. Social implications: The article enriches the theory both of legal sciences and management sciences. From the managerial point of view, it broadens the competences of local government managers. From a legal point of view, the work analyzes provisions on the protection of intellectual property in the context of reforming the city towards a smart city as well as of its functionning. Originality/value: It is one of the few, if not the first, study in Polish literature dedicated to the issues of intellectual property protection in smart city.
Cities across the globe perceive their opportunities for digital transition pathways. This paper presents a project and strategy-based assessment of smart city ambitions in the light of sustainable urban development pathways in the European Union capitals considering the programming period 2014-2020. The purpose of the research is to understand better the smart city trends in Europe and identify any correlation between smart city and sustainability ambitions through the European capitals. The basis of the research was the official project result platforms of European funds with priorities related to smart cities. The collected best practices of transnational smart city projects provide statistics from the previous programming period and draw attention to the developing trends of smart city functions and the activity level of European capitals in the digital transition. Results show that between 2014 and 2020 nearly half of the capitals owned a specific smart city strategic document. Evaluating the smart urban performance of the capitals, it can be stated that most smart solutions were implemented related to mobility and environment in the previous period. Furthermore, it was also considered whether smart city projects could facilitate the shift toward sustainability. Based on the assessment of their planning strategies, a complex image of the European capitals has been revealed in their smart city development concepts; their strategic-level planning can be understood better, which is essential for policymaking in the era of digitalisation, identifying synergies with sustainable urban development ambitions, and monitoring the reached targets at the city level.
Współczesne wyzwania w kontekście rozwoju miast, wymuszają konieczność wdrożenia kompleksowych działań, ograniczających negatywne skutki procesów urbanizacji. Na znaczeniu zyskuje koncepcja projektowania i kształ-towania modeli miast zrównoważonych. Artykuł ukazuje problem koincydencji trzech pojęć: green city, eco-city i smart city. Bazując na literaturze przedmiotu, wskazano na znaczące podobieństwa i różnice pomiędzy tymi kon¬cepcjami. Dokonano analizy porównawczej, mającej na celu wyszczególnienie konkretnych kryteriów i cech, jakie powinny posiadać te idee, a także przeglądu wskaźników, branych pod uwagę w międzynarodowych rankingach. Zapoznano się również z praktycznymi założeniami koncepcji urbanistycznych. Takie aplikacyjne zestawienie pojęć, przyczyni się do jeszcze lepszego zrozumienia badanych idei i da możliwość najlepszego wyboru realizacji danej koncepcji, względem potrzeb danego miasta.
Comprehensive ecological actions taken by urban authorities create an opportunity of counteracting the problems of excessi¬ve urbanization, among others, through the development and shaping of sustainable cities. The paper therefore explores the coincidence of the following terms: Green city, Eco – city and Smart city. The aim of the paper is to perform a comparative analysis of the discussed ideas and attempts to indicate the differences and similarities of the aspects of these terms as well as their interdependences. To a great extent, characteristics of such cities are very similar. Green city refers to sustainable cities, in particular in the planning and ecological context. Eco-city shares many features of a Green city, but it includes also numerous technological solutions, which are a main aspect of a Smart city. Very often Eco-city is also a purpose planed city. Smart city is focused on the use of technology in the urban environment, but exploits also some concepts of a Green city. Highly developed cities will certainly implement Sustainable Smart City, which is a compilation of Smart and Green city aspects. However, all of them are formed in accordance with the idea of a sustainable development, which the main aim is to improve the quality of life.
The influence of artificial intelligence (AI) in smart cities has resulted in enhanced efficiency, accessibility, and improved quality of life. However, this integration has brought forth new challenges, particularly concerning data security and privacy due to the widespread use of Internet of Things (IoT) technologies. The article aims to provide a classification of scientific research relating to artificial intelligence in smart city issues and to identify emerging directions of future research. A systematic literature review based on bibliometric analysis of Scopus and Web of Science databases was conducted for the study. Research query included TITLE-ABS-KEY (“smart city” AND “artificial intelligence”) in the case of Scopus and TS = (“smart city” AND “artificial intelligence”) in the case of the Web of Sciences database. For the purpose of the analysis, 3101 publication records were qualified. Based on bibliometric analysis, seven research areas were identified: safety, living, energy, mobility, health, pollution, and industry. Urban mobility has seen significant innovations through AI applications, such as autonomous vehicles (AVs), electric vehicles (EVs), and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), yet security concerns persist, necessitating further research in this area. AI’s impact extends to energy management and sustainability practices, demanding standardised regulations to guide future research in renewable energy adoption and developing integrated local energy systems. Additionally, AI’s applications in health, environmental management, and the industrial sector require further investigation to address data handling, privacy, security, and societal implications, ensuring responsible and sustainable digitisation in smart cities.
Telecommunication, transport and civil engineering play an important role in new research areas. New antennas based on innovative materials are being developed. At the same time, the methods of antenna mounting with the use of high-strength materials to ensure high structural rigidity with the lowest possible weight are being planned. These materials include AHSS steels with ultimate tensile strength (UTS) up to 1700 MPa and elevated yield point (YS); however, welded joints made of these steels have much worse mechanical properties, compared to the native materials. In this paper, it was planned to test the MAG welding of DOCOL 1400M steel (AHSS group). Directly after welding, a micro-jet joint cooling was applied. It was determined to create thin-walled joints that could be used in the formation of antenna mounts.
Purpose: To determine the interdependencies between Smart City areas as well as the aspects and areas between resident-oriented IT areas of the city. Design / methodology / approach: The data for the study was collected during a survey of 287 cities for Smart City. The study of interdependence was based on a correlation analysis using: Pearson's correlation coefficient, Cramér's V coefficient, and Kendall's tau. In addition, a PCA analysis was used to reduce variable dimensions. Findings: The results of the research indicate that the scope of using services within e-office services is more strongly related to functionality than to IT equipment. In turn, the economic area plays a fundamental role in the perception of the city as a Smart City. There was also a clear difference in self-evaluation regarding Smart City areas and IT aspects of the city depending on the size of the city. However, this difference does not translate into declarations regarding the readiness for evaluation in Smart City categories. Originality/value: presentation of the relationship between the areas defining the concept of Smart City dependence on the basis of an original study addressed to city representatives. The results of the study allow us to look at the Smart City concept from the perspective of the city. The results of the analysis, in addition to scientists dealing with Smart City, may be of interest to city managers in Poland. They show the way of understanding and dependencies between individual areas. They also show those dependencies that need to be strengthened in the context of sustainable development.
Purpose: To establish underlying issues that have hindered the implementation of smart mobility systems in Cape Town. Design/methodology/approach: This article review is based on a theoretical literature review on the idea of mobility and smart City in Cape Town, South Africa. The theoretical approach was based on published journals, government sources, and other sources. Findings: Smart mobility is one of the developmental strategies of this City with a focus on enhancing the existing transport system. This will help improve commuter transfer speed and the overall quality of life. However, the current transport systems have greatly undermined commuter experience, leading to traffic congestion, high transport costs, air and noise pollution, and generally low quality of life. This has had a significant negative impact on the local inhabitants' economic, social, and psychological. The government has also lost revenue due to frequent maintenance, vandalism, and an underutilized transport system. Originality/value: the presented review paper provides a realistic overview of the issues affecting the local government and residents of Cape Town. These issues directly affect the national government and, therefore, there is a need to change the underlying transport structures to ensure that Cape Town meets its smart mobility goals.
Purpose: Social capital constitutes an important factor in the development of a smart city. The adoption of this assumption facilitated the formulation three research questions: In what sphere do the city inhabitants participate in social networks? What is the level of trust shown to neighbours that create the local community? To what degree does the scope of information on the activities on behalf of the local community have an impact on their active participation? Design/methodology/approach: The assumed goal was executed thanks to the application of the method of critical analysis of literary sources and the use of the survey method that served to identify the indicators of social capital in the context of the implementation of the principal assumptions of a smart city. Findings: The findings of empirical research indicate that the level of social capital in the analysed city constitutes a significant barrier in terms of the development of a smart city. Structural capital in the form of neighbourly ties, which are usually restricted to five people, restricts the scope of neighbourly ties. Low relational capital, namely trust has a negative impact on the level of involvement of inhabitants in social initiatives. Engagement in urban social issues is dependent on the knowledge of social initiatives in the area of the district where they live. The application of information and communication technologies (ICT) increases the scope of information about projects and events organized in the city. Research limitations: The acquired research findings with regard to their quantitative nature (survey research) constitutes the basis for the limited findings. Practical implications: The research findings provide knowledge on the subject matter of the level of the existence of social capital and its barrier to development, which may serve the preparation of new solutions in the policies of a smart city. Social implications: The research findings presented in this paper indicate the need to use information and communication technologies in the creation of social capital in the city. Originality/value: The research findings, in a cognitive sense, lead to becoming familiar with the role of social capital in the development of a smart city.
Content available remote Służby ratowniczo-gaśnicze w portach lotniczych w Polsce
Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie działalności służb ratowniczo-gaśniczych w obrębie polskich portów lotniczych. Scharakteryzowanie zakresu odpowiedzialności i zasięgu akcji pozwala przedstawić zadania powierzone służbom pracującym w trybie całodobowej dyspozycyjności. Ukazanie zadań realizowanych przy użyciu określonych sił i środków wykorzystywanych do reagowania w sytuacji kryzysowego stanowi istotny element pracy. W artykule usystematyzowano procedury i wytyczne dla służb odpowiedzialnych za reagowanie kryzysowe na terenie lotniska i w jego bezpośrednim otoczeniu. Zaprezentowano selektywnie dobrane spektrum zagrożeń dla działalności portów lotniczych. Wskazano przykłady wyposażenia lotnisk w zakresie specjalistycznego sprzętu ratowniczego. Ponadto autorzy pracy odnoszą się do procedur określających działalność służb w portach lotniczych w Polsce, w tym również procesu powiadamiania o zagrożeniach realizowanego między innymi przez Lotniskową Służbę Ratowniczo-Gaśniczą oraz Dyżurnego Oficera Portu Lotniczego we współpracy z podmiotami medycznymi: dyspozytornią medyczną Państwowego Ratownictwa Medycznego oraz Wojewódzkim Koordynatorem Ratownictwa Medycznego.
The smart-city concept refers to a city that uses information and communication technologies to increase the interactivity and efficiency of urban infrastructure and its components, as well as raising awareness among residents of, for example, such socially important issues as energy efficiency and decarbonization. The current priorities and strategic goals of cities and metropolitan areas include climate protection, the reduction of pollution caused by the use of means of transport and heat or energy sources. The development of technology and the evolving smart-city concept are in line with the more efficient use of resources, global demographic trends, and ongoing urbanization processes. This results from the evolving potential of cities that the new information and communication technologies (ICTs) have set in motion. A change in the way cities function is a part of the concept of sustainable development, which involves the thoughtful use of resources in such a way that they are sufficient to not only ensure the well-being of the present generation but to also meet the needs of the future. Particularly important is the principle of sustainable development, which involves the greatest possible synergy between people and the world around them. Therefore, the essence of the idea of sustainable development is the pursuit of the well-being of society while maintaining the integrity of the ecosystem. Studies carried out among inhabitants of cities show that according to their understanding of the smart-city concept, the technological element is as important as the fact that the city is resident-friendly, smartly managed, and well organized, and the entities needed are always in the right place and at the right time. The purpose of this study is to analyze the innovation potential of selected cities of a large metropolis in terms of the smart city concept and 4T capitals. The subject is related to the search by city authorities for new models and tools to shape sustainable development in order to improve their residents’ access to municipal services and amenities, as well as to increase their influence on the future of their cities in such difficult ongoing processes as decarbonization. The main objective of the study was to identify how the authorities of the selected cities incorporate smart-city and 4T-capital topics into local policies to achieve decarbonization goals. The study was based on surveys of residents and municipal employees and on an analysis of local documents and environmental data of pollutions.
Koncepcja smart city może odnosić się do miast, które wykorzystują technologie informacyjno-komunikacyjne w celu zwiększenia interaktywności i efektywności infrastruktury miejskiej i jej elementów, a także podniesienia świadomości mieszkańców, m.in. tak ważnych społecznie kwestii, jak efektywność energetyczna i dekarbonizacja. Aktualne priorytety i cele strategiczne miast i obszarów metropolitalnych obejmują ochronę klimatu, redukcję zanieczyszczeń powodowanych użytkowaniem środków transportu oraz źródeł ciepła lub energii. Rozwój technologii i ewoluująca koncepcja smart city wpisują się w bardziej efektywne wykorzystanie zasobów, globalne trendy demograficzne oraz zachodzące procesy urbanizacyjne. Wynika to z ewoluującego potencjału miast, który uruchomiły nowe technologie informacyjne i komunikacyjne (ICT). Zmiana sposobu funkcjonowania miast wpisuje się w koncepcję zrównoważonego rozwoju, która zakłada przemyślane wykorzystanie zasobów w taki sposób, aby były one wystarczające dla zapewnienia dobrobytu obecnej generacji, ale także dla zaspokojenia potrzeb przyszłych pokoleń. Szczególnie jest to ważne w zasadzie zrównoważonego rozwoju, która zakłada jak największą synergię między ludźmi a otaczającym ich światem. Dlatego istotą idei zrównoważonego rozwoju jest dążenie do dobrobytu społeczeństwa przy zachowaniu integralności ekosystemu. Badania przeprowadzone wśród mieszkańców miast pokazują, że zgodnie z ich rozumieniem koncepcji smart city, element technologiczny jest tak samo ważny jak to, że miasto jest przyjazne mieszkańcom, mądrze zarządzane i dobrze zorganizowane, a potrzebne zasoby są zawsze w we właściwym miejscu i we właściwym czasie. Celem niniejszego opracowania jest analiza potencjału innowacyjnego wybranych miast dużej metropolii pod kątem koncepcji smart city oraz kapitałów 4T. Tematyka związana jest z poszukiwaniem przez władze miast nowych modeli i narzędzi kształtowania zrównoważonego rozwoju w celu poprawy dostępu ich mieszkańców do usług i udogodnień komunalnych, a także zwiększenia ich wpływu na przyszłość ich miast w tak trudnych, trwających procesach jak dekarbonizacja. Głównym celem badania było zidentyfikowanie, w jaki sposób władze wybranych miast włączają tematykę smart city do lokalnych polityk dla osiągnięcia celów dekarbonizacji. Badania oparto na ankietach mieszkańców i pracowników komunalnych oraz analizie dokumentów lokalnych i danych środowiskowych o zanieczyszczeniach.
The concept of a smart city is still being developed despite the lack of a single universally accepted definition. It is implemented through different approaches in different cities around the world. The presented study concerns the improvement of this idea and the possibility of applying the solutions from Barcelona to the city of Kraków. This paper is based on the author’s experience and observations during a trip to Catalonia and its capital – Barcelona – as well as a study of literature on the smart city. The author takes into account the specific topographical and environmental conditions of each city and the human-environment interactions that have shaped both cities over the centuries. The paper continues to focus on the challenges to smart cities following the COVID-19 pandemic. The pandemic has demonstrated the need to modify ICT (Information and Telecommunications Technologies) applications related to the functioning of the city. Preliminary conclusions drawn from the pandemic also indicate that further development of smart cities should be based not only on ICT applications in public services and public spaces, but also on guaranteeing individual spaces for citizens to live in long-term isolation. In addition, attention was drawn to the need to improve both direct and electronic communication, especially by telephone with the authorities of Kraków, to enable “co-governance” in areas where the voice of the city’s residents can be very valuable.
Koncepcja „Smart City” jest wciąż rozwijana pomimo braku jednej powszechnie akceptowanej definicji. W różnych miastach na świecie stosowane są rozmaite podejścia do jej realizacji. Przedstawione opracowanie dotyczy doskonalenia tej idei oraz możliwości zastosowania osiągnięć Barcelony dla miasta Krakowa. Niniejszy artykuł powstał w oparciu o doświadczenia i obserwacje autora w trakcie podróży po Katalonii i jej stolicy - Barcelony jak i studium literatury w zakresie tematu dot. smart-city. Autor bierze pod uwagę specyficzne warunki topograficzne i środowiskowe każdego miasta oraz interakcje człowiek – środowisko, które ukształtowały oba miasta w ciągu wieków. W dalszym ciągu artykułu skoncentrowano się na wyzwaniach dla inteligentnych miast związanych z pandemią COVID 19. Pandemia ujawniła potrzebę modyfikacji aplikacji ICT (Technologie Informacyjno-Telekomunikacyjne) w funkcjonowaniu miasta. Wstępne wnioski z pandemii wskazują również, że dalszy rozwój inteligentnych miast powinien opierać się nie tylko na zastosowaniach ICT w usługach publicznych i przestrzeni publicznej, ale także na zapewnieniu indywidualnej przestrzeni umożliwiającej obywatelom życie w czasie długotrwałej izolacji. Ponadto zwrócono uwagę na konieczność poprawy komunikacji zarówno bezpośredniej jak i elektronicznej, szczególnie telefonicznej z władzami Krakowa, aby umożliwić „współrządzenie” w obszarach, gdzie ten głos mieszkańców miasta może być bardzo cenny. Stąd bardzo przydatna byłaby centralna platforma komunikacyjna, która automatycznie kierowałaby określoną propozycję lub uwagę ze strony mieszkańców - już do konkretnej jednostki w urzędzie miejskim lub odpowiedniej jednostce decyzyjnej.
Sustained growth in the number of urban dwellers means that matters concerning the development of modern cities are not only a challenge for current residents, but a global test for the entire population. The purpose of this paper is to analyze and assess social awareness regarding sustainable development, with particular emphasis on matters concerning the circular economy. The study was conducted by means of the CAWI (Computer Assisted (Aided) Web Interviews) method on a sample of 389 respondents from Warsaw, the capital city of Poland. The results imply that although the society has a correct understanding of sustainable development and the circular economy, there is still a continuing need to support further education due to the necessity for wider and more intensive implementation of sustainable development in practice.
Purpose: The aim of the article is to characterize the channels of communication between citizens and the authorities of Polish cities and check the extent to which cities use the digital possibilities of contact. Design/methodology/approach: In order to find out about the communication patterns, 280 randomly selected cities were examined. The subject of communication was part of a broader study on the functioning of a smart city in Poland. The theoretical basis used in the article is human smart city. This concept assumes that the functioning of cities requires social participation and effective communication also using channels supported by information and communication technologies (ICT). Findings: The conclusions of the study show that most cities still used the traditional approach in dealing with the locals. Personal meetings and a paper-based message are preferred. Research limitations/implications: In further research, it is worth observing in which direction the development of city websites is progressing, whether there are general tendencies to expand meeting places between residents, groups of residents and city officials, and what new functionalities are offered by city portals, including social networks. Quantitative research should be extended with case studies to better illustrate the subject of communication. Practical implications: The article can be used by municipal authorities to improve communication with residents. Moreover, it enables comparisons to be made between groups of cities differing in the number of inhabitants. Originality/value: The text considers the subject of communication between the authorities and residents, which has never been studied on a national research sample. New are also developed theoretical models on which to work.
Content available The creative city concept and city development
The Silesian University of Technology, Department of Organisation and Management, Faculty of Applied Social Sciences, Gliwice; brygida.smolka-franke@polsl.pl, ORCID: 0000-0003-0741-0267 Purpose: The concept of "creative city" is becoming more and more popular in urban development theories. The development of the city was often associated with economic and spatial development. The development of broadly understood culture and creative industries was not always taken into account or appreciated. However, analyzes and studies of cities characterized by dynamic development showed a strong dependence of their development on the factor of creative industries. The concept of a "creative city" was developed and described in detail in his publications by Charles Landry, proving how the creative development of the city stimulates the rest of its life. The aim of the article is to show the practical dimension of the theory of Ch. Landry on the importance of creative industries in city development, based on the idea of the UNESCO Creative Cities Network. Project/methodology/approach: The research method used in the article focuses primarily on the socio-economic analysis of the development of Polish cities, such as: Cracow, Katowice, Łódź and Wrocław, which are included in the UNESCO Creative Cities group. Findings: Cities that have acquired the status of creative cities undoubtedly have enormous cultural, historical and institutional potential. However, for a city to be creative, tradition and monuments are not enough. Without innovative thinking, noticing the need to invest in the development of "creative industries", and thus attracting representatives of the so-called the creative class responsible for smart and sustainable urban development, none of these cities would be successful. Originality/value: The article's innovation consists in an in-depth analysis of factors favoring the development of cities, with particular emphasis on the development of creative industries. The obtained results of the analysis and the formulated conclusions may allow for the use and implementation of similar solutions in other cities in order to stimulate their future development.
Według raportu UNESCO w 2050 roku 7,5 mld osób (75% ludzkości) będzie mieszkać w miastach – obecnie ok. 3,5 mld. W ciągu najbliższych 25 lat przyspieszy zatem masowa urbanizacja. Zbiega się to z problemami klimatycznymi i transformacji gospodarki. Nowe miasta i ich mieszkańcy będą potrzebowali nie tylko budynków i przestrzeni, ale też wody, powietrza i energii oraz żywności. Jak skutecznie i w zgodzie z globalnymi celami zrównoważonego rozwoju zapewnić wszystkim zdrowe powietrze, komunikację, mieszkania? Nadzieje pokładane są m.in. w smart cities i internecie rzeczy (IoT) oraz sztucznej inteligencji. Technologie mają zapewniać komfort przy oszczędnym gospodarowaniu energią, zasobami i surowcami. Konieczna będzie powszechna elektryzacja – także komunikacji i ogrzewania. Energia ma być odnawialna i bezemisyjna. Ale czy i jak przebudowywać metropolie? Gdzie w tym procesie jest miejsce dla ludzi i ich potrzeb?
Zintegrowany miejski system powinien działać jak świetnie naoliwiona maszyna – być spójny i samoobsługowy oraz kompleksowo odpowiadać na wyzwania zmieniającego się miasta. Skrojone na miarę rozwiązania pozwalają zracjonalizować wykorzystanie miejskich zasobów i zoptymalizować budżet.
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