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Community structure of psammon ciliates in sandy beaches of lakes

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Ciliate abundance and species composition were studied in the sandy beaches of six lakes of different trophic status (Poland). Samples of wet sand were taken in June 2007 from the euarenal (emergent sand), hygroarenal (sand wetted by lake waves) and hydroarenal (submerged sand) zones. The numbers of ciliates ranged from 105 to 2933 ind. cm-3 of sand and did not show any visible trend with lake productivity. In all the studied lakes, ciliates were much more numerous in the euarenal than in the hydroarenal. Small bacterivorous scuticociliates dominated in the euarenal, while Hymenostomatida, Cyrtophorida, Hypotrichida as well as Scuticociliatida comprised a significant part of the ciliate community in the hygro- and hydroarenal zones. There were positive correlations between ciliates and the concentrations of chlorophyll a and total nitrogen.
Słowa kluczowe
lakes   beach   psammon   ciliates  
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Bibliogr. 34 poz., tab., wykr.
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