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Litostratygrafia syluru polskiej części obniżenia perybałtyckiego - część lądowa i morska (N Polska)

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The silurian lithostratigraphy of the Polish part of the Peri-Baltic Depression (N Poland)
Języki publikacji
The Silurian rocks of the Peri-Baltic Depression area (N Poland) were penetrated by 208 boreholes (Fig. 1). Seven new formal lithostratigraphical units were recognized and defined: The Barciany Nodular Limestones Formation (Lower Llandoverian–Rhuddnian, Aeronian), the Pasłęk Bituminous Claystones Formation with the Jantar Bituminous Black Claystone Member (Llandoverian), the Pelplin Green Claystones Formation (Wenlockian–Ludlovian), the Kociewie Claystones and Siltstones Formation with the Reda Marly Siltstones Member (Wenlockian–Ludlovian) and the Puck Marly Claystones and Siltstones Formation (Ludlovian (Ludfordian)–Pridolian). Some of the units have a character of the allostratigraphical ones sensu „North American...”, (1983) because are bordered by the sedimentary or sedimentary-erosional unconformities. The lithology, stratigraphical position, thickness, paleontological data and spatial relation of the particular units are presented (Fig. 2). Their boundaries have been established and stratotypic sections are proposed. Rock sequences of different Formations have been correlated with lithostratigraphical and genetical equivalents of the adjacent regions of Lithuania and Russia (Kaliningrad District) and also with Denmark (Bornholm) and Germany (western part of the Peri-Baltic Depression).
Opis fizyczny
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