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Assessment of geometrical capacity of IKONOS and QuickBird images
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Commercial VHRS images of earth surface more and more frequently replace and supplement aerial photographs. Both the interest in these images and the scope of their use are on the rise. While principles and geometry of creation of orthophoto maps based on aerial photos are well known, the possibilities of their creation with the use of VHR are still at the stage of research. Such research is carried out by various scientific and research centers, among others a research project of the Ministry of Scientific Research and Information Technology conducted at the Warsaw Technical University and completed in 2005. Results of this project are presented in this paper, covering the comparison of accuracy of orthorectification processes of IKONOS and QuickBird images and the description of basic differences between the geometry of aerial photos and satellite images of the VHRS type. Two test fields have been selected for this project (Warsaw as flat area representing built-up terrain and Nowy Targ representing foothills terrain). For these test fields, images from IKONOS and Quick- Bird were ordered. On the VHRS images of each test field area, 30.50 GCPs were designated and then measured with GPS in planimetric accuracy of 10 cm. For creation of orthophoto maps available DTM models were used featured with various accuracy (Level 0, Level 1, Level 2 and SRTM). Orthorectification process was performed with the aid of generally available commercial software PCI Geomatica In the orthorectification process the accuracy of the following elements was investigated: correction methods, distribution, designation of GCP, different type of DEM used and the influence of significant off nadir angle on the final accuracy of orthophoto maps. The research conducted allowed to formulate principles of creating orthophoto maps with the use of satellite photogrammetry. The results obtained allow to promote VHRS images for wide use for purposes of GIS, cartography and various thematic analyses of the earth surface.
Opis fizyczny
Bibliogr. 23 poz.
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