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Purpose: The main aims of the article is to present a solution to the problem that has arisen in connection with the pandemic and the need for distance teaching of vocational subjects Design/methodology/approach: The proposed methods of solving the problem are based on the use of digital twins created by integrating existing components by developing hardware and software solutions. Findings: An effective solution was obtained that allows to improve the availability of workshop resources during remote learning and use them in the educational process. The development of techniques combining the virtual and real world seems to be a necessity. The developed solution is a step towards modernizing the approach to the teaching process in the discussed area. Practical implications: The technical university will have to develop the availability of techniques integrating virtual reality and the real world, which results from the solutions imposed by the development of Industry 4.0. The creation of digital twins for most laboratory equipment will be necessary. Social implications: Working in a hybrid mode with the use of digital twins in the case of student groups allows for effective development of awareness of responsibility in team work. Originality/value: An effective methodology for teaching the operation of advanced machine tools was implemented. Tools of this type are new solutions in the field of education, necessary from the point of view of education for employees of the future industry.
Opis fizyczny
Bibliogr. 6 poz.
- Silesian University of Technology, Machine Technology Department
- Silesian University of Technology, Machine Technology Department
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