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Purpose: The main purpose of this article is to evaluate the capabilities of SAP ERP software in managing an organization's logistics subsystem, identify the main strengths and weaknesses of SAP ERP software in an organization, and identify the information requirements associated with identifying logistics activities. Design/methodology/approach: In preparing the article, the author used both theoretical and empirical research methods, particularly analysis, synthesis, deduction, induction, comparison, generalization, as well as scientific observation with casual observation technique. The qualitative methods mentioned above were used to analyze the literature on the subject. Analysis was used to deepen knowledge in the area of the issues under study, as well as to identify their interrelationships and the relationships that exist between them. Deduction, for the process of inferring the particular from the general. Induction was used during observation. Comparison was mainly used to identify similarities and differences in the use of SAP ERP software in the various logistics subsystems. Inference was used to develop conclusions, included at the end of this article. Using the aforementioned methods, it was possible to evaluate the functionality of SAP ERP software in the management of the enterprise's logistics subsystems, to identify the main advantages and disadvantages of SAP ERP software in the enterprise, and to identify the information needs related to logistics activities in the enterprise. Findings: Modern enterprises operate in a highly competitive environment, so they need to quickly adapt to changes occurring in their environment: near and far. This is possible thanks to the implementation of modern tools, methods or techniques that enable continuous management of all departments of the enterprise, including logistics system. Originality/value: This article is addressed to theoreticians and practitioners of business management. Theoreticians reading this article will find a sentiment of current data on SAP ERP software and the scale of possibilities for its use. Practitioners, in turn, will find useful tips on where SAP ERP software can be implemented or how to improve the form of its use in an enterprise.
Opis fizyczny
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