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Point of view, preferences and priorities of quality inspection in modern production systems have changed. Quality inspection in its activities is no longer limited only to the documentation of the past, nor is it seen solely as a tool for the detection of nonconformity. Nowadays, the most important quality inspection function is prevention, whose most important goal is to make it before nonconformity. What is expected from modern quality inspection is that it actively improves the production and quality as well as reduces the costs. The aim of the article is to present requirements, guidelines and challenges in the organization of modern quality inspection in a manufacturing company. The role of quality inspection in the classical model and modern model of quality improvement was presented. Determinants of effective quality inspection were presented, as well. The quality inspection methods that best fit into the paradigm of modern quality inspection, that is source inspection, together with visual management were pointed out.
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Bibliogr. 38 poz., rys., tab.
- Czestochowa University of Technology, Institute of Production Engineering, Poland
- Czestochowa University of Technology, Institute of Production Engineering, Poland
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