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The article presents an analysis of modern on-board HMI in vehicles due to their potential ability to induce distraction while driving. The first part of the article introduces the current stage of knowledge in the design trends on-board HMI devices. The next section contains a review of existing researches in the field of driver’s distraction and comparison with other factors that affect safety. The second part of the article presents an analysis of the results of survey conducted among drivers. The study aimed to gain knowledge of the drivers opinion about modern onboard HMI interfaces. The article concludes with a summary and conclusion.
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Bibliogr. 20 poz.
- Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Transport, 00-662 Warszawa, Poland
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Opracowanie ze środków MNiSW w ramach umowy 812/P-DUN/2016 na działalność upowszechniającą naukę (zadania 2017).
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