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The paper is concerned with Bellman's inclusions for the value function of the optimal stopping for a Markov process X on a complete separable metric space E. The author investigates a connection between seemingly unrelated objects; excessive measures, differential inclusions and optimal stopping. Conditions are given under which an evolutionary Bellman inclusion has a strong or weak solution in the Hilbert space L2 (E, µ), where p is an excessive measure for X. The solution is identified with the value function of a stopping problem. The stationary Bellman inclusion is treated as well. Specific examples of diffusions with jumps and infinite-dimensional diffusions are discussed. Excessivity of the measure µ plays an essential role in the development. The results are then applied to pricing American options both in finite and infinite dimensions recently investigated by Zhang [32], Mastroeni and Matzeu [20], [21], and Gątarek and Musiela [11].
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Bibliogr. 32 poz.
- Institute of Mathematics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland
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