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The concern of this article is the analysis of the impact of increased volume (dilation) and decreased strength of the rock material in the plastic zone on the displacement field in the vicinity of the roadway. Elastic-plastic model of the behaviour of the rock material and the strength criterion of Coulomb-Mohr were assumed. The volume change of the rock material is controlled by the angle of dilation ψ, which determines dilation parameter β that is taken into account in the analysis. The influence of parameter β and the strength of the rock material, after crossing the border state of stress, in the field of displacements in the vicinity of the excavation and rock pressure on the elastic support of the excavation was proved. The relationships determining displacement fields in the plastic zone which were obtained with consideration to in this zone of both the elastic and plastic displacement, as well as the relationships which were obtained without elastic deformations was discussed. The exact form of the equation for the displacement field in the plastic zone depends on how the elastic deformation in the plastic zone is defined. There are three ways of describing these deformations. In the first method it is assumed that in plastic deformation area the elastic deformation constants are equal to the deformation constants at the plastic and elastic border. The second method of description is based on the assumption that the plastic zone is a thick-walled ring whose edges: internal and external have been appropriately debited. In the third method, elastic deformations in the plastic zone were made dependent on the state of stress in the zone. The results are illustrated in a form of response curves of the rock mass.
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Bibliogr. 16 poz., fig.
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Opracowanie rekordu w ramach umowy 509/P-DUN/2018 ze środków MNiSW przeznaczonych na działalność upowszechniającą naukę (2018).
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