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Purpose: The aim of the article is to analyse and evaluate the influence of logistics supply chain strategies on the results of enterprises implementing them and creating a supply chain on the example of selected Polish manufacturing and trading enterprises. It presents the theoretical aspects of logistics supply chain strategies in contemporary market conditions. A research methodology has been described and a brief description of the studied population has been made. The results of the research concerning logistics supply chain strategies used in practice by the surveyed enterprises has been presented and an attempt to assess the influence of logistics supply chain strategies on the results of enterprises implementing them and creating a supply chain has been made. Design/methodology/approach: The article is based on the study of literature and own empirical research. The results of author’s own empirical research presented in the article come from more extensive studies concerning the analysis of logistics systems and logistics process management of Polish manufacturing and trading enterprises in the years 2014-2016 in the context of building the competitiveness of enterprises. The research was conducted in 2017 by face-to-face interviews with managers responsible for logistics in the surveyed companies using a questionnaire. 298 manufacturing and trading enterprises from north-eastern Poland were examined (55.4% from the Warmia-Masuria Province and 44.6% from the Podlasie Province), characterized by a diversified competitive position on the market. Findings: Contemporary manufacturing and trading enterprises can use logistics both as a main element to achieve the intended competitive position and as an element to strengthen the adopted by the company method to achieve the intended competitive position. The conducted studies confirmed that the implementation of the adequate to the conditions logistics supply chain strategy allows the enterprise to increase the adjustment of operations to requirements and expectations of customers, respond properly to market challenges, achieve the set goals, implement innovations, increase sales revenues with the same or better financial liquidity than competitors’, reduce costs and reduce capital involvement, and consequently, achieve the competitive advantage and intended competitive position of enterprises creating the supply chain. The most frequently implemented logistics strategy in the best enterprises was the supply chain management strategy. In the majority of the best enterprises, an emergent logistics strategy was implemented, which was in a constant stage of creation and development, and was characterized by a quick response to changing customer requirements, environmental conditions and competitors’ activities. Research limitations/implications: More and more logistics managers manage logistics processes on the scale of the enterprise and the entire supply chain. Creating and implementing a logistics strategy in the supply chain is a very complex process. The article presents only selected aspects of logistics supply chain strategies. The issue of logistics supply chain strategies requires further, in-depth research. Practical implications: The article proposes logistics managers of Polish manufacturing and trading enterprises practical suggestions for using logistics supply chain strategies to achieve the intended competitive advantage. Originality/value: The article fills a cognitive gap regarding logistics supply chain strategies. An extensive review of the literature on logistics supply chain strategies in contemporary market conditions has been made. The article also fills an empirical gap. It presents the results of studies concerning selected aspects of logistics supply chain strategies used in practice by the surveyed manufacturing and trading enterprises. The research results presented in the article can be used by logistics managers of Polish manufacturing and trading enterprises.
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