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In this article the characteristics of the criteria of borehole underground coal gasification for thin coal seams are defined. The thermal and material balance calculations for coal seam gasification processes are also explained. The construction, method of in situ gasifier preparation, and the sequence of coal seam gasification for area No 1 (located in the field of Solenovsk coal deposits) are also described. The parameters of borehole underground coal gasification for the Solenovsk coal mine on the model of rock and coal massif are detailed too. The method of in situ gasifier preparation, and the sequence of coal seam gasification during a standard installation are also described in detail. Interpretations based on the conducted research and investigation are also presented.
Opis fizyczny
Bibliogr. 8 poz.
- Underground Mining Department, National Mining University (Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine)
- Underground Mining Department, National Mining University (Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine)
- Underground Mining Department, National Mining University (Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine)
- Underground Mining Department, National Mining University (Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine)
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