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Determinants of the relationship quality in the perspective of the enterprise – business environment institutions

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Purpose: The aim of the article is to learn about the attitudes of innovative enterprises representatives towards the strength and importance of relations in regard to business environment institutions (BEI). Design/methodology/approach: The presented analyzes constitute a part of a broader study on the determinants of the quality of relations between enterprises in the quadruple helix. The article focuses on the enterprise – BEI. The research was carried out with the use of CATI method on a sample of 200 innovative enterprises Findings: The results show that in the case of the relationships strength and importance, communication is an important construct in relation to BEI. The significance of trust, commitment and satisfaction with regard to the strength and importance of the relationship between an innovative enterprise and BEI was not indicated. Moreover a high positive correlation was indicated between the individual relationship quality constructs. Research limitations/implications: The research sample is a limitation. The research was conducted on a sample of 200 innovative enterprises, but only 33% declared maintaining relations with BEI. Practical implications: The article indicates which quality constructs should be paid attention to by BEI in managing relations with enterprises. Originality/value: The article indicates that in some aspects of relationship management, communication is more important component than trust, commitment and satisfaction.
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