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Assessment of Norway spruce (Picea abies Karst.) health based on low altitude aerial images acquired in the spring, the period of intensive trees growth
Języki publikacji
In this paper, we describe the assessment of Norway spruce (Picea abies Karst.) trees health by the use of low-altitude aerial photos taken in the first half of June, so during the growth of trees and extensive changes in their crowns. Another differentiating factor is the composition of the stand, where there are trees grown from seeds collected from several remote locations. Images were taken in RGB and IR ranges and processed to orthomosaic, which was used to assess the condition of the trees. The aim of the study was to evaluate the possibility to acquire on this way reliable information about the condition of the trees, by comparison with the results of field research conducted in parallel. The differences between the assessments of trees damage in the field and on the basis of ortomosaics are not large, in all cases less than half a degree. The differences in results from field observations, and the picture are slightly greater in the case of trees observed on the discolored parts of orthomosaics. It is noticeable that the observer has difficulty in these conditions in the appropriate reading of degrees of damage. Although we used images taken in the unfavorable season (intensive development of trees) and related to the forest made up of trees of different origin, which is expressed at different rates of phenological events, the obtained results are with high compliance between field assessment and on the basis of the image. In the case of trees located outside the discoloration assessment results achieved on the basis of pictures were similar to the degree of damage reconized in field.
Opis fizyczny
Bibliogr. 32 poz., rys., tab.
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