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Content available remote Sztolnie górnicze na terenie Górnośląskiego Zagłębia Węglowego
tom nr 2
Sztolnie związane były przede wszystkim z górnictwem rudnym, ale również górnictwo węgla kamiennego korzystało z tego sposobu udostępnienia złóż kopaliny użytecznej i odwadniania pól eksploatacyjnych. W artykule omówiono najciekawsze obiekty sztolniowe na terenie Górnośląskiego Zagłębia Węglowego oraz zwrócono uwagę na rolę, jaką pełniły i nadal pełnią w utrzymaniu prawidłowej gospodarki wodnej w rejonach, w których się znajdują. Wskazano również na konieczność monitorowania zagrożenia dla powierzchni terenu ze strony tego typu wyrobisk. Prezentowany temat będzie przedmiotem dalszych badań i analiz, a wyniki będą publikowane na łamach czasopisma.
Galleries were primarily associated with ore mining, but coal mining also benefited from this method of opening up of useful mineral deposits and dewatering of exploitation panels. This article discusses the most interesting galleries in the Upper Silesian Coal Basin and highlights the role they have played and continue to play in the maintenance of correct water management in the areas where they are located. The necessity to monitor the risk to the surface of the area on the side of those underground galleries has also been pointed out. The issued presented in the paper will be the subject of further research and analysis, and the results will be published in the journal.
Odpady powstające w energetyce, w wyniku spalania węgli kamiennych ibrunatnych z rosnącym udziałem paliw odnawialnych, są w coraz większym stopniu zagospodarowywane, przy jednoczesnym ograniczaniu procesu ich unieszkodliwiania przez składowanie. Jednym ze sposobów wykorzystania ubocznych produktów spalania (UPS) jest ich odzysk w procesie R14, w podziemnych technikach górniczych. Ważnym aspektem takiego sposobu odzysku UPS jest jego realizacja w sposób bezpieczny dla środowiska i człowieka. Monitorowanie własności chemicznych i radiologicznych odpadów energetycznych wykorzystywanych w podziemnych wyrobiskach górniczych stanowi gwarancję takiego sposobu prowadzenia odzysku. W artykule omówiono uregulowania prawne oraz przedstawiono stan wiedzy dotyczący chemizmu i promieniotwórczości odpadów energetycznych w procesie odzysku R14 w podziemnych technikach górniczych.
Wastes generated by power generation sector in the processes of hard coal and brown coal combustion with increasing share of renewable are to a greater and greater degree managed with simultaneous limitation of the process of their neutralization by storage. One of the way consists in utilization of combustion process by-products (CPBP) and their recovery in R14 process, among others in underground mining techniques. The important aspect of such a way of recovery of combustion process by-products (CPBP) is its realization in a safe manner for the environment and for the human being. The monitoring of chemical and radiological properties of power sector's wastes re-used in underground workings of the mines constitutes a warranty of secure way of recovery's conduct. The article discussed legal regulations and presents the state-of-art. on chemical side and radioactivity of power sector's wastes in the process of R-14 recovery in underground mining techniques.
The “Osiecznica” sandpit exploits quartz sands withinthe North Sudetic Depression, SW Poland. In June 2002, near the upper edge of the eastern slope of the pit, the terrain sagged. It was originally assumed, that the sag resulted from vertical flows of Cretaceous, Cainozoic, and technological water. However, field investigation revealed a discontinuity of the undergound water flow within the eastern pit slope. Intitially horizontal filtration changed into vertical, locally turbulent flow, able to wash out up to 90% of sand fraction (suffusion). In the area of the eastern slope, there are underground washouts forming cavities over which terrian depression may originate. Such phenomena and underground water outflows from caverns at the slope base, as well as stream draining the pit floor do not pose any danger to the slope stability. Forestation of the first slope level will additionally stabilize it, despite the occurrence of underground caverns.
tom Nr 1
Każda techniczna ingerencja w naturalne środowisko jest przyczyną bardziej lub mniej zamierzonych skutków, a także pozytywnych i negatywnych zmian jego otoczenia. Odkrywka powoduje nieodwracalne zmiany terenów eksploatacyjnych. Aby nie pozostawiać po sobie zdegradowanych terenów, podmiot eksploatujący złoże zmuszony jest zamknąć działania wydobywcze poprzez przeprowadzenie procesu rekultywacji terenów pogórniczych.
Content available Wyrobiska w krajobrazie Garbu Woźnickiego
Kiedy czynne wyrobisko surowców skalnych zmienia się w wyrobisko nieczynne, jego charakterystyczne cechy nabierają innego znaczenia. Autorzy uważają, że takie obiekty mają pozytywny wpływ na krajobraz i środowisko naturalne. Przedstawiono walory krajobrazowe, geologiczne oraz geoturystyczne związane z wyrobiskami na Garbie Woźnickim. Zestawiono mapę oceny walorów krajobrazowych związanych z wyrobiskami oraz model wysokościowy tego obszaru. Zwrócono uwagę na najciekawsze wyrobiska, a także walory geoturystyczne i potencjalne geostanowiska.
When an excavation of rock raw materials changes from active to abandoned, its accompanying features change their importance. The authors consider these objects to have a positive impact on the landscape and natural envi-ronment. Presented landscape, geological and geotourist values associated with the rock raw materials excavations in the Garb Woźnicki area. Summarizes the map of landscape evaluation associated with the rock raw materials excavation and the model of altitude. Drew attention to the most interesting rock raw materials excavations, as well as advantages and potential geotouristic sites.
tom nr 6
Wypełnianie wyrobiska w sposób określony przepisami Rozporządzenia Ministra Środowiska z dnia 11 maja 201 5 r. w sprawie odzysku odpadów poza instalacjami i urządzeniami nie daje żadnych gwarancji, że pomimo rolnego kierunku rekultywacji, teren będzie się nadawał pod łąkę czy uprawę najmniej wymagającego owsa.
tom 31
The objective of this article is to present hitherto accomplishments in the area of protection of the mine understood as a monument in a legal sense. They are presented in reference to securing activities in the mine, effected throughout the history of its functioning. These issues have not been presented in a  synthetic manner so far. The basic source material for the study was information accumulated in the course of documentation work conducted by the employees of the Cracow Saltworks Museum Wieliczka (in cooperation with engineers and technical employees from the Bochnia Salt Mine) underground. The manner of presentation of issues discussed in the study derives from an analogous article pertaining to the Wieliczka Salt Mine, presented in volume XXIII of this yearbook. The necessity of securing the mining pits in the Bochnia Salt Mine has been apparent since the very beginning of its commercial operation. Various solutions were applied, frequently quite untypical, adjusted to the specific geological structure of the deposit. The basic material was wood, used to line the rising headings, as well as drifts in the weak rock mass. Extensive chambers were propped up with support columns, usually filled with mining spoil and contaminated salt types. The specific nature of the Bochnia Salt Mine was that the support columns were constructed of thin alder and birch trunks. Support columns made of thick pine, spruce or fir wood were rarely used. Some of the selected areas were liquidated by being completely filled with waste rocks and post-production waste. Smaller of them, left without any means of protection, were completely clamped after several centuries. The original form of securing the chambers from the progressing destruction was leaving them at the edge of a thin salt shell. Until the 18th century, transport routes were designated in some of them via lining or support columns, which connected exploitation areas located on various depths. Conservation work in the legal sense began only after inclusion of the mine in the list of monuments in 1981, even though some of the projects undertaken earlier had this objective in mind, especially in the underground chapels. Mining and conservation work is performed in a zone included under protection, i.e. on levels from I to IX, in most valuable mining pits, selected on the basis of substantive criteria with respect to the values of the mining pits. The selection was made by the employees of the Cracow Saltworks Museum Wieliczka on the basis of materials accumulated during the systematic scientific and technical stock-taking conducted in the 1970s and 1980s; the list was approved by the Małopolska Province Monument Conservator in Kraków. It includes 65 chambers, 112 drifts, 3 shafts and 4 fore-shafts. Furthermore, the most valuable regions of the mine with respect to natural assets were encompassed by a detailed stocktaking in 2005 and subjected to additional legal protection on the basis of the Nature Conservation Act in the form of 27 documentation sites. The conservation authorities have also formulated guidelines pertaining to the procedure of preparing and performing work in the historical pits. The starting point is preparation of a historical and conservation study and subsequently a technical design relying on its recommendations. On this basis, permits are issued for the conduct of work in protected shafts, chambers and drifts. Direct supervision over the performance of work until 1999 was the obligation of the Province Monument Conservator in Tarnów, and later the Małopolska Province Monument Conservator in Kraków and, since 2016, the Cracow Saltworks Museum Wieliczka. The basic source of financing for the conservation projects are funds deriving from the state budget, which may be formally assigned for such a purpose since 2000. Earlier (since 1991) they were fully assigned to liquidation work. As of 2000, funds assigned for specific projects from the National Environmental Protection and Water Management Fund constitute a significant supplement for the financing. Relatively small funds are also generated by the tourist and spa activities pursued since 1995. The majority of mining and conservation work was performed by the mining team of the Bochnia Salt Mine. Tasks calling for specialist equipment and special qualifications of employees were commissioned from external companies. The basic part of the work was concentrated on levels from I to IV, in mining pits that are the most valuable with respect to the presented historical values. The speed of work gained momentum after the mine was classified as the monument of history (2000). Initially, the work focused on securing pits that are assigned for being made available to tourists on level IV, i.e. the August Chamber, and on level VI: the Sienkiewicz Chamber and the Dobosz Inter-level. As a result of them, in 1995 the conditions in the mine allowed for admission of organised groups to the mine for the first time in history. Later, work was conducted in drifts and chambers assigned for thematically oriented exhibitions. In the first period, the greatest mining and conservation projects included securing the central part of the August Drift, along with adjoining corridors and the extensive Ważyn Chamber. Its adjustment to perform recreational and sanatorium-type functions required a lot of effort. In the second stage, work performed in the complex of mining pits called Zejście Kalwaria, spreading from level I Danielowiec to level IV August, was of great importance, as well as work at eleven sections of Regis Stairs connecting these levels. It is also necessary to mention professional conservation of the 18th century Passionis Chamber and opening the 17th century Krucyfiks Chamber for tourists. Performance of mining and conservation work has acquired a special rank and should be an absolute priority after inclusion of the Salt Mine in the UNESCO World Heritage List in 2013.
Content available Ślady prac górniczych w Libiążu pow. Chrzanów
tom Vol. 4
Przedmiotem artykułu są wyniki nadzoru archeologicznego przeprowadzonego w 1988 r. po odkryciu szybów górniczych w Libiążu. Jest to jeden z rzadkich przykładów badań archeologicznych na reliktach górnictwa kruszcowego, na obszarach pogranicza Górnego Śląska i Zachodniej Małopolski. Podczas nadzoru archeologicznego nad pracami budowlanymi natrafiono na szyb, od którego odchodziły promieniście chodniki poziome w liczbie przynajmniej trzech. Chodniki występowały na głębokości 2,5–3 m, w warstwie skalnej dolomitu o niezbyt zwartej strukturze. Poziome wyrobiska miały płaski spąg, w miarę wyrównane ociosy i łukowato sklepiony strop. Ich szerokość wynosiła około 100 cm a wysokość około 80–100 cm. Jeden z chodników posiadał rozgałęzienie. Prawa odnoga, była ściśle zasklepiona regularnie ułożonymi bloczkami dolomitu. Tajemniczo przedstawia się chronologia znalezisk. Najprawdopodobniej związane są one z wczesnośredniowiecznym górnictwem kruszcowym. Prawdopodobne jest też postawienie hipotezy, że związane są one z okresem halsztackim. Byłyby zatem śladami prac górniczych prowadzonych przez ludność kultury łużyckiej, która na omawianym regionie (cmentarzysko ciałopalne w Żarkach, około 5 km od miejsca odkrycia szybów) eksperymentowała z wytopem ołowiu z lokalnych rud i produkcją z niego ozdób znalezionych pośród darów grobowych.
The article is devoted to the results of archaeological supervision conducted in 1988 afer the discovery of mining shafts in Libiąż. This is one of the rare examples of archaeological studies in the relic of ore mining, in the border areas of Górny Śląsk and Zachodnia Małopolska. During the archaeological supervision and the construction work a vertical shaft was discovered, from which spread at least 3 horizontal drifts projected in a radial manner. The drifts were located at the depth of 2.5–3 m in a dolomite rock layer whose structure was of relatively poor density. The horizontal tunnels (adits) had a flat bottom, relatively straight lateral walls and an arched vault. Their width was about 100 cm and their height was about 80-100 cm. One of the tunnels bifurcated – there was a side tunnel, oriented at about 25 degrees. The chronology of the finds is a source of mystery. Most probably the finds are associated with early medieval ore mining. One may also venture a legitimate hypothesis that they may be associated with the Hallstatt period. Therefore they are the traces of the mining work which was conducted by the people who represented Lusatian culture and experimented with the technology of smelting lead from local ores and with the production (from this material) of ornaments found among the burial gifs in the region in question (a cremation grave in Żarki located about 5 km from the place where the shafts were discovered).
Various types of artificial habitats are associated with the modified landscapes. Among them are abandoned sand and gravel pits. These sites have a varied terrain. The presence of slopes, elevations, depressions and ponds creates favorable conditions for the colonization and development of species from very different habitats. Exploitation of raw materials and the accompanying infrastructure lead to total or partial degradation of the natural vegetation cover and to the development of new short-lived unstable systems. Abandoned sites at various stages of secondary succession are characterized by remarkable species diversity and richness. The habitats these species come from also have a significant effect on species composition and richness in the abandoned sites. At 31 abandoned sand and gravel pits near wiecie, 503 species of vascular plants have been found. As many as 161 species are alien anthropophytes (archeophytes, kenophytes and ephemerophytes). The sites with the greatest number of alien species are sites near meadows growing on the slopes of the Wda valley and suburban ruderal sites. The sites with the least number of alien species are sites near re-established forest communities and sites covered with hygrophilous tall herbaceous species and shrubs.
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