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Content available remote Functioning conditions of small basinbogs in Wielkopolski National Park
The hydrological and geochemical aspects of the functioning and evolution of two small peatbogs located in Wielkopolska National Park were studied. The investigated peatlands are isolated from the influence of catchment ground waters. The main source of water supply is precipitation and surface run-off from the wooded catchment. Physical and chemical properties of the peatland waters are determined by hydrological conditions. Acid water reaction and low concentration of dissolved minerals suggest the peatlands should be classified as ombrotrophic high peatbogs. High concentrations of nutrients (especially phosphorus) were found in the peat waters. However, the bioavailability of the phosphorus is strongly limited due to the presence of humic substances and the low pH of the water. Statistical analysis revealed that the peatlands studied were chemically similar.
Elaboration of the water balance is the basic and indispensable operation preceeding the implementation of conditions of utilization of water from the given catchment area. In the paper there has been discussed a proposal for standardization of presentation of results of that balance. Special attention has been given to the way of presentation of results of water distribution and the excess of water determined by means of the method of statical balance for the given catchment area. The proposed method of standardization of the way of the water balance results presentation is an essential and remarkable comment in the carried on for several years discussion on the form and the substance of conditions of the use of water in the catchment area.
The purpose of the study reported was to apply and verify a model of water balance of spatially distributed parameters in a meso-scale river catchment. The model was applied in the basin of Rega river, with the use of meteorological and hydrological measurement data from the years 1956 -1995. In modelling, due account was taken of the land use changes having occurred during the 40-year period considered. The output from modelling was constituted by the raster maps of area evaporation, surface runoff and supply of the underground water resources. On the basis of these results the magnitude of outflow and the structure of water balance were calculated for three river gauge profiles. The deviations of the model-based calculated outflow values from the measured ones were maximally equal +10% for the entire 40-year period and +20% in one of the 5-year sub-periods.
Streamflow modelling is crucial for developing successful long-term management, soil conservation planning, and water resource management strategies. The current work attempts to develop a robust hydrological model that simulates streamflow with the slightest uncertainty in the calibration parameters. A physical-based and semidistributed hydrological SWAT model was employed to assess the hydrological simulation of the Ouergha watershed. The monthly simulation of the SWAT model achieved in the time frame from 1990 to 2013 has been split into warm-up (1990–1996), calibration (1997–2005), and validation (2006-2013). The SUFI-2 algorithm’s preliminary sensitivity and uncertainty analysis was done to calibrate the model using 11 hydrologic parameters. The model’s performance and robustness findings are promising. To evaluate the model, the coefficient of determination (R2), Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency (NSE), and percent of bias (PBIAS) were utilized. The value of R2, NSE, and PBIAS ranged from 0.45–0.77, 0.6–0.89, and +12.72 to +21.89% during calibration and 0.51–0.85, 0.64–0.88, and +8.82 to +22.19% during validation period, respectively. A high correlation between the observed and simulated streamflow was recorded during the calibration and validation periods. More than 68% of the observation data are encompassed by the 95PPU across both the calibration and validation intervals, which is excellent in terms of the P-factor and R-factor uncertainty criterion. The projected streamflow matches the observed data well graphically. According to the total hydrological water balance study, 29% of precipitation is delivered to streamflow as runoff, whereas 54% of precipitation is lost through evapotranspiration. The recharge to the deep aquifers is 8%, whereas the lateral flow is 10%. The findings of this study will help as a roadmap for the anticipated water management activities for the basin since the management and planning of water resources require temporal and spatial information.
The Supreme Audit Office has conducted the audit of the reduction of the impact of droughts and floods through increasing the small retention of waters. The main objective of the audit was to evaluate the implementation, by public administration bodies, of the tasks related to this issue in the years 2011-2013 and in the first half of 2014. The audit comprised the identification of threats related to floods and droughts, and the needs for small water retention development. Also, the audit covered the activities undertaken in order to perform tasks related to small retention and their effects.
Lysimeters represent the ideal tool for direct measurement of soil water balance components in soil profiles. Changes in the water content in a soil monolith can be measured with sufficient accuracy by the precise lysimeter weighing system. Water content changes in soil monolith as derived from lysimeter mass represent one of the basic water balance component. This paper deals with the development and comparison of individual soil water balance components in two different soil profiles from the Easter-Slovakian-Lowland. Two lysimeter vessels were filled monolithically with two different soil profiles covered with grass: one sandy soil profile from locality Poľany and one silty-loam soil profile from locality Vysoká nad Uhom. A constant groundwater level of 1 m below ground level was maintained in both soil profiles. Under the same meteorological conditions, all differences in the development of water balance components were caused only by the differences in soil profiles. The actual evapotranspiration and water flows at the bottom of the soil profiles were compared. Sandy soils are generally considered to be more prone to drought than silty-loam soils. Under the specific conditions of this experiment (maintaining a constant groundwater level) the opposite was shown, when the silty-loam soil profile was more prone to drought than sandy soil profile. Sandy soil profile from Poľany reacted more quickly to precipitation (or evaporation). Due to the higher hydraulic conductivity of the sandy soil compared to the silty-loamy soil, the groundwater level response to external stimuli was much faster.
The existing formulae, like the well-known Penman-Monteith equation, used for calculating evapotranspiration are characterized by great differences concerning their results. These differences stem from the diversified climatic conditions and vegetation specifics during their development. Every formula of evapotranspiration only delivers 100% correct results, if it is used under the same climatic condition it was developed in. Therefore, a new method for calculating evapotranspiration via specific, but comparatively easily established formula was presented. After a theoretical introduction for illustrating some fundamental aspects for this work, the test setup and approach for creating these formulae are described in detail. The test set up considers typical climatic conditions and simulates, for example, the average temperature of Vienna, a summer day and an extremely hot day. While using a polynomial correlation, a formula for calculating evapotranspiration at any temperature is possible. For determining the evapotranspiration rate (in mm/m2 per 24 hours day) due to the presented formula, only temperature, sort of vegetation and technical soil has to be defined. As a result, the relevance of this work is the presentation of a method to determine the evapotranspiration of any technical substrates (used for e.g. green roofs, façade greenery, indoor greenery, raingardens…) with or without any kind of vegetation, while using the created formula.
Omówiono zastosowanie modelu Hydrologie Evalution of Landfil Performans (HELP) do symulacyjnych obliczeń bilansu i spływu wód deszczowych ze zrekultywowanych, naziemnych składowisk odpadów. Przedstawiono wyniki obliczeń dla składowiska odpadów w Berlinie. Obliczenia te obejmowały 7 wariantów konstrukcyjno-te-chnologicznych uszczelnienia i odwodnienia składowiska.
The paper discusses applying of the Hydrologie Evaluation of Landfil Performans (HELP) model to simulation calculations of the balance and the run-off of rain water from reclaimed dumping grounds situated on the earth surface. The calculations have been madę for dumping ground in Berlin. They comprise seven variants of construction and technology of the seal and of dewatering of the object.
The study is devoted to evaluations of surface water and groundwater balance and interaction in the transboundary catchment of Lake Druksiai, which is located in the northeastern Lithuania and includes adjacent territories of Belarus and Latvia. The water resources (both surface and groundwater) of the catchment have been and are intensively exploited. The catchment is exposed to severe anthropogenic pressures due to urbanisation, industrialisation and, on a smaller scale, to agricultural development. These pressures manifest themselves mainly as thermal load originated from Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant (INPP) cooling system, and as nutrient load originated from municipal (Visaginas town) waste water treatment plant as well as chemical pollution of the lake from point and non point sources. From the hydrogeological point of view, Lake Druksiai catchment belongs to the eastern part of Baltic artesian basin. Groundwater does not influence significantly the water exchange in the lake (water exchange coefficient in respect to unconfined groundwater equal to 0.009). However, groundwater particularly of confined Upper-Middle Devonian aquifer is the basic source of water supply in the region and indirectly became most significant chain of nutrient transport to the lake after being used in household needs and in INPP.
Praca poświęcona jest ocenie bilansu wód powierzchniowych i podziemnych w transgranicznej zlewni jeziora Druksiai, znajdującej się w północno-wschodniej Litwie i obejmującej także przyległe obszary Białorusi i Łotwy. Zasoby tych wód były i są intensywnie eksploatowane. Zlewnia podlega silnej antropopresji z powodu urbanizacji i uprzemysłowienia oraz w mniejszym zakresie z powodu rozwoju rolnictwa. Ta presja powodowana jest głównie przez gorące wody pochodzące z chłodzenia elektrowni atomowej w Ignalinie, przez zanieczyszczenia wypływające z miejskiej oczyszczalni ścieków (miasto Visaginas) oraz przez zanieczyszczenia chemiczne pochodzące ze źródeł punktowych i rozproszonych. Z hydrogeologicznego punktu widzenia zlewnia jeziora Druksiai należy do wschodniej części bałtyckiego basenu artezyjskiego. Wody podziemne nie wpływają poważniej na wymianę wód jeziora (współczynnik wymiany tych wód z nie izolowanymi wodami podziemnymi wynosi 0,009). Z drugiej strony wody podziemne, pochodzące zwłaszcza z izolowanego zbiornika górnego środkowego dewonu, są głównym źródłem zaopatrzenia całego regionu w wodę i w ten sposób pośrednio stają się najważniejszym nośnikiem dostarczanych do jeziora składników organicznych, pochodzących z gospodarstw domowych, jak i gorących wód z ignalińskiej elektrowni atomowej.
Paper is a review of the literature concerning the characteristics of the composition and quantity of leachate generated in the operation of the municipal waste landfill. In article characterizes factors influencing the composition of the leachate. This paper also presents an overview of the formation of leachate, and water balance diagram of the landfill.
Praca jest przeglądem literatury na temat charakterystyki składu oraz ilości wytwarzanych odcieków w trakcie eksploatacji składowiska odpadów komunalnych. W artykule scharakteryzowano czynniki wpływające na skład odcieków. Przedstawiono również ogólny zarys tworzenia się odcieków i schemat bilansu wodnego składowiska.
Content available remote Bilans wody i ścieków dla wybranego obiektu basenowego
W artykule przedstawiono bilans zapotrzebowania na wodę oraz odprowadzanych ścieków dla wybranej krytej pływalni. Bilans został sporządzony na podstawie rocznych rejestrów wskazań wodomierza głównego. Wykazane duże zużycie wody stanowi dla obiektu basenowego istotny problem z punktu widzenia kosztów jego eksploatacji. Na podstawie analizy kosztów zakupu wody i odprowadzania ścieków oraz zasad racjonalnej gospodarki wodno-ściekowej przedstawiono możliwości obniżenia tych kosztów.
The article presents balance of water demand and discharged wastewater for the selected indoor swimming pool. The balance was drawn up on basis of annual records of the main water meter. Shown high water consumption for swimming pool is a significant problem in terms of the cost of its exploitation. Based on the analysis of the cost of water and wastewater, and principles of rational use of water and wastewater opportunities to reduce these costs were presented.
Content available remote Loading of the Rzeszów reservoir with biogenic elements - Mass balance
The results of experiments conducted in 1999-2000 in the ecosystem of the Rzeszów reservoir are presented. Our aim was to evaluate the nitrogen and phosphorus loadings introduced into the basin and to establish their influence on the progress in eutrophication of the reservoir water. The quality of water in the basin and its tributaries was being out of classification during almost whole sampling period. The concentrations of both biogenic elements considerably exceeded their admissible values and on average reached 3500 mg/m2 of nitrogen per a day and 285 mg/m2 of phosphorus per a day. 788 mg/m2 of nitrogen compounds per a day and 30 mg/m2 of phosphorus compounds per a day were both accumulated and underwent biochemical transformations. The maximum retention of both elements was observed during summer. An average N:P ratio, currently of 13:1, proves that phosphorus is more readily available, though earlier it has been the factor limiting eutrophication processes
Przedstawiono wyniki prac prowadzonych w latach 1999-2000 w ekosystemie zbiornika zaporowego w Rzeszowie. Celem pracy było oszacowanie ładunków azotu i fosforu doprowadzanych do zbiornika oraz określenie ich wpływu na postęp eutrofizacji wód obiektu. Wody zbiornika i dopływów przez większą część okresu badań miały charakter pozaklasowy. Ładunki obu pierwiastków biogennych znacznie przekraczają wartości dopuszczalne i wynoszą średnio 3500 mg azotu/m2/dobę i 285 mg fosforu/m2/dobę. Akumulacji i przemianom biochemicznym w zbiorniku ulegało średnio 788 mg związków azotowych/m2/dobę i 30 mg związku fosforu/m2/dobę. Retencja obydwu pierwiastków najwyższe wartości osiągała w miesiącach letnich. Średnia wartość stosunku N:P w zbiorniku wynosząca obecnie 13:1 świadczy o większej dostępności fosforu, który wcześniej był pierwiastkiem ograniczającym eutrofizację.
Sąspówka is a right-hand side tributary of the Prądnik River in the Ojców National Park. This catchment is characterized by several features which could substantially influence its water balance: the upper part of the catchment, located in a plateau, is utilized for agriculture, while he lower part consists of steep slopes, largeIy covered by forests (Fig. I, Tab. I). The topic of this paper is developing a crude water balance for the entire catchment and for its parts; upper one and lower one, the latter one treated as a difference between entire catchment and the upper part. The detailed goals of this study were: presentation of the basic features of the water balance for different parts of the catchment and comparison of the balances for the forested and non-forested parts of the catchment [8]. The climate of the study area was characterized on the basis of data from climatic stations in Kraków and in Olkusz. In both stations precipitation is usually larger the evaporation.In Kraków for 19 analyzed years oni y in 7 the precipitation was lower than the potential evaporation; the situation in Olkusz (Fig. 2) was similar [8]. During this study, the first and third year were drier than the average, while the second year was very close to mean values. AlI components of the water balance were calculated as mean monthly values for the entire catchment and for its parts - the forested and non-forested ones (Tab. 3). The water losses (evaporation form the catchment area and runoff outside the main river bed) were calculated on the basis of the balance equation. The water losses were not correlated with the evaporation estimated on the basis of measurements conducted with the Piche's evaporimeter; we can assume this to be a characteristic feature of the karst regions (Fig. 4). Taking that into account, we can reasonably assume that mean monthly runoffs from the forested and non-forested parts of the catchment are not correlated (Fig. 5).Thus, the much larger runoff from the forested part of the catchment should be interpreted rather as a product of many additional water springs, located along the stream bed in the lower part of the valley and fed with the water infiltrating in the upper part of the catchment deep into the bedrock, than as a result of differences in land use between two parts of the catchment. In comparative studies on the influence of forest cover upon the amount and dynamics of water runoff from a catchment the effect of the leak tightness of the catchment upon the study results is usually underestimated. That was clearly shown in this study, conducted in a karst type catchment.
Content available Hydrologia zlewni rzeki Kowaniec
W pracy przedstawiono charakterystykę hydrograficzną zlewni rzeki Kowaniec (dopływ Dunajca, dorzecze Wisły) oraz bilans wodny tego obszaru. Z przeprowadzonej analizy wynika, że zbadana zlewnia wykazuje parametry hydrologiczne typowe dla rzek górskich, mocno zalesionych. Dominuje tutaj zasilanie powierzchniowe, związane z intensywnymi opadami wiosenno-letnimi. Bilans wodny zlewni rzeki Kowaniec jest dodatni.
The paper presents the characteristics of hydrographic watershed of the Kowaniec river (a tributary of the Dunajec river basin) and the water balance of the area. The analysis shows that hydrological parameters are typical for the mountain rivers and heavily forested areas. The surface supplying had a dominant character, what should be connected with intense rainfall in the period of spring and summer. The total water balance of the Kowaniec river watershed has been calculated as positive one.
The paper presents effects of changes in climatic elements in the Greater Poland region (Poland), their causes and consequences for shaping the water balance of this area, copying with the most severe water deficit in Poland. The study period covers 70 years (1951–2020). The research identified an abrupt and significant change in the climate of Greater Poland, which started between 1987 and 1989, concerning not only air temperature but also a wider spectrum of climatic elements. The change in the state of the climate, which covers the entire Atlantic-Eurasian circulation sector, re-sults from a sudden change in the macro-circulation conditions in the middle troposphere (500 hPa). The reason for the change in the mid-tropospheric circulation is an equally abrupt and simultaneous change in the intensity of the ocean heat transport by the North Atlantic thermohaline circulation (NA THC). Climate change observed in Greater Poland is manifested in an increase in sunshine duration (SD) and air temperature, a decrease in relative humidity, a change in the cloud structure, and an increase in the degree of sky coverage. The main, physical reason for an increase in air tempera-ture is a rapid and strong increase in SD in the warm half-years, which began after 1988, and a significant increase in the frequency of positive North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) phases in winters. The ongoing climate change entails various effects, among which the most important is considered to be hydrological consequences. The water balance of Greater Poland is becoming increasingly unfavourable, mainly as a result of a rapid increase in field evaporation.
Assessments of the infiltration recharge of groundwater are performed using various methods and on different scales. Infiltration is dependent of climatic factors, aspects of water circulation, as well as on quasi-stationary and variable environmental features of a specific area, which are frequently difficult to determine on the basis of direct measurements or observations. The objective of the present study was to identify factors conditioning recharge of shallow groundwater in selected catchment areas of the Poznań Upland using the WetSpass simulation water balance model with spatially distributed parameters. Our analysis has indicated favourable and unfavourable conditions for recharge of groundwater in the annual period and in both half-year periods, which are the result of mutual relationships between the physical qualities of these catchment areas and their climatic and hydrological characteristics. The results obtained also confirmed the impact of surface runoff and actual evapotranspiration on the spatial distribution of effective infiltration. With soil types and groundwater depth distributions being similar in the catchment areas, changes in relationships between components of water balance are caused by differences in the type of land usage. Application of the WetSpass model has made it possible to arrive at a more accurate assessment of groundwater recharge. The results obtained may be used for erification of recharge areas and values of effective infiltration, set as a boundary condition in groundwater flow models.
Jordan represents a typically water constrained economy that is daily confronted with decisions on its water use. With a fast growing population and an expanding agricultural sector, the demand for alternatives of fresh water resources remains imminent. An important strategy for the Jordanian government is to meet the water demand for agricultural sector by producing more treated wastewater. In this paper characteristics of wastewater for WWTP Al-Baq'a, for example, weres introduced. Characterization of wastewater was evaluated in terms of measuring chemical oxygen demand, biological oxygen demand, total suspended solids, for the influent and effluent from the plants. The performance of the wastewater treatment plants was evaluated and the quality of the reclaimed wastewater was compared with Jordanian Standards to determine its suitability for reuse.
Jednym z podstawowych sektorów zarządzania gospodarką wodną Jordanii jest strategia ponownego wykorzystania ścieków oczyszczonych. Ścieki oczyszczone są ważnym składnikiem bilansu wodnego Jordanii stanowiąc ok. 15 % zasobów wodnych tego kraju. Szybko rozwijające się rolnictwo, zużywa 64 % ogólnej ilości wody i wymaga szukania jej alternatywnych źródeł. Wydajność 22 jordańskich oczyszczalni ścieków wynosi ok. 100 milionów m3/rok. Większość obiektów jest mała, z wyjątkiem oczyszczalni As-Samra, która przyjmuje ok. 80% całkowitej ilości oczyszczanych ścieków. W pracy przedstawiono charakterystykę ścieków surowych i oczyszczonych z oczyszczalni Al-Balqa (wydajność 11,000 m3/d) na podstawie wartości ChZT, BZT5 i zawiesiny ogólnej. Efektywność oczyszczalni Al-Balqa oceniono na podstawie standardów jakości ścieków oczyszczonych obowiązujących w Jordanii i możliwości ich ponownego wykorzystania. Ze względu na wysoką wartość BZT5, ścieki oczyszczone mogą być wykorzystane tylko do nawadniania sadów, trawników, upraw roślin paszowych i lasów.
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